ITEM NUMBER: 2 APPLICATION NUMBER: 14/10571/FUL APPLICANTS NAME(S): Mrs Elaine Pye SITE ADDRESS: Scethrog Cottage Trallong Brecon Powys LD3 8HF GRID REF: E: 294937 N:229551 COMMUNITY: Trallong DATE VALIDATED: 17 March 2014 DECISION DUE DATE: 12 May 2014 CASE OFFICER: Mr Jonathan James PROPOSAL Balcony extension ADDRESS Scethrog Cottage, Trallong, Brecon CONSULTATIONS/COMMENTS Consultee Received Comments Natural Resources No comments received Wales/Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru NP Head Of Strategy 9th Apr 2014 The development plan for the area is the Brecon Policy And Heritage Beacons National Park Local Development Plan 2007-2022 (hereafter LDP) which was adopted by resolution of the National Park Authority on the 17th December 2013. My observations relate to the proposals compliance with the strategy and policy of the LDP. Proposal The proposal seeks extension to an existing balcony. LDP Policy Context The proposal is located in an area of open countryside as defined by the LDP Proposals Map. The LDP defines countryside locations as areas unsuitable to accommodate future development in accordance with the Environmental Capacity of the National Park. The LDP defines a 15 year vision for the future of the Countryside which emphasizes the importance of supporting the countryside as a living and working landscape, internationally recognised for its outstanding natural beauty and cultural traditions. As such, in these areas, there is a presumption against development with the exception given to those development forms where there is a defined essential need for a countryside location. Strategy policy CYD LP1 sets out the forms of development that are considered acceptable within these parameters. Criterion 1 (a) of CYD LP1 enables extensions to existing dwellings where this would result in a net increase of no more than 30% of the original dwelling size. This restriction to the scale of extensions forms a dual purpose; firstly the policy seeks to ensure that the extension is an appropriate scale, form and design, especially as relates to traditional dwelling forms within the open countryside and secondly, the policy seeks to ensure a range of dwelling sizes are available to support a living working landscape. This proposal represents a departure from this policy position without any due justification to support the necessity of the increase. As such the strategy and policy team object to this proposal. Recommendation: The strategy and policy team object to this proposal as contrary to the requirements of CYD LP1. NP Planning Ecologist 10th Apr 2014 I visited the site last week and have no ecological concerns regarding the revised scheme. Trallong Community No comments received Council CONTRIBUTORS NEIGHBOUR/THIRD PARTY RESPONSE SUMMARY The application has been advertised by the erection of a site notice and within the local press. No objections or representations have been received at the time of writing the report. PLANNING HISTORY App Ref Description Decision Date 06/00102/FUL Proposed 2 storey extension Application 26th Jul 2006 Refused 06/00721/FUL Demolition of shed and minor Application 27th Feb 2007 extension Permitted 07/01220/FUL Proposed double garage and Application 18th Oct 2007 retention of existing Permitted summerhouse 08/01673/FUL The construction of a garage, loft Application 30th Jun 2008 store, toilet, garden store and Permitted extension to existing cottage 09/02769/FUL Change of use of existing garage Invalid Application and loft store to garage, Returned shower/toilet hall, bedsitting room and study plus additional roof lights, window and solar panels and balcony. The extension of Scethrog cottage to form bathroom and storeroom and shower room and linen or general store. The addition of a balcony and replacement of an existing balcony 09/02821/FUL Conversion of existing garage and Application 17th Mar 2009 loft store to garage, Withdrawn shower/toilet, hall, bed sitting room and study to provide ancillary accommodation for the existing cottage. Insertion of roof lights, window, solar panels and balcony. Extension of Scethrog Cottage to form bathroom, storeroom, shower room and general store. Addition of a balcony and replacement of an existing balcony. 09/02934/FUL The retention of the garage 'as Application 2nd Jun 2009 built', not being in accordance Refused with the 'approved' garage design under application 08/01673/FUL. 11/07294/FUL Demolish tin shed and replace Application 31st Jan 2012 with extension. Proposed rear Permitted riverside extension plus minor alterations. Reroof part of cottage. Withdrawal of planning approval of 06 00721 in lieu of approval of these proposals at Scethrog Cottage OFFICER’S REPORT RELEVANT POLICIES SP1 National Park Policy (Local Development Plan 2013) Policy 1 Appropriate Development in the National Park (Local Development Plan 2013) CYD LP1 Enabling Appropriate Development in the Countryside (Local Development Plan 2013) SP5 Housing (Local Development Plan 2013) Policy 27 House Extensions and Ancillary Buildings (Local Development Plan 2013) Introduction This application is brought before PAROW as the proposed balcony extension by virtue of its cumulative increase on the scale and volume of the dwelling would result in a net increase of more than 30% of the original dwelling size. The application is therefore a departure from policy CYD LP1 of the Local Development Plan (LDP) and has been advertised on site and within the local press. However, the consultation period for responses expires post deadline for the PAROW agenda, therefore a verbal update of any late correspondence will be provided during the meeting. Site Description The site is located within countryside as defined by the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan (2013). Scethrog Cottage is a residential dwelling situated in an isolated rural location close to the River Usk and surrounded by predominately agricultural uses. There are no nearby neighbouring residential properties. The property is accessed via a minor track and has a large curtilage area with ample parking spaces and turning facilities. The two-storey dwelling has a pitched slate roof, dark painted window and door frames and white painted render on the external walls. The property was once a small cottage with an adjacent corrugated barn to the side of the property. The land rises away from the front of the property, with the constructed garage and summerhouse sited on higher ground to the east of the cottage. The building has been subject to numerous extensions and has an extensive planning site history. There are no nearby neighbours that would be impacted upon by the proposed development and there are no highways safety issues; adequate parking and turning space exists within the site and the proposed development would not lead to an increase in traffic movements. Proposal The proposal is to create a relatively minor extension onto the size of a previously approved balcony to the rear south elevation of the dwelling. The proposed materials are to match those of the existing balcony to the east side of the dwelling. The new balcony would comprise timber decking and handrails with glass reinforced panels. Appraisal The Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted on the 17th December 2013 and is now the development plan for the area. In making a recommendation on this application, I have taken into consideration the relevant policies of the Development Plan and the comments made by the consultees and other interested parties and the following national guidance: o Planning Policy Wales (PPW, 2014) o Technical Advice Note 12 Design (2009) o Brecon Beacons National Park Guidance Note: Replacement of Dwellings and Extensions to Dwellings in the Countryside (2008) The dual purposes of National Park designation are, as first set out in the National Parks and Access to Countryside Act 1949 and updated by the Environment Act 1995: o conservation and enhancement of natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage; and o promotion of opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park by the public Following a review in 1974 of the operation of the 1949 Act, led by Lord Sandford, an important recommendation emerged that became known as the Sandford Principle. This principle was enshrined in the 1995 Act, to the effect that where irreconcilable conflict arises between the two main National Park purposes, then the conservation of natural beauty should prevail over promotion of public enjoyment and understanding. The site falls within the nearby River Usk SAC and SSSI buffer zone, however the minor scale of works would not impact on this feature in any form. It is known that there are bats within the building however again these will not be affected by the minor extension proposed. A previously approved scheme of mitigation effectively enhances the existing roosting facilities thus creating a benefit for protected species; this scheme of mitigation would remain unaffected by the proposed development. The proposed balcony extension is minor in scale and will not visually detract from the character of the existing dwelling or from the design previously approved. On balance the proposed extension will not have a detrimental impact on either the character of the host dwelling or that of the landscape and is considered to comply with the relevant policy 27 of the BBNPA Local Development Plan (2013). Conclusion It is considered that whilst the development is a departure from policy CYD LP1 of the development, the proposed scale and design of the proposed balcony extension is acceptable in its context in this instance. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with policy SP1, Policy 1, SP5 and Policy 27 of the BBNPA LDP (2013). RECOMMENDATION: Permit Conditions and/or Reasons: 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. 2 The development shall be carried out in all respects strictly in accordance with the approved plans (drawing nos.
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