Tt'nth Series, Vol. XLIV, No. 11 Monday, August 21, 1995 Sravana 30,1917 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourteenth Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) . (Vol. XLIV Contains Nos. 11 to 16) LOi( SARHA SECRETARIAT NEW DElHI Price: Rs. 50.00 Q)RRIGE~TO llK,§~~Hf;Lg~~r~ (English Venion) Monday, August 21, 1995JSravana 30, 1917 (Saka) •• 53/9(from below) Shri Praja Kishore Shri 8raja Kishore Tripathy Tripathy 54/13 {from below} Or. K.o .JESWANT Dr.K.D. Jeswani 62/7 I Dr.Anlrit Lal Kalial Dr. Arnrit Lal Kalitias 89/4 Patel Patel 90/3 72/16(from below) M)U with 11alayscia W,)IJ with Malaysia 83/22. The Minister of The Minister of State 169/16(from below) State in the Ministry 1n the Ministry,of of Power (Shrimati Power (Shrimati UrmUaben Patel): urmilaben Olimanbhai Patel): 115/2 Shri Uddhor Barman 3hri Udl.lhab Sarman 128/23 Shri Jeewn Sharma 5hri Jeewan Sharma 2'25/21 Shri Inderjit Gupta Shri Indrajit Gupta I~ ENGusH ~ .•1Ncwoeo 1N.·fHGusH VeAsot.AND ORIGINAi. ·HINDt I'ROCE£DINGS fNcwoeo IN HIta· VEASnl . WIlL IE TREAtED 118 AI.ITHORITATNE· AND HOt· TIE iRANst.ATlON THEREOF1 CONTENTS Tenth Series Vol. XLIV, Fourtennth Session, 1995/1917 (Saka) No. 11, Monday,. August 21,1995/ Sravana 30,1917 (Saka) Column WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: 'Starred Questions Nos. 241 - 260 1-17 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2398 - 2481 and 2483 - 2627 18-192 STATEMENT BY PRIME MINISTER 192 TRAIN ACCIDENT INVOLVING PURUSHOTTAM Express and Kalindi Express Near Firozabad Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao 192-193 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 209-210 STANDING COMITTEE ON COMMERCE 211 Fifteenth Report - Laid CRIMINAL LAW (Second Amendment) BILL -Indroduced 211 DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 215-299 TRAIN ACCIDENT INVOLVING PURUSHOTTAM EXPRESS AND KALINDI EXPRESS NEAR FIROZABAD Shri Alai Bihari Vajpayee 215-219 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 219-228 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 228-231 Shri Prabhu Dayal Katheria 231-232 Shri Arjun Singh 232-234 Dr. Kartikeswar Palra 234-237 Shri Chandr..l Shekhar 237-238 Shri Bhagwan Shankar Rawat 238-245 Shri Braja Kishore Tripalhy 245-246 Shri Chandrajeet Yadav 246-249 Shrimali Geela Mukherjee 249-252 Shri P. C. Chacko 252-256 Shri P.G. Narayanan 256-257 Shri Flajveer Singh 257-260 Shri Rabi Ray 260-266 Shri A. Charles 266-267 Shri Brishin Patel 268-270 Shri Yaima Singh Yumnam 270-271 Dr. R. MaUu 271-273 Shri S.M. Laljan Basha 273-274 Column Shri Satya Deo Singh 274-278 Sm!. Lovely Anand 2,-8-279 Shri Basudeb Acharia 279284 Shri Mallikarjun 234-288 Shri E. Ahamed 288-289 Shri PV Naraslmha Aao 29-i-298 INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE (AMENDMENT) BILL 289-302 Motion to Consider Shri Girdhari Lal Bhargav3 3:)0 Shri Giridhar Gamango Clauses 2 and 1 Motion to Pass Shri Giridhar Gamango BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Fifty-fourth Report - Presented 302 - 30:1 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (i) Need to set up Regional office of Telecommunication department at Saharsa. Bihar Shri Surya Narayan Yadav 303 (il) Need to route the proposed Super Natronal Highway No.6 vIa BilaspUi. Korba and Chamba towns of Madhya Pradesh Shri Bhawanl Lal Verma 303 - 304 (iii) Need to conduct a survey in ChhatllSgarh region of Madhya Pradesh 10 Assess thc need f(l~ establishing Sugar Factones Shn Pawan Diwan 304 (iv) Need to eXpC(1110 Issuance of licence for setting up of Sugar mill at Mukhas in Meerut dlstnct. U.P. Shn Amar Pal Singh 304 (v) Need to take steps to promote Science and Technology development In North East region Shn Uddhab Barman 305 ',vI) Need to provrde unemployment allowance' to unemployed youth In the country. Shn Han Kewal Prasad 305 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA 11.02 hrs The Member then stood in silence for a short while. Monday, August 21, 19951Sravana 30, 1917 (Saka) MR. SPEAKER : Please take you seats. The Lok Sabha met at one minute past Eleve_n of the Clock I have suspended the Question Hour. [MR. SPEAKER in th'e Chairj .... (Interruptions) 11.03 hrs [Translation] WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN (Rosera) : Condolence [Translation] should be held first. The tragedy that took place in Firozabad is very painful. You are requested that keeping Power Generation and Demand in view the sentiment of the house, condolence may be "241. SHRI ARJUN SINGH YADAV : held first and thus zero hour should be suspended to discuss it. SHRI GUMAN MAL LODHA : DR. KARTIKESHWAR PATRA (Salasore) : Condolence Will the Minister of POWER be pleased to state: should be held in the House. (a)whether the quantum of generation of power varies [English] from region to region in the country; MR. SPEAKER: I agree with you. I will read out the (b) whether the generation of power in certain Condolence Motion and let us pass it. Let us stand in regions of the country is more than their requirements; silence for two minutes, then I propose to suspend the (c) if so, the details thereof; Question Hour. The Statement will be made by the Minister and immediately we will start a discussion on it. (d) whether the Government have ideritified such regions wherein generation of power is less than their requirements; 11.01'h hrs (e) if so, the details thereof; RAILWAY ACCIDENT NEAR FIROZABAD (f) whether Government have formulated any scheme to inter-link the grids of those regions; and [English] (g) if so, the details of the scheme and the time by MR. SPEAKER: It is with deep anguish that we have which it is likely to be done? learnt about the train accident near Firozabad between the THE MINISTER OF POWER (SHRI N.K.P. SALVE) : Purushottam Express and the Kalindi Express. All the (a) Yes, Sir. members of the House join me in paying condolences to the bereaved families of the deceased and sympathies to (b) No, Sir. the injured and urge upon the Govemment to render all (c) Does not arise. possible succour to those who have suffered in this sad tragedy. (d) and (e) Energy requirement and availability varies from region to region. Region-wise energy requirement, May I request the Members to stand in silence, availability and shortages during April 1995-July, 1995 please. are as per details given below :- POWER SUPPLY POSITION (Figures in MU net) Requirement Availability Shortage % Shortage Northern Region 38603 36215 2388 6.2 Western Region 39352 '38004 1348 3.4 3 Written Answers AUGUST 21, 1995 Written Answers 4 Southern Region 33340 28632 4708 14.1 Eastern Region 14145 12479 1666 11.8 North-Eastern 1445 1169 276 19.1 Region All India 126885 116499 10386 8.2 (f) and (g) Action has already been initiated for the members of the Delhi Urban Art Commission in their formation of a National Power Grid involving inter­ individual capacities have written expressing their connection of regional grids to facilitate exchange of power opposition to any proposal to install the Statue of Mahatma across various regions in the country depending on the Gandhi anywhere in the Central Vista area. availability of power and to make optimum utilisation of the available generation capacity in the country. The details (b) The grounds given by them for raising this of the Schemes for integrating the Regional Grids into a objection are as under :- National Grid are as follows :- . (i) Gandhiji himself was averse to commemorative (i) 500 MW HVDC Back to Back transmission link statues. at Vindhyach.al connecting Northern and Western Regions already exists (Approximate (ii) Gandhiji disliked the Kingsway (Now Rajpath). cost Rs. 146.33 crores). for him it was a blatant statement of an imperial power. (ii) 1000 MW HVDC Back to Back station at Chandrapur connecting Southern and Western (iii) The Central Vista from Rashtrapati Bhawan to Regions is under execution and expected to India Gate and the Canopy, which is one of the be commiSSIoned In 1997-98 (Approximate cost finest pieces of urban design for any city in the Rs. 900.28 crores). world, provides a mystical visual link from the Raisina Hill Complex to Purana Oila and the (iii) 500 MW HVDC Back to Back link at River Yamuna. It forms part of Delhi's great Vishakhapatnam connecting Eastern and heritage. Southern Regions has also been approved for commissioning during 1998-99 (Approximate (iv) The Central Vista, including India Gate should cost Rs. 659.98 crores). be preserved in its original form and ambience. (iv) 500 MW HVDC Back to Back Mau-Biharshariff (c) No site has yet been finalised by the Government project has also been planned to connect for the installation statue of Mahatma Gandhi. Eastern and Northern Regions for Acquisition of Land by VSP commissioning during 9th Plan (Approximate cost Rs. 556.31 crores). *243. DR. K.v.R. CHOWDARY : Will the Minister of STEEL be pleased to state : (v) (Other major links wou_ld be planned alongwith future generating projects.) (a) the area of land acquired and being actually used by Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (V.S.P.); [English] (b) whether the Government propose to make use of Statue of Mahatma Gandhi the unused land also; (c) if so, the details thereof; and *242. SHRI DEVENDRA PRASAD YADAV : Will the Minister of URBAN AFFAIRS AND EMPLOYMENT be (d) the progress made with regard to the pleased to state : rehabilitation of persons displaced and affected following the acquisition of land by Visakhapatnam Steel Plant? (a) whether members of Urban Art Commission have THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF represented to the Government against the move to erect STEEL (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : (a) to (d). The a statue of Mahatma Gandhi at the Central Vista between areas of land acquired and utilised by Visakhapatnam India Gate and National Stadium; Steel Plant are as detailed below : (b) if so, the details thereof; and Land acquired 21655 acres (c) the reaction of the Government thereto? Land Utilised 17735 acres Balance to be utilised 3920 acres THE MINISTER OF URBAN AFFAIRS AND EMPLOYMENT (SHRIMATI SHEILA KAUL) : (a) Two out of acquired land 5 Written Answers SRAVANA 30 , 1917 (Saka) Written Answers 6 Visakhapatnam Steel Plant will require the balance (e) if so, the details thereof? acquired area for the following purpose : THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF i) Future expansion, stock yard etc.
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