to 30 June 2008 Executive Will meet on Wednesday 9 July 2008 at 10.00 am in Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington Membership: Councillor Joe Milburn (Chairman) Councillor Michael Davidson Councillor Chris Garrard Councillor Margaret Jackson Councillor Stuart Moffat Councillor George Scott Councillor Sam Standage Councillor David Wilson Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries simply contact Sarah Beattie on 01900 702554. Agenda 1. Minutes (Pages 1 - 12) To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2008. 2. Apologies for absence 3. Declaration of Interest Councillors/Staff to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda, in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 4. Questions To answer questions from members of the public – 2 days notice of which must have been given in writing or by electronic mail. 5. Review of hackney carriage and private hire vehicle age policy (Pages 13 - 24) 6. Local Area Agreement for Cumbria 2008-2011 (Pages 25 - 148) 7. Lake District National Park Local Development Framework (Pages 149 - 168) To allow Members to consider the Core Strategy (Preferred Options) and Minerals and Waste Core Strategy (Preferred Options) and submit comments to the Lake District National Park. (Wards Affected: All Wards within the National Park) 8. Maryport Developments Limited, Transfer of Shares (Pages 169 - 174) To consider the transfer the Council's shares in Maryport Developments Limited to the new Harbour Authority. (Wards Affected: Netherhall Maryport) 9. Allerdale Museum Service (Pages 175 - 190) To inform members of the current position regarding the status of the Council’s museum service and to seek further direction on its future. (Wards Affected: All Wards) 10. Mining Issues (Pages 191 - 196) To review the Council’s current approach on mining issues related to development. (Wards Affected: Aspatria; Broughton St Bridgets; Clifton; Ellenborough Maryport; Ewanrigg Maryport; Flimby; Harrington Workington; Moss Bay Workington; Seaton; St Johns Workington; St Michaels Workington;) 11. Draft River Derwent Catchment Flood Management plan : Consultation (Pages 197 - 210) To allow comments to be made in response to the consultation (Wards Affected: All Wards) 12. Statement of Intent for Regeneration in Cumbria (Pages 211 - 226) For Members to agree on the Allerdale Borough Council response to the consultation on a Statement of Intent for Regeneration in Cumbria (Wards Affected: All Wards) The Chairman will move:- “That under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12 (a) of the Act.” 13. Fellview (Pages 227 - 256) Borough Solicitor Date of next meeting Wednesday 6 August 2008 at 10.00 am Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Executive held in Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington on Wednesday 18 June 2008 at 10.00 am Members J H Milburn (Chairman) M Davidson G Scott C Garrard S Standage C M Jackson D Wilson An apology for absence was received from Councillor S Moffat Staff Present S Beattie, G Bishop, P Bramley, E Dawson, H Dyke, N Fardon, D Martin and H Murphy 55 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2008 were signed as a correct record. 56 Standing Order Number 36 Councillors T Fee, T Heslop and A Smith attended under standing order number 36. 57 Declaration of Interest 12. Wigton Market Hall - Big Lottery Funding and Transfer of Asset. Councillor David Wilson; Personal; Due to being a member of North Allerdale Partnership. 12. Wigton Market Hall - Big Lottery Funding and Transfer of Asset. Councillor George Scott; Personal; Due to being a member of North Allerdale Partnership. 58 Questions None received. 59 2007/08 end of year performance report The subject of the decision : The Senior Corporate Improvement Officer submitted a report which sought to advise members of the Council’s performance at the end of 2007/08 as measured by Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI’s) and Corporate Improvement Plan (CIP) actions. Page 1 Alternative options considered: None. The reason for the decision: To advise members of the 2007/08 performance of the Council as measured by BVPI’s and achievement of CIP actions, and to gain approval for the publication of the Best Value Performance Plan. The decision: Recommended – That Council be requested to agree that: (a) The 2007/08 performance of the Council be noted (b) The Best Value Performance Plan be agreed for publication. 60 Cleansing Fees and Charges The subject of the decision: The Head of Environment submitted a report which sought to provide members with a review of the fees and charges for cleansing services, as per Minute 638 from the Council meeting on 5 March 2008. Members asked that this issue continue to be monitored, and that the services and charges be publicised through a feature in ‘Allerdale Outlook’. Alternative options considered: None. The reason for the decision: Members were concerned that charging for the collection of televisions may have an adverse affect on the levels of fly tipping in the Borough. The decision: Recommended – That Council be requested to agree that Cleansing fees and charges for bulky goods and white goods / televisions be amended to allow a reduction of 50% for residents in receipt of full Council Tax Benefit. 61 Outturn Report The subject of the decision: The Financial Services Manager submitted a report which sought the approval of the draft revenue outturn statements for 2007/08. Those present noted that the general fund revenue expenditure at service provision showed total net spending of £16,325,737 compared to an approved Page 2 budget of £16,873,460. The effect on general fund balances after adjusting for carry forward requests, earmarked reserves and other approvals resulted in additional resources being available of £27,236. Alternative options considered: In light of the additional resources available, members asked that CMT and the Executive meet to discuss the Corporate Budget Priorities. The reason for the decision: The report informed members of the draft, un-audited revenue outturns for 2007/08, and made recommendations on carry forwards and transfers to and from reserves. The decision: Resolved – That the contents of the report be noted and approved, subject to the Executive and CMT meeting to discuss the Corporate Budget Priorities. 62 Quarterly Finance Report March 08 The subject of the decision: The Head of Finance submitted a report which provided Councillors with an update on the Council’s financial position to the end of March 2008. In summary, there were no significant financial issues to report from the final quarter. Alternative options considered: None. The reason for the decision: To provide Councillors with the following financial information for the period from 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008:- • Risk Management Information • Sundry financial information • Debts written off The decision: Resolved – That the contents of the report be noted. 63 Revenues and Benefits Service Review The subject of the decision: Page 3 The Director of Customer Services submitted a report which sought the approval of the implementation of an action plan arising from a recent review of the Revenues and Benefits Services. Members were advised that the objective of the review was to identify areas of synergy between the services and examine how duplication of effort could be eliminated to achieve service efficiencies and improve performance. Alternative options considered: Not to go ahead with the implementation plan and apply financial regulations. The reason for the decision: To undertake the implementation of the review as quickly as possible and to increase the efficiency of the services. The decision: Recommended – That Council be requested to agree that: (a) The key objectives outlined in the report be endorsed (b) The additional expenditure of £120,000 required to support the delivery of the action plan be agreed (c) The detailed action plan be agreed with the Portfolio Holder (d) Financial regulations be waived (as it is in the best interests of the council both financially and in terms of efficiency), to allow the appointment of an interim manager who has experience of the Council’s systems. 64 Report from Overview and Scrutiny: Homelessness The subject of the decision: The Scrutiny Co-ordinator submitted a report which sought the agreement of some recommendations from Scrutiny regarding the Homeless Service. Alternative options considered: Not to accept all of Scrutiny’s recommendations. The reason for the decision: The recent findings from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) on the operation of the service. The decision: Resolved – That the recommendations from scrutiny be noted and agreed as follows: Page 4 (a) Full Audit reports be tabled wherever possible as public access documents, except where there is exempt information. (b) The findings to date from DCLG be noted, and that a further report and action plan is expected. (c) Following consideration, it be agreed that a separate portfolio for housing services was not possible as it formed an integral part of the regeneration portfolio. (d) Following discussion, a multi-disciplinary steering group had already been agreed at the meeting of the Executive on 7 May 2008, and it was recommended that a member of scrutiny be invited to be part of the group. (e) Issues with respect to staff resources for the completion of a homeless strategy be resolved. 65 Empty Dwelling Management Orders The subject of the decision: The Senior Technician (Housing) submitted a report which sought the approval of the use of Empty Dwelling Management Orders under Part 4 of the Housing Act 2004 by Housing Services.
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