CHAPTER VIII THE PRESENT ROSTER OF PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE We present herewith a brief record of the service rendered by the presi­ ent personnel of the conference, corrected to October 7, 1937, the close. of the last conference preceding the publication of this history. Jn chapter five will be found the dates of joining the conference, ordination, etc. With but few exceptions the pictures in this chapter are recent ones, taken especially for this publication. ELDERS ANDREWS, ELMER R.-Mont Alto, 1926-1928; Rohrersville, 1928-1931; Fayetteville, 1931-1934; Chewsville, 1934-- ANKERBRAND, CHAS. M.-Biglerville, 1923-1929; Winterstown, 1929- 1933; Waynesboro, 1933- AYRES, ALEXANDER R.-Perry Circuit, 1881-1884; Duncannon Mission Station, 1884-1886; Boiling Springs Circuit, 1886-1890; Shippensburg Mission Station, 1890-1899; Presiding Elder, 1899-1902; Second Church York, 1902-1914; New Cumberland, 1914-l922; Lemoyne, 1922-1923; Local; Conference Superintendent, July 1, 1925 - October, 1925 ;­ Retired. BAKER, HARRY P.-Carlisle Circuit, 1916-1917; Dover, 1917-1920;.Sher­ . mansdale, 1920-1925; Oakville, 1925-1930; Duncannon, 1930~ BEACHLEY, R. K-Chewsville, 1921-1925; Fayetteville, 1925-1926; In­ structor Quincy Orphanage and ~ome, 1926-1928; local. BEATTIE, W. M.-Rohrersville, 1904-1908; Dillsburg, 1908-1910; Mt. Wolf, 1910-1914; Greencastle, 1914-1920; Keedysville, 1920-1922; York, Fifth, 1922-1925; Hanover, 1925-1927; Shiremanstown, 1927- 1930; Gettysburg, 1930-1933; Williamsport, 1933-1937; Jefferson, 1937- BLUBAUGH, B. F.-(U. B. Church, Old Constitution: Carlisle, 1910-12; Shippensburg, 1912-14; Lemasters, 1914-17; King St. Chambersburg;- 1917-26) Myersville, 1926-33; Baltimore, Franklin St., 1933- BOUGHTER, H. DIXON-Member of Oregon Conference, 1922-1930; President of Philomath College, Philomath, Oregon, 1922-1926; Greenmount, (Pa. Conf.) 1926-1931; Chewsville, 1931-1934; Fay­ etteville, 1934-1936; Dover, 1936- BOYER, HARRY T.-Dover, September, 1897, to March, 1901; York Cir­ {331 J ~-... _.... - ... ; 332 HISTORY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE cuit, March, 1901 to October, 1907; Shermansdale, 1907-1915; Oak­ ville, 1915-1924; Enola, 1924-1937; Retired. BRANDT, D. D. Riverside, Calf., summer of 1906; Beloit, Wis., 1907; Teacher S. C. I., 1907-1910; Schuylkill Haven, 1911-1913; Reading, Zion, 1913-1916; Dayton, Va., 1916-1921; local- BREWBAKER, CHARLES WARREN-Hagerstown Circuit, May, 1896 to October, 1898; Canton, Ohio, October, 1898, November, 1904; Cham­ bersburg, First Church, (Pa.,) 1904-1911; Director, Religious Education and Associate Pastor First Church of Christ, New Haven, Conn., Octo­ ber, 1911-1912; Baltimore, Salem Church, October, 1912-July 1913; General Secretary Sunday Schools and Brotherhoods, Dayton, Ohio, July 1, 1913-July 1, 1929; Director Bureau of Evangelism, July 1, 1?29-July 1, 1933; Fairview Church, Dayton, Ohio, 1933- BROWN, GEORGE A.-Mt. Tabor Appointment, Williamsport Charge, April-October, 1925; Taneytown, 1925-1929; Newburg, 1929-1933; Winterstown, 1933- BURKHART, ROY A.-Field Worker, Penna. State S. S. Ass'n, 1922-23; National Director Y. P. Work, U. B. Church, 1922-27; Assoc. Director Y. P. Work and Director Summer Camps, International Council Rel. Ed., !-927-25; Pastor First Community Church, Columbus, Ohio 1935- BUSEY, B. P. S.-New Creek Circuit, Va., 1891-1892; Hartmanville, Va., 1891-1893; Inwood, Va., 1893-1898; Berkley Springs, W. Va., March, 1898 to July, 1898; Orangeville, (N. Ill.), 1898-1901; Joslin, (N. Ill.), 1901-1903; Garwin, (La.), 1903-1905; Goodell, (Ia.), 1905-1906; Water House Circuit, (Miami), March, i906 to September, 1907; Van­ dalia, (Miami), 1907-1909; Roanoke, (La.), February, 1909 to October, 1909; Bendersville, (Pa.), 1909-1911; Enola, (Pa.), 1911-1914; Sum­ ner, (Ia.), 1914-1917; Lemasters, (Pa.), 1917-1921; Duncannon, 1921-1925; Dillsburg, 1925-1929; Manchester, Pa., 1929-1935; Orrtan­ na. 1935-37; Retired; Supply, Gardners-Victory, 1937- CHRISTMAN, C. W.-Carlisle Circuit, 1903-1904; Bendersville, 1904- . 1908;. Taneytown, ~908-1910; Chewsville, 1910-1912; Local, 1912- _, 1918;; Wolfsville, 1918-1920; local- COOPER, PAUL E.-Chewsville, 1928-1931; York, First 1931-1935; Le­ - -· moyne, 1935---,- ,CRONE, A. C.-Carlisle Circuit, 1904-1907; Taneytown, 1907-1908; Sprin­ get, 1908-1911; York Haven, 1911-1914; Winterstown, 1914-1919; Shepherdstown, 1919-1926; Boiling Springs, 1926-1928; Bendersville, 1928-1930; Jefferson, 1930-1937; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 1937- DAUGHERTY, GEORGE C.-Spring Run, 1909-1911; Lemoyne, 1911- 1913; Greenmount, 1913-1920; Winterstown, 1920-1927; · Hanover, 1927- DAUGHERTY, SIMPSON B.-Miller~, 1912-1913; Oakville, 1913-1915; THE PRESENT ROSTER OF PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE 333 Hanover, 1915-1920; Chambersburg, 1920-1925; Washington, D. C., 1925- EMENHEISER, F. B.-Dover circuit, March, 1901, to October, 1903; Rayville Circuit, 1903-1907; Lemasters Circuit, 1907-1910; Oakville Circuit, 1910-1912; Shiremanstown, 1912-1916; Fayetteville, . 1916- 1918; Thurmont, 1918-1920; Springer, 1920-1925; York Haven, 1925- EMENHEISER, PAUL D.-Barts, 1935-1936; Taneytown, 1936- ' ' ERNST, I. S.-Biglerville, 1916-1918; Chewsville, 1918-1821; Carlisle, 1921- FAIR, D: R.-Bendersville, 1923-1924; Wolfsville; 1924-1927; Springet, 1927-1935; Myersville, 1935- FEHL, HARRY L.-Rayville, 1922- FISHER, JOHN W.-Wolfsville, 1923-1924; Bendersville, 1924 (1 month) Walkersville, 1925- FLEMING, MERVIN R.-(Student Pastorates: Grey Eagle, Minn., 1902- 03; Princess St. Mission, York, Pa., Sept. 1903-Mar. 1904; Bendersville Ct., Mar.-Oct. 1904; Princess St. Mission, York, Oct. 1904 - Feb. 1906; Spring Grove, Feb. - Oct. 1906; Carlisle Ct., 1907-09; Enola,· 1909-10; Englewood, Miami Conf., 1910-12; York Fifth, July-Oct., 1913); Bal­ timore, Salem, 1913-16; Red Lion, 1916- FRANCIS, J. E.-Frackville app. (E. Pa.), 1896-1897; Susquehanna, (E. Pa.), 1898-1901; Jacksonville, 1901-1903; Harrisburg Circuit, 1903- 1904; Oakville, (Pa.), 1904-1907; Hanover, 1907-1908; Fayetteville, 1908-1910; Yoe, 1910-1914; Lemasters, 1914-1915; local; Newburg, 1916-1919; Winterstown, 1919-1920; Retired. FUNK, AMOS M.-(U. B. Church, Old Constitution: Mt. Pleasant, 1908- 09; Lemasters, 1909-12; Franklintown, 1912-15; Strinestown, 1915- 18; Shippensburg, 1918-23; School Teacher, 1923-24; Salem-Oak Grove, 1924-25; Greencastle, 1925-26.) Lemasters, 1926-34; Scotland, 1934-37; Windsor, 1937- GARVIN, ARTHUR W.-Harmony-Zion Churches, White River Con­ ference, 1930-1931; Needham, Indiana, M. P. Conference, November 15, 1931-July 15, 1933; Middletown-Pleasant Valley, January 1, 1936- GLEN, WM. R.-Rohrersville, April 1, 1910-1914; Gettysburg, 1914-1920; Frederick, 1920-1926; Leave of absence, 1926-1927; Baltimore, Trinity, 1927-1933; Emigsville, 1933- GLEN, J. STEWART-Fayetteville, 1913-1916; Enola, 1916-1922; Ship~ pensburg, 1922-1930; Chambersburg, First, 1930~ GREEN, JOHN 1.-Sabillasville, October, 1909, to April, 1911; Carlisle, May, 1911, to October, 1911; Duncannon, 1911-1913; Lemoyne, 1913- 334 HISTORY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE 1915; Baltimore, Second Church, 1915-1918; Walkersville, 1918-1920; Thurmont, 1920-1924; York, Third, 1924-- HEILAND, M. B.-Littlestown, Oct. - Nov. 1917; Red Lion Circuit, 1917- HEISS, GEORGE A.-Shermansdale, 1918-1920; Dover, 1920-1925; Emigs­ ville, 1925-1926; Agent Bonebrake Seminary, 1926-1931; Wormleys­ burg, 1931- HOLDCRAFT, PAUL E.-Rayville Circuit, 1910-1912; Walkersville, 1912- 1916; Keedysville, 1916-1920; York, Fourth, 1920-1921; Baltimore, Third, 1921-1929; Hagerstown, Emmanuel, 1929- HORN, A. N.-Deer ·Park, Mission, (Md.), 1886 to August, 1887; In School, 1887-1890; Williamsport (Md.), 1890-1891; Mechanicstown Circuit (Md.), 1891-1893; Newburg, (Pa.), 1893-1896; Gettysburg, 1896-1898; Fayetteville, 1898-1901; Staunton, (Va), 1901-1903; Boons­ boro, 1903.-1905; Windsor, 1905-1910; Enola, 1910-1911; Red Lion, 1911-1916; Baltimore, Fourth Church, 1916-1920; York Second, 1920- 1925; Mechanicsburg, 1925-1929; Windsor, 1929-1931; Retired. Sup­ ply, York Second, May, to Oct. 1934. JARREL, J. TEMPLE-Spring Run, 1937- KAUFFMAN, W. I.-(U. B. Church, Old Constitution: Heidlersburg Ct., 1920-24; Franklintown, 1924-26) ; Dover, 1926-32; Spring Run, 1932- 37; Manchester, Md., 1937- KAUFFMAN, LESTER M.-Salem, 1928-1929; Carlisle Circuit, 1929- 1931; in school, 1931-34; Lemasters, 1934-- J,<NIPP, J. EDGAR-Missionary to Japan, 1900~1904; Education Secretary to Foreign Missionary Society, 1905-1915; Missionary to Japan, 1915- KOHLER, FILLMORE T.-Pleasant Valley, (Mich.), July to September, 1911; Student; Duncannon 1913-1917; West Fairview, 1917-1919; Le­ moyne, 1919-1922; Keedysville, 1922-1.926; Post Grad. Work, 1926- 27; Mt. Wolf, 1927-1934; Baltimore, Salem, 1934-- KOHLER, W. F.-Carlisle Circuit, 1917-1921; Myersville, 1921-1924; Thurmont, 1924-1928; Wormleysburg, 1928-1931; Chambersburg, Park Ave., 1931- KOONTZ, PAUL R.-Lemoyne, August to October, 1911; Student; Car­ lisle, May-October, 1914; Myersville, 1914-1915; Lemoyne, 1915-1919; Mechanicsburg, 1919-1925; Baltimore, Otterbein Mem., 1925- KOTTLER, HARRY C.-Mont Clare, (E. Pa.), 1910-1911; Dover, 1911- 1913; Carlisle Circuit, 1913-1916; Shiremanstown, 1916-1918; local; Biglerville, 1920-1922; Williamsport 1922-1925; York, Fifth, 1925- 1928; Mont Alto, 1928-1932; Mechanicsburg Circuit, 1932-1935; Sprin­ get, 1935-1937; Williamsport, 1937- THE PRESENT ROSTER OF PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE 335 KRONE, H. E.-Rayville Circuit, 1912-1917; Myersville, 1917-1921; Yoe, 1921-1924; Baltimore, Fourth, 1924-1928; Thurmont, 1928-1937; Greencastle,
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