Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, December 14, 2017 OUR 127th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 50-2017 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] ONE DOLLAR Mayor Skibitsky and Council Recognized for Service to Town By CHRISTINA M. HINKE plan during the recession, the town children. He thanked the many volun- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader receiving its AAA rating from Stan- teers of the town, the families of the WESTFIELD — During the last dard & Poors, establishment of the town council members, his fellow council meeting of the year, Mayor first quiet zone in the state, improve- council members and town employ- Andy Skibitsky led a procession of ments to parking and parks and recre- ees. proclamations recognizing four coun- ation, advocating for one-seat rides, Town Administrator James Gildea cilmen —Sam Della Fera, Keith implementing task forces to address also was thanked. “A town could not Loughlin, David Oliveira and Ken- emerging issues, and settling the ask for a more professional, knowl- neth Donnelly — who served their town’s affordable housing, among a edgeable, effective, caring and skilled last meeting as members of the gov- host of other accomplishments. administrator. I have often said that erning body Monday night. Jo Ann Ms. Neylan also noted how Jim is the best administrator in the Neylan then read a proclamation rec- Westfield has received many notable state,” Mayor Skibitsky said. ognizing Mayor Skibitsky for his 15 accolades from publications. “What truly defines us as a great years of service to the town, 12 of To conclude the evening, Mayor community are the people. The people which have been as mayor. Skibitsky gave his outgoing speech, who with great pride call Westfield The proclamation noted his role in which he started by thanking his wife, their home,” Mayor Skibitsky said. developing a sustainable financial Debbie, for her support, and their “It has been an absolute honor to serve this town.” During public comments, a hand- ful of residents, colleagues and former councilmen James Foerst and Ken- neth MacRitchie voiced their appre- ciation to the mayor and council for their service to the town. Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader Prior to the proclamations, the town HOLIDAY SCENE...The menorah and creche in Westfield are blanketed with snow on Saturday. Tuesday night marked the council recognized the Westfield High first night of Hanukkah. School Football Team for another championship season. The team just completed its third straight 12-0 sea- son by beating Bridgewater-Raritan, Andy Skibitsky Looks Back on 20-7, in the North 2 Group 5 champi- onship game. The team has won 37 straight games. Devils Football Coach Jim DeSarno 15 Years as Mayor, Councilman said of his team, “This is a great group of young men, both on and off the By PAUL J. PEYTON him advice when he has been faced who serve the town. field. They work very hard in the off Specially Written for The Westfield Leader with difficult issues, and for allowing “I’m very proud of the people I put season to get ready for the season and WESTFIELD — Andy Skibitsky him to devote the time needed to on boards,” the mayor said. “They Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader they put it all out in the field...but also told The Westfield Leader that he was serve in public office. are just like the mayor and council; HELPING THOSE IN NEED...Veterans and families march around Tamaques they are very good in the classroom thankful to the community for giving The Skibitskys moved to Westfield they are volunteers, they don’t get Park in Westfield during the March A Mile event on a snowy Saturday to raise and community.” him the opportunity to serve the past in 1997 from Scottsdale, Ariz., where paid, but they do very important work, money for homeless and in need veterans. The event was organized by Martin “Hopefully we can do this again 15 years on the governing body — he served on his whether it’s the Wallberg American Legion Post 3 Westfield. next year,” Mr. De Sarno said. three as a councilman and the last 12 church’s parish board of adjust- In other business, a property re- as mayor. council, was ac- ment or the plan- valuation letter has been sent to tax- “It’s just been an incredible time,” tive in a local ning board or the Spirit of Giving Brings payers, along with a brochure con- he said during an interview with The YMCA pro- board of health, taining a 10-step list of what to expect Leader on November 27. “I’ve loved gram, and where the Memorial Li- during the process, Mr. Gildea said. serving the people of Westfield.” both the brary board or the Back Christmas Lights The first public information session The mayor thanked his wife of 31 Skibitskys rec. commis- is to be held this coming Monday years, Debbie, who he referred to as taught CCD and sion...” By CHRISTINA M. HINKE man Jon Bramnick (R-21st, Westfield) CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 his “kitchen cabinet,” as she has given ran church He specially Specially Written for The Westfield Leader had with New Jersey Department of fundraisers. mentioned the CRANFORD — The holiday spirit Transportation Commissioner Rich- The mayor work of Planning of giving is upon us as NJ Transit has ard Hammer, Asm. Bramnick told Hartz Adjourns Application pointed to his re- Board Chairman decided to have a change of heart and The Leader he had discovered that NJ lationship with Vincent Wilt and allow the township to hang its lighted Transit was supposed to allow mu- his fellow coun- Board of Adjust- garland on the train trestle in the nicipalities to hang holiday lights on Until February 21 Meeting cil members, ment Chairman downtown without imposing a fee. the train trestle without being charged town employees, William “Based on the information we have, a fee. By CHRISTINA M. HINKE Public Meetings Act says your agenda as well as the Heinbokel, not- it appears we will be able to put the Municipalities that wish to hang Specially Written for The Westfield Leader should specify what you will be vot- people he re- ing that those lights on the trestle next week, thanks holiday lights on NJ Transit property CRANFORD — Hartz Mountain ing on or discussing,” Ms. LaBrutto cruited such as boards have The official portrait of Mayor Andy to Christina Hinke,” Mayor Thomas are to contact NJ Transit in advance Industries LLC has adjourned its ap- said. planner Don Skibitsky by Dave Rossi. never lost any ap- Hannen, Jr. told The Westfield Leader of installing the lights in order for plication before the planning board The planning board voted on No- Sammet, who peals of their de- last Wednesday evening. arrangements to be made to have an to rezone 750 Walnut Avenue to vember 21 to recommend to the town- previously held cisions “since NJ Transit also will accept the NJ Transit supervisor on site while Wednesday, February 21, 2018. ship committee that 215-235 positions with Montclair and Asbury I’ve been mayor.” township’s Joint Insurance Fund’s the lights are being hung, Asm. Hartz has proposed to make the Birchwood Avenue be deemed an area Park; Chief Financial Officer Scott “They’ve done a great job on those wording as is, Mayor Hannen said. Bramnick told The Leader. 30.5-acre parcel a residential zone in need of redevelopment, without Olsen, who came over from Summit; quasi judicial boards,” the mayor said. As of Tuesday, Department of Pub- NJ Transit also had informed where currently it is zoned for com- having the item on the agenda, she Public Works Director Greg O’Neil, Among the accomplishments he lic Works (DPW) employees have Garwood that three DPW workers mercial use. said. “It’s a big item for the town,” who was previously employed by pointed to are the establishment of hung the Christmas decorations, and would be required to attend a full-day Hartz had presented redevelopment Ms. LaBrutto said. “A grave disap- Princeton, and newly-hired Town the town’s “Quiet Zone,” the first in Cranford appears just as festive as it seminar regarding installation of the plans to the township committee for a pointment for anybody who has been Clerk Tara Rowley, who was the clerk New Jersey, where horns from freight always has during the December lights. multi-building complex containing following this since 2008, that the in Cranford. He also referred to long- trains at the Rahway Avenue railroad Christmas season. Cranford DPW personnel had taken 905 multi-family units, including low- planning board failed to put it on the time Town Administrator Jim Gildea crossing on the south side of town During a conversation Assembly- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 and moderate-income housing, pools agenda,” she said. “It is really shame- as “one of the best administrators” in have been silenced during late-night and a community room. ful.” the state. and early-morning hours. “When would be the right time to The board had placed on its agenda He also lauded all the volunteers CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 ask for an environmental impact posted in the town hall on Monday study?” board member Dan that it was to present a study on mak- Aschenbach asked. Board Attorney ing a portion of North Avenue in the Mark Rothman said the board could downtown a redevelopment zone, Ms. broach that during the hearing. LaBrutto said, but then was later re- Mr.
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