C0LL&3& C- tr ARCHIVES tmmmmmm NOVEMBER 1, 1996 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF CONCORDIA COLLEGE VOLUME 7, NUMBER 58 Political Awareness Week to kick off with a debate Sunday Commission. to make an opening statement and Erika Mikkelson The goal of the debate is to then a rcbuttle. The moderator will News Editor allow students to voice their opin- then open the floor to questions ions and gain information con- for the speakers, Purrington A war of words will rage at 8 cerning issues affecting American explained. p.m. Sunday in Concordia's society, according to Rick Both speakers are in high Knutson Center Centrum. Purrington, political affairs co- demand across the nation to speak A staged debate, "Campaign commissioner. at different colleges, according to '96: The Issues the Candidates Dr. Robert Grant Anthony Podesta The format of the debate will Purrington. Won't Discuss," between attorney allow both speakers to have a turn "We are lucky to get them right Purrington. Coalition which is an organization Anthony Podesta and Dr. Robert debating the issues presented and before the election on Tuesday. Podesta is a Democratic party which focuses on values that Grant, founding president of the then will allow for questions from We [the political affairs commis- activist and the founding president affect the family and issues related American Freedom Coalition, will the audience, according to sion] wanted to bring something of People For the American Way, to national defense. He is also the give students and faculty opposing Purrington. in to raise political awareness on an organization which works to chairman of Christian Voice, a views on issues facing the nation. campus," Purrington said. protect constitutional liberties. conservative Christian lobby. The pre-election debate is A moderator, senior Michael Both speakers are very active Grant is the founding president sponsored by Concordia's Student Raum, will present an issue for politically, according to of the American Freedom Association's Political Affairs discussion and allow each speaker continued on page 19 Word and Sacrament Program receives $1.5 million endowment toward long-term capital or Darrell Ehrlick endowment needs for the colleges Managing Editor and universities. According to Campus Pastor Gifts come in many different Phil Holtan, the college and its shapes and sizes. Right now no constituents responded to the one knows that better than the challenge with tremendous sup- Word and Sacrament Program at port. Concordia. Concordia asked private The program, which includes donors and churches to help the Campus Pastor's office and match the challenge grant. Some the Campus Ministry congregations responded with Commission, recently received a donations of thousands of dollars, $1.5 million endowment from according to Holtan. Lutheran Brotherhood and some "It was an opportunity to 600 individual and Concordia reconfirm support of the campus* corporation congregations. ministry/* Holtan said. Lutheran Brotherhood is a The endowment will not be fraternal benefit society which Ivar Aasen honored used to expand current Word and offers life and health insurance, Sacrament programming, accord- annuities and mutual funds to Concordia honored Ivar Aasen, who helped to modernize the Norwegian language, in a ing to Holtan. The endowment Lutherans nationwide. ceremony on Tuesday. Not even a driving rain stopped the ceremony. will help support the day-to-day The endowment was part of a photo by Peter Frank cost of the program. five-year matching fund project "More than anything it guar- with the college. The fund would antees the campus ministry forev- match the college almost dollar er," Holtan said. for dollar during the five-year According to Betsy Strebel, period. Moorhead voters to decide Campus Ministry co-commis- r •-.;••-••; "-.•:• "" . • ." '•:• •.-'•'•' The "Hearts in Harmony" sioner, the endowment sends the project is a series of fundraising message that there are many peo- initiatives for college projects. telecommunications question ple outside the campus that sup- The name comes from the mean- port the ministry of Concordia. ing of the Latin word concordia. Darrell Ehrlick more than $3 million in utility revenues are trans- "This is for every student who Lutheran Brotherhood chal- ferred annually to the City of Moorhead's general, worships and it's for the ministry capital improvement and economic development lenged 49 Lutheran colleges and Managing Editor of all students," Strebel said. funds. MPS is governed by the Moorhead Public universities around the nation The campus ministry com- As it celebrates its 100-year anniversary, Service Commission. with various matching grants. Moorhead Public Service is busy preparing itself mission currently oversees 11 The heart of the utility would be the city-wide Concordia received $780,100 for the next century and beyond. subcommissions, including the fiber optic network which began in 1993 and is from Lutheran Brotherhood and On Tuesday's ballot, Moorhead voters decide Outreach program, Fellowship of now almost completely installed. matched it with $852,249. whether to give the City of Moorhead the authority If the measure passes, Moorhead residents Christian Athletes and Habitat for to develop and operate a telecommunications util- Concordia received the Humanity. could purchase cable television, telephone ser- largest grant of any of the col- ity. The new utility would be incorporated into vice, educational opportunities and high-speed "This is part of the unique leges receiving grants. Lutheran Moorhead Public Services (MPS), access to the Internet from MPS as opposed to genius that is Concordia — a col- Brotherhood gave approximately Currently MPS is a consumer-owned water lege of the church,"- Holtan said. and electric utility, serving more than 13,000 cus- continued on page 19 $13.4 million in grants ranging tomers. MPS receives no tax dollars. Instead, from $5,200 to $780,100 to go Some students are finding Concordia students are Despite a 30-14 win over parking spots on finding alternative ways to Augsburg, the playoffs are campus difficult to locate deal with stress out of reach for football 2 TheConcordian NEWS NOVEMBER 1, 1996 Newsline T • The Moorhead Area bodies or skeletal remains. League of Women Voters will The MSU Science Center is sponsor a "Meet the located 16 miles east of Candidates" event from 10 Moorhead on Hwy. 10. For a.m. to noon on Saturday, Nov. details call Professor Mark 2 in the Moorhead Center Griffin at 236-2043. Mall. Candidates for Minnesota Legislative District • The American Heart 9a and 9b, Senate District 9, Association's 1996-97 Moorhead School Board and Residential Campaign will be Clay County Commission will going house-to-house through- speak briefly and then will be out November. The volunteers available for questions and will be distributing educational conversation. If you have any materials and asking for finan- questions, call Lynn Tkachuk cial support for the American at 236-6596. Heart Association programs. For more information call the • Volunteer painters for the American Heart Association at annual Christmas Concert 218-739-3329. mural are needed beginning today. Those interested should • "Galaxies" a cosmic jour- Park it where? come to the First Center South ney through the stars of the find a spot should park in another Mall, located at 25th St. and Milky Way, will be showing at 2 Elly Prestsater park in any lot as long as they had lot, suggested Iverson. Parking in 32nd Ave. S., in Fargo p.m. Sundays and 7 p.m. a sticker. Others suggested that between the hours of 7-10 Mondays from Nov. 3 through Staff Writer other lots is permitted "with the parking should be offered on a p.m., weeknights; 10 a.m.-5 Nov. 18 at Moorhead State's To park, or not to park-that is provision that they move their "first-come-first-served" basis. p.m., Saturdays; and noon-5 Planetarium. General admis- the question: Whether 'tis nobler cars before classes begin the next Many universities have a high p.m., Sundays. Painting will sion is $3 or $1.50 for Tri- in the wallet to suffer the expense morning," Iverson said. price for parking. According to continue until Thanksgiving. College students. of the ticket or to drive around the Melanie Richmond, senior, is the University of Iowa parking The theme for this year's con- block again, perchance to find an concerned about the safety at department, some lots near Iowa's cert is "Now the Silence-Now News briefs are compiled Concordia. library cost $.40 an hour. At the the Feast." open spot. In many cities and each week from information campuses across the nation, hav- "I work on campus in the mid- University of Wisconsin- received at our office. If you ing ample parking has been a dle of the night. I cannot park on Madison, all streets remotely near • Moorhead State know of an item for a news long-time problem. There simply campus because of no overnight a campus building are metered, University's forensic anthropol- brief, or want to know what are not enough parking spaces. parking restrictions," said said the University of Wisconsin ogy class will stage a public to put in a press release, let In a recent random poll of Richmond. "I also cannot park on parking department. "crime scene" excavation on us know. Please send event city streets near here because they Iverson believes that Nov. 2-3 at the MSU Regional Concordia students with vehicles, information to The are all full. I end up quite a ways Concordia is trying to keep the Science Center Buffalo River a majority agreed that there is a Concordian, FPO 104, away. It's not safe." costs down for students. Site. The intent is to show stu- Concordia College, parking problem on campus and Iverson stated that "the reason There have been many propos- dents and the public how Moorhead, Minn.
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