u a S PAGE FOUR THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1921. association. With that road thus fornia Automobile What Every Husband Knows. --By Herbert Johnson THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN improved, we suppose automobiles can traverse it PHOENIX, ARIZONA THE CITY OF TOMORROW Published Rvery Morning by the at the rate of 50 miles an hour and without the use ARIZONA PUBLISHING COMPANY except generated BY G. D. YOAKUM Entered at the Kostoffice at Phoenix, Arizona, as Mall of any gas whatever that by the NOW CHILDREN NOT ANOTHER VJORpt Mattel of the Second Class promoters. - I I Publisher and President ..Dwlght B. Heard IT'S RAW AND CHILLY ANP YoU AAUSTI I " I I SYNAGOGUE OF THE JEWS, symbol of unity that is ennobling and general Manager and Secretary" """" "Charles A. Stauffer There will also be a great saving of tires for it OcnC I helpful and does not hyphenate Business Manager W. W. Knorrp akiiryrvr 'ikiM. .k WELCOME! that Editor ' .... Spear will be an route, that is to say, a hot-a- ir route. NICE AhP WARM -M- AMMA knows their patriotism. It will make better j young air KUJ vJ.., ti rl V'J them, syna- News Editor E. A. on are less exposed to friction A7 cf fc How ancient and honorable it Americans ot for the SUBSCRIPTION RATES iSf 'ADVANCE Tires traveling air y- f? sounds! I'hoenix is to have a syn- gogue has been a democrat from its than those which run on earth, concrete or asphalt. L!!!I- Sweater agogue, and institution whose roots natal hour, and the foe of tyranny. OUTSIDE RIZONA-On- e year. $13.00; this STATE OF xOs& in past. for a religion, as distin- 6 mos., $6.75 : 3 mos.. $3.60: 1 nio.. J1.25 And then, think of the lightness of the construction INSTANT lr are the immemorial They It stands J8.00; rwt creed, and men IN ARIZONA BY MAIL, OR CARRIER One year. have laid the foundation for it at guished from a all 4 theory of highway building will be mos., .00; 3 mos., $2.00: X mo.. 75c cost. Te whole First street and Culver, but its foun need a religion. The synagogue has SUNDAY EDITION by mall oniv $5.00 per year no Exchange revolutionized. People will longer have to pay dations were laid in ancient Babylon not housed a rock, not even tables pLnna . Private Branch through centuries, IlUIie 41111 Connecting All Departments $15,000 to $40,000 a mile for highways when centuries before the Christian era of stone, the but tJO from dawned. So the foundation of Phoe- a plant which lives, changes, evolves General Advertising Representatives: Robert E. Ward. expense of a South- Brunswick Bldg., New York Mailers Bldg., Chicago; they can have them at the few nix is deepened and widened and in- and bears such fruit as the time re- V. R. Barranger, Examiner Bldg., San Francisco. ern California Automobile, association signs planted creased in beauty and honor by the quires. Post Intelligencer Bldg.. Seattle. Title Insurance laying of We particularly welcome this syn- Bldg.. Los Angeles. here and there along the trackless desert. As we these venerable stones. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It is well to be linked up by a syn agogue because it is to be of the Receiving Full Night Report, by Leased Wire live we learn. agogue to Antioch and Alexandria progressive type. In it men will pray The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use What has the National Bankhead Highway asso- and all the other great cities of the to the God of their children, as well for of all news dispatches credited to past. It is a window opened into as to the God of their fathers. It It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also ciation been doing all these years in their great, refuge the local llews published herein. antiquity. Through it we are able to will not be here in Phoenix a All rights of ot special dispatches herein meetings, devising ways and means for the construc- see Ezekiel among the exiles in Bab for sad exiles, whose harps are hung are also reserved. a transcontinental route when all they had ylon, and Philo the philosopher on the willows but ai inspiration for tion of standing up and teaching the people men whose arena is the good world do was to apply to the Southern California Auto- MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17. 1921 to in Alexandria, and Jesus teaching in of 1921, and whose Promised. Land is mobile association for signs which would point the --Nizareth; the synagogue, in more under their feet. As Dr. Liknaiti as a Angeles make city easy of than our figure of speech, has been speaks may the people hear, way to Los and that one of the high, clear windows of the vast overtone from the pulpit, the an- It is a laio of the gods which is access? world. Through it men have looked cient words which Moses heard. Vl"f "nW7tfV ' ' C " fc&II Copyright, Pi;,, y never broken, to sell somewhat And this revolution in highway construction has Hcrtrt Johmos. heavenward and through it also, ha "Speak unto the people, that they ven has shone upon men. Let the may go forward." come about somewhat by accident, because Maricopa addi- dearly the benefits they confer upon CAM student of history pause before this The synagogue is a welcome county has preferred that that part of the Bankhead fERtV,Epi How You)1 ,,,,,, modest house, which now will stand tion to the institutions that are build- us. Comeille. by route traversing It should be "signed" by the Ari- anting the houses of our city, and ing the City of Tomorrow. It is X v UT in This stuffy room! W reflect upon the it has cra- nature an idealist. The. religious life truth ' ,,, " The Railway Strike zona Automobile association rather than by the Los dled, the liberty of which it has been of the city will be strengthened by the forum, faith ot Its advent; tho forces fight here No one can foretell the extent of the railway Angeles association. the which it has that association did not been the pulpit, and, finally, the for decency under a banner inscribed ftrike ordered to begin October 30. That It will be But the Southern California bloody heroisms of which it has bee to the Unseen and Eternal will now he greatest In the history of railroads, though propose to sign the whole of the Bankhead route the altar, and then confess it as a have a more extended front. All the lying west of El Paso. By no means. Only as far source of light such as the city should Christian churches should be glad of may reasonably expect. How It will be ended is honor. its presence, neither cursing it for an as highway from point p. matter of conjecture, but that It will be ended Yuma. If the Bankhead that We congratulate the Jewish peo inf del nor surrendering to it. but is to be "signed" to its terminal, the work will have ple upon the synagogue. In it they vying with it in the bearing of fruits promptly we may easily believe. spirit to be done by San Diego. All lines of signs erected mav "walk together" in loyalty to and the exhibition of a that It is not at all likely that there will be such a their ancient faith. This will be a the world most needs and applauds. by Automobile association thing as a "complete tie-u- which the railroad work- the Southern California converge upon Angeles. is ers predict. In one way or another some trains will Los It at Yuma that the divine command to gather up the nent coast artillery camp which was great Automobile association's con- fragments remain, nothing established during the spring of 1918. be kept moving If It is decreed by the United States interest of the that that cern highway transferred to be lost. No life is so poor and empty It was named for Brigadier General government that they shall move and there will for the Bankhead is and broken that some fragments do Abram (or Abraham; spelled both any certainly be such a decree, for the United States route leading to Los Angeles. not still remain to be gathered up. ways in war records). Eustis. who It Is not without interest, though, that we learn It is easy to scatter them; to think was an artillery officer, died in 1843 government Is the people of the United States. it not worth while to gather them Q. What is meant by an In a sense, this will be a strike not against the that there is to be another Bankhead highway in into baskets. It is easy, God knows law? D. C. D. Arizona If Maricopa doesn't come to terms. Also how easy, for the poor, bruised and A. An law Is owners of the railroad but against the government; wounaea to grow ana oni 2 with we learn El Paso Is going to turn soul bitter, that takes effect retroactively, thai against an order made by a government board. If interest that hard, and cold, and narrow, and un- is, on transactions which took placl the Bankhead highway north at that point eo that lovely and hateful. It is easy enough before passage. the strikers should win, the government will have to reject God's fatherhood and no its it will miss southern and central Arizona altogether.
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