Retroclival Arachnoid Cyst Eric C. Bourekas, 1 M . Reza Raji ,1 Khurshed J. Dastur,1 Gregory J. Francken,1 David J . Engle,2 and Narayan T. Nayak2 Summary: Retroclival arachnoid cyst is a rare mass lesion, with noid cyst with high protein content most probably second­ only seven cases previously reported in literature. MR is the ary to prior hemorrhage, versus epidermoid cyst. imaging modality of choice in its evaluation and in its differen­ At surgery , through a right retrom astoid craniectom y tiation from epidermoid cyst. The case reported here was and C1 laminectom y, a retroclival and cerebellopontine surgically proved and had an uncharacteristic MR signal inten­ angle cyst was fenestrated. Cyst-fluid analysis revealed sity that was higher than that of cerebrospinal fluid due to xanthochromic fluid consistent with prior hem orrhage. No previous hemorrhage. evidence of infection was found. Cyst-wall histology was consistent with an arachnoid cyst. Index terms: Arachnoid cysts; Clivus Discussion Arachnoid cysts are benign, avascular, thin­ After the middle cranial fossa, the posterior walled, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-containing mass fossa is the most common location of arachnoid lesions, that occur most commonly in the middle cysts (1) . Within the posterior fossa, they are cranial fossa ( 1). Posterior fossa arachnoid cysts most commonly located in the midline and pos­ are less common and retroclival cysts are rare (2, terior to the cerebellum (4). Arachnoid cysts at 3). We present the magnetic resonance (MR) the clivus are rare (2 , 3). The subject of this report findings of a surgically proved case and review is a retroclival cyst extending from the posterior the literature. suprasellar region to the foramen magnum. Case Report Some cysts lined by ependymal or choroidal cells may mimic arachnoid cysts, but most ex­ A 54-year-old woman presented complaining of a 6- traaxial posterior fossa cysts containing CSF are month history of ataxia, quadraparesis, headaches, inter­ lined by arachnoid cells. A great deal of contro­ mittent slurred speech, and urinary incontinence. A pro­ versy exists as to the origin of arachnoid cysts. gressive 10 -year history of decreasing hearing in the right Many divide them into congenital and acquired. ear was also noted. Acquired cysts are secondary to adhesive arach­ Physical examination revealed an ataxic gait, bilateral Babinski signs, and decreased auditory acuity in the right noiditis, caused by prior trauma (5) or infection ear. Motor and sensory examinations were normal. (6) . Some believe that even congenital cysts are MR examination revealed a large, extraaxial, retroclival in fact acquired secondary to birth trauma. The mass extending from the posterior suprasellar region into most commonly accepted theory is that of Stark­ the upper cervical spinal canal and into both cerebellopon­ man et al (7) , who felt that arachnoid cyst for­ tine angles, right greater than left. Compression and pos­ mation was the result of an aberration of CSF terior displacement of the brain stem was noted. The lesion flow resulting in splitting of the arachnoid mem­ demonstrated low signal intensity on the T1-weighted (390/ brane during development. 16/ 4) (TR/ TE/ excitations) images and converted to high Obstruction of CSF flow resulting in hydro­ signal intensity on proton-density (190/ 40/ 2) and T 2- cephalus and compression of adjacent brain pa­ weighted (1900/ 95/ 2) images. The signal intensity was renchyma are causative factors in symptomatic higher than CSF on all sequences (Figs. 1A , 1 B, and 1C) . Cerebral angiography showed displacement of the basilar patients with retroclival cysts. However, the clin­ artery posteriorly and to the left, by an extraaxial avascular ical findings are nonspecific. Headache, dizziness, mass in the retroclival region. Scout films of the skull prior cranial nerve signs, and monobrachial weakness to angiography and MR (Fig. 1A) suggested erosion of the may be present. Ataxia, nystagmus, and signs of dorsum sellae and clivus. Differential diagnosis was arach- raised intracranial pressure are often found on Received June 28, 1991; revision requested August 6; revision received September 10 ; final acceptance September 24. ' Department of Radiology , Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, 1400 Locust Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Address reprint requests to E. C. Bourekas. 2 Department of Neurosurgery , Mercy Hospita l of Pittsburgh, Pi ttsburgh, PA 15219. AJNR 13:353- 354, Jan/ Feb 1992 0195-6 108/ 92/ 301-0353 © American Society of Neuroradiology 353 354 AJNR: 13, January / February 1992 A B Fig. 1. A, Sagittal T 1-weighted (390/16/4) image reveal s a large, retroclival cyst extending from the posterior suprasellar region to the foramen magnum (arrow), causing compression and posterior displacement of the brain stem and erosion of the dorsum sellae and clivus (arrowheads). B and C, A xial proton-density (1900/ 40/2) and T2-weighted (1900/95/2) images show the arachnoid cyst compressing the brain stem and extending into the right internal auditory canal. The signal intensi ty of the cyst is higher than that of CSF because of prior hemorrhage. physical exam. Hydrocephalus has been reported show peripheral enhancement. MR is useful in in most cases and was present in our case. differentiating epidermoids from arachnoid cysts. Diagnosis of arachnoid cyst has been greatly On MR , epidermoids have irregular margins, het­ facilitated by computed tomography (CT) and erogeneous signal, and are of higher signal inten­ MR . On CT, the margins of arachnoid cysts are sity than CSF on T1-weighted, proton-density sharp and well defined. The lesions are homoge­ and T2-weighted images ( 10) . neous, nonenhancing, noncalcified, and are of Surgical options for treatment of symptomatic CSF density (8). MR, because of its multiplanar arachnoid cysts include: suboccipital craniec­ imaging and lack of beam hardening artifact, tomy with fenestration of the cyst, stereotactic provides better anatomic detail for posterior fossa drainage through the vertex (2), and ventriculo­ mass lesions. On MR, the signal intensities of the peritoneal shunting if the cyst does communicate cyst contents are consistent with CSF on both with the CSF-space or cystoperitoneal shunting T1- and T2-weighted images, unless the cyst if the cyst does not communicate (9). contents have an elevated protein content sec­ References ondary to hemorrhage or infection. Increased I . Heier L, Zim merman R, Amster JL, et al. 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Cerebral angiography may demon­ cerebellopontine angle and infantile spastic hem iplegia case report. J 1'/eurosurg 1968;29:87- 90 strate an avascular mass causing posterior dis­ 6. Craig WM. Chronic cyst arachnoiditis. Am J Surg 1932; 17:384-388 placement of the basilar artery. Erosion of the 7. Starkman SP, Brown TC, Linell EA. Cerebral arachnoid cysts. J dorsum sellae and clivus may be demonstrated 1'/europathol Exp /'leurol l958; 17:484-500 on radiography of the skull and MR. 8. Leo LS, Pinto RS, Julrat GF, Epstein F, Kricheff II . Computed The major differential diagnosis of a retroclival tomography of arachnoid cysts. Radiology 1979; 130:675-680 9. Lehman LB. A rachnoid cysts: diagnosis and treatment. Hosp Practice arachnoid cyst is an epidermoid tumor. On CT, (Off) 1989;24: 139-142 epidermoids are extraaxial, low-density mass le­ 10. Panagopoulos K , EI-Azouzi M , Chisholm H, Joslesz F, Black P. sions, that may have rim calcification and may Intracranial epidermoid tumors. 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