2 john kamealoha almeida called the dean of hawaiian composers for of hawaiian compositions although he Is pure portuguese na makua mahalo laia hormonmormon influences on hawaiian music and dance his thousands many of his songs are now classics probably the mostroostmoost popular being 6 sk 11 bt T lesu heme ke kanakakekanakaKe waiwai has been blind since the age of ten but was very helpful in raising money for the church through luaus and hula when the na makua mahalo laia awards were first envisioned it was intended shows throughout the 1930s and 1940s he is presently eightsixeight six years that their scope would remain limited to basically LDSLOS people who had disting- 190s old uished themselves in the performing arts for various reasons it has not been possible to retain this earlier restricted focus of the awards As a alice namakelua aunty is 90 years young and is remarkably spry and result even though recipients tend to be mainly drawn from LDSLOS ranks church active in her days she was a singer dancer translator composer membership is not the prime criterion for selection rather recipients are lecturer genealogist and slackstacksiacksiecksleckslackkeystackkeykey guitar artist she had a best- judged on the depth and quality of the contributions they have made to the selling album when she was eightytwoeighty two years old and still attends hawaiian cultural community an examination of the two sets of recipients church functions as best as she can she studledstudiedstudded hawaiian music for might better illustrate the criteria of the awards a period of time under the tutelage of hawaiis last queen lilluokalani na makua mahalo laia I1 march 20 1980 drr mary kacenakawena pukui author historian lexicographer lecturer hula and chant genealogist lyricist composer and dancer she bill alliloaalitloaalwiloa lincoln born in kahalakohala hawaii to a longtimelong time hawaiian instructor holds two honorary doctorates and has received numerous awards through- family falsetto singer hula instructor composer and still active out the in 1981 she was nominated for the nobel prize in litera- performer his hula troupes helped to raise money for the building state her two hanal daughters pat and pele were great kurmukummu hula in of the honolulu tabernacle and performed at the dedication of the ture own kacenakawena is presently in a honolulu convalescent home church college of hawaii in 1958 their right her husband napoleon was raised in losepajosepa the hawaiian community in lolani luahine dancer chanter and teacher popular exponent of the utah and she was married by judge abraham fernandes the man who bap- ancient hula forms although was a she also great comic hula dancer tized Liliulilluokalanililiuokalaniokalani hedHerherfamilyher family the makekau clan are still very active in the church and the 1982 na makua laia recipients were she remained friendly and supportive of the church all her life she died in november 1978 alfred apaka sr A fivetermfive term hawaii legislator brother apaka was alvin kaleolanikaleiolaniKaleolani isaacs a composer prolific of hawaiian music includ- a very longtimelong time fixture on the hawaiian musical scene his baritone ing hulas songs chants and comic hulas he he has also written serious voice carried the hawaiian musical message worldwideworld wide in the 1930s and music such an anthems hymns movie scores and cantatascantatas his children 190s1940s although now in his eighties he still sings on occasion his and grandchildren continue carry on to his musical traditions add- late son alfred jr was a popular and beloved musician and singer tioitionallynally he has been very as a church member having active served in in his own right a number of church positions including his stake high council solomon bright sr uncle sol is still a very spry and active septdaseptua edith kanakaolekanakaloleKanaka iolelole chanter musician fumukumu hula author translator generiangederiangenerian his family have been musicians for many years and through composer and dancer winner of the two na hoku hanohano awards the uncle sols presidency of the hawaii musicians union a number of state of hawaii order of young distinction the 1979 brigham university mormon musicians and singing groups got their start his composition hawaii campus distinguished award service and the order of ke aliialliailiaill hawaiian cowboy and his rendition of lilluokalani basso profundaproprofundofundo nauahipauahlpauahi from the kamehameha schools LDSLOS traditional funeral services composition viivilwillwillWillwilltwill waivaliwatwailwali are considered true hawaiian classics were held for her in september 1979 62 3 t andy cummings andy cummings cant remember a time when he hasnt been kacenakawena pukui A strict disciplinarian and articulateandarticulate speaker of the playing his ukulele and singing a song his tenor voice hathas been heard hawaiianhawallanlanguagelanguage her style of hula Is the more traditional slow worldwideworld wide particularly through his affiliation with the airlines indus- stately and dignified form with understated body motion and movement try his LDS roots go back to the old lanakila and auwalolimuauwaiolimu wards she and her husband george are now on an LDSLOS mission in san diego his composition waikiki is considered a hawaiian classic california eleanor hiram hoke she is probably the last of the templetrainedtemple trained aunty nevertheless hula kapu dancers aunty eleanor was trained at a hula heiau located harriet ne also not a member of the church harriet kinship church and members when close to where the kuiiimakullimakullama hotel now stands she was taught by her two has had a very close with the its of molokai the three kukunakupuna most often tutus keakaokalaKeaka okala kanahele and lulkaluika pele who gave up the dance after people talk about the island mary aunty ku both LDS and they taught the young eleanor having been raised in lalelaiela ie aunty eleanor mentioned are the late aunty lee clara was pelekunukunu valley of still has many relatives living there aunty harriet aunty harriet raised in the Pele colokamolokamolokaiI1 I1 where among other things she was taught the hula by the great lena guerrero aunty lena and her family have been mainstays in the hula master kaookaloo the dances of molokai are known for their great church for years and years she goes the temple whenever her still to mysticism and metaphysical power and aunty harriet through her students health permits her hawaiian music and hula traditions go way way deep has tried to retain those forms and traditions and many of her former students and proteprotegesgeAs are now major fumukumu hula and performers she was recognized by the hawaii legislature in 1982 sarah pule A longtimelong time very active member of the church aunty sarah for her many contributions and accomplishments has been known for her poets gift and musicians ear her husband akoni for many years represented his district in the state legislature sarah kailikeakalikaiiKall ikea aunty sarah is a girl who for many years lived laie even though his community calling wasweswa s that of a park custodian her on kauai where she and her husband have been taking care of the menehuneMene hune home area of kohalakahala has had an influence on other famous daughters and gardens in nawillwillnawtliwili she Is regarded highly among hula scholars for sons such as kamehameha edith kanakaoleKanaka ioielolerole bill lincoln and now aunty her knowledge of the menehuneMenehune dances of kauai which are among the old- sarah while she has written many hawaiian songs only a small number est dances in the hawaiian repertoire of them are known chiefly through the popularity of the singing of the lim family who are her ohana theodore kelsey he Is not a member of the church but this man has nonetheless had close dealings with church members and church families emma kapiolani farden sharpe aunty emma is also not a member of the particularly the kekahuna and paishon families of waialaewaianae and nanakulinanakullNana kulikullkuil LDS church but has performed for and in behalf of the church and its A hawaiibornhawaii born haole he learned hawaiian by talking to older hawaiian functions for years on the island of haulmaulmaui A public school teacher people outside his fathers store in hilo he later spent much time for many years and a member of the famous farden family of maui singers with many hawaiian chanters such as kuluwaimaka paleapaleepa leaiea and others brought dancers and composers aunty emma learned her hula from the fumukumu hula to the lalani village in waikiki by george mossman in his nineties kuhaibuhai likua who came out of retirement in his seventies to teach her now he is still translating and collecting old hawaiian chants she also studied with joseph llalaoleilalaolelialalolellalalialailala olelole and kacenakawena pukui sally moanikealamoanlkeala wood naluai aunty sally was for fourteen years the kauikaulkaull zuttermelsterzuttermeisterZuttermelstermeister aunty kauikaulkaull learned her hula from her uncle sam hawaiian section dance instructor at the polynesian cultural center pua hataHalahaaheoheo who was a policeman LDS branch president and fumukumu hula prior to that she had a hula studio of her own for over forty years pua haaheo taught hula in his later life and only to three fulltimefull time she was raised in kahana valley and had as her lucy instructors logan students of which kaull was one through the years aunty kauikaulkaullkeull has munson pua kauikaulkeul haaheo
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