Company Number 4380984 A Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England DERBY HOMES LIMITED MINUTES OF THE LOCAL HOUSING BOARD SOUTH Held on Thursday 26 February 2004 at 6.00 pm Sinfin Neighbourhood Base – Sinfin Library, Sinfin District Centre The meeting started at 6.00 pm. Local Housing Board Members Present: Win Buchan Allenton and Boulton Mary O’Reilly Village Michael Richmond New City Ken Whitehead Osmaston Paul Bayliss Derby Homes Board Ron Liversedge Derby Homes Board Lionel Massingham Derby Homes Board Nita Murphy Derby Homes Board Bob Troup Derby Homes Board Officers Present: Nigel Case, Lynn Child, Dave Elliott, Susan Hill, Wendy Jessop, Maria Murphy, Alice Sanghera and Paul Sharratt. Lovell Partnership Ltd: Steve Hale Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Kath Barge, Jenny Bradley, Guy Copeland, Mark Crown, Bryan Lowe and Afzal Shabir. 04/01 Admission of Late Items There were no late items. However Item 8 ‘Future Venues’ and the completed minutes of the Village Community Panel meeting were tabled. 04/02 Declarations of Interests The Council Board Members were noted as declaring their interest in matters relating to Derby City Council. The Tenant Board Members declared their interests as tenants (as defined in the Memorandum and Articles of Association) of Derby City Council. Page 1 of 10 1 PART A: FOR APPROVAL 04/03 Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2003 were accepted as a true and accurate record. 04/04 Matters arising Action List From 21 August 2003 (Minute Number 03/61 refers) Future Options for Block of Flats – It was stated that the report was not presented at the Council Cabinet meeting on 16 December 2003 because more information was required by the City Council. There is a possibility that the report may be presented at the Council Cabinet in March. City Housing Improvement Plan (CHIP) (Minute Number 03/65 refers) – It was confirmed that leaseholders have been included in the consultation process with regard to the CHIP timetable and action plan. 04/05 City Housing Improvement Plan Bids 2004/05 The Local Board received a report, which outlined the small scale CHIP and top slicing bids from the Community Panels in the South Housing Management Area. Small scale bids for consideration It was highlighted that the estimated overspend figure for the New Sinfin Community Panel, Appendix 3, was incorrect. The figure should have been £3,037.20. However this did not affect the calculated figures in Appendix 1. Agreed The Local Board agreed: 1. to approve the small-scale CHIP proposals from eight of the Community Panels in the South area as shown attached. 2. that £3,000 underspend should be used by Chellaston and Shelton Lock Community Panel, and the rest, £2,610.83, to be put back into the reserve. 3. that the underspend and overspend projects should be reviewed and monitored over the next six months starting from April 2004. 4. A report should be presented at the Local Board in November. Page 2 of 10 2 Top slicing bids for consideration The Local Board was asked to consider the top slicing bids as shown in Appendices 2 and 4, and agree the £131,400 budget allocation for the current year. The Local Board discussed the Osmaston Community Panel bid in detail. It was suggested that the Community Panels should take on the role of being responsible with CHIP bids projects, and in the future, how many properties will benefit from these bids. Agreed 1. The Local Board agreed the £131,400.00 budget allocation for the current year by agreeing to Bid 1 and 2. The difference will be allocated to Bid 3, as shown below, and that the project could be spread over two years: Bid 1 – Allenton and Boulton Community Panel Approved Bids Front brick boundary walls – Bentley Street - £41,749.03 To provide 40 properties with brick walls. These would look neater and present a better image of the community. Bid 2 – New City Community Panel Stone paving to the rear of Crompton and Gerard £20,148.00 Street flats – Paving would bring the area back into its correct use, and improve the appearance. Remove brick wall and benches on Peterhouse £2,783.67 Terrace car park – Benches are vandalised and broken. Re-surfacing St David’s garage forecourt – £22, 814.00 Existing surface is in poor condition. Total £45,745.67 Bid 1 and 2 Total Cost £87,494.70 Page 3 of 10 3 Bid 3 – Osmaston Community Panel Bollards to Osmaston Park Road – A total of 115 £43,905.30 properties would benefit from this work and 60 green areas would be protected. The total cost of the bid was £113,584 and partial approval was given. Total approved bids £131,400.00 2. The Local Board noted that Sinfin Village Community Panel were using their allocation towards a Street Scene initiative and for this reason had not produced a CHIP bid. Further information will be presented to a future Local Board meeting 04/06 Future Venues The Local Board received a report which proposed future venues for its meetings. The Chair stated that he was away for 26 August 2004 and that it would be more suitable for members to rearrange the date for the first Thursday in September 2004. Agreed The Local Board agreed 1. that the next meeting be held on 27 May 2004 at the Acorn Close Common Room, Shelton Lock, and 2. that the meeting scheduled for 26 August 2004 be rearranged for the first Thursday of September at a venue to be arranged. PART B: FOR DISUCSSION 04/07 Community Panel Issues The Local Board received a report, which contained an issue in relation to the City Housing Improvement Plan process. A request has been received from the Osmaston Community Panel for involvement in the costing process. The Panel questioned if this was Best Value and asked for involvement in future cost planning exercises. Agreed The issue will be raised at the Homes Pride and Service Improvement Page 4 of 10 4 Committee on 25 March 2004. 04/08 Consultation on the Operating Budget 2004/05 The Local Board received a report, which tabled the draft operating budget for Derby Homes for 2004/05. An analysis of the approved expenditure for 2003/04 totalling £13,000,990 and the proposals for 2004/05 totalling £14,132,078, were shown in Appendix 2 of the report. An analysis of the changes between the 2003/04 budget and the proposals for 2004/05 were detailed in Appendix 4. It showed an increase of £1,131,088. The major changes between the 2003/04 budget and the 2004/05 proposals were shown in the report. The operating budget of Derby Homes will be considered by Resources Committee on 25 March 2004, and the Board on 29 April 2004. Agreed The Local Board 1. noted the report and appendices 2. requested that an extra column could be created for the expenditure proposals table to show the difference in percentage between the current year total budget and the following year proposed budget. 04/09 City Housing Improvement Plan 2003/04 Update The Local Board received a report, which outlined the progress on the remaining programme of works for the small-scale and large-scale works under the 2003/04 City Housing Improvement Plan. Agreed The Local Board noted the content of the report. 04/10 Homes Pride Update The Local Board received a verbal update on the Homes Pride Programme. The feedback from the customers has been positive, and that properties have been brought up to good standard over the last 12 months. However, there are still more improvements to be made. Page 5 of 10 5 Agreed The Local Board 1. noted the Homes Pride update 2. congratulated Derby Homes’ partners for their good work. 04/11 Housing Management Performance Information The Local Board received a report which summarised the performance in the south of the City on key service areas, in particular, rent arrears, average relet time, voids properties and anti social behaviour cases. Agreed The Local Board noted the content of the report. 04/12 Derby Homes’ Performance Benchmarked Against Other ALMOs The Local Board received a report, which set out Derby Homes’ performance compared with other ALMOs. The Audit Commission has indicated that they intend to carry out a housing inspection of Derby Homes in September 2005. This inspection is likely to be based on the audited performance indicators at the end of March 2005. It is important that Derby Homes’ performance is shown continually to improve. Agreed The Local Board 1. noted the report 2. agreed that a report is presented in six months time on Derby Homes’ performance as compared with other ALMOs. PART C: FOR NOTING 04/13 Minutes of the Committees on 18 December 2003 and Derby Homes Board on 29 January 2004 The Local Board received the minutes of the Committee and Board meetings on 18 December 2003 and 29 January 2004 respectively. Page 6 of 10 6 04/14 Minutes of the last Community Panel meetings for the South Area The Local Board received the minutes of recent Community Panel meetings. 04/15 Any Other Business There was no other business. 04/16 Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Thursday 27 May 2004 at 6.00 pm in the Acorn Close Common Room, Shelton Lock. The meeting ended at 7.50 pm. …………………………………………………. CHAIR Signed as true and accurate record of the meeting held on 26 February 2004.
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