THE WARMWATER STREA]US SYNTPOSIUM A National Symposium on Fisheries Aspects of Warmwater Streams LOUIS A. KRUMHOLZ Editor Crrenr-Bs F. Bnyam, GonooN E. HnLr-, GeRr-eNo B. Penour Associate Editors PnocBnorNGS oF e Syuposrulr Hnro AT THE UurvBnsrry or TeNxnssen, KNoxtlt lr Kloxvrrr-o, TrNNessrE 9-II March Ig80 Southern Division American Fisheries Societv WARMWATHSTREAMS SYMPOSIUM THE WARMWATER STRtrAMS SYMPOSIUM S A National Syrnposium on Fisheries Aspects of Warmwater Streams LOUIS A. KRUN,IHOLZ Editor Cu.rrups F. Bnv,rx. Conoox E. Ihr,r-. G.rrrr,,rxu B. Prru>uu A.s.s o r : i t t t t, li d it o r.s PnocnBulxcs oF .r Syrtposturr Hrilr> AT THl.l Ul.lrl,rtrstrv rtr TrxrpssuE. Ktoxt,lLLg KxoxvrLLs. Ttxr,lnssse 9-11 \larch 1980 Southenr Division Anerictrn Fisheries Societr THE WARMWATER STREAMS SYMPOSIUM Srnenrxc Cornrrrrps Melvin T. Huish, Chairman W. Donalcl Baker Allen A. Forshage Wendell J. Lorio Charles F. Bryar-r Ronnie J. Gilbert Barry Lyons Tohn Cloud Amold J. Herring Paul E. Mauck David T. Cox Daniel R. Holder Robert E. Miles Daniel W. Crochet Ben D. Jaco Anthony W. Mullis Edrvin E. Crowell Tohn W. Kaufmann Garland B. Pardue Gladney Duvidson Charles J. Killebrew Monte E. Seehorn Robert M. Drrvis Jar.nes Little Agustin Valido J. Phillip Edwarcls Clarence E. White, Jr. Spoxsons Publication o[ these Proceedings u'irs aided by grirnts liom the Bass Anglers Sportsnan Society National Science Foundation Bass Research Foundartion Sport Fishing Institute Carolina Power and Light Company U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Duke Power Comptury U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Forest Service ExHlsrrons Ben Metrdows Cornpany Hl,drolab Corporation Coffelt Electror-rics Lowrnnce Electronics Mid Laikes \{anufacturing Company r {.. I l. CONTENTS Preface. Melain T. Huish I OpsNrNc SrssroN 3 Introduction. Richard H. Stroud 4 Keynote address. The role of aquatic biologists in the evaluation of pollution. John Cairns, Jr. 7 Srnnerr Vnr-ups 13 Recreational use surveys on two Georgia rivers. Timmy B. Hess and Russall D. Ober l4 Management practices related to recreational use and the responses of recrea- tionists to those practices along the French Broad River in North Carolina. Loraine Pardee, Don D. Tarbet, and,f. D. Gregorg 2l Prrysrc,q.r AND CHEMICAL FACToRS 3t Physical and chemical characteristics of warmwater streams: a review. Pudeg V. Winger 32 Some habitat characteristics that affect abundance and winter survival of small- mouth bass in the Maquoketa River, Iowa. Vaughn L. Paragamian .. 45 Effects of moderate flooding on aquatic organisms and chemical characteristics of a piedmont stream. Larrg L. Olmsted 54 Iron, copper, and zinc in the water, sediment, and ffshes of the upper St. Johns River Basin, Florida, and their relationship to watershed land use, leffreA A. Leed and Thomas V. Belanger 70 Bnsrc PnooucrrvrrY .. 81 Primary production in sheam ecosystems. Ernest F. Benfield 82 Temporal and spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the lower Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana. Darsid R. Sager and Chades F. Bryan 91 Impact of a small irnpoundment on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communi- ties of a headwater stream in the Virginia piedmont. tohn J. Neg and Mor- ris Mauneg lO2 Channelization and mitigation: their effects on macroinvertebrate communities of the Olentangy River, Columbus, Ohio. L. Currg Woods III and Bernard L. Grisroold tt3 Frsrrrny Bror.ocy 119 Progress and challenges of the ffshery biologist in warmwater stream inve stiga- tions. R, Weldon Larimore L20 Studies of warmwater fish communities exposed i" til"i"i pulp mill wastes. R. B. Herrmann . t27 Spatial and temporal distributions of ichthyoplankton in the Neuse River, North Carolina, near a low dam and power plant intake. William H. Tarplee,Jr. ard Willard E. Partin L42 Larval Fish Drift in a Warmwater Stream. Jane M. Gerlach arrd Andrero W. Kahnle Lil Evaluation of condition factor of fiers in three North Carolina swamp streams. James P, Ceaghan and Melain T. Huish r63 Fish populations and water quality of arn upland stream having two irnpound- The role oftrlbrtrl ments with coolwater releases. H. D, Kellg, E. D. Catchings, and Riyer. [nrJi:Ttr Yictor W. E. Pugne, Jr. 168 Behavioral rer-p(E Seasonal movements of ffshes in an eastern Nofth Carolina swanlp stream. ash effiuera Daaid K. Whitehurst t82 llagnusor, LrurrrNc FacroRs 191 Closn-c Srssrrr- Low flow as a limiting factor in warmwater streams. C. B. Stalnaker .. .. t92 Sumnrary arrd cr*i The effects offorest clear-cutting on fishes and rnacroinvertebrates in an Alabama -\bout the edit,r- stream. Herbert Boschung ard Patrick O'Neil 200 Pesticide pollution of wanlwater stretrms. R. K. Hitch 218 Effects of municipal sewage on fish comrnunities in selected Illinois streams. W. M. Leu;is, R. C. Heidinger, M. H. Paller, and L. J. Waoronowicz . 224 Effects of habitat modiffcations from coal ash effluent on stream macroinverte- brates: a synthesis. Anne M. Forbes, John J. Magnuson, and Dorothg M. Harrell 24L M,q,NacrwNr 251 Wamr,vtrter stream management u,ith emphasis on bass streAms in Missouri. Otto F. Fajen 252 An analysis toihe airi.ifr"ti"" hrf,"r with application to fisheries n.ran- agentent. Phillip R. L,Iundy"iirir" ard Herbert T. Boschung 266 Streanrbank manilgerDent. Jitrtrrttl D. Cregory and Jantes L. Stokoe 276 An evaluation of methods for collecting ffshes in srvatnp streanrs. Corland B. Pardue and lr[elain T. Huish lnrpacts of impoundments orr six srnall watersheds in Pennsy,lvania. Fred J. Brenner 29L A preliminary survey of Blind River, Louisiantr. It[. B. Watson, C, I. Kille- brew, M. H. Schurtz, and,/. L. Lundrtl 303 Use and misuse of the temrs rvatershed and stream order. Robert M. Hughes and James M. Omernik .... 320 THnTITBNED AND Exoa-rcenrD SpECTES 327 Threatened warmwater strearr fishes and the endangered species act: a review. Jantes D.Williants .... 328 Is the snail darter transplant ir successP Can1D. Hickman 338 PosrBn SsssroN 345 Food habits of largemouth bass in trvo coastal streams of North Carolina. laa H.Dauies A simple bioassay method for safe disposal of pesticides to protect aquatic life in streams. S. K. Konar 35r Fish production in warmwater streams. Richard J. Neaes 356 Operational improvements for sampling large streams with rotenone. Rus- sell D. Ober . Abundance and distribution of larval fishes in the Cape Fear River above Buckhorn Dam, North Carolina. Datid R. Sager The Upper French Broad River: a regional strategy for resource rnanagernent. James L. Stokoe, Patricia L. Wilson, and Richard S. Austin Management of warmwater stream systems in the Holly Springs National Forest, Mississippi. Danntl J. Ebert au Luther A. Knight, Jr. , Recovery of the ichthyof'auna of the South River, Virginia, as a result of pollu- tion abatement. Jeanne M. Potter,Wagne A. Potter,Henrtl H. Seagle,tr., and Albert C. Hendricks . The role of tributaries during an episode of low dissolved oxygen in the Wabash River, Indiana. J. R. Gammon and l. M. Reidlt 396 Behavioral responses of stream invertebrates to habitat modification by a coal ash effluent. Katherine E. Webster, Anne M. Forbes, and John J. Magnuson 408 Cr-osrNc SnssroN 4r5 Summary and critique of the symposium . Cerald E. Cunning 416 About the editor. C. F. Bryan 420 't tt, t it rrrt liislvrit's Sot ictrl \\ 1',11q1;111,1 Strernrr Sr nrl>orirrrr. I1)81. Dlt PREFACE Stleirrn resources iu'(' of trernen(lous vnlu(, tlativc. Lurrl fielrl cx1>cric,rrccs to tlte conrrrrit- i,r the rrirtior tlr(l are trsccl clilectlr iur(l in(li- te c. rrctlv l)\ n nlultitude ol l)eolll('. As a lcaclirrg Plt'r,ious rLttc,nrl>ts to irccornplish purposes ir rrlrrstriirl 2ut(l nlitiol' civilized socict\., \\,(. sinriliLr to tlrose ot'this c.ornntittec hr*,c lrccn .lroukl rccognizc tliat the colt(lition ol thosi' con(lltcte(1. iLucl ercellent ltirsic sttrclies iuicl r(.\orlrc(,s, inclrrclilg tlteir fishc'r'ies, is dl'ir- pulrlit'ritiorrs erist, ntirrtv of u'hich iil'e c,olt- 'rr.rtictLIlr. u,olst' tbr' olll' l)cing pres('llt. Cru) cel'n('(l $'itlr fisliCIr/ resolrrccs ol strclLrtrs. .trcitrtts lre corryrletclr rcstort,rI rrn(l stil] ser\ (' Hou c"t er. c'orrsiclcling tlie size itrrrl corrrltlcr- 'il.rr\- hunriur plrrposcs? Probirlrlv r-rot. But tht' itr of strearrr resoln'ccs. rclirtivelv littlc,cllirlt :, trl of rrttel)pting thcil rehitlrilitttion irrrrl has lrccn erperxlcrl on the ir sturh'. rr.tintenilnce ciur satisl\ the cleirtive t1(,c(1s ol Tlrr' \\ ir,Lrrs'irter Stlerurrs (lonunittee corr- jc'reliltior)s o{ scicrtists iur(l rrriulzlg(,1's seltsi- sirk'rt'cl sc\/crill inrporttrnt Prol)]cn1s iin(l (le- tire to the balrrrrc'e lrctueert rreeds o{ re- cick,rl to rk'tt'r'rninc iI tl're ptrblic lirrs rrdc<lrurtc ., rul'( C\ ,trrtl lttrrttiLrr tlt.:iIc.:. errtriurcc tr> tlrose ltrrlrlic r('soulces, to cler t'lop The Southern l)iyision, irs uith othcl' clivi- i ulirlr n rrtion rLltout r r r ethods rLvuril irl rl c fil' strrr'[',' .iorrs ol the Anrcrictur Fisheric's Socit,t'r'. lias ol str('lnrs. tr(l to tlt'terrrrirre tvpc's o{'irrrcs- l,t.e n rrctivc il irlcntilr irrg prolrlcnts ol fishcli tigirtions thtt htrr r, lre cn rLr,d irrt, lreing r,orr- l('soru'c('s tnd lrirs ilttcnrl)tccl to solt'c sorne o1 rluctctl. Tltrrs. trn u(ccss stirtus reltort lirl the tht,rn. \lrrch has lreen rrccolnplisherl througlr sotrthcnr Llrritccl StiLtes urrs prepiu'c(I, rur e\- tlrc esttl>lishnrcrrt ol stanclirg conrrrittecs rlnlir)irtioll o1 trr rrilablc rrrcthorlologies tirr' 'rt(h irs the Rt'strroir', Polltrtion. Fish Dis- str'(' sttrclv rvas iritiatetl. irrrd a lrilrliogriLplrv (.r\e. Stril)ccl BrLss,'Ir'otrt.
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