•••>•• • £.. j SANIBEL GOING MAN Awesome Gardening • •" '111*. ^ HOME Predator 1A Advice INSPIRES AGAIN TO Deputy's "Lovers" ^^_^ 'NS^^ „ ALL-STAR CAROLINA; New Home 10A Review GAME, Sunbathing r, Casting PAGE1B Quiz 13A Around 11B PAGE4B Weather 22A Crossword 128 "^-"• |t AUGUST 31,1989 " VOLUME 17 island NUMBER42 2 SECTIONS. 44 PAGES SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA De p te th eaten ng stirs, rain and an $10 million roads upgrade \ni\an curse the Matntee Stttlti. ;u I o'f eyed for Sanibel, Captiva Dinti Kis« manage t la \d ilulf d.Jtca'ci fait By Carcn .Merman • ^ Both Sanibcl Road and Sanibrl- neikenJ Design, t ly Sanibel and Captiva islands may Captiva Road were named as \. *rlti,l Tute tt.r lav) il+ bo in line for ill) million in road targets for improvements, but Yaeger improvements. could nol confirm th.it Sanibcl Road, uarn betters <ihcut Ike A circuit court judge will decide which does not exist on island maps, •re<*nce of itow moving 5epi. 18 if Sanibrl-Captiva Road was mentioned. West Iniian mantlets and the Blind Pass Bridge arc He slid it probably referred to - The gentle gunls cf considered Causeway approaches, Sanibei-Oiptiva Road, but over the Flonia s inland paving the way for a $10 million years, both Periwinkle Way and rjiad improvement bond. " SanibclCiptiva Road, and eniangered sfeues sometimes Captiva Road have all - I primarily because so If Judge Thomas S. Reese endorses been referred lo as Sanibel Rnad, many are killed fjLh the county's opinion that those : according to Gary Price, Sanibcl year by propelUrs of roads arc approaches, l^c County's : melor boats The tntry Hoard of Commissioners will decide City Manager. cost $7 750 and fdude, whether lo piirsiie as bond issue. 5anibel asked the county to look f(a^ms anl vtlar linprpveinents would include •it flooding in the Blind Pass area Ii^nlmtf pands The erosion control, construction of (he and offer cosl esiimatesand ideas to illtinl Pass liridge and increasing the alleviate the problem. elevation lor SaniU'l-Captiva Improvements are necessary for a iftl pment cl( C tit one mile stretch of Sanibel-Captiva Island U.ilt indutr Road, according tri'James Voegcr, tueral sun far vfifnc* county attorney. Road leading lo and from the Blind Gall Island is thz sacred Bids are now being sought for Pass Bridge, he added. I Indian burial ground Blind Pass Bridge construction. = "Even if a new bridge were built," JUJ Chief Piercing ty(> Road improvement funds were a lot of people on Sanibcl and rwrwd the project and separated from the Causeway bond Capliva would not be able to ill of the 'manatee \ issue so it would not get ciught up in evacuate because of that flooding." \ sentries. the county and island discussions Price said. regarding the fate of new bridge The cily is planning some proposals, Yacgtr said. !. drainage and elevation Yaegcr, county economist Bill improvements of its own there. Stronge, County Commissioner John" Captiva erosion district officials Manning and a county planning briefly discussed forming an Federal funding for Causeway representative mot recently lo interiocal agreement with the discuss a number of matters with county similar lo Sanibel's, to dead; Goss airs bridge doubts Capliva Erosion Prevention District guarantee some of Ihe S10 million Adminstntor Ah in I lagcrup finds lh waj to their roads Hy Caren Herman said money foraCiuiewiv i1 net Lee County hopis for ^25 likely to come from ftdtnl coffers million in fedtru (units to help p.iy. anytime Minn. for n ncn Causes i\ li«.d hsl month With acoTistitmncv thit rtKht* whin slate nftiuah d< uded not !o into Charlotte, Smioti Lit ind icnd Ihe request on to Washington. parts of Collier CruntiLt Coss itif The Florid i Dtpirlirn.ni of he km iws of a niimbt r ol r wy\ ts mort Transportation is the only state important lhan a ntn ishnd bndj,t organization authorized to pass ^ "The requeit from the cTiiint} v\ is local funding requests to the Federal to get in line for fLdtral Highway Administration. transporation fund thit might be Transporation officials choose iiViiilable sometime in Ihc futua not to do so because for every dollar Ihe Congressman sud .municipalities receive in So concerns about n« nt\ (Win j, discretionary funds from in this year or evLn IK\1 irt Washington, more than one dollar is inaccurate, he added. deducted from the stales regular "People are trying lo pin more federal funding sources. specifics in there (the federal Kayo I fenderstm of the Murida request) lhan really v\i<\ at this transportation department said the point," Go-*, said. '-=. state agreed nol It) seek those Without plans, city and resident federal funds Ivc.mse <>f the support, Cos-, said he would have a . financial penally involved dittrciilt lime movinj; forword with Money co'iUi'sqmv.-e through the any federal dollar?. federal process if elated officials "I wouldn't support the fumting tried hard enough ..nd lacked Ihc unless I knew the design. Unlit I am ri.H]iicst onto [x'liding legislation, satisfied that the issue has been officials noted. - aired ond debated and Ihe wholt1 Hut (ornurS.iniKI mayor and issue has been resolved, I am not can't be cheov ant I/IIS jtltcan dearly d e mm* U.S. Congressman I'oikT Coss • please see page 16A u-hat he gets ju>t <o long as t is any old part of a fish 0 JLJ the island eye rfl : Women's caucus Participants will Newcomers, \ reorganized share and discuss their Oldtimers concerns and needs re- C The Southwest garding motherhood. set meeting ] Honda Women's Po- Tlic group wiil meet The Newcomers and 3 titical Caucus is un- every Monday from Oldtimers will have l dergoing rcor- 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the an evening of wine and > ganization following church choir room. cheese tasting at the j the July 3 Supreme Nursery rcscrva- . home of Don and Bet- ~ Court decision and lions are necessary, tie CatteM, -4515 ' Governor Robert Mar- Childcarc is provided Bowen Bayou Rd , 5 tinez" call for a special at a nominal cost. Wednesday, Sept 6 at • legislative session in Delia Halverson, 7:30 p.m. October regarding pro- the new Christian Ed- Sanibel resident choice. ucation Director at Tom Uhlcr, owner of The announcement Sanibcl Community the Wine Merchant in was made by Irene Church will direct the Forl Myers, will pre- Natividad, Women's first meeting with her sent fine wines and Political Caucus discussion, "VVhat's cheeses. chairwoman, who this JOB called Moth- Call 472-6940. said/ ..."choice is an erhood?." individual issue. " Call 472-5273. The first luncheon ' Horticulural working meeting will Brains elect ^ society meets be held at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30, The local chapter ... The Horticultural at the Olive Garden of Mensa, the high Society of the Islands restaurant, 12870 S. I.Q. society, has an- and Tlie Master Gar- Cleveland Avenue, . nounccd election re- dener's will meet on Fort Myers. Call 433- sults. Tuesday, Sept 5 at 10 5919 or 936-6194. n : They are Edward P. a.m. at (he Sanibel Lekan, local secretary; Library. 7 BUMPER STICKER Margarett Cran, " trea- Dr. Fayc Granl>crry, OF THE WEEK: surer; Cheryl Thorpe, master gardener and "Working in Honda is secretary; Members at WINK-TV a tropical depression." Large arc Hill Bent, gardening consul- Tim Harris, Joe Pesca- tant will be the THOUGHT FOR trice and Lcona Reese. lecturer. THE WEEK: "The real Call 694-1967. The meeting is open tragedy of life is what to the public dies inside a^man Service clubs while he still lives." New books Albert Schweitzer. finishing Snnibelpark at libraries QUOTES OF THE • "Popular books at Ktwanians Boyd Anderson, Steve Mutltns and Cut Reinhardl WEEK- ' Those people, A joint effort by The Sanibel Public Li- planting in the new park at Permnklc and Palm Ridge who come from Bonita service clubs of Sanibet brary are Springs and Lchigh and Capliva to build a Dale Brown's "Day John Lutz ^concerns v. "Lose Weight Nat- Plain, concerns a Acres, they can be park on the corner of of the Cheetah, "a slovenly St. Louis urally" by Mark lawyer's romantic past somewhat caustic at Periwinkle Way and high-flying adventure . sleuth, Alo Nudger's, Brrcklin. ' that catches up with times." Urban Palmer Palm Rtdge Rd. was set in 1996 about a pair fifth case. Pat Robertson, li- her on the eve of her commenting on his idea beginning to have the of experimental fight- • "Good Intentions" brarian of the Sanibel marriage and an im- that off-islandm finishing touches put er planes packed with by Joy Fielding, a Public Library, noted portant trial. should not be allowed on last week under the •••• ultra-advanced com- melodramatic soap new books recently ar- Other books al to serve on the city's shade of the ginger puters. opera. rived: Captiva are Guest of Causeway study group. plum tree. "The Bridesmaid" Sybille Bedford's The Russia House Honor' by ' Irving by John le Carre, Wallace about a U.S. With the money by Ruth Rendell. "Jigsaw", a cross be- ' I'd like to pass the Apollo: The Race to President falling head and labor of.American Phillip, a young man tween fiction and budget and leave town the Moon by Charles over heels in love with Business Women's As- fearful of violence, biography. ••• immediately after- Murray, Unholy<y the female leader of a sociation, American finds himslf wildly Popular non-fiction ward " Mayor Lcnn Alliances by Mike small third world Legion, Kiwanis, Li- infatuated with Scnta, choices: Lorcnson discussing his Taibbi and-^ The Asian country, and "ons.
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