? '! 7 V . 10 TBtiE VASmtfGlW TIMES,! VBDNteSrAY MAT 24; 1016. , 5 . 'y Newark Releases Billy Martin---fr)rqn-k Baker Is Suffering From Weak Lees BUMP HIM, HE MIGHT STREW TACKS ON THE ROAD MARTIN IS DROPPED TWELVE SMUT IS 1 w V ' I BY MANAGER TENNEY GIANTS NEW IRK w IV ft. McGraw Says That Ho Expects a ? OF NEWARK OUTFIT -- J& IL fcrvBHeNMt?l to Run Away From All Na- linr XT" tional League Teams. r - , By LOUIS A. DOUGHER, "V fr Billy Martin, the "Washington boy and former star shortstop of the George- ar.-- The Line-Up- CINCINNATI, May Olant town varsity nine, Is onco more out In Probable s havo now won twelve consecutive tho wide, wldo world. Ho has been games, and today hope to pass the un- given his unconditional release by Man White Sox. GrifTmen. lucky thirteenth by handing tho Reds ager Fred Tenney, of tho Newark InJ McMullin, 8b. Morgan, 2b. another defeat Judging by the way - ternatlonals. McGnWa team Is going now, no West-ter-n ISF- Schalk, c Foster, 8b. Martin Jolnod tho Braves on grada E. Collins;, 2b. Milan, cf. club has a chanco to stop the boy ntlng Trom Georgetown, but a broken Ness, lb. Rondeau, rf.' from tho Polo Grounds. Tho twelfth leg, lost htm a chance to becomo the Jackson, rf. Judge, lb. victory came after a battln.it rally In regular third baseman. "Red" Smith tho seventh, 4. to 3. Fclech, cf. Shanks, If. "My team has found Itself and I am rot tho job. J. Collins, If. Henry, This spring Martin wept to Marlln, c satisfied that first placo will bo our Terry, s. Gharrity, c within two wceko," said Manager Mo-Gra- w Tex., with the Giants, hut failed to hold Scott, McBrlde, wo get re p. bs, today. "Once any kind hlo own with MoQraw, and was Faber, p. - Gallia, p. of a lead on tho others, tho race will leased. Ho caught on with Toronto, Danfortn, p. Boehling, p. bo all over. Wo havo the hitters, tho and was released to Newark. Ho has Dumont, p. fielders and 'enough good pitching to been with Tenney for several weeks, Phll-ll- os 80 wln'tho pennant. .Tho Braves and only to fall by the wayside yesterday. Game at 8: o'clock. nro not as strong ns-'th- (Hants, Is' cjfpcied to catch on with and this will to shown conclusively Martin July 4." another International League club Rube Benton and Schneider fought a. within a few days. been circulating1 in Cleveland for the pltchlne. duel for six Inning, tha Hube Dressier, the Mackmen' south- past two weeks as to the plans of the ninntu irirrtlntr hv one run. In the sev Connie Cleveland oaseball team. Star players, enth Mcrkle and McKcchnle singled and paw, has been roturned'to Mack according to some of these rumors, were both came In Wben lienton singiea. by Fred Tenney. Ho faded to show to be added' to the roster of the club. Later Burns' single scored 'Rarlden. sufficient class with Newark to hang Another was that Willie Mitchell, Tho Reds got a run In the eighth and on. twolve batsmen sruthpaw. was to be sold to Detroit. In the ninth drove Benton from the box. He walked last "Tho story printed yesterday that KUllfer died, but Herxog, Clarko and Sunday In Montreal, and that finished Cleveland was to purchase Walter John- Lovlden singled, Herxog scoring,. In. him with Tenney. son, was one of the rumors that has came Tcsreau and Wlngo met him wltn Elmer Zacher, an outfielder, is tho been In circulation for Weeks. Reports n single, scoring Emmer. who was run- been gamblers were bet- ning for Clarke. ' player to be dropped. have made that -- third Newark ting on how soon Johnson would be ' . McOraw called upon "Big Blx With Martin, ho has been released with the Cleveland team. Fifteen min- t Mhthewson nt this Juncture and no outright. utes' talk with James C. Dunn, presi- stopped the homo boys without any dent and principal stockholder of the moro runs. Ecoro by lnnlnes: In- SCHULTE'S HOME RUN HURDLER HOUSE IS Is suffering from weak club, would convince- everybody that 300- 10 Frank Baker formation regarding the team, unless It Xl 000 -4 j legs, and It is expected that ho will take CHAMPIONS U Redi"''".. 000 000 012--fl 10 3 shortly, allowing Paddy, Bau-ma- comes from" an offlcal source. Is abso- DEFEATS INELIGIBLE TO RUN a rest lutely Battcrles-s-Glant- . Benton, Tcsreau, to hold down the hot corner. unfounded. MINCE PIE. Reds. by tho Yankees' " 'Wo would buy Walter Johnson If wa Mathcwson and Rarlflen: Baker was ordered could get him,' said President Dunn at Mayer Driven from Mound by Tre- Lcland Stanford's Hopes for Vic Bchnelier, Knctxer, and Clarke. to tako a rest somo time ago, any A LITTLE OP EVERYTHING. By "Bugf Bacr. Shyslclan that the team neoded him, the Hollenden. 'We would buy baseball star. I said when I bought the mendous Walloping. tory Are Given Blow. and refused tho advice, wow he must Cleveland team, that I Intended to give TURNER WINS FROM lay off, If ho hopes to last through the Cleveland a winner. I still stand by anjk In r. season. that promise. I will do everything pos- CHICAGO. Mav Bchulte's a At, present., the BOSTON. May land Stanford's EUGENE WESTERGARD. sible to get stars for Cleveland. home run with two on In the fourth sportsmen are horrified because hopes big Intorcollcglato Clarke, for years manager of " say tftoouw Bholter for tho meet Fred may 'As to Walter Johnson, I will frame settled tho debate between the Island farmers want maraud- at Cambrldgo next Saturday received tho Pittsburgh Pirates, return to that no overtures have been made for ing deer exterminated. They Washington Wrestler Takes Twd baseball as part owner and manager of his purchase and none are contemplated. Cubs and the Phillies yesterday, tho call It a severe cotback today when it was the Pittsburgh Club according to I would like to see htm play with Tinker tribe winning, 8 to 3. The cham- murder. If a sportsman killed a announced that House., their crack Straight Falls. rumors running around the National Cleveland. But neither you, nor any pions had no heart after that tre- "Why handicap squirrel It would be fratricide. hurdler, was Ineligible. League. other person Is going to believe that swipe. Ntehoft's homer tn Jimmy Callahan was expected to pro- Washington will go. might mendous golfers Bos- Answers House Is a freshman, who has run In Probably one of the largest crowds let him They Phil- from To Queeries. open competition before entering col- duce a first division team this year, but as well sell their franchise. It may the third brought over two of the Goof witnessed a wrestling match pitching strength has greatly In- lust McQuil- ton? Ain't that You make yourself plain. lege, and Is therefore InclislLle under that has lack of be truo that Washington needs money, lies' three tallies. Mayer and season, saw Joe Turnen-th- e terfered with this program. In ad- present time, Judging by photo you enclose, you tho samu ruling which barred Duffy a this local but at the with their team lan were driven from the hox. Score enough of a handi- fow years ago. Eu-gen- ,e dition. Honus Wagner is beginning to In pennant race, the Washington B. make yourself too plain middleweight champion, defeat reserve the by Innings: R. H. In a recent meet House topped tho New crack under tho strain and the club needs Johnson more than money. 000- cap?" Wcstergard, the York and power Is almost nothing' I Phllls 003 100 -3 10 a RjTVii.' low barriers In an even twenty-fou- r ot the Pirates wish to repeat, however, that If John- .421 00x- 13 3 Z. I. P. About tho only thing Chicago wrestler, in straight falls at nt all. son ever goes on the market we will Cubs 100 -8 necessary feconds. nbout tho fastest time rct:-lster- Though he has denied the rumor sev- Batteries-Philli- es, Mayer, McQuillan, for a good heavyweight Is this Season. the Lyceum last night. The match make the first and undoubtedly highest Vaughn, to have A meeting will bo Copley-Plaz- a rough, eral times. Barney Drcyftiss, who has bid.' " Chalmers and Burns: Cubs, a friend on tho Jury. held at the was fast and and the local made a fortune In baseball. Is getting and Fischer. tomorrow when an effort will wrestler showed the fans two new Pirates, will. In Weefus Yes, every be mado to reinstate the Stanford ready to unload his and Detroit has refused to waive on Willie tfAwntxl flfam Vina lilfn im fl nW village has hurdler. holds. nil probability, pell them to Ed Gwlnner Mitchell, Cleveland southpaw, speed laws hoboes Turner gained the first fall In forty-tw- o the and TO STAND mark for the 90. Jloward is fairly good for and hokles. Michigan's' entries for tho big Inter- on leg'.' and Fred Clarke. the chances are that he will remain JOHNSTON If you go through less seventy collegiate meet will Cambrldgo minutes a double toe, Gwlnner was owner of .the Plttfcds with the Indians at least for the re in tho sprints, but he Isn't much In the than invade and crotch hold. Tho second was sought In to purchase an hour they Jug you. todav. while Yalo and Cornell squads twenty-tw- o .
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