COMING LP! CCTODEC A Calendar of Events for October 1979 • FREE 150 Central Ave., San Francisco 94117 . Listings'. Arts & Entertainment Parties . Films . Politics Theater. Concerts . Outings Radio & TV Listings & More! Halloween: The Gay Cris Williams, Olivia Records artist, af Holiday pears in concert with comic Robin Tyler at the Oakland Auditorium, Saturday. Oct. 20. By Arthur Evans ft'* back! "Fantasia," Walt Disney's mind-boggling animated feature, opens October 26 a t the Castro Theatre lo r a 3-week run. Every year on the night of October 31st a ritual is re-enacted in the Gay ghettos of San Francisco and other cities. Gay people pour into the streets, M3SQUerade Ball often dressed in the clothes of the opposite sex, and revel into the early hours of November 1st. All of us have witnessed or performed this ritual so often we take it for granted. It’s fun, but has no deep significance. Organizers ¿lower pot But perhaps there's more to it. T h e y e a r has m a n y h o lid a y s a n d m a n y o c c a s io n s t o p a rty . H a llo w e e n a lw a y s tops them all. pledge RICHARD WALKUP W hy is it a spe cial tim e fo r us? A n d — blo om of th e ir bodies to others. A n d the even m ore p u zzling — w hy does th is big most incredible thing is that they don't Gay festival fall on a day traditionally think this is shameful. But when they associated with witches? tight security proposition someone, they consider it The answer io these questions lies in dishonorable it he doesn't accept the the history of Lesbian and Gay-male cul­ o ffe r!" "Smaller feels better." according to 1718 A POLK STREET ture. a history that has been systemati­ Christian Repression Margo St. James, founder of the prosti­ SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109 cally ignored and suppressed by PHONE 771-S735 Despite repressive Roman values. tutes' organization C.O.Y.O.T.E. and straight academics. Recently, frag­ Celtic sexual and religious practices prime mover behind the annual Hook­ ments of this history have emerged into persisted, especially in the countryside ers' Ball in San Francisco. the light, and the implications for our and in the forests, and most commonly St. James, talking about this month's Gay identity are astounding. among women and rural slaves. But with Masquerade Ball, says "only five private The holiday we call Halloween once Independent the triumph of Christianity in the 4th- language instruction was the most important religious festival thousand tickets will be sold, guarantee­ Language Teachers century, there came an even greater ing a small enough crowd for everyone 1/2 to 1/3 the cosl o f ah e n tire cu ltu re — the cu ltu re o f the force for repression. Celts, an ancient people who moved into to enjoy themselves without the crowd­ Switchboard of most commercial schools The R om an em p ire becam e C hristian , Europe over a thousand years before ing and hassles of previous years.” b u t n o t because masses of people C hrist. The ball will be held October 28 at SF native, experienced flocked into the churches to be con­ The Celts came in waves, absorbed Instructors verted. Quite the contrary, the leading Civic Auditorium. the ways of the peJpie already living In officials of the Roman government and R ece nt ba lls have been acco m pa nied in the comfort & convenience Europe, and set up a uniform culture the Roman army converted to Christian­ by violence and threats of violence di­ of your own home or office that reached the whole way across ity a n d then vio le n tly im posed th e ir new rected against women and gay men by Europe from Britain to Turkey. religion on the rest of the populace. All gate-crashers. Organizers ol the 1979 The Celts didn't make a distinction be­ other religions were banned, and any­ event, however, maintain that to insure 451-6418 tween religion and sex. For them, sex one who disagreed ran the risk of im­ safety o f p arty-goers th e secu rity staff is was one aspect of religious power, and prisonment. torture, and death. th e ir re lig io u s rites o fte n in clu d e d feast­ (continued on back page) (continued on back page) ing, dancing, and orgying, both heterosexual and homosexual. Furth­ HAVE I GOT A MAN FOR YOU! ermore, wearing the clothes of the op­ A Gay Introduction Service posite sex at these rites was thought to conter on the wearer a special magic. for the San Francisco Bay Area As a result of these values, transves­ Relationship Oriented tism and Gay sex acts had their own Ages 25-60 Private Interviews special role in Celtic religious rites. This Discreet was especially true of their great holiday F ifth Successful Year VfSA/MASTERCHARGE Accepied of death and rebirth, Sam haln, w hich LINCCIUCN! DAVID They’ll be "dancin’, dancin' " to a cover charge collected over these lour The Celts were eventually conquered disco beat, when Le Disque hosts its nites goes to Operation Concern, as THE MATCH MATER by the Romans, who tried to destroy four-day "Deejay Discothon" this Oc­ does a portion ol the bar's receipts. their religion. Roman rulers especially tober 4 thru 7 (Thursday-Sunday). in the Operation Concern has helped 775-9169 d islik e d the h ig h role o t w om en in C eltic Haight. th ousands o f lesbians and gay m en deal religion and soctety. Pick your favorite platter-spinner as with coming out. drug abuse, al­ They w ere offended to fin d th at C e ltic San Francisco's top disc jockeys vie for coholism, mental anguish, and other re­ women were warriors and teachers of your vote as the best in the city. Every lated consequences of being different in the arts of warfare. During a battle in drink you buy during the discothon can Wales against the Celts, a Roman ob­ a frequently hostile world. HEAT server was shocked by the forceful be­ be a vote for your favorite deejay. So. put on your dancin' shoes and havior of Celtic women: "On the shore W hat's a ll th is m adness fo r? A be ne fit che ck ou t Le D isque's m arathon boogie stood the opposing army with its dense for Operation Concern, the local lesbian al 1840 Haight St. For details, consult UTDOOR—, array of armed warriors, while between and gay mental health service The $1 our calendar listing for Thursday. Oc­ the ranks dashed women in black attire to be r 4. like the Furies, with hair dishevelled, IITURES waving brands. " vvvvvvv-vy-vvwwvv-wvvwvvty The Romans were also offended by the open homosexuality of Celtic men. November In reality. Roman culture was rather up­ Gay radio tig h t a b ou t G ay sex and disa pp ro ved o f at the Bacchanal G.O.A. is a new aay organization offering camping, its flagrant appearance, especially in a slighted? The Bacchanal, a feminist bar in Al­ hiking, backpacking and other outdoor activities in religious context, in the nations it con­ bany. advises us that a ll its program s fo r quered. California's most exciting areas. Our adventure weekends Fruit Punch. California's oldest gay November (music, poetry, readings, dis­ • Among Romans themselves, homo­ are for those with or without camping experience — a cussions) will be devoted to women's sexual behavior was certainly not un­ m en's rad io show , m ay lose up to 50% of great way to make friends or spend time away with some­ its airtim e unless listeners persuade the sexuality. Extensive listings in next common (which is true of all cultures), management ot KPFA to continue the one special. Bring your own gear, or rent or buy from us. but for Romans it was often associated m o n th 's C om ing Up! program's current time allocation ot 45 with shame (and hence cruelty, deca­ So let us do the planning (and the cookingl) & join us minutes to an hour. Register your com­ dence. and sadism) for a weekend you'll never forget. ments by w riting to KPFA FM. 2207 Shat- Roman writers were flabbergasted by tuck Ave.. Berkeley 94704. ATTN: War­ the casual promiscuity of Celtic men ------------- SOME UPCOMING ------------- ren Van Orden. Manager. Diodorus Siculus.a Greek historian with Fruit Punch's October schedule is ADVENTURES Roman values, had this to say about the listed on our inside pages, under Wed­ COTTSl Celtic men he observed: nesday's listings. • September 28-30 Orra Hot Springs "Although they have good-looking October 6 White Water Rafting women, they pay very little attention to them, but are really crazy about having October 7 Angel I aland sex with men. They are accustomed to October 12-14 Houseboat Trip on Delta sleep on the ground on animal skins and 9 roll around with male bed-mates on both November »-11 Palm Springe sides Heedless of their own dignity, Le Dem ine A Drinking Esroblishmenr Mexico December 21 - January 5 they abandon without a qualm the A French Restaurant A Bar for W omen 2742-17th Street For membership information, I Great Outdoor Adventures, Unlmtd.
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