Autor Název titulu Rok Poznámka Uložení Ádám L. A check - list of the Hungarian Scarabaeoidea with the description of 1994 Resl S 009. ten new taxa Ádám L. A new Psammodius species from Hungary 1989 Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea Resl S 113. Ádám L. Eine neue Aphodius - Art aus Südanatolien 1979 Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae Resl S 112. Ádám L. New species of the genera Omaloplia and Acarina 1994 Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea Resl S 111. Ahrens Dirk On the Aphodiinae of Nepal - Himalayas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) 1997 Aphodius - lamjungi; kaskiensis; himalocerus; Resl S 178 angustiarum; eberti; jubingensis; ritsemai; pallidicornis; urostigma; monicae; holdereri; teyrovskyi; wolfgangi; annapurnae; phulcokiensis; fruhstorferi; gregori; nainiensis; furvus; dierli; peculator; atd. Ahrens Dirk Über die Verbreitung einiger Aphodius - Arten in Vorderasien (Col., 1997 Aphodius - tauricola; muchei; satyrus; dauricus Resl S 182 Aphodiinae) Balthasar Vladimír Fauna ČSR svazek 8 Brouci listorozí Lamellicornia díl I Pleurosticti 1956 Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae Resl K Balthasar Vladimír Monographie der Scarabaeidae und Aphodiidae der palaearktischen und 1963 Pinotini, Coprini Resl K orientalischen Region. I.Scarabaeinae, Coprinae Balthasar Vladimír Monographie der Scarabaeidae und Aphodiidae der palaearktischen und 1963 Onitini, Oniticellini, Onthophagini Resl K orientalischen Region. II. Coprinae Balthasar Vladimír Monographie der Scarabaeidae und Aphodiidae der palaearktischen und 1964 Aphodiidae Resl K orientalischen Region. III. Aphodiidae Balthasar Vladimír Neue Onthophagus- Arten von Neu - Guinea und den benachbarten 1969 Inseln. 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Bezděk Aleš Fainistic records from the Czech republik - 28 1995 Chrysomelidae, Aphodiidae Resl S 044. Bílý Svatopluk A contribution on the faunistic Buprestids the first contribution on NE 1971 Resl S 135 African fauna on material by P. Štys in 1965-1968 Bílý Svatopluk A revision of Anthaxia from Taiwan 1989 Resl S 126 Bílý Svatopluk A revision of the Anthaxia obesa species - group. A. scurra, A. 1984 A. graeca Resl S 145 griseocuprea, A. pinguis, A. masculina, Bílý Svatopluk Antaxia hozaki sp. N. from Cyprus. A. funerula, A. hozaki, A. 1973 A. nereis Resl S 150 mendizabali, A. ghazi, Bílý Svatopluk Anthaxia gansuensis sp. N. from China 1991 Resl S 127 Bílý Svatopluk Anthaxia volkovitshi sp. N. from Central Asia 1979 A. volkovitshi; A. turana Resl S 124 Bílý Svatopluk Buprestidae of Saudi Arabia (Part 5 ). Euphratica, speculifera, 1990 dumonti, neglecta, fulgens, abyssinica Resl S 139 cymbiformis, elevata, pantherina, argentata, contempta, congregata, magna. 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A. 1991 A. danangensis, A. navicularis, A. dichroa, A. sudana Resl S 128 badghyzica, A. lgockii, A. majzlani, A. dechambrei, A. dayaka, A. lameyiformis, Bílý Svatopluk Taxonomie notes on Anthaxia from South-Western Asia, with 1977 A. violacea, A. aladin, A. aspera, A. armenica, A. Resl S 125 descriptions of two new species. A. turcomanica, A. shirasensis. platysoma Bílý Svatopluk The larvae of eight species of genus Anthaxia, from the central Europe 1975 Resl S 133 Bílý Svatopluk Two new species if Agrilus roscidus species - group from central 1991 Agr. Viscivorus, Agr. Kubani Resl S 142 Europe. Bílý Svatopluk Two new species of Antaxia from Crete 1982 A. ariadna, A. brodskyi Resl S 149 Bílý Svatopluk Two new species of Anthaxia from China 1992 A. dundai, A. heyrovskyi Resl S 129 Bílý Svatopluk Variation and subspeciation in Anthaxia nigrojubata 1974 A. nigrojubata incognita Resl S 140 Bílý Svatopluk Zur Boilogie einheimischer Käferfamilien 13. Buprestidae 1974 Resl S 132 Bordat Patrice Nouvelles espéces d´Aphodiidae de la région Afrotropicale 1996 Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Aphodius,Drepanocanthus Resl S 034. Borowiec Klucze do oznaczania owadow Polski 6 1987 Rhipiporidae, Meloidae Resl K Branco Trista Un nouveau Genere et deux nouvelles espéces palearctiques 1988 Heptaulacus, Paracoptochirus, Osmanius Resl S 100. D´Aphodiini Branco Tristao Révision du genre Alloscelus Boucomont, 1923. 1996 Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Alloscelus Resl S 035. Browne D. J. Phylogeny of the families of Scarabaeoidea based on characters of the 1995 Resl S 020. hindwig articuletion, hindwig base and wing venation Březina Boleslav Check - list rodu Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 1993 Carabidae, Carabus Resl K Burakowski Klucze do oznaczania owadow Polski 1. 1991 Cerophytidae, Eucnemidae, Throscidae, Lissomidae Resl K Carpaneto Giuseppe Una nuova specie di Aphodius (Ammoecius) Dell´Anatolia 1976 Coleoptera, Aphodiidae Resl S 014. Maria Černý Zdeněk Pestrokrovečníkovití brouci Československa 1988 Coleoptera, Cleridae Resl K Červenka Radek Contribution to the knowledge of Aphodiidae II. New subgenus and two 1994 Sinaphodius, A.yunnanus, A. philippinensis Resl S 203 new species of genus Aphodius Červenka Radek Contribution to the knowledge of Aphodiidae III. New species of 1995 A. parastorkani, A. pseudoobenbergeri, A. Resl S 204 Aphodius Illiger from Palaearctic and Oriental region quadriclypealis, A. becvari, A. vietnamicus Červenka Radek Contribution to the knowledge of Aphodiidae Ill. New species of 1995 Resl S 026. Aphodius Illiger from Palaearctic and Oriental region Červenka Radek Contribution to the knowledge of Aphodiidae Ill. New subgenus and 1994 Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae, Sinaphodius Resl S 027. two new species of genus Aphodius Illiger Červenka Radek New Aphodius species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae) from 1994 A. zmoskev, A.boreosinicus, A. huangyuanensis, A. Resl S 202 China sinicus, A. asperulus Červenka Radek New Aphodius species from China 1994 Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae Resl S 025. Danilevsky M. L. Systematic list of Cerambycidae of the territory of the former U.S.S.R. 1992 Cerambycidae Resl S 042. Dellacasa Marco Review of the genus Aphodius (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae) 2003 Resl S 196 Dellacasa, G. I - Sistematica e nomenclatura degli Aphodiini italiani 1983 Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae Resl K Demelt Carl V. Určovací klíče druhů z rodu Cerambyx žijících v Anatolii 1976 Cerambyx Resl S 045. Deneš K. Dosavadní výsledky průzkumu rozšíření kovaříků třeboňské pánve 1973 Elateridae Resl S 174. Döberl, M. Eine neue westeuropäische Longitarsus - Art: Longitarsus cizeki n. sp. 2004 Resl S 198 (Col., Chrysomelidae, Alticinae) Doležal Miroslav Placusa depressa Maeklin, 1845 z Moravy 1983 Staphylinidae, Placusa depressa Resl S 054. Dvořák
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