January 14, 1999 World Edition LETTERS A Literal World to Come my ego to say our membership is 240 Reading Calvin Rock’s response Regarding Samuele Bacchiocchi’s “Life or so rather than the 325 I inherited. regarding whether Adventists should in the World to Come” (Nov. 12). How But doesn’t Paul say in Galatians 2:20 help those cleaning up their property wonderful to read of a real home for real that the cross took care of ego? after a Sabbath tornado prompted people! It was enough to make a person Has this destroyed our church? We another question in my mind: What homesick—for heaven. And I believed just finished a fall evangelistic series would Jesus do? Rock’s answer was it all, even the part about the 12 gates emphasizing “Christ Our Righteousness,” right on. What a testimony if we got and the 12 foundations (which the and had a number of baptisms. Just as out there and helped on Sabbath and author doubts are to be taken literally). great a blessing has been the many rubbed elbows with our neighbors and I believe it, not just because Patriarchs requests for rebaptism, which include others. My Lord commands us to love and Prophets, Early Writings, and a host four elders who have seen the truth of another as He has loved us. of other Spirit of Prophecy writings say baptism in a fuller light and desire the they are real, but because my primary most intimate walk with their Saviour. —Kimberly Trewitt source, the Bible, tells me so. Their attitude of reconsecration has BELTON, TEXAS Keep all these good articles com- humbled me. Oh, yes, by God’s grace, ing—until He comes! tithe is up 10 percent over last year. Thanks to Bill Knott for allowing Waiting and Waiting —Bob DuBose, PASTOR God to use him to address this issue I read with interest Andy Nash’s com- HOT SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA with wisdom, courage, and honest ment in “NET ’98: A Titanic Step compassion. Forward” (Nov. NAD Edition): “While NET ’98 was a watershed campaign, it’s Inflated Numbers —Dale Martin, PASTOR quite possible that its numbers won’t be Long overdue is Bill Knott’s sensitive KENHORST BOULEVARD SDA CHURCH much different from those of past cam- yet direct confrontation of one of the READING, PENNSYLVANIA paigns. Many Adventists brought a church’s most serious problems (see wait-and-see attitude to this series—and “The Uses of the Past—II,” Nov. 12). didn’t risk inviting unbelieving friends.” The article implicitly reminded me November 12 Faith Alive! I found this to be so true in the that David’s prideful sin of numbering While I am an avid reader and sup- various churches I visited during the Israel is considered by God, but unfor- porter of the Adventist Review, I was series. Empty pews . and hearts tunately not by us, to be of a more dismayed to see Calvin Rock’s com- empty of the love of Jesus. What a serious nature than his twin sins of ments regarding Viagra, the impotence golden opportunity has been missed in adultery and murder. At least his num- drug, in which he stated that he did bringing others to a knowledge of the bers were honest, not the disingenuous not think using Viagra was sinful (see truth. We have certainly been unprof- figures of 800,000-900,000 North Faith Alive! Nov. 12). itable servants. What blessings the American members that we fling My concern is not Rock’s opinion— Lord might have bestowed on us if we around so readily. Doesn’t this make which I agree with—but the publica- had done our part. our sin worse before God? tion of such topics. They are strictly The greatest unbelief is not of Over the past two years our local personal between spouses and don’t “unbelieving friends,” but of our own church has prayerfully and carefully need to be publicized in the church’s unbelief. Or is it that Adventists don’t removed some 30 percent of our listed official literature. have unbelieving friends? membership. We have another 10 to 15 percent to be evaluated. It goes —William A. Moreno, M.D. —Nancy Jacobson without saying that it is humbling to SALEM, OREGON SOAP LAKE, WASHINGTON 2 (34) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JANUARY 14, 1999 Praise and Worship I agree with reader Lou Ellen Jenkins I read Mystery Visitor C’s review of (see Letters, Nov. NAD Edition) on the Olympia, Washington, church the need for tolerance toward different with interest because I live within easy worship styles. But her case falls into driving distance and have visited this special pleading when she says that church on more than one occasion. “some . genuinely love to praise the COVER STORY The reviewer writes: “I admit my per- Lord,” contrasting that with others sonal bias for majestic hymns, words who are “quiet and ultraconservative.” 8 Surprises in Bangladesh that are not repetitious or trite, and In my view, the tensions in our con- Beautiful and amazing sights in this land of natural disasters. music of a more classical tradition.” gregations come most often because BY WILLIAM G. JOHNSSON My dictionary defines trite as “worn advocates of celebration continue to out by constant use; stale.” It’s obvious imply that more conservative expres- ARTICLES that this comment was in reference to sions fall short of genuine praise. In the more contemporary praise choruses some places the church calendar will 12 A Community Connection used by the Olympia church. What’s even announce “praise Sabbath,” and Service opportunities for those who interesting to me is that the majority the bulletin for that week includes a don’t care who gets the credit. of contemporary praise songs and cho- period of “praise songs.” This clearly BY BETTY KOSSICK ruses are nearly word-for-word Scrip- places all other worship music outside ture. How can repeating Scripture in the approved style. 15 Angels in My Classroom song ever be trite? It’s interesting that It’s this invasive intolerance that They were there all the time. the most vivid picture we have of the divides us. Scheduling multiple ser- BY LAURELEE MISSEGHERS heavenly throne room in the book of vices won’t solve the problem, because 22 Utopia in the Caribbean Revelation describes the four living it will foster a spirit of competition Still trying to build a perfect society creatures who do not rest day or night, between the factions. The answer, I in an imperfect world. but continually praise God by saying suggest, is to maintain a standard ser- BY JEFFREY K. THOMPSON over and over, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord vice style, but include a weekly period God Almighty, who was and is and is of more contemporary music and 26 Not Without a Witness to come!” (Rev. 4:8, NKJV). Maybe singing. This is the only way we will Lessons from an Anglican preacher. someone should tell them that they exhibit tolerance and maintain unity. BY NIKOLAUS SATELMAJER are being repetitious. Unfortunately, the real issue here is —Frank Hutchins DEPARTMENTS not styles of praise and worship. Spiritual CHURCH ORGANIST 2 Letters things are spiritually discerned, and AND PIPE ORGAN BUILDER 7 Give & Take many of us have not yet learned how to MOUNTLAKE TERRACE, WASHINGTON ) “worship” God corporately because we 14 Faith Alive! have not learned how to “praise” God 17 Adventist World Radio MODIFIED corporately. It’s an issue of those moving Looking Good Y 18 World News & Perspectives ALL forward with God to worship Him in I think your graphic artists and design- DIGIT spirit and in truth and those who want ers deserve recognition for the amazing 25 Children’s Corner ( ISC to continue just to play church. look of the Review. I especially enjoyed 30 Bible Questions Answered D Mystery Visitor C gives a fine review the visual allegory on the “God Loves 31 Reflections HOTO of the church from a “natural” point of New York” cover a while back. Keep © P view, but nothing was said about the up the good work! spiritual aspect of entering into wor- EDITORIALS PHOTO ship. What really matters when we —Michael Herndon 5 A Bridge So Near attend any church is, Was the power of INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA the Holy Spirit there? Did I meet God 6 No Golden Goose ACKGROUND / B there? What did He say to me? WSKI I can say with joy that when I have NEXT WEEK ABRO visited the Olympia church, the Holy D Y A Spirit was there in power, and God did Being Kind to Your “Ex” R speak to me. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No! BY PHOTO —Tammy Brear VER O SHELTON, WASHINGTON C ADVENTIST REVIEW, JANUARY 14, 1999 (35) 3 “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ through stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is printed 40 times a year each Thursday except the first Thursday of each month by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association. Periodicals postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740. Copyright © 1999, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Publishing Board: Robert S. Folkenberg, chair; Phil Follett, vice- chair; Lowell Cooper; William G. Johnsson; A. C. McClure; Dorothy Watts; Ted N. C. Wilson; Martin Ytreberg; Robert Nixon, legal advisor Executive Publisher and Editor William G.
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