1913. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2337. SENATE. Mr. PERKINS presented a. joint resolution of the Legislature of California, which was referred to the Committee on Com­ MoNDAY, July 7, 1913. merce and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SE~ATE Oli' THE STATE OF CALIFC'R~IA, The Senate met at 2 o'clock p. m. Sacramento, June 30, 191J. To United States Senator GEORGE C. P ERKINS, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D. Washington, D. 0. The VI CE PRESIDENT resumed the chair. DEAR Srn: Pursuant to the provisions of a senate joint resolution The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last was read adopted by both houses of the Le?islature of the State of California I herewith transmit to you a copy tnereof. and appro\ed. Respectfully, yours, W. N. PARmsH, Secretar;J. :MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Senate joint resolution 19, memoralizing the Congress of the United States for favorable consideration of the project contained in the A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, report of the California Debris Commission relating to " control of floods in the river systems of the Sacramento Yalley and the adjacent its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had agreed to the San .Joaquin Valley, Cal." amendments of the Senate to the joint resolution (H. J. Res. Whereas the Secretary of War on the 29th day of June, 1911, sub­ 98) authorizing the Secretary of War to loan certain tents for mitted to the House of Representatives of the United States, duly the use of the Confederate Veterans' Reunion, to be held at approved and recommended fo1· adoption, the report of the Cali­ fornia D~bris Commission relating to " control of floods in the river Brunswick, Ga., in July, 1913. systems of the Sacramento Valley and the adjacent San Joaquin Valley, Cal.," now known and designated as House Document No. 81, E ""ROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED. Sixty-second Congress, first session ; and The message also announced that the Speaker of the House Whereas the approval of said report contains the suggestion "that work begin at once and provision be made for its early completion" ; and had signed the enrolled joint resolution (H. J. Res. 98) author­ Whereas the construction and completion of the project. proposed in izing the Secretary of War to loan certain tents for the use of said report is of vital importance to the people of this State and of the Confederate Veterans' Reunion, to be held at Brunswick, the whole country ; and Whereas the Legislature of the State of California, in extraordinary Ga., in July, 1913, and it was thereupon signed by the Vice session assembled. did by an act of said legislature adopt the project President. and recommendations set forth in said report of the California D~bris Commlssion, and appropriate funds therefor, and has also PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. in said act provided for cooperation bet ween the State of California and the Government of the United States in putting into effect the Mr. PERKINS presented a joint resolution of the Legislature proposed project and recommendations: Therefore be it of California, which was referred to the Committee on Com­ Resolved by the Senate and Assembly or the State of California, merce and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Jointiy, That the said legislature memoria izes the Congress of the United States for favorable consideration of the report of said Cali­ SENATE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, fornia Debris Commission, transmitted as aforesaid by tbc Secretarv ot Sacramento, June so, 1913. War to Congress, together with all modifications thereof as approved United States Senator GEORGE C. PERKINS, by the said commission, the Secretary of War, and Chief of Engineers, Washingto1i, D. 0. and also for early action on appropriations to carry out the recom­ DRAR SIR: Pursuant to the provisions of a senate joint resolution mendations of said report and said project; be it further adopted by both houses of the Legislature of the State of California I Resolved, That duly authenticated copies of these reso1utions be herewith transmit to you a .copy thereof. transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Respectfully, yours, • W. N. PARmsH. ·secretar y. States, the Secretary of War, Chief of Engineers, and to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress; be it further Senate joint resolution 18, memorializing the Congress of the United Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our States for favorable consideration of the request of the Legislature Representatives in Congress requested to use all honorable means to of the Etate of California for investigations and surveys by the Cali­ secure favorable action on said report and said project. fornia D~ bris Commission under the provisions of an act of Con­ gress approved March 1, 1893, to aid in the preparation and making l\Ir. PERKINS presented a joint resolution of the Legislature n report ou a project for the relief from floods in the San .Joaquin Valley and the delta of the Sacramento and San .Joaquin Rivers and of California, which was referred to the Committee on Com­ for improvements in aid of commerce and navigation. merce and ordered to be printed. in the llECORD, as follows: Whereas conditions injuriously affecting vast areas of valuable land SENATE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORXIA, adjacent to, and the interests of commerce and navigation in, the Sacra1nento, J une 80, 1913. river systems of the San Joaquin Valley, within the power of the To United States Senator GEORGE C. PERKINS, California Debris Commission to correct under the provisions of an Washington, D. 0. act of Congress ap1,>roved March 1 1893, creating said commission DEAR SIR: Pursuant to the provisions of a senate joint resolution and defining its duties, are identical with tho e existing in the river adopted by both houses of the Legislature of the State of California I systems of the Sacramento Valley a nd require like remedial treat­ herewith transmit to yeu a copy thereof.. ment; and Respectfully, yours, W. N. PARRISH. Secretar11. Whereas the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers form a delta common to both, and by connecting waterways their flood waters mingle, fre­ Senate joint resolution 23, relative to the establishment of a Govern­ quently involving great damage to property and to navigation; and ment-owned line of steamships to operate between Pacific and At­ When•as the work involved and plans contemplated in said rivers and lantic ports. said delta under the requirements of said act should be coordinated Whereas the shippers of the Pacific coast were for many years at the into one ba1·monious project; and mercy of the transcontinental railroads in the matter of rates charged Whereas the report of said commission made In accordance with the upon shinments to and from the Atlantic seaboard and Eastern requirements of said act. including maps and containing a project, States; and together wlth estimate of the cost thereof, for the relief from floods Whereas these transcontinental railroads have attempted and now are in the Sacramento Valley, transmitted to the Congress of the United attempting to secure an absolute monopoly of transportation facilities States by the Secretary of War .Tune 25, 1911, and approved and rec· by destroying independent water competition via the Isthmus of Pan­ ommended by him for adoption by Congress, now designated as House ama and by controllin~ existing lines of steamships ; and Document No. 81, Sixty-second Congress, fi1·st session, with such modi­ Whe1·eas this m<mopoly is now threatening to become absolute through fications therein as have since said last-named date been made and the destruction of the California-Atlantic Steamship Co"J.. which was approved, applies only to the Sacramento Iliver conditions, and said controlled by Henry Sears Bates and Arthur Sewall '-..;hesebrougb, commission strongly urges " that work begin at once and provision worthy descendants of illustrious California pioneers ; and be made fo1· its early completion " ; and Whereas the experience of the California-Atlantic Tran. portation Co. Whereas as delay in treating these conditions in the river systems of the has demonstrated the impossibility of a successful fight by individ­ Sacramento Valley bas greatly added to the injury done as well as to uals for an independent steamship line because of the sinister and the cost of the proposed project, the same re. ults will follow delay in powerful influences controlling the transcontin~tal railroads and treating like conditions in the river systems of the San .Joaquin Val­ steamship lines now operating ; and ley; and Whereas it is vital to the commercial life of the Pacific coast and to Whereas as investigations and surveys are required preliminary to the the Nation as a whole that competition be maintained against the making of a report by said commission on said river systems in the t ranscontinental railroads and their steamship lines and that that San Joaquin Valley, it is of the utmost importance that such investi­ competition be strong enough to withstand the ruthless tactics of gations and surveys be commenced without unnecessary delay; and organized wealth; and • Whereas as said remedial work necessary in said river systems and Whereas the construction of the great Panama Canal will be a menace said delta make the problem a vital one pressin~ for an early solution, instead of a benefit to the people of the United States if the trans­ the Legislature of the State of California has oy appropriate legisla·
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