E2224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2001 serves as a fitting tribute, but also reflects on and drive, we New Yorkers—gay and straight lege and the College of New Rochelle. In Congressman Solomon’s lifelong commitment alike—have each benefited from his leader- 1972, she began her career with Citibank as to our Nation and to our Veterans. ship in the fight for equal rights and equal pro- a bank teller and over the years, with the sup- A decorated Veteran in his own right, Con- tection under the law. I am proud to have port of family, friends, and her valued cus- gressman Solomon set an enduring example joined him in many of those fights, and I am tomers, was elevated to Branch Manager and of commitment, integrity, and service. His ca- pleased to stand here today to thank Matt for to Assistant Vice-President, the position she reer was one that truly made a difference in his tireless work. I wish him all the best in his retired from in 1998. the lives of those he represented. Throughout future endeavors. The walls of Edna’s home are lined with his terms as a Congressman, he brought his f many awards presented to her over the years vision for America to the House floor with as a testament to her concern, love, dedica- many memorable speeches that helped shape EXPRESSING SOLIDARITY WITH tion, professionalism and hard work. Though the course of this Nation. This designation ISRAEL IN THE FIGHT AGAINST many of the awards are corporate recognitions serves to memorialize that service, commit- TERRORISM from Citibank saluting her for a job well done, ment, and leadership. the plaques and certificates from community SPEECH OF It is my hope that with the designation of based organizations acknowledging her serv- this cemetery, the ideals he held so dear— HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO ice and support hold a special place in her pride, patriotism, civic responsibility, and vol- OF ILLINOIS heart. Over the past thirty years, her relation- unteerism—will not be forgotten. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship with her customers and the community I will continue to work in Congress to carry have allowed her to become known as de- Wednesday, December 5, 2001 on his fight for our Veterans and will be guid- pendable, reliable, and ‘‘ready, willing, and ed by the example he set as a Member. We Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in able’’ to assist, to serve, to counsel and to ad- are truly blessed to have known him, and truly strong support of H. Con. Res. 280. The sui- vise, always with a smile and a word of en- fortunate to have the unique opportunity to cide attacks over the past weekend have trig- couragement. carry on his proud tradition of advocacy and gered the worst crisis in the Middle East since In 1999, Edna was approached by the Bed- patriotism. the outbreak of the Palestinian intifada 14 ford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation to f months ago. These attacks killed 26 Israelis serve as the Bursar/Customer Service Rep- and wounded at least 175. On a proportional resentative for the various programs and serv- IN HONOR OF MATTHEW FORE- basis, this is the equivalent of 1,200 American ices, to include the Youth Arts Academy, Abra MAN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF deaths and 8,000 wounded. The violence ka Zebra Gift Shop and the RITE Center for THE EMPIRE STATE PRIDE needs to stop. Israel is our most dependable computer training. Ms. Fulton loves being able AGENDA and only democratic ally in the Middle East, to once again serve her beloved community of and it is important that the United States stand Bedford Stuyvesant. Edna also is a member of HON. JERROLD NADLER steadfastly by Israel at this critical juncture to the St. Paul Community Church. As a working OF NEW YORK fight terror. woman, and with all the ‘‘hats’’ she wears as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The United States is currently engaged mili- a daughter, a mother, and a grandmother, she tarily in Afghanistan in an effort to root out Thursday, December 6, 2001 always makes time to serve and support the Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network, which endeavors of her community. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to has been protected by the Taliban. In a very Mr. Speaker, Edna Fulton has been a shin- recognize Matthew Foreman for his dedicated real sense, the Palestinian Authority is per- ing light in each of the many roles that she and talented leadership of the Empire State forming a similar role for Hamas and the Pal- has filled. As such, she is more than worthy of Pride Agenda (ESPA), New York’s statewide estinian Islamic Jihad. Yasser Arafat must receiving this recognition and I urge my col- lesbian and gay political organization. Under take all necessary measures to end the ongo- leagues to join me in honoring this truly re- Matt’s leadership, ESPA has made significant ing terror campaign. Mr. Arafat must now markable woman. strides in empowering the lesbian, gay, bisex- demonstrate by actions, not words, that he f ual and transgender community and protecting stands for peace. civil rights for all New Yorkers. Mr. Speaker, this legislation sends a strong PERSONAL EXPLANATION The Empire State Pride Agenda strives to message that the United States will stand by end discrimination on the basis of sexual ori- Israel to defeat terrorism. It is not about taking HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ entation. They have worked to secure equality sides. Too many lives have senselessly been OF CALIFORNIA for gay men, lesbians and their families and lost on both sides. However, Israel has a right IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES communities and to promote their political, to defend itself from terrorist attacks, just as economic, cultural, and social well being. In the United States does. I hope that Mr. Arafat Thursday, December 6, 2001 the four years that Matt has served as Execu- and the Palestinian leadership will immediately Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, I was attend- tive Director of ESPA, the organization has arrest, prosecute and jail those responsible for ing important business in my Congressional been a driving force in ensuring the rights of these acts while eliminating the infrastructure District yesterday, December 5th, including gay and lesbian New Yorkers: in negotiating that produced them. Any hope for the peace participating in the annual Chapman University New York City’s comprehensive domestic part- process depends upon it. I urge my col- Economic Forecast for Orange County and ner law; passing a statewide hate crimes law; leagues to support the resolution. meeting with law enforcement personnel on repealing a 150-year old consensual sodomy f the subject of terrorism preparedness. statute; obtaining nearly $6 million in state Had I been present, I would have voted yes funding for lesbian and gay health and human IN HONOR OF EDNA FULTON on Roll Call #469, yes on Roll Call #470, yes services; and in enacting local non-discrimina- on Roll Call #471, yes on Roll Call #472, yes tion laws and policies in Buffalo, Ithaca, Nas- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS on Roll Call #473, yes on Roll Call #474, and sau County, and Westchester County. OF NEW YORK yes on Roll Call #475. Prior to joining the Pride Agenda in 1997, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Matt served as Executive Director of the NYC Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, the Thursday, December 6, 2001 INTRODUCTION OF H. CON. RES.— nation’s leading lesbian and gay crime victim Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of assistance agency. He is a founder of the Her- Edna Fulton in recognition of her outstanding HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER itage of Pride, which organizes New York service to the Bedford Stuyvesant community. OF NEW YORK City’s Gay Pride events, including the world- Edna Fulton is a lifelong resident of Brook- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES famous annual Pride Parade down Fifth Ave- lyn and a product of the New York City Public nue. He also served for many years on the School System. She is the daughter of Bea- Thursday, December 6, 2001 board of Dignity/NY, an organization of lesbian trice Keyes, and the mother of three children, Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and gay Roman Catholics. Those who have Willie, AyTasha and Darrell and the grand- to introduce a resolution condemning the over had the pleasure of working with Matt know of mother of E’lise, Chel’Si and Darrell Edward. 500 anthrax hoaxes perpetrated against wom- his tremendous energy and heartfelt dedica- She graduated from Eastern District High en’s health care providers and abortion clinics tion to his work. A man of unusual integrity School and went on to attend Brooklyn Col- since October 14th. This resolution also urges VerDate 11<MAY>2000 01:25 Dec 08, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06DE8.021 pfrm07 PsN: E07PT1 December 7, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2225 the Administration, local law enforcement, and sador Joseph Verner Reed, Under-Secretary- Barely a mile from United Nations Head- related government agencies to continue to General of the United Nations and a distin- quarters, the Parliament of Mankind, the make their best efforts to bring all those who guished resident of Greenwich, Connecticut. Parliament of Peace, more than 6000 inno- commit acts of domestic terrorism to justice. Ambassador Reed’s remarks were made at cent civilians from over 60 countries were Throughout the nearly three decades since killed and a symbol of New York City and the Centennial Celebration of the Yale-China the Free World was destroyed.
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