• • 1 I ' , i 1 , • W h a t ’sS th iS y iS u n V/ a / / e y landi alit $6 nrn i li i o n a n a cz r e ? [ . ByCHRlSTOPHE>HER BOGAN -the non-profit park s founifoundation, and in nn unusualjal fund guaranteed acre: of Ofopen space. .Kadlngsaldllid McCain bought m orc thanlan R50I square Inchcs I Timcs-NcwsJWS ^w rite r raising drive. Ihc fiiundalindalion Is selling the land oro r morc E ven Ihough oneme scsquare inch pf land isil'tI mucmuch tosland and pipns Vo10 givet a stale ownership ccrllficatecct to every SUN VALLEY - If you Ihlnknk Ithe majority of real eslatete 'accurately, U’s selling'cng'common tenancy rights> tto the Kading said,. thethc property otters a m arveloirveloiis view of Albertson’s;'employec em In the state.' jriccs In Sun Vnlley aru high,, lhe:then you haven't heard aboulul properly — for Sl per squaresqua Inch of ground, th eentlfU ^ood RivciRiver Vnllcy. A fter an,. openingop soles, cam paignn throughouttti Idaho. [he one acrc of hillside proportyorty lhat went gn the markclel Foundation Presidentjnt 11Hope Kading of Boise poinltmted out- She estim ated1 the projecl will raise a mlnlnminimum of $2 Kading saidd lh».parksll foundation willvill begin a nflttonal ! ■ lost week for more than 56 milllorillion. - there are m ore lhan G mlmillion square inches in'thehe acre.-, million for the parksarks foundation. m ark etin g proprogram hi October, whenI an ad will appear in > )unded in 1972, the foundationon hahas received Sunset Magazljazlne. ^ It’s liable tq^bc a while befortIfore th e .owners gel lheir fullj]] and so thc parks foundalundation could sell the propefilerty for Since It was founde n in donated land assets,, she noted. In, In addlionn lolc the "Buy An Inch — Snve asking prlcc,"but already bujbuyers have begun putlinf’nf. m ore than SO million. aboul $5 million in !ave An A cre” moUo. 'in c h atlclltlon lo theJ 12C120-acre Relntieimer Ranchanch thal will the sales camnm palgn will Include tWoI cartooncai cliarncters, . money down. T he fund raising will,’ill uuse th e m otto, “ Buy An In space soulh of Kctchum, thehe IdIdaho Parks named Sawloo.’tooth Snni and I^oose Moose,se. whov win appear in , j]jj Save An Aero." Thc: proproceeds wlll be used to h,.vbu: nnTl •rim an Ranch In sfatean d riatic And.jlf all goes well, the IdahIdaho Parks Foundation could •^Htlesin preserreserving land near the Harrimn alional ads' sell thc cholcc a c rc of land bnm topto of Dollar-Mountain for. at develop park land andI otherolhi outdoor recreatio n facllH eastern Idaho, the ILittle Wood River. Boise.ilse. IPost Falls. Kading salesaid Thursday lhat In .theIC InstIc two days the | least a few million dollars. Idaho, according to Kadlnjadlng................ ... ..........■________ and other areas thpjithpjughoul th esfalc. foundation hadhac sold about 2,500 squarecinches inc of the land, • ! ' The tiling aboul this sale,, however,ho Is th;it anyone can:an She said each personin \vhwho buys a sq u a re Inch of thethc land W arren McC.iin,lin, bboard chairman of Albertsonirtson's Inc,, the Purchasee couponsci will bc dlslributcijutcd throughout lhe affordbeabuyer,. will receive a c«jrtHicatc[icate signed by the governornor and Bolse-baijcd chainiin of 35n supermarkets, wasIS one ot thc first state and thehe nalionali cam paign will be well pndorway by : Last Saturday. Elkhom atit SunSu Valley-donated one acreere , bearing the sta te seal,, ThcThe piece of p a p e r say s he oor r sho ; is perople to m akee a nm njor p u r c h a ^ n th e DollaiDollar Mountain December.. KadingK. suggested tho ownewnership certificatijs •of land on lop of the SuaV alleyIley beginners’ ski m ountaini tolo an owner of thc propertyrty anda holding in com m on tenamancya properly. • wil! m ak e Ide;ideal C hristm as presents. ' r v g i ^ IKTTTYS M m :a T w i n F a l lIs s , I d a h o 73rdA;ear, No.if o . 3 0 8 Friday, Augu:g u s t 2 5 , 1 9 7 8 ■a. 0OmnirfGst C orp. 3322 S. 3rd. E. Lah_ 8 4 1 1 5 ■ 1Terroiristsffly to Panai1 ________________ » M f .followiringrceleas€;e bf h<lostagges PANAMA CITY (U PI) — A, brban(i,flt 23J3 terroristsle ended their blootoody hourlour seizure ot Nicaragua's NaNallonal Palaci’alace Tliursday and flew lo PPa anam a 'Vith,vith sa political prisoners freedfre In jxchangc for lhe lives of Ihelrjlr high- rankioghostagcs.- Tli.C—t e r r o r l s t s , th e pot"loH tical ' y's " prisoners and fivehostages, Inclncluding thellie aarchbishop of Managua, arrivedai inIn Panama City In, two planesies after receiving a hero's send-off fromim about 2.000 supporters at M anagua Air'Irp o rt, Th<They bragged briefly lo repieporlcrs .' aboul lheir exploits before PaiI’anama- .. nian officials hustled them IntoIto arm y buss(busses nnd drove them to Tina;nallla,» J ■' ! NalionalNali( Guard outpost 10 mileilies from Panama City. One terrorist, a 19-ycar-oldId youth wounded in th e leg. wa's tak'aken by B ? amambi bulanco to a ho.spital. ' • ForFo thc beleaguered Nicarraraguan governmenl, lhe tumultuous3US and chcccheering send-off given lo thcth ter- rorisrorlsts by some 2,000 supportei•lers was Bv" aan n eem i b arrassin g end to the lateatest and •’ ' nioslmost dramatic prote.st again;iini-.t the rule of President AnastasloI Solno^aSi ' TcBSaiMlMHjTO i ^ i -------- ------- - Dehayie. ftUHMngiUKf UPI YoYouths chanting "dovvii withwll the I I ' P R E S5 I ID D E N T O N T H E R O C K « :»<s . dickdlctalorship” mobbed lhe buss whenm H • fy ' . e n jolo y y i in g h i s l a s t I d a h o h o u u : r s aarrived rri\ at the airporl carrj’ir•ying the r terroristslerrc and clgtit of tiie scoscores of - • NicaraguanNlca officials they hncm d held ». 0 ^ liost;lioslage inside the National1 PalaceI slnco Tuesday. Carte2rs pla0.11 \ Another crowd broke throuj.ough the the;plalelhe;p g lass windows on thee airporta . observation deck and had to be)C beatenI 'fe .. ^ _ _ back by National Guardsmenin <charg- _ | ing with Uielr rifle butts; ^ c l S y At lhe airporl, they released;ed three I ', ’ ^ to takke it ei hostageshost; and boarded two.planiancs — a- \ ^ Pan;Panamanian airliner and a VtVenezul- canean H ercules C*l.'i0 transportrt — for the short flight tb Panamaa at. the U i n o soulhcm end of the C entral Am i n W yyomin isthristhmus. Somoza later called a GRAND TETON NATI\TIONAL the Middle Fori^ork Thursday to 'beat confconfcrence to blame CubaI forr the PARK, Wyo. fUPI) - Frcsl'resh from AndrUs’boal. whwho caught only 52. IncitIncident and to defend Ills hind conquering whltewatcr rap;rapids In The presjdendent, wife Rosalynn, it.It. Idaho, President Carter-- arnnd his daughter Amyyand ar sons Chip and Jack "All"/ you h av e lo do Is listen1 tolc Radio fam ily arriv ed In W yomingj ThThursday s^nt Thursdayday momlng shooting HavHavana lo understand il Is one3nc of thc wJlh plans lo "lake it easy"'on on Ithe last rapids with names-likenai "Rcdslde,” org:organs of coordination for gut^uucrrilia leg of Ihclii weslem vacation..n ___________ ■rcilffslde.” -.:'R"R ubber,” "HancQck.’; _groupsijroi like Ibis. I ,thlnk_,thciherp^w ns.. Carter seemed rested andnd InI high A t another whwhltcwater area they comcomplicity by Radio Havan'ana • nnd •UPI spirits afl^r finishing his ihithree-day passed throug,i ^ , - ‘‘Jum poff,” a U.S. CubCuban officials In Costa Ulctlc a ," ho ne for Panam a, nm down the Middle Ford! of Idaho's1 Forest Servicece ratt had overturned saidsaid. T e r ro r is t leaderle< naqied O. wawaves to followers aja s h e b o a r d s p la n e Salmon River nnd flying: to Grand Monday, bul nonc one was Injured In ScSom'Ora said lie was ton'orced to "We didn't need help from any:myone,” wllh W ashingtoninn n a re .‘^trained ov er th c Tclon Nallonal Park for 10 cdays of that Incident, ncg(negotiate with the terrorists1 andat givo national tranquilnquillly: May history "'V said Zero, brandishlng an auto:utomallc Issue of humanlan rights, had neither ^ hiking, fishing, swimmini■ning a n d The C a rtecrs’ rs’ raft also passed inIn tito som e of Ihelr dem andsLs lot sav e Judgo that whnlnl I ddid w as w hal ju stic e said rifle, "We’re intelligent. We’re’re capa* sought nor been:n of offered U.S. help, ' genQraJ outdoor life amidd s(some of ihrough ‘'ImiImpassable Canyon,” Ihelthe lives of th e hostages, wiio) includedin required ^uriderer 111lltv c ircu m stan ces," rifle. ble. We’re revolutionaries,” The terrorists,ists, who included one America's most spectacularliar moun- where mountalrlalns towered Uiousands mosmost of Nicaragua's senatoiitors and Somo7.asald. \ / ble. \ In Wasshington, the Stale• DiDepart- womnn. were ; mimembers of the San- tain scenery. ... — —-J above5 .the.th rlvcrTln places thc dcpideputies. In P annm a.a, tlthc • leader of tho In m ent said It wns relieved th e; sljstandoff dinlsta Llberatiorition Front, a group thal 1, Wyo., he bdnks were sheershc granite walls, and "1"I hope thc Nicaraguann pc^opie terro rist b.ind.d.
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