Maidstone Borough Council Freedom of Information Act Request Ref: FOI 7320 Date: 22 August 2018 Request and Response 1) Please state the amount your local authority spent on consultants and consultancy fees in each of the following financial years: a) 2013/14 b) 2014/15 c) 2015/16 d) 2016/17 e) 2017/18 f) 2018/19 to 25.07.18 2) Please provide a breakdown of your spend on consultants by the company that provided the consultancy for each of the following financial years: a) 2013/14 b) 2014/15 c) 2015/16 d) 2016/17 e) 2017/18 f) 2018/19 to 25.07.18 3) Please provide a breakdown of your spend on consultants by council department for each of the following financial years: a) 2013/14 b) 2014/15 c) 2015/16 d) 2016/17 e) 2017/18 f) 2018/19 to 25.07.18 4) Please provide a breakdown of your spend on consultants by project or reason for spend in each of the following financial years: a) 2013/14 b) 2014/15 c) 2015/16 d) 2016/17 e) 2017/18 f) 2018/19 to 25.07.18 Please see attached Total Spend - Consultants 1 Total Spend by Authority by year Year Value 2013/2014 £211,673 2014/2015 £250,151 2015/2016 £146,157 2016/2017 £368,757 2017/2018 £589,236 2018/2019 to 25/07/2018 £293,625 £1,859,598 2 Total spend by Company 2018/19 - 25/07/201 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 8 Totals AECOM Ltd £6,564 £6,564 Aether Ltd £1,650 £1,650 Airey Consultancy Services Ltd T/A ACS Ltd £1,200 £1,200 AJ Locke Consulting Engineers Ltd £3,300 £3,300 Alan Baxter Partnership LLP £3,350 £245 £1,485 £5,080 Alan Camp Architects £0 Mr Richard Allen £3,330 £5,370 £8,700 Andy Gale Housing Consultancy £3,924 £3,924 Allen Scott Ltd £8,846 £8,480 £12,369 £29,695 AMS Management (GB) LLP £340 £300 £640 Arcadis Consulting UK Ltd £27,624 £4,951 £32,575 A S P £2,122 £10,633 £12,755 Astute Ecology Ltd £919 £919 A W Business Solutions £2,925 £26,325 £15,975 £45,225 Black & Veatch Ltd £29,814 £29,814 Burgess Management Consultants Ltd £7,212 £7,212 Calfordseaden (Health and Safety) Ltd £2,877 £566 £35,000 £76,588 £1,920 £116,951 Capita Business Services Ltd £2,085 £4,000 £6,085 CB Associates £825 £825 Charles D Smith & Associates Ltd £3,175 £3,175 Chris Blandford Associates £4,750 £4,750 Clague £3,941 £3,941 Clifford Rickard Associates Ltd £750 £750 CLK Planning Partnership Ltd £6,900 £6,900 Colliers International Property Advisors LLP £3,000 £3,000 Conisbee £13,611 £13,611 Corylus Ecology Ltd £1,623 £7,352 £8,975 COWI UK Ltd £17,600 £17,600 Crossfire Ltd £1,200 £1,200 Cushman & Wakefield £2,375 £2,375 Diane Bourne Engineering £1,461 £1,461 DJJH Consulting Ltd T/A Ibis £1,285 £1,285 Dynasafe BACTEC Ltd £2,150 £2,150 Evans & Langford LLP £10,550 £8,110 £9,949 £4,300 £4,266 £11,470 £48,645 Eversheds LLP (Closed see 12644) £870 £870 Nick Ewbank Associates £16,213 £16,213 Facts International Ltd £18,775 £250 £19,025 Floyd Matcham (Dorset) Ltd £2,750 £2,750 Focus Consultants 2010 LLP £21,400 £21,400 Fourth Street £750 £750 Fuller Long Limited £1,800 £1,800 Tony Fullwood £6,265 £6,265 GDM Architects Ltd £21,635 £27,682 £4,150 £53,467 Gen2 Property Limited £3,302 £3,302 G L Hearn Limited £5,000 £5,000 Gleeds Cost Management Ltd £18,862 £12,828 £31,690 GVA Grimley LLP £485 £485 Go4 Marketing & Public Relations Ltd £2,065 £2,065 The Groundwork South Trust Limited £4,180 £4,180 Guy Hollaway Hythe Ltd £4,200 £17,932 £22,132 Harrisons Property Surveyors Ltd £1,550 £1,550 Harts Health and Safety Consultancy £3,079 £1,368 £4,447 Hazle McCormack Young LLP £5,961 £26,376 £32,337 Houghton Kneale Design Ltd £25,200 £25,200 Ian Farmer Associates (1998) Ltd £1,738 £1,738 IESE Transformation Ltd £10,943 £10,943 Ikon Consultancy £6,500 £6,500 Influential Software Services Ltd £5,250 £5,250 Integra Associates Limited £21,675 £850 £4,450 £9,360 £36,335 Jacobs UK Ltd-England & Wales(REG No 2594504) £11,724 £11,724 James Lewis Developments Ltd £6,580 £6,580 John Crane Services Ltd £56,592 £12,405 £6,719 £12,471 £88,187 Kent County Council £15,775 £15,775 Kevin Wise Town Planning Consultants £1,748 £1,748 Laura Roberts £1,730 £1,730 Lee Evans Partnership LLP £6,996 £6,996 Letts Wheeler Architecture & Design Ltd £29,444 £6,019 £35,463 Lewis Ecology £1,600 £1,600 Liz Lakes Associates £10,910 £10,910 Logic PM Ltd £9,855 £7,870 £17,725 LVS Construction Consultants Ltd £4,649 £59,298 £5,153 £45,270 £25,145 £139,515 Lustre Consulting Ltd £450 £11,008 £11,458 Market Place Management Limited £6,465 £6,465 Martin Arnold Ltd £5,560 £11,250 £30,430 £47,240 M B Projects Ltd £1,245 £1,245 Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors £7,701 £100 £325 £8,126 Mike Marsh Associates Ltd £4,107 £4,107 MK Surveys £6,255 £6,255 The North Kent Architecture Centre Ltd T/A Design South East £12,842 £12,842 Miss E Flynn £3,000 £3,000 Mott MacDonald £9,970 £4,381 £10,206 £250 £24,807 Mr S Gillespie £2,500 £2,500 M J Hammond £4,500 £4,500 Mr M Stolton £10,256 £15,514 £684 £26,454 PA Group (UK) Limited £1,730 £1,730 PJC Consultancy Ltd £430 £430 PRP Architects LLP £95,800 £119,335 £2,361 £217,496 Mr Giles Penman £2,500 £2,500 Purcell £200 £3,279 £3,479 Mark Prichard £196 £196 RedQuadrant Ltd £15,000 £14,994 £8,600 £7,000 £45,594 Robinson Escott Planning £12,000 £12,000 Samrai Management Limited £78,929 £23,005 £101,934 Savills Uk Ltd £41,970 £41,970 SBV Ltd £5,400 £5,400 Silver DCC Limited £30,250 £11,000 £41,250 Sitech Surveying Services £510 £510 SLR Consulting Ltd £7,415 £1,860 £9,275 Strata Coring Ltd T/A Strata Highways £5,000 £5,000 SYSTRA Ltd £7,184 £2,480 £9,664 Stillwater Associates Ltd £4,494 £4,494 Solace In Business Ltd £19,478 £3,173 £22,651 Tersus Group £300 £300 Ms Vanessa Tothill £2,121 £4,878 £6,999 Transport Planning Associates LTD £4,494 £4,494 Trowers & Hamlins £0 Trown Housing Consultancy £1,350 £1,350 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council £5,426 £5,426 Vector Transport £3,610 £3,610 The Woodley Coles LLP £3,720 £3,658 £7,378 Wragge & Co LLP £840 £840 WSP Devlopment Ltd £58,051 £58,051 £0 TOTALS £211,673 £250,151 £146,157 £368,757 £589,236 £293,625 £1,859,599 2018/19 - 25/07/201 3 By Department 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 8 Totals Head of Economic and Commercial Development £19,478 £19,478 Planning Policy £4,494 £6,265 £61,226 £41,970 £113,955 Press & Public Relations £20,840 £20,840 Marden Caravan site £1,550 £1,550 Development Management Section £12,993 £12,993 Head of Policy and Communications £15,000 £15,000 Benefits section £2,500 £4,000 £6,500 Head of Commissioning and Business Improvement £2,085 £8,600 £7,000 £17,685 Museum £2,122 £7,378 £25,200 £34,700 Festivals and Events £3,000 £3,000 Cobtree Manor Park to include visitors centre £6,687 £850 £7,537 Development Control Appeals £15,942 £21,021 £12,381 £49,344 Economic Dev - Promotion & Marketing £7,200 £7,200 Corporate Projects £17,212 £17,212 Development Management Section £15,938 £4,381 £20,319 Facilities & Corporate Support Section £2,250 £2,700 £4,950 Customer Services Section £14,994 £14,994 Licensing - Hackney & Private Hire £3,610 £3,610 Mid Kent Improvement Partnership £3,657 £3,657 Revenues Section £1,200 £1,200 Housing & Inclusion Section £3,924 £3,924 Homelessness Prevention £4,085 £1,546 £5,631 Head of Planning and Development £74,844 £23,005 £97,849 Development Control Enforcement £10,910 £10,910 Mid Mid Kent ICT Services £10,676 £10,676 £0 Capital £192,195 £190,689 £60,812 £326,192 £391,860 £193,137 £1,354,885 TOTALS £211,673 £250,151 £146,157 £368,757 £589,236 £293,625 £1,859,599 4 By Project 2018/19 - 25/07/201 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 8 Totals Brunswick Street Housing £1,997 £11,020 £13,017 Cobtree Manor Park Play Area (Ext.Funded) £7,343 £10,870 £18,213 Cobtree Manor Park Visitor Centre (Ext.Funded) £750 £37,926 £1,730 £40,406 Commissioning support engagement £8,600 £7,000 £15,600 Corporate Property - Town Hall Ext.Decs & Roof £800 £800 Corporate Property - Whatman Park Bridges Remedial Works £17,600 £17,600 Corporate Support Review £2,250 £2,700 £4,950 Crematorium Car Park Improvements £2,091 £2,091 Crematorium Development £18,325 £300 £18,625 Enterprise Hub (Gateway) £10,137 £32,985 £2,530 £45,652 Failure demand review project £14,994 £14,994 Flood Defences £4,950 £4,950 Gateway - Refurbishment £23,096 £3,913 £27,009 High Level Bridge (S.106 Funded) £3,720 £9,855 £7,870 £21,445 High St Ph2 £116,985 £15,451 £132,436 IT Systems Replacement (Other Funding) £21,675 £3,600 £9,360 £34,635 Japanese Collection Documentation £2,122 £4,878 £7,000 King street housing development £7,294 £4,276 £11,570 King Street MSCP Demolition £25,537 £6,410 £3,900 £35,847 Leisure centre roof safety netting £2,384 £12,681 £15,065 Maidstone Bus, parking and P&R Study £25,293 £25,293 Maidstone Council GW assessment £4,381 £4,381 Maidstone customer services review phase 1&2 £15,000 £15,000 Maidstone town centre sites - Feasibilty and promotion £41,970 £41,970 Mote Park Adventure Zone Play Area £20,231 £33,750 £14,906 £68,887 Mote Park Café/Visitor Centre Project £3,941 £13,461 £34,669 £52,071 Mote Park Scheme - Phase 3 £5,678 £5,678 Mote Park Scheme - Phase 3 £1,400 £1,400 Museum - Creation of Usable Office Space £450 £450 Museum Development plan £14,373 £14,373 Museum Improvements - East Wing £6,963 £6,963 New Gypsy & Traveller Site £9,038 £9,212 £18,250 Parks Essential Improvements: Mote Park Estate Services Building £2,195 £33,312 £35,507 Parkwood Ind.Est.
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