Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 4 AUGUST 1949 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 36 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. THURSDAY, 4 AUGUST, 1949. -to provide farms for 10 soldier settlers­ is approaching completion. Water will be pumped from the Burdekin River and sup­ The AC'l'I~G SPEAKER (The CHAIR­ plied by means of channels and pipelines MAN of COMMITTEES, Mr. Manu, Bris­ to the farms. The main crop will be bane) took the chair at 11 a.m. tobacco. The main Burdekin River Project of which the Clare scheme is a part, pro­ QUESTIONS. vides for the construction of a dam to a TULLY HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME. height of 138 feet above the general level of the river bed for the provision of a llir. MAHER (West Moreton) asked the useful storage of 3,600,000 acre feet. Pre­ Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation­ liminary designs for a mass concrete dam '' 1. Has any construction work yet been have been prepared. Preliminary contour commenced in connection with the Tully surveys for the Burdekin Project have been Falls scheme~ carried out for 100,000 acres of the 500,000 '' 2. What irrigation or hydro-electric acres of potentially irrigable lands esti­ schemes have reached the constructional mated to be available. Diamond drilling stage, indicating the locality, the estimated by the Mines Department is in hand at tot:;tl cost,_ the expenditure to date, and the the main storage dam site at the Burdekin mam obJects of each scheme, respec­ Falls. Surveys have been completed of tively~'' the ponded area, and aerial surveys of some 3,000,000 acres of the ponc1ed area and Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Norman by) replied- potential irrigable lands have been made. '' 1. This question together with that (d) Weir on Burnett River at Mundubbera portion nf part 2 relating to hydro-electric -estimated total cost, £114,000; expendi­ schemes should be addressed to the hon. ture to 30 June, 1949, £59,444. This is the Minister for Mines and Immigration. the first of a series of works on the Burnett . '' 2. The following works of the Irriga­ River, and will provide a storage of 4,000 twn and Water Supply Commission for acre feet for irrigation purposes. (e) irrigation purposes, are under construction Weirs on Three Moon and Monal Creeks, at the present time. (a) Weir on Walsh near Monto-estimated total cost, £25,500; River near Dimbulah-estimated total cost expenditure to 30 June, 1949, £9,019. £44,500; expenditure to 30 June, 1949' Object: To provide storages of 405 acre £38,335. Object: To provide a storage of feet for irrigation purposes mainly in con­ 800 acre feet for irrigation of adjoining nection with fodder crops. (f) Weir on lands, principally in connection with Balonne River at St. George-estimated tobacco growing. This storage is the com­ total cost-weir, £62,000; irrigation mencement of water conservation works on scheme, £42,500; expenditure to 30 June, the Walsh River for irrigation purposes 1949, £37,129. Object: To provide a stor­ and is the beginning of a scheme to build age of 3,900 acre feet. The water will be dams on the Walsh River and the Barron used to irrigate 1,200 acres, and provide River to provide a total storage of 140 000 a water supply for the town of St. George. acre feet, with a Barron-Walsh dive;sion (g) Weir on Mcintyre Brook near Whet­ channel, irrigation channels and further stone-estimated total cost, £20,000; expen­ weirs. It is estimated that such a scheme diture to 30 June, 1949, £12,497. Object: would permit the development of 32 000 To provide a storage of 410 acre f_eet f?r acres under irrigation and increase the pro­ irrigation of adjoining lands mamly m duction of the Mareeba-Dimbulah area by connection with tobacco and fodder crops. £1 ,500,000 per annum. At the present time (h) Weir on Dumaresq River near Bon­ illvestiga';ions of the foundations of the shaw-estimated total cost, £31,500; expen­ proposed dam site on the Walsh River, near diture to 30 June, i949, £3,549. Object: Nullinga, by diamond drilling, are in pro­ To provide a storage of 930 acre feet, for gress. Topographic surveys are being made irrigation purposes, fodder crops, tobacco, in the Dimbulah area from the proposed and fruit. This is the beginning of works dam site to below Dimbulah and further provided for under the Queensland-New weir sites are being surveyed. Arrange­ South Wales Border Rivers agreement mel_lts have been made for carrying out an which provides for a major storage clam at aenal survey of the area that might be Mingoola with 11 other weirs. (i) Weir submerged by the N ullinga Dam. (b) on Barker Creek near Nanango-estimated VVeir on Tinaroo Creek near Mareeba­ total cost, £10,000. Construction has just estimated total cost, £15,500; expenditure been commenced. Object: To provide a t? 30 June, 1949, £4,884. Object: To p:ro­ storage of 125 acre feet for irrigation pur­ YF]e a storage of 220 acre feet for irriga­ poses for fodder crops. In addition to the tion, most of wbich will be utilised by works enumerated above, the Irrigation and passing downstream to lands below the Water Supply Commission is proceeding weir. (c) Irrigation Scheme at Clare­ with investigation of the water resources estimated cost, £250,000; expenditure to of the State with a view to the eventual 3? June, 1949, £37,304. This is the begin­ construction of further water conservation mug of the Burdekin Irrigation Project. works, and the Bureau of Investigation ~s The Clare portion, which is designed for providing assistance in relation to sml construction in three stages, provides for surveys of the patential irrigable I an ds. an ultimate development under irrigation Works scheduled for the current year's of 88 farms, with a total area of 6,920 works programme provide for the con­ acres. At present the first of these stages struction of 13 weirs, the development of Questions. (4 AUGUST.] Questions. 37 areas in the vicinity of existing weirs, "2. (a) Tractors-25 Massey Harris together with domestic and stock watering 55K tractors, 4 Massey Harris 44K tractors, schemes, and the establishment of water­ 2 Model LA Case tractors, 33 Fordson ing facilities on stock routes. Information Major Diesels tractors, 4 Caterpillar D.6 regarding irrigation schemes constructed tractors, 1 Ferguson tractor. (b) Har­ during previous years is given in the vesters-29 No. 4 Sunshine headers, 1 Annual Report of the Commissioner for Shearer header. (c) Combines-48 24-row Irrigation and Water Supply for 1947-48." Suntyne combines, H. V. McKay-Massey Harris; 4 Shearer 24-row combines; Hi NORTHERN TIMBER RESERVES. Horwood Bagshaw 24-row combines. (d) Other machines (ploughs, harrows, &c.)- llr. MACDONALD (Stanley) asked the 12 14-disc Sandercut ploughs, 12 14-disc Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- Shearer ploughs, 1 14-disc Horwood-Bag­ " What is the total area of timber shaw plough, 12 18-disc Horwood-Bagshaw reserves north of Townsville W'' ploughs, 25 18-disc Shearer ploughs, 24 20-section H. V. McKay-Massey Harris Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Normanby) replied- harrows, 1 15-section H. V. McKay-Massey " Timber reserves, 1,827,733 acres; State Han·is harrow, 20 Suntrail harrows-H. V. forests, 352,806 acres; total, 2,180,539 McKay-Massey Harris, 17 15-section acres. In addition, there are in this region Shearer harrows, 1 H. V. McKay-Massey sixty-one National parks with an aggre­ Harris mower, 1 H. V. McKay-Massey gate area of 224,696 acres.'' Han·is binder. (e) Wire and wire netting-- 262 x 5-chain coils pig fencing, 232 x :l:-mile coils barb wire. (f) Galvanised iron-64 QUEENSLAND-BRITISH FOOD CORPORATION. tons 26-gauge galvanised rooting iron, 10 Mr. lUciNTYRE (Cunningham) asked tons 24-gauge tank-making iron, 2 tons thP Premier- 72 x 36 x 26-gauge plain iron, i ton ' ' 1. What holdings have been acquired 72 x 36 x 24-gauge plain iron, It tons for the purposes of the Queensland-British 72 x 36 x 22-gauge plain iron. Food Corporation, showing the area of '' 3. Harvesting operations have not yet each holding, the price paid respectively, been completed, consequently the net value and the total acreage acquired to date~ of the crop has not been estimated at this '' 2. What are the particulars of the fol­ stage. lowing machinery and materials obtained to '' 4. Classification of the grain for export date for the purposes of the operations of has not yet been completed. the Corporation scheme, viz.:-( a) tractors, '' 5. Financial results from the start of (b) harvesters, (c) combines, (d) other operations to 31 March, 1949 (the close of machines, (e) wire and wire netting, and the Corporation's financial year) appear in (f) galvanised iron W the Corporation's first annual report '' 3. How many bushels of sorghum have which was tabled on Tuesday last for the been harvested by the Corporation at Peak information of hon. members. Downs and what is its estimated net valueW '' 6. Total number of cattle (bullocks '' 4. What proportion of the grain has and cows) purchased to date, 13,179; been classed as export quality W number sold, 2,900; number still owned by '' 5. What is the expenditure to date Corporation, 10,279. '' chargeable against grain production, ex­ cluding outlay on capital assets~ BORINGS FOR COAL, NEBO. ' '6. How many bullocks have been (a) purchased and (b) sold to date, and (c) Mr.
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