Final Report of the Twenty-ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting ANTARCTIC TREATY CONSULTATIVE MEETING Final Report of the Twenty-ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Edinburgh, United Kingdom 12 – 23 June 2006 Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty Buenos Aires 2006 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (29th : 2006 : Edinburgh) Final Report of the Twenty-ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 12-23 June 2006. Buenos Aires : Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty, 2006. 564 p. ISBN 987-23163-0-9 1. International law – Environmental issues. 2. Antarctic Treaty System. 3. Environmental law – Antarctica. 4. Environmental protection – Antarctica. DDC 341.762 5 ISBN-10: 987-23163-0-9 ISBN-13: 978-987-23163-0-3 CONTENTS Acronyms and Abbreviations 9 I. FINAL REPORT 11 II. MEASURES, DECISIONS AND RESOLUTIONS 49 A. Measures 51 Measure 1 (2006): Antarctic Specially Protected Areas: Designations and Management Plans 53 Annex A: ASPA No. 116 - New College Valley, Caughley Beach, Cape Bird, Ross Island 57 Annex B: ASPA No. 127 - Haswell Island (Haswell Island and Adjacent Emperor Penguin Rookery on Fast Ice) 69 Annex C: ASPA No. 131 - Canada Glacier, Lake Fryxell, Taylor Valley, Victoria Land 83 Annex D: ASPA No. 134 - Cierva Point and offshore islands, Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula 95 Annex E: ASPA No. 136 - Clark Peninsula, Budd Coast, Wilkes Land 105 Annex F: ASPA No. 165 - Edmonson Point, Wood Bay, Ross Sea 119 Annex G: ASPA No. 166 - Port-Martin, Terre Adélie 143 Annex H: ASPA No. 167 - Hawker Island, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica 153 Measure 2 (2006): Antarctic Specially Managed Area: Designation and Management Plan: Admiralty Bay, King George Island 167 Annex: Management Plan for ASMA No. 1 – Admiralty Bay 169 Measure 3 (2006): Antarctic Historic Sites and Monuments: Rocher du Débarquement 201 Measure 4 (2006): Specially Protected Species: Fur Seals 203 B. Decisions 205 Decision 1 (2006): Approval of Secretariat’s Financial Reports for 2004/5 and 2005/6 and Programme and Budget for 2006/7 207 Annex 1: Financial Report 2004/5 209 Annex 2: Financial Report 2005/6 219 Annex 3: Work Programme and Budget for 2006/7 227 Decision 2 (2006): Ballast Water Exchange in the Antarctic Treaty Area 237 C. Resolutions 239 Resolution 1 (2006): CCAMLR in the Antarctic Treaty System 241 Resolution 2 (2006): Resolution on Site Guidelines for Visitors 243 Annex: List of Sites subject to Site Guidelines 245 Resolution 3 (2006): Ballast Water Exchange in the Antarctic Treaty Area 247 Annex: Practical Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange in the Antarctic Treaty Area 249 Resolution 4 (2006): Conservation of Southern Giant Petrels 251 III. OPENING AND CLOSING ADDRESSES AND REPORTS 253 D. Opening and Closing Addresses 255 Opening Remarks by Sir Michael Wood, KCMG 257 Opening Address by HRH Princess Anne 259 Opening Address by Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister Lord Triesman 261 Closing Address of Sir Michael Wood, KCMG 263 E. Report of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP IX) 267 Annex 1: CEP IX Agenda and Final List of Documents 301 Annex 2: CEP National Contact Points 309 Appendix 1: CEP Advice to ATCM XXIX on the Draft CEE Contained in WP 25 & IP 22 (Belgium) 313 Appendix 2: List of ASPA and ASMA Management Plans Referred by the CEP to the ATCM for Adoption 315 Appendix 3: List of Historic Sites and Monuments Referred by the CEP to the ATCM for Adoption 317 Appendix 4: List of Site Guidelines Referred by the CEP to the ATCM for Adoption 319 Appendix 5: Practical Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange in the Antarctic Treaty Area 321 Appendix 6: CEP X Provisional Agenda 323 F. Reports pursuant to Recommendation XIII-2 325 Report of the USA as Depositary of the Antarctic Treaty and the Environment Protocol 327 Report by Australia as Depositary for the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) 339 Report by Australia as Depositary for the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) 341 Report by the UK as Depositary for the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS) 343 The Question of Antarctica in the United Nations General Assembly 347 Report by the CCAMLR Observer 349 Appendix 1: CCAMLR-XXIV Report References for Topics and Decisions 359 Appendix 2: CCAMLR Resolution 24/XXIV 360 Appendix 3: Protected Areas with Marine Components Considered by CCAMLR 361 SCAR Report 363 Appendix 1: Membership of SCAR 385 Appendix 2: SCAR Contact Details 386 Appendix 3: SCAR Structure 388 Appendix 4: Membership of Steering Committees of Scientific Research Programmes 391 Appendix 5: List of Acronyms 395 COMNAP Report 397 Appendix 1: Poster Antarctic Operational Indicators – Select from our exciting menu! 421 Appendix 2: Main Antarctic Facilities operated by the National Antarctic Programs in 2006 422 Appendix 3: Terms of Reference (TORs), Tasks and Officers of COMNAP Committees, Working Groups, Coordinating Groups and Networks 425 G. Reports pursuant to Article III-2 of the Antarctic Treaty 435 Report of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) 437 Report by IUCN 443 Report of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) 447 Appendix A: IAATO Pre-Season Antarctic Checklist 2005-2006 Season 457 Appendix B: 2005-2006 Expedition Leader and Ship’s Officers Seasonal Instructions 461 Appendix C: Partial list of Donations for 2005-2006 467 Appendix D: Partial List of Science Support and Transport by IAATO Vessels in 2005-2006 468 Report by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) 471 Annex A: List of Published INT Charts 475 Annex B: Form for Rendering Hydrographic Data 476 Annex C: 20 new INT Charts included 481 Annex D: New M Scheme 482 Annex E: Diagram 484 Annex F: Long Term Surveys Plan 485 Annex G: List of High Priority Surveys 489 IV. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS FROM XXIX ATCM 491 H. Additional Documents 493 Declaration of Argentina on the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty 495 The SCAR Lecture 497 I. Edinburgh Antarctic Declaration on the IPY 2007/2008 499 J. Message from ATCM XXIX to Stations in the Antarctic 503 K. Preliminary Agenda for ATCM XXX 507 L. List of Documents 511 Working Papers 513 Information Papers 519 Secretariat Papers 531 M. List of Participants 533 Consultative Parties 535 Non Consultative Parties 541 Observers 543 Experts 545 Guests 545 N. National Contact Points 547 Consultative Parties 549 Non Consultative Parties 559 Observers 561 Experts 563 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACAP Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels ASOC Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition ASMA Antarctic Specially Managed Area ASPA Antarctic Specially Protected Area ATS Antarctic Treaty System or Antarctic Treaty Secretariat ATCM Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting ATCP Antarctic Treaty Consultative Party CAML Census of Antarctic Marine Life CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and/or Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources CCAS Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals CEE Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation CEP Committee for Environmental Protection COMNAP Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes EIA Environmental Impact Assessment HCA Hydrographic Committee on Antarctica HSM Historic Site and Monument IAATO International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators ICG Intersessional Contact Group ICSU International Council for Science IEE Initial Environmental Evaluation IHO International Hydrographic Organization IMO International Maritime Organization IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. IP Information Paper IPY International Polar Year IPY-IPO IPY Programme Office IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources – The World Conservation Union RFMO Regional Fishery Management Organisation SATCM Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting SCAR Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research SCALOP Standing Committee for Antarctic Logistics and Operations SC-CCAMLR Scientific Committee of CCAMLR SPA Specially Protected Area SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest UNEP United Nations Environment Programme WG Working Group WMO World Meteorological Organization WP Working Paper WTO World Tourism Organization WWF Worldwide Fund for Nature 9 PART I FINAL REPORT Final Report of the Twenty-ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 12-23 June 2006 (1) Pursuant to Article IX of the Antarctic Treaty, Representatives of the Consultative Parties (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and Uruguay) met in Edinburgh from 12 to 23 June 2006, for the purpose of exchanging information, holding consultations, and considering and recommending to their Governments measures in furtherance of the principles and objectives of the Treaty. (2) The Meeting was also attended by Delegations from the following Contracting Parties to the Antarctic Treaty which are not Consultative Parties: Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Romania and Switzerland. A delegation from Malaysia was present by invitation of ATCM XXVIII to observe the Meeting. A delegation from Belarus was present from 19 June 2006 to observe
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