mmM i* 1bHiii I'ii i' ii'i iiin(ii t>,rM #r ,OUf t,m , thrt« or four timtt Circolation gMAtts" t avaiUbU to• Circolation greatest available to Low«ll •dvortiatn. Lowell advertfeert. VOL. XXV LOWELL, MICHIGAN, MAR. No. 41 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF GatsU Enjoyed the Opera Bohcmitn C. F. Kyser Building Sorghum Mill Girl Last Bveaisf. in Lowell. Look Says: THE CITY STATE BANK The reaular meeting of the Clover Chas. F. Kyser is installing a Leaf dub was held at the High sorghum mill in Lowell on Main school building Wednesday evening, street east, with a eapacity suflicient Our line of Easter Cards is large and very at Lowell, Michigan, at the close of business to take eare of all business tribu- March 30. After a short business complete. Why not send one to each of our March 4,1918, as called for by the Commissioner session and the reading from the tary to this seetion. collect for club women led by the As an aid to those who have not boys in training. They don't cost much and grown sorghum, Mr. Kyser prepared of the Banking Department. resident of the visiting dub. Mrs. the boys will surely appreciate it. Elutchinson; Mrs. P. C. Peckham, the following directions for growing UK801IBCES chairman of the musical committee and harvesting, which it will he well for those interested to preserve .1147,410.56 of the C. L. C., announced that we .We are going to have some big specials in Loans and Discountg would be entertained by the rend- for reference during the season. Bonds, Mortgages and Securities . 232.775 10 ering of the opera "Bohemian Girl," Sorghum Growing and Harvesting. Easter Candie , have been very fortunate in Overdrafts • 265.30 tbe success of which was largely picking up some splendid values and they due to the management of Mrs. S. C. Sorghum will grow where corn Eurniture and Kixtured 7,000.00 will grow, hut a rich and dry soil 1,278.90 Mitcfiell. Mrs. A. G. Peckham very are as good as any candy made. Other Iteal Estate expressively read the opera and is preferable to the heavy clay or RK8KRVK was assisted as follows by the ex- muck soil. This soil will raise cane, cellent musical talent of the C. L. C. hut it will not make as good quality If you ladies want to economize on your new . 14,000.00 of syrup. The early amber seems T. 8. Bonds "A Soldier's Ufe," piano solo, Mrs. spring hat, just buy a package of Elkay's Cash on hand and due from Hauks . 54,091 23 H. L. Weekes. to he the hest variety for this sec- tion. It has been hard to tind de- Straw Hat Dye and make your last spring's Total . $457,820 00 Vocal solo "In the Gypsy's Life," Mrs. R. T. Ford. pendable seed, as the sorghum as hat look like a new one. All colors 25c. UABILITIKS "Gvpsy Galop," Mrs. Maude Me well as corn in most of the northern Naughton, piano. states was nearly a failure last year, Capital Stock ..$.25.000 00 "I Dreamed that I Dwelt in Mar- and is being put out in very limited Everybody uses stationery the next time Surplun Fund .. 10,000.00 ble Halls," vocal duet, Mesdames quantities. Anderson and McMahon. I have been very fortunate in se- you need any just ask us to show you the big Utiuivided I'ruilts Net ... 3,323.80 curing some very good seed, guar- ... 95,348.82 Vocal duet, "Hand to Hand, Heart value we have for 25c. (Jomniercial Deposits Suhj(H;t to Check. to Heart," Mesdames C. J. Collar anteed germination about 75 per Cashier's Checks 200 aud P. C. Peckham. cent. In order to know about how State Monies} on Depubit 5,000.00 "Come with the Gypsv Bride," C. II. RUNCIMAN .1. C. SMITH much seed will be needed those We are in a position to serve you best, as vocal solo, Mrs. P. C. Peckham. wishing to plant will please leave Havings Deposits (Book Accounts) .. 166,862 6(i their names at H. Nash's implement our connection in buying power, with 8000 Havings Certificates of Deposit .. 127,289 21 "The Heart Bowed Down,* Mrs. C. J. Collar. store or Morse's grocery store. other Rexall Druggists gives us a big ad- Bonds Sold Subject to KepurchaBe .. 25.000.00 Price 30 cents per pound. Four "Then Youll Remember Me," Mrs. vantage. R. D. Stocking. pounds will plant one acre in hills, Total .$457,820.99 or about six pounds will he requir- "When the Fair Land of Poland," ed if drilled. Mrs. R. T. Ford. Giving of Service Flag Great Oc- Cutler Factory and King Mills Clos- Sorghum grows slow al lirst, but "0 What Full Delight." pinno, caaion at Methodiat Church. I fd Down Several Days. Mrs. Maude McNaughton. after it gets started and well rooted A splendid patriotic program was Flood waters reached their high- will grow faster than corn. If any D. G. LOOK Pihno duet, "Medlies of the Op- suckers should start they should he era" Mesdames Mitchell and Weekes. given Sunday evening at the Lowell est point al Lowell Sunday and re- Mrs. Mitchell was the very efficient Methodist church, which was ceded jibout live inches that night, taken oil* so the stalks will grow One of the 8000 Rexall Drug Stores. accompanist of the solo and duet crowded to the doors by an appreci- after having stopped operations at clean and bright. The better the ative congregation. The old soldiers, the mills and cutter factory for sev- cane, the better the syrup. Care numbers. should be taken not to break the After the conclusion of the pro of the G. A. H., Camplire Girls and eral days. Boy Scouts were given seats on the Numerous houses in the lower canes in handling as the juice will gram, the chairman called upon sour in those places. Plant about some of the guests for remarks. platform. part of town were surrounded by Music was given by the orchestra water and several families vacated the time corn is planted or when the U VANDYKE. President; I), fl. LOOKand WM. T. CONDON The L. L. C president, Mrs. Hutch ground is warm and all danger of inson, said she was always delight- and choir of young people. their homes or moved to the cham- Vice 1*residents; HAltUY DAY. Cushier. Rev. Jerrett gave an able patriotic ber doors. frost is over. Plant about the same ed when the two clubs met together. didstance of corn, or it will grow if Had enjoyed the meeting very much. address during which he was cheer- Basements in the business dis- ed several times. trict were Hooded, putting out fur- planted three feet apart. 1 prefer One of the teachers. Miss Arnold, planting in hills with about twenty in bfehalf of the visiting teachers The Service flag of fourteen stars nace (ires and necessitating the mov- was presented to the church by the ing of goods to ground floors. seeds in a hill to insure a good thanked the C. L. C. for a very stand, then when about three or For Quick Cash Ladies Aid and the Epworth League, Cellars of many homes not flooded pleasant evening and hoped to meet four inches high, thin to about live again and know all better. Walter Hansford making the pre- were partly or wholly filled with sentation speech. During this pre- water by soakage. to seven stalks, or if drilled, thin to Mr. Runciman was called upon about six inches apart in the row. and said he had never been on a sentation, the United States and the Of course, the flats between the Service Hags were held up side by village and (Irand river were like a Great care should be taken while I intend to slaughter prices on musical program so he would talk cane is small to keep free from upon War-Saving and Thrift stamps, side and the choir sang "neautiful big lake, as usual in high water Flag of Liberty." periods. weeds, as this is the critical time Going Away expressing the wish that the club with cane, (iultivation is the same ladies would take it upon them- The Hag •was accepted by Hev.' Altogether our community has fine Pianos and Sewing Machines. Jerrett in behalf of the church. been favored beyond our expecta- as corn. selves to make a canvas of the vil- All small and inferior canes lage for that purpose. The male quartet sang "Keep the J tion in escaping so easily; for now, Home Fires Burning," the chorus unless heavy rains set in the danger should be discarded when harvest- E. A. Anderson responded by ing. Harvesting should be done ying "Cheer up, I've not much to of which was joined in by the con- is over: and the threatened record gregation ami repealed several breaking Hood of I'JIS failed to ap- when the top seeds are in the dough. You or Someone Else? say. I wonder why mere man First, strip leaves oil" clean with a should be called uoon after such an times. pear. This is no camouflage The program was closed by "The llat stick about two feet long. In entertainment as this has been." topping cut oil' at the top leaf with Our next meeting will be election Star Spangled Banner," lead by the Maple Syrup Labels. male quartet and choir.
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