Your free magazine — please take one MYLOR MAGAZINE August 2015 Serving the whole community Mylor Magazine mylormaga- [email protected] Published by: Mylor and Flushing Community Publications Trustees: Chris Perkins (Chairman) John Symons (Parish Council) Revd Jeffrey James (secretary) Nicholas Trefusis Joint Editors: John & Celia Savage 01326 617847 Deputy Editor & Advertising: Pat Willmore 01326 372168 Photography: Geoff Adams 01326 374197 Treasurer: Andy Goodman 01326 373530 Editorial Team: Judy Menage Roger Deeming Wendy Fowler Terry Chapman Margaret Whysall Publication date is nominally the 1st of the month Deadline date for copy is now 10th of previous month Advertising in Mylor Magazine Rates (per issue): Colour: Full A5 page £45, Half page £25. B/W: Full page £20, Half page £12, Quarter page £8. See also page51. Cover: Golden Lilies, photo by Geoff Adams 2 Contents 4 Vicar’s letter 17 Flower Club 5 Church notes 18 Trefusis Singers 6 Church & Chapel news 18 Mylor Movies 8 Parish Council report 21 Creative Writing 12 Lunch Club 21 Flushing Arts concert 12 Parish Plan Update 23 Health and Fitness - Sun Care 13 Cycling for Macmillan 25 More About - Jane Moss 13 Christmas Lights Market 26 Centre Spread - Sea Sunday 13 WI 28 Local History— School Fire 14 Garden Club 32 Wildwatch - The Perseids 16 Mylor Surgery News 38 On the water - Summer at Mylor 16 Landerio Horse and 40 Farm Notes—Grain DogShow 49 Crossword 16 A joke 51 Crossword solution The Magazine Committee would like to thank Michael and Val for their hard work and devotion to the Magazine over the past three years. Michael’s editorial skills and Val’s energy have sustained a magazine that is topical, interesting, attractive and valued by the community. Village Diary August September 1 MC Trip to St Ives 3 Sch Autumn term begins 8 MC 10-12 Yard Sale 6 Llanderio Horse and Dog Show 10 F Flushing Arts Concert 7 OS Flower Club 15 TH 10-12.30 Summer Market 8 TH Lunch Club 19 14.15 - 15.30 Mobile Library 16 Start of new GP Surgery hours 19 3-5 WI Cream Tea, see p13 16 14.15 - 15.30 Mobile Library 24 PH 7.15 Parish Council meeting 17 TH 7.30 WI talk 29 StM 10.30 Patronal Festival 19 TH 7.30 LHG lecture 27 MC special service (time tba) 28 FVC 7.15 Parish Council meeting Key: AS: All Saints Church, Con: concert, CL: Christmas Lights, CM: coffee morning, FC: Flower Club, FSM: Friends of StM, FVC: Flushing Vlge Club, GC: Garden Club, LC: Lunch Club, LHG: Local History Group, MC: Methodist Chapel, MM: Mylor Movies, MYC: Mylor Yacht Club, OS: Ord–Statter pavilion, PC: Parish Council, PF: Playing Fields, PH: Parish Hall, Sch: Mylor School, StM: St Mylor Church, TH: Tremayne Hall. 3 Vicar’s letter ~ Revd Jeffrey James It’s been announced that the Government is going to give Local Authorities, in our case Cornwall Council, the power to decide which businesses may open on Sundays, and their hours of business. This is described as an initiative that will help businesses and ordinary people and will give local communities the ability to decide whether there are to be restrictions to trade on Sundays. That’s a welcome recognition that practices vary in different parts of Britain and also perhaps at different seasons of the year. It’s also pretty obviously a neat way of the government passing a potentially hot potato from itself to Local Authorities. So we’re all invited to start thinking about what, if anything, we should do about Sunday trading. This is often thought of as an issue that’s of particular concern to Christians but not to anyone else. I’d like to suggest that view misses the deeper questions about whether all days are and should be essentially the same and whether the right way of thinking about this is to start with shopping. The traditional understanding of creation that comes from Genesis has a clear demarcation in the days of the week, one of which is called the Sabbath. The idea of Sabbath is that our well- being depends on there being one day in each week when we are not engaged in work, when we have time simply to be, at one with our neighbours, with creation, and with God. It’s a vision that lifts us out of our daily work settings and reconnects us with the wider world and creates space for us to delight in it and give thanks for it. Whatever you think of the creation story, it tells truths about what it is to be human. We are not born just to work either on our own account or for others. We are also not born just to be economic actors, people who make things or deliver services. Neither are we born just to be people who consume, who shop. The vision of creation that sees us as parts of a whole helps us to get these proper parts of our existence in their right place. Being a worker or a consumer is an important aspect of our lives, but that’s all it is. Being people also involves having the time to enjoy nature, to look at the landscape in wonder, and time to develop our relationships and to lose ourselves in play and recreation. So when it comes to the question of Sunday trading, perhaps we should ask whether it makes it more or less likely that we shall have the time to be fully human at work and at play. 4 Parish of St Mylor: Regular Services St Mylor with All Saints, Mylor Bridge www.stmylor.org.uk Sundays 8am Holy Communion* St Mylor 10.30am Parish Eucharist St Mylor 5pm Evening Prayer* All Saints *these services use the 1662 Book of Common Prayer Wednesdays 10am Holy Communion All Saints For feast day services and other occasions, see church notice boards Enquiries about baptisms, weddings or funerals should be made to Revd Jeff James on 01326 374408 or at [email protected] The Churchwarden, Hazel Carruthers, can be contacted on 01326 374262 or at [email protected] Friends of St Mylor Church Registered charity number 1129030 On Sunday 21 June the Friends held their, now annual, St Ewan Sinfonia in St Mylor Church. Once again this was a most enjoyable event with a very varied programme under the Leadership of Nigel Wicken. It was lovely to see Ruth Bray, who has joined the Sinfonia, and we wish her a very happy time with them. There followed after the event a buffet (supplied by the Friends Committee) with wine. This was a fund-raising event for the Friends and the Sinfonia, with proceeds being shared. Thank you to all who supported us. The next event in the Friends programme will be the Coffee Morning, but more about that in the September Magazine. Raising Funds for St Mylor and All Saints Churches 5 Church and Chapel News Church News: August is a fairly quiet month, but we find many visitors attending our services. However, the last weekend is different, when we hold our Patronal Festival in celebration of St. Mylor. We have a special Parish Eucharist on Sunday 30th at 10.30. We sing a hymn in honour of St. Mylor and all the Celtic saints, and share cake and coffee after the service. That Sunday is also our Gift Day, when we invite everyone to make a special gift to help maintain our beautiful church and its churchyard. Despite the wonderful work of our volunteer ‘Lay Weeders’, maintenance is a huge part of our budget. If you have any reason to feel thankful for our church and those who represent it, please come to our special service and make a gift. Our cleaning volunteers will be extremely busy in the run-up to that weekend, as this is the time when we do the big spring clean. No cobweb is safe from our long brushes, and at the end of the week everything sparkles. Then our flower arrangers perform their magic and transform the church into a mass of colour and fragrance. If you are a visitor to Mylor, or have never looked inside our door but are thinking of visiting our church, this is definitely the weekend to do so. Everyone is very welcome. Another “local” wedding will be celebrated at St Mylor on August 15, when Ruth Bray marries Anthony Best. Ruth is the accompanist for Treverva Male Voice Choir, and members will be there to add their voices. Judy Menage Chapel News: June was a busy month for us. On 9 June we held our Family Service with the children leading the worship. Laura welcomed everyone and Michael played the organ brilliantly. The children sang Mr Cow and This little Light of Mine. The Parable of The Sower was retold as a puppet play by Ellie, Laura, James, Sam, Nathan and Amy. All agreed that the young people did a super job. On 28th Christine Roberts led a Cafe/Family service with coffee and cake, while the children worked with Jenga, Dominoes and Building Games. We learnt some new hymns, and everyone made pigs out of clay, which were then linked to the story of the Prodigal Son. We held our annual walk and cream tea, hosted by Maggie and Robert Rogers at Tregunwith Farm, on 20 June. About thirty adults, children and dogs walked around beautiful Mylor Creek to Halwyn. All completed the 5.6 miles, some with a Pandora stop, and all finishing with a super cream tea.
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