THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Repablic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LXVIII-No. 47 NAIROBI, 27th September 1966 Price: Sh. 1/50 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES Appointments .. .. .. .. .. .. 1114 The Court d Appeal for Eastern Africa-Court Calendar 1967 . 1123 The Interpretation and General Provisions Act- Probate and Administration . .. 1123 Temporary Transfer of Ministerial Powers . 1114 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . 1125 The Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employ- ment Act-Appointments . .. 1114 The Trade Unions Act-Registrations, etc. .. 1126 The Trade Disputes Act 1965-O~der . 1114 1 The Societies Act-Registrations, etc. .. 1126 Transport Licensing . 1114, 1116 1 Lost Policies . .. 1126 The Education Act-Fees in Government Primary Changes of Name .. 1127 Schools . .. Business Transfers . 1127 The Agriculture Act-Appointments, etc. Closure of Roads .. .. 1127 The Courts Act-Appointment . .. Tenders . 1127 High Commission Stock . Local Government Notices . .. 1127 The Traffic Act-Appointments, etc. The Registration of Ticles Act-Issue of Provisional Certificates .. .. SUPPLEMENT No. 83 The Dairy Industry Act-Appointments . (Legislative Supplement) Industrial Licensing . .. LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE Vacancies 282-The Exchange Control (Exemption for Com- .. .. .. !. .. .. .. memorative Gold Coins) Order 1966 . 487 Industrial Court Awards . .. 1120 283-The Landlord and Tenant (Shops, Hotels and Catering Ektablishments) Act 1965 . 488 The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act- Licensed Ministers .. .. 1121 284-The Imports, Exports and Essential Supplies (Imports) (Amendment) (No. 8) Order 1966 489 The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . 1123 285-The Public Health (Milk and Dairies) Liquor Licensing . 1123 Rules-Application of Rules . 496 1114 THE KENYA GAZEW E 27th September 1966 GAZE'I'TE NOTICE No. 3552 GAZBTTE NOTICE NO. 3554 THE PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSION OF KENYA THE REGULATIGN OF WAGES AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYM ENT AG APPOINTMENTS çcap. 229) M ELTONE M oolœ oLE NCHARO, to be Dbtrict Ceommissioner. THE KNIW ING M ILLS W AGES COUNCIL Isiolo District, Bastern Province, with effect from 27t11 April APPOINTMBNTS 1966. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 2 of W BNCBSLAIJS M wAIJRA NJOROGE, to be Provincial Veterinary the Second Schedule to the Xegulation of W ages and Conditions Olcer, Nyanza Province, * t.1 effect from 13th June 1966. of Employment Act, the Minister for Labour hereby appoints DONAI-D GEORGB CHARLBS KING, to act as Assistant Govern- the following persons to be members of the Knitting M ills ment Printer, M inistry of Power and Communications, with W ages Council* :- effeot from 11th July 1966. (a) Independent Members GORDON ANDERSON TAIT, to aot as Assistant Commissioner, Hannington H. 0. Awori-who shall be Chairman of the Mines and Goological Department, with effect from 20th Knitting Mills W ages Council. July 1966. Shaikh M . Amin-who shall be Deputy Chairman of the JosBeH KAHORA W AIGURU, to be District Oëczer, Kiambu said Council. Distdct, Central Provinco, with eil'eot from 25th July 1966. Dr. N. C. Otieno. (bj Members to Represent Employers AcHoicl ANDREW M OGAKA, to be Distriot Oëcer, M urang'a R. M . Shah; District, Central Province, with esect from 5t.14 August 1966. P. Bhushan ; JOSEPHAT THONGO GICHUNGWA, to be District Ollkerz Kakamega R. Khimasia ; Dkstrict, W estern Province, V't.IZ effec,t from 6th August 1966. P. Dodds ; GABRIEL KINGORI GICOGO, to be Dis'trid Oëcery M eru District, R. M . Ruperalia ; and Eastern Prpvince, with effect from 61 August 1966. R. D. shah. PETER Nnllto t)o NDERI !to bp District OKcer, South Nyanza (c) Members to Represent Employees District, Nyanza Provlnce, with efect from 7th August 1966. W . K. M ugenva ; J. A. Ogendo ; ERASTUS KIRIMANIA M BAABU, to be District Oëcer, G ntral Bonson Odeno ; Nyanza Dis'trict, Nyanza Province, *1t,11 efect from 7th F. Olako ; August 1966. G. H. Owiti; and EIJJAH ABTJYEKA ENANB 1to bo District OKcer, South Nyanza J. Opiyo. District, Nyanza Provmce, with effec't from 81 Auglzst 1966. JOHN BA/TISTA KIRORE M WAIJRA, to be District Oëcer, M eru Dated this 20th day of September 1966. Distdct, Eastern Province, with efect from 81 August 1966. J. G. KIANO, JOHN M wANOAT-E, to bo District Oflicer, C-entral Nyanz.a District, M inîster ybr Labour. Nyanza Province, with esect from 17th August 1966. *L.N. 452/ 1962. ' SAMUBL EMKIEL OBURU, to be District Oëcer, Mombasa Dis- trict, Coast Province, with efect from 12th August 1966. PRAIOOHCHANDRA CHANDIJaHAI PATEL, to be Registrar of Titles, GAZE'I'TE No'ncE No. 3555 Department o'f Lands, with efect from 16th August 1966. THB TRADE DISPUTES ACT 1965 JAMES EDWARD JARDIN, to be Prindpal Registrar of Titles, ORDBR UNDBR Ssc'noN 3G-.COLLEcTION oF TRADE UNION Dtœs Department of Lands, with effect from 18th August 1966. IN EXERCISE of the powers sonferred by section 36 of tho FREDERICK W AWERU M uCHIRI, to be Dihstrict Oëcer, Nakuru Trade Disputes AG 1965, the M imster for Labour hereby orders District, Rift Valley Province, with efect from 22nd August every employer who em' ploys not 1- than five members of the 1966. Kenya Nadonal Union of Teachers to- SAMUEL NYAMAI NDEMANGE, to be District Oëcer, Nakuru (c) deduct every year Sh. 12 in each of the months of March Dis'trict, Rift Valley Province, with efect from 31st August and September in rupect of trade union dues from the 1966. wages of each of his employees who is a member of that FRo cls AUSTIN GITHAIGA NJIRI, to be District Commisrsionôr, trade union ; Mombasa District, Coast Province, wit,h esect from 1st @) pay 85 per cont of the total sums so. deducted in any Septembor 1966. month, not later than the l0th day of the following NEl-sox GICHOHI MWANGI, to be Dgtrict Commissioner, Nakuru month, by crossed chp ue mad? payable into the accotmt District, Rift Valley Province, with elect from 5th September of the Konya Natlonal Unlon of Teachers at the National and Grindlays Bank Ltd., Government Road, 1966. Nairobi; PROMOTION (c) pay 15 per cent of the total sums so deducted in any month, not later than tlze 10t,h day of the following JOHN EMltys SAMUEL Toc s, to be Senior Education Oëcer, month, by crossed chegue made payable into the accolmt M inistry o'f Education, witlz esect from 23rd October 1965. of the Central Organm tion of Trade Unions (Kenya) Account No. 140793-7 at the Barclays Bank, Queensway REvBllsloN Branch, P.O. Box 30011, Nairobi; ARBHAXBD NzUB MwANIKI, cqased to act as Provincial Veteri- (#) notify in wrking that trade union and that federation nary OKcer, Nyanza Provmce, with tffect from 13th June before the end of each month of the amounts of any payments made to the accounts of that trado union and 1966. of that federation in that month; (aj notify ln writing the Registrar of Trade Unions beforo the By Order of the Commission. end of eaoh month of the amounts of any payments G. MUSEM BI, made ipto tlle accotmts of that trade union and of that Acting Secretary. fdderatlon in that month. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 36 (2) of the Trade Disputes Aot, Gazette Notice No. 232 of 20th January 1966, Ls varied accordingly. GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 3553 (CONST. 1/2/21) Dated this 19th day of Septèmber 1966. THE INTERPRETAX ON AND GENBRAL PROVISIONS J. G. KIANO, ACT M inister for Labour. (Cap. 2) GAZS'I'I'E No'rlcs No. 3556 TEMPORARY T'RANSFER OF M INISTERIAL POWERS THE TM NSPORT LICENSING AC'T IN EXERCISE of the powers ciopferred by section 37 of the Interpretation and General Prowslons Act, and of a1 other (Cap. 404) powers thergto enabling me, 1 hereby dirod tâat, dujng the TRANSPORT LICENSING BOARD- APPOINTMENT 0P M BMBER a'bsence beglnnin: on 17th September 1966, of the M imster for IN EXERCISE of 'the powers conferrqd by sedion 3 (1) (c) Tourism and Wildlife (Mr. Ayodo) a1l the powers conferred, of tlle Tramjport Licensing Act, 'tlze Mlnlter for Power and and al1 t'he dutits imposed, upon that M inlster by or under Communicataons hereby appeints- any Act shall be had and may be exercised, and shall be THB HON. PHILLIP MBM, M.P. performed, respeetively, by the M inister for Education (Mr. to be a member of the Transport Licensing Board for a period Nyagah). of tbree years with esect from the 15t1z day of July 1966. Dated .this 16th day of Soptember 1966. Dated this 16th day of September 1966. JOM O KER A'ITAt E. N. M WENDW A, 'real#enr. M inister for Pbwer and Communkadons. 27th September 1966 T-l-rR KENYA G A ZEW. E 1' 1 1 >Y GAZB'IQ'E NoncE No. 3557 GAZBTTE NOTICE N0. 3560 THE EDUCATION AG (CAB. 16I 11/240/3) (Cap. 211) THE AGRICULTURB ACT FEES IN GOVERNMENT PRIMARY SCHOOLS (Cap. 318) IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred by section 68 (1) of MANAGBMBNT ORDER thoe Efedeusc aptiaoyna bAlec t, int het hMe infoisltleorw (morg EGduovcoartinomn enhet reSbcyh omoles crwibitehs (Sectîon 187 (1)) effeect from 4th September 1966 :- W HEREAS I am satissed, and do hereby certify, that- Annual Fees Farm L.R. No. 1635 (830 acres), owned by Messrs. Manara School Boardîng fee Tuition /ee Estate IJtd., and situated in the Korlz area of the Central Sh. Sh. Nyanza District, Nyeri Primary School . 690 280 (hereinafter referred to as the holding) is being managcd o'r Hill School, Eldoret . 690 280 supervised so inadoqpatel/ tltat it is necessary for p'reventing Kitale Primary Sohool . 690 280 or delaying the doterloratlon of the holding to make and serve Gazdto Notic,e No. 4272 of 1961 is heroby revoked.
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