WITH IN Properties from the area’s LIVING A Bigger, Better, Brighter Read top sales & lettings agents FROM PAGE 12 Vol. 12 Issue 9 November 2014 www.livingwithin.com Get The Festive Season Runnymede forced to issue statement on Off To A Flying Start status of Wentworth Hotel application Runnymede Borough Council has be preserved and would play a part in "The new owners have said they want apologised for confusing residents about developing the group's golf operations time to hear the comments of club a planning application for the extension across Asia. members and local residents about how With our fabulous annual of the Wentworth Clubhouse. The planning application (RU.14/0869) best to develop the Club," the council said. "Residents have recently received for the hotel extension to Wentworth The 1750-acre Wentworth estate was Christmas Edition letters suggesting the application is Club was withdrawn by the applicant on originally was built in the 19th century going to Planning Committee on 29 15 September 2014. Runnymede said for the brother-in-law of the Duke of October 2014 - this not the case," the current owner will not proceed any Wellington. The site is designated as Runnymede said in a statement. "There further at this current time. Green Belt land. is currently no live planning application for Wentworth Club. The Council apologises for any confusion caused." Previous owner Richard Caring Martha bakes for Children In Need had submitted an application for full planning permission for an extension to the clubhouse to provide a high end hotel. The application made national headline news. The proposed development comprised a four storey, plus part basement, to provide a 56 bedroom extension, incorporating four conference rooms In our at fourth fl oor level and a roof garden, together with plant and back of house Next Issue areas. Runnymede Borough Council received objections to the plans from Martha Collison, Quarter Finalist of locations throughout the UK. members of the Wentworth Club, the Great British Bake Off, has been Andy Wilcock, Cucina Executive Chef Featuring the best of everything this Wentworth Estate residents and busy designing and baking cakes said, "It’s been a pleasure working residents in neighbouring villages. and goodies to help raise money for with Martha - she really stood out on Christmas from the top businesses Weeks later the Wentworth Club Children In Need. the Great British Bake Off with her in our local High Streets was sold to Beijing-based Reignwood The cakes have been rolled out by passion for food and her willingness to Investments for £135m. Cucina, the catering company that take risks and try new things. She is a “Wentworth is a key strategic operates the canteen at Charters School very inspirational young woman with a ADVERTISERS - Call Now acquisition for our rapidly growing luxury in Sunningdale, where Martha is a Year fantastic future ahead of her." to get your business featured lifestyle division,” said Dr Chanchai 13 student. Martha said: "It was great to bake Ruayrungruang, who founded the The catering company is donating with the chefs at Cucina and for such a 01276 858750 [email protected] Reignwood Group in 1984. 10p to Children In Need from every brilliant cause as Children in Need, I’ve He said the club's unique culture would cake sold throughout the 45 Cucina had a fantastic morning." INSIDE THIS ISSUE 4123 21 7-11 New Guy at Ascot Movember Food & DrinkChristmas Part 1 Gardening www.livingwithin.com – [email protected] – 01276 858750 2 LIVING WITHIN November 2014 Awards for TASIS at World Scholar’s Cup TASIS England middle school pupils are celebrating Standards in nursing homes their success at the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC). After storming the Regional competition, two teams of three students fl ew to Singapore for the Global round. The event attracted 2400 students from 40 Nursing and Care Homes provide essential services and placements for countries, divided by age into Junior and Senior elderly and vulnerable individuals. Deciding on a suitable care home Divisions. FDQEHYHU\GLIÀFXOW7KHUHLVDORWWRWKLQNDERXWDQG\RXQHHGWR The TASIS delegation of Ben and Chloe Willeford, feel able to put your trust in the staff. Unfortunately, injury and illness Anna Konvicka, Soham Saxena, Thomas Song, and can occur and are sometimes devastating. Elderly people are more Tad Mattia studied vigorously in preparation for the DWULVNRIIDOOLQJFDXVLQJYHU\VHUYHULQMXU\$VVXFKDKLJKGHJUHHRI competition. Their efforts were rewarded with several supervision can required from the nursing home staff. honourable mentions. Ben secured a remarkable top 0DQ\HOGHUO\SHRSOHDUHFRQÀQHGWRWKHLUEHGRUDUHRWKHUZLVHODUJHO\ place in The Challenge, a 120 question test covering TASIS middle school students display their medals and trophies &KDUORWWH5HHV won at the World Scholar’s Cup LPPRELOH6SHFLDOFDUHZLOOQHHGWREHWDNHQWRDYRLGSUHVVXUHRUEHG six subjects, from art to science. .QRZOGHQ$VVRFLDWH Competing against 400 teams in the Junior "The shock and joy of having your name up sores. Care is also required to avoid, malnutrition and medication 3,&OLQLFDO1HJOLJHQFH Division, Anna, Ben, and Chloe placed seventh in on the board during the Awards Ceremony was errors. the Scholar’s Bowl, a multiple-round multimedia indescribable." said Thomas. Care Homes have a legal duty of care to their residents. If their neglect causes injury, a claim quiz. They also secured 12th place overall, and will be Anna summed up the experience. "The WSC was for compensation can be made. If fees are being paid privately there may be a contractual travelling to Yale University for the “Tournament of very time-consuming and required a lot of dedication, FODLPIRUUHLPEXUVHPHQWRIVRPHIHHV7RVXFFHVVIXOO\FODLPDJDLQVWDQXUVLQJRUFDUHKRPH Champions” in November. but the satisfaction of knowing that out of 400 teams, \RXPXVWSURYHWKDWWKHFDUHJLYHQIHOOEHORZWKHOHYHOFRPPRQO\FRQVLGHUHGWREHUHDVRQDEOH All of the students agreed that it was an amazing yours came in 12th of all of them made it completely RULQOLQHZLWKFRPPRQSUDFWLFHDQGWKDWWKHLQMXU\RUKDUPZDVFDXVHGGLUHFWO\E\WKHODSVHLQ opportunity. worth it!" FDUH7KLVLVQRWDOZD\VVWUDLJKWIRUZDUGDVQRWHYHU\IDOOFDQKDYHEHHQSUHGLFWHGRUDYRLGHG *XLGHOLQHVVKRXOGEHIROORZHGE\DOOFDUHDQGQXUVLQJKRPHV7KHVHVWDWHWKDWWKHKRPHVDQG Council to use exhibition to source views WKHLUVWDIIVKRXOGURXWLQHO\FKHFNFULWLFDOIDFWRUVZKLFKFDQLQFOXGH DQ\SUHYLRXVIDOO DQ\JDLWEDODQFHPRELOLW\SUREOHPVRUPXVFOHZHDNQHVV on expansion of Ascot Heath Schools YLVXDORUFRJQLWLYHLPSDLUPHQW SRVVLEOHKD]DUGVLQWKHFDUHKRPH 7KH DERYH LQIRUPDWLRQ VKRXOG IRUP WKH EDVLV RI RQJRLQJ EHVSRNH ULVN DVVHVVPHQWV 5LVN DVVHVVPHQWVPXVWEHUHFRUGHGDQGVKDUHGZLWKHYHU\RQHORRNLQJDIWHUWKDWHOGHUO\SHUVRQ 6WDIIVKRXOGEHSURSHUO\WUDLQHGWRPLQLPLVHHDFKULVN3URSHUZRUNLQJHTXLSPHQW KRLVWV ZDONLQJ IUDPHV DQG HPHUJHQF\ EX]]HUV VKRXOG EH SURYLGHG DQG PDLQWDLQHG 7KH KRPH should also be adequately staffed to give all residents the level of supervision required for their safety. www.barlowrobbins.com An exhibition will be taking place at Ascot Heath Junior school from Tuesday 11 to Thursday 13 November to gain views on the expansion of Ascot Heath Infant and Junior schools, which will feed in to any planning application that comes forward An exhibition will be taking place at Ascot Heath Junior community, school community and the council’s school from Tuesday 11 to Thursday 13 November to planning department, for some months. gain views on the expansion of Ascot Heath Infant A spokesman for the council said that while they and Junior schools, which will feed in to any planning are keen to ensure this expansion work takes place, application that comes forward. they have to be mindful of the site that the schools The council is encouraging residents, parents and occupy, which is within the greenbelt. Any planning members of the school community to get involved in application for the site would need to be considered these early discussions as they will help to shape the very carefully against local, national and regional way in which any expansion will move forward. planning policies, which is why it is important to A formal consultation will also be available as part of take the time to get any application right before it is the planning process once a plan is submitted, No date submitted for consideration, they explained. has been set. There is currently no timetable for the submission The expansion of Ascot Heath Infant and Junior of a planning application as outline plans need to also schools has been on Bracknell Forest Council’s agenda fi t with what is broadly acceptable to the local/ school for some time as the current schools are too small to community and this consultation work has not yet accommodate the growing demand for places. started. To gain additional places at the school, members of “We apologise for the lack of solid dates but hope you the council have been speaking with local landowners understand that this is not a simple process; once the and the two schools about what could be achieved planning application has been submitted, we will be and when. These discussions are still on-going and able to give you a better idea of the timescales for the are likely to continue, in consultation with the local building work,” the spokesman concluded. LIVING WITHIN 01276 858750 [email protected] D3B Fairoaks • Chobham Surrey GU24 8HU www.livingwithin.com November 2014 LIVING WITHIN 3 Roadworks expected to cause months of misery on A322 Bagshot Road Drivers heading out via the Bracknell Leisure
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