Ruckelshaus Set To Lecture Here By CHUCK BORTNICK m m m *\*^-Wa\la\ya\*\*\\\yal **\\e\\*\\Wa\ a\\ ^^ Law School combine Iheir funds with us, which would en­ Of The Hurricene Staff He refusal lo fin- I itler-ialr able us to get consistent tnp name lecturers," Silverman tanner Deputy Attorney General of the United States, said. William Doyle Ruckelshaus, will launch UM's 1974-75 lec­ inosvculor inhibald Cox in (trio- f "In addition, we are trying to expand the lecture con ture series season on August 29 in the Ibis cafeteria. Iter. I )7'.i. Both nun uric re­ mittee to make it truly a University lecture Series, by giv moved. ing representat.on lo the Employe Senate and graduate and The lecture, beginning at 7:30 p.m., will be the first of lav, students." several to be offered by the Lecture Series during the fall Prcsenllv. the Inline Committre consists of faculty, semester. I.D.'s will be checked. points of views and lhal students will come to see,' let-• administrators and undergraduate student*. ture Series Chairman Steve Silverman said. Ruckelshaus was nominated by President Nixon to the The Lecture Series will be working with approximate- "We are also trying to get some freebies al the Uni­ post nf Deputy Attorney General in July of 1973. In Octo­ lv $13,000 this year versity for some lecturers are not allowed to accept fees, ber of 1973, Ruckelshaus was dismissed for refusing to fire "With $13,000," Silverman said, "we are dealing with such as Frank Rot-man. Governor Reubin Askew and Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. the same amount of money that we dealt with in 1969, and Vice-President (ierald Ford," Silverman said. speaker fees have gone up at least 100 per cent." Rom in Indianapolis. Indiana. Ruckelshaus received The list of potential lecturers al CM ihis year includes his AB Irotn Princeton in 1957 and graduated Harvard .lules Bergman. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward, Gel .lack Anderson, Julian Bond. Ralph Nader, I.enard Niemoy, Law School in lilfiO. akin Rivera and .lim McKay are a few of the names thai Senator Henry Jackson and Dan Rather. have been eliminated as leclurr possibilities because of the I OSt "More or less, we are hoping tn have at least one lec­ After a two-year enlistment in the U.S. Armv, Ruckel­ turer a month. However, we will need more funds to keep shaus began his career as a public servant. Silverman said the Lecture series this year will il lopflighl speakers coming. Currently we onlv receive Icinpi m Increase their funding wilh various rnelhoils. roughly -iO cents per student per semester," Silverman William Doyle RuckelsluRM "We are trying lo gei lecturers who will cover all "We would like to see the Graduate School and the laid. , . fired hy \ixon last year special featu in Pre.ir,* II M 1»|V, In.lrl- PH-.' II Makes Good Wa)t P»C» *,P went L Vol. 50 No. I Friday, 4tun». 2,'i. 1971 IMi. 284-4401 Willi >liainii-l»;Mli> Joint Concert ll • • • ' • • * • I • • • t • • ••••• • •••••• • •«>>•• «•••••••• Deal Nears • ••••••a • ••••••ti aaaaaaa.il Bv VALERIE STRAUSS hold a crowd of up to 5500, "We may discover Ihe • ••••••• m New, editor and thr South campus has plan is not to our benefit. • aoaaaaa • •••••••• However, it behooves us to • •••«••• \ mint concert plan be 3,420 parking spaces. • •••••••• • >•••••• tween UM and the Smith try. UM entertainment must •••••••• * a •• a a a i Campus of Dade Communi In compliance with the move into different areas of a a a a a a * a a a a i Dade County Noise Ordi­ experimentation." he said. • a a a lv College is now almost a a a a i reality. I he plan has been nance, all concert perfor­ < i epted b*, Dade South mances will he concluded Ruffaln said lie plans In ind need^ only a vole of by 11:00 p.m. provide bus transportation approval by I'M«, Under SEC Chairman Dudley fin i IM students to the i on- graduate Student Body Ruffalo SHIII the plan is i ert fm the first concert (he ernmenl i' sR< i) sin- based on a limited numbei V. i maj, ha*, e two buses denl senate. "f i oncerts, ai the Mshone} 'Pearson • nmplex, and two buses al "We hope m have oui the '88-980 (nmplex. If Ibis Ken Gardner, president fu-t concert on Septembei transportation seems to be of I SB(, said he expects 21. However, we may be the Senate io overwhelm­ In demand, and tl the buses ' .•„•_••••• • • • » •laaaaaaaa- fmced to go inln the earlv ingly approve tbe pint, in week* of <ii lobei See page 2A early September. Under the new plan, con­ certs will be held al the $4 Fieldhouse Fee Miami-Dade South Campus r beta *, IftUCE n")SNEP in the Health Center (symi UM will pay $2500 per per­ formance to lease the build­ Cheeked by USBG ing, foi the fust ll or 3 con* Smaller Structure Planned a certs, until such time as Miami-Dade has fully re By DAVE TEPPS covered the cost of a pro Hurricane Editor tective tarpaulin cover lo Siudenis approved a $1 booil in Ihe activity lee last Mammoth Knight Center Hotel Plan Scratched protect the floor. When the year to finance ,i ;i story intramural building. Now thai the i nst is recovered UM will structure is planned to he much smaller, Itudenl govern pay $-'000 per pet foi mance. ment is asking whether SI is ion much to equip and main Bv VAI.I RH STRAUSS mg financing for (he hotel this assurance bv Sulhcr- uiii cnsi between $i>-Sx mil­ The original plan foi the lam ihe fieldhouse. News Editor was crippled because the land and I'M, the I oral (ta­ lion. In addition, UM will Inn room hotel would have In fact, Undergraduate Study Body (•overnmcnl Coral Gables City Comnns bles City Commission , over security costs, which made it more than I rest (USBG) is asking the campus sports and recreation depart­ Hani to bulk) a SU-mil sinn voted tO limit guesis In granted permission to build I'M Presideni Henry a,e estimated at epproxi ment to answer their query before school starts. (The fee lion, 400-room hotel on the only those people who were the structure. King Stanfoid said the dent e hall ll was to have mately $575, and will also I IM i ampus as part of Ihe i onnected wilh ihe univer School due*, nOl have the hike won't take effect until spring semester regardless.) "ihe entire communitv bei n an edu< ational labors be responsible for selecting, tames I . Knight Interna lity. He said Institution^ fi­ money available now. "hut will benefit from the con­ securing and paying for all donal Center have been nancing a project like this we'll borrow il to finance inrv facility, wilh additm Ken Gardner, t SB<, president, said legislation by Ihe struction," Sutherland said contracts of the performing i mi elled bv Inter-Conti­ dislike such limitations. the construction of the resi- nal ipai e fnr faculty offic- student senate forcing a new estimate of maintenance lasi year, There will be no acts, technicians, sound nental Hotels Corporation hall." costs for the $1 million fieldhouse is a move in protect siu­ promotion or advertising lo l is, class moms, fnt experi­ tystem and lights. "lhat, coupled with in­ denis from gelling ripped off. However, University offi­ cally for business. We're The Knight Center was creased cost and the fact mental kitchen leaching The three-phased construction on Ihe building begins cials say • smaller re-a- not really interested in gel * "in eived in I;.T t wtien the CM students will be lhat it didn't show any pos­ October 1!8. Phase one will consist mainly of a gym and ex dence hall will be built in­ ling business. The educa­ James I. Knighl Charitable charged $1 per ticket. UM sibility of paying the debt Sec Page 2A erclse rooms, Ihe building, according to Norm Parsosn, stead tional and training aspect is Trust gave I'M $3-million. will provide a minimum of service for the first 10 head of campus sports and ret realton, can he expanded really whal is important to I IM offii ials s,i\ lis , on I20O tickets and a maxi­ years was whal made us later. .lohn Sutherland, presi­ us." he said. struction will provide op mum of 1300 tickets at reach this decision," he dent of Ihe chain's Ameri­ portuniUei foi student em­ costs ranging from $2.50 to said. last month, he said, "I Use of the student activity fee In maintain and equip cas-Caribbean Division said ployment in various fields S4.50 lo be sold to south really dn regrei thai ii tbe building was overwhelming!), approved bv a student including i ommunii atiom campus students for each there were several reasons At the lime the pJan was ended up this v.,i\ Rut it's relerendum last year. But, Gardner said, that was to main­ and hntel administration performance. Any unsold lor the cancellation. first approved last year. basic a||v thai the inflated tain a structure that was slated to he much larger. Originally, il wa estimated tickets at Miami-Dade must Sutherland said the hotel cosl and limitation madi ii the , enter v\ould cosl ap he returned to the Universi­ (Jin maim reason was would nol compete with a non-viable projei t." Gardnei has complained that nol even the campus proximately SH> million.
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