Deloitte Corporate Finance Global reach. Industry knowledge. Middle-market focus. The bankers of Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC (DCF) consist of highly skilled and experienced professionals dedicated to providing companies with customized investment banking services. As a leading middle-market investment bank, we focus mainly on transactions in the $50-$500m value range. Our team of client- focused industry leaders is committed to working with your company to address the range of client transactions. Deloitte’s global Corporate Finance teams advise clients ranging from entrepreneurially-owned businesses, corporates, private equity, and institutional investors to governments, management teams, and individuals. This global scale and connectivity, combined with local market insight and industry knowledge, underpin the integrated solutions that Deloitte's Corporate Finance teams consistently deliver for clients, whether they are seeking access to new markets, assets, technologies, intellectual property, and/or sources of capital. As part of the larger Deloitte network of member firms, our clients also have access to a full suite of professional services to address their needs through the transaction lifecycle and beyond. Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory1 helps organizations effectively navigate business risks and opportunities—from strategic, reputation, and financial risks to operational, technological, and regulatory risks—to gain competitive advantage. We apply our experience in corporate lifecycle events— from mergers and acquisitions and forensic investigations to fraud, litigation and reorganizations—to help clients emerge stronger and more resilient. Our market-leading teams help clients embrace complexity to accelerate performance, disrupt through innovation, and lead in their industries. DCF service offerings The DCF team of investment banking professionals has a demonstrated track record of advising on complex corporate finance transactions across all major industry sectors. • Mergers & • Employee Stock Acquisitions Ownership Plans – Sell-side Advisory Corporate Finance and Divestiture services – Buy-side Advisory Services • Capital Advisory • Board and Strategic Services Advisory Services – Refinancings – Strategic alternatives – Capital and Debt analysis Raising – Buyer-target search – Deal Negotiation – Transaction execution support 1 Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory means Deloitte & Touche LLP, which provides audit and enterprise risk services; Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, which provides forensic, dispute, and other consulting services; and its affiliate, Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP, which provides a wide range of advisory and analytics services. These entities are separate subsidiaries of Deloitte LLP. The DCF advantage DCF and the corporate finance Our global network of more than 1,900 Our collaborative execution capabilities practices of the DTTL member firms corporate finance professionals, who address the range of client transactions or their affiliates can provide a critical work across 150 international locations, and experience in numerous advantage to clients in originating and provides clients with access to regional transaction-related disciplines. executing transactions wherever they market insights and intelligence across the do business. world. Global presence Asia pacific Australia Philippines China Singapore India South Korea Japan Taiwan Malaysia Thailand New Zealand Vietnam Americas Argentina Brazil Cayman Islands Chile Canada Mexico United States EMEA Africa Europe Finland Latvia Serbia Middle East Kenya Albania France Lithuania Slovakia U.A.E Nigeria Austria Germany Luxembourg Slovenia Saudi Arabia South Africa Belgium Gibraltar Netherlands Spain Kuwait Bulgaria Greece Norway Sewden Qatar Croatia Hungary Portland Switzerland Cyprus Ireland Portugal Turkey Czech Republic Israel Romania United Kingdom Denmark Italy Russia Global reach In 2017, the Asia-Pacifc region was the lead In 2017, Corporate Finance advisor on deal teams across the >100 Deloitte network advised on completed deals with an aggregate enterprise >430 transactions globally, value of with and aggregate enterprise value of $7.5 billion USD $37.6 billion In 2017, the Europe, Middle East and Africa region In 2017, the America’s region was the lead advisor was the lead adviser on on >225 completed deals >105 completed deals with an aggregate enterprise with an aggregate enterprise value of value of $26.7 billion $3.4 billion Deloitte's Corporate Finance teams can offer: • US and global network and execution capabilities • Broad industry teams providing access to research and industry knowledge • A well-recognized global brand known for integrity and credibility • Differentiation in execution with strong coordination and transaction process management • Deep C-suite relationships at many corporations and paired with strong client commitment private equity groups • Senior experienced professionals actively involved • Access to a deep bench of M&A resources with throughout the transaction process the ability to handle complex financial, operational, human capital, information technology, tax, and account-related transaction issues • Middle-market-focused investment banking group with experience advising both public and private clients Representative transactions ... 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