20 EW 18 N S IX N T E O ® GR E NEW 20 18 Nicols® first ever electr ic boat is In part nership with revolutionising holid ays on the waterways! Sixto® Gree n: Sarreguemines l a Alsace goes n a c e r GREEN in 20 18! r Sa HARSKIRCHEN Lake of Mitte rshei m 5 km Sarre-Unio n Lutzelbourg Neuweyerho f 0 lock (Altwi ll er) 0h3 0 8 km 4 lo cks 2h30 Mittersheim The Saint e-Cro ix Inclined plan e estate Lake of Mittersheim of Arzviller 10 km 12 lo cks 4h4 5 Albeschaux Lutzelbo urg 4 km Lake of Stock 8 km 4 lo cks 1lock 1h45 1h30 Sarrebo urg Por t of the Houill on 10 km 0 lock Xouaxange 5 km 1h45 ® 7 km Nicol s base 0 lock 5 km 0 lock Henri dor ff 1h 0 lock 1h15 1h (Arzvi ller) Navigation li mit Réchi court-le- Château 6 km 8 km 0 lock Activities 0 lock 1h Hess e 1h15 Nidervi ller st Lock s clo sed on 1 May Gond rexange Place s equipp ed with Lak e of electri c terminals Gond rexange Nicols® introduces ESTIVALE - SIXTO ® GREE N - 6/ 8 electric power for 20 18! Leadi ng inno va tion in the inlan d wate rways industry:Nicols® create s IT S FIRST ELECT RIC BOAT - the SIXTO® Gree n. • Thenew bo at isnon -polluti ng and envi ron mentally fri endly thanks to its "zero emiss ion " prop ulsion . • Now all you’ll hear isthe sound of the lapp ing water whi le you cruise thanksto the silent electric power. • Nicols® con tinue to be committ ed to creating hol idays that are in total har mony wit h natu re. • Customers will enjo y simple and fa st char ging thanks to its lithium-ion b att eri es. In j ust the time 3 cabi ns: 2 dou bles an d 1dou ble that can conv ert to twin bed s - ide al for 3 cou ples or 2 cou ples an d 2 children. nee ded for a lunch break the batt ery can be rec harged ready for the next part of yo ur cruise! • The electri c powered bo at increas es the fr eed om and flexibi lit y to cruise where yo u want, when you want. • Nicols® fir st electri c bo at will be availablein ALSACE op erating betwee n the bas es in SAVER NE and HARSKIRCHE N. • The SIXTO ® Gree n is part of the Estiv ale range and is suitable for crews of up to 8 peopl e. In 20 18, go gree n! Pari s Stras bo ur g Nantes Lyon Bordeaux Toulouse Marseille Saver ne Hau t-Barr castle SAVER NE Hochfelden 9 km 5 km «La Petite Fran ce» 6 lo cks 2 lo cks 8 km Stra sbourg 3h 1h15 4 km 4 lo cks 3 lo cks 2h Waltenheim 6 km 1h30 6 lo cks Lupstein / sur-Zorn 2h15 M Detwil ler a r n e t Stambach o R hi n e c a n a l Str asbourg Suggested itinerary for a one wee k boating holiday CRUISE KM LOCKS HOURS TO SEE SAVERNE - - - • Rohan castle (museum) • Haut Barr castle • Old town of Saverne • Océanide swimming po ol LUPSTEIN / DETWILLER 9 6 3 • Heschung Factory: prod ucers of quality sho es since 1934 and with a factor y shop HOCHFELDEN 8 4 2 • Brass eri e Météor: brewery for vi sits and tastings • Aquatic center Atoo swimm ing pool BACK TO SAVER NE 17 10 5 • Rohan castle (museum) • Haut Barr castle • Old town of Saverne • Océanide swimming po ol STAMBACH 4 3 1h30 • Picnic area with barbecue LUTZELBOURG 6 6 2h 15 • Cri stall eri e Würm crystal art and carvi ngs • Castle ruins, pano ramic vi ews • Camping on the incline • Barge museum • Crystal Lehrer: glass blower and crystal cutter, wo rkshop , HE NRIDORFF 4 4 1h45 (ARZVILLER ) • Inclin ed pl ane • Glass blowin g demon stration and shop NIDER VILLER 10 0 1h45 • Tunn els (475m & 2,306m lon g) • Pottery - Sarr ebo urg (6km): Stained glass of Chagall th ge HE SSE 5 0 1h • 11 century Abb ey ruins • Harbo ur n a h XOU AXANGE 5 0 1h c o t GON DRE XANGE 6 0 1h • Lak e with sandy beach, supervi sed swimm ing in the summ er mon ths t ec j RECHICO URT LO CK 8 0 1h15 • Picnic area / barbec ue • Lock at Réchi court: 40 m hi gh b u PORT DU HOUILLON 7 0 1h15 s on, i • Acc ess to the Etang du Stock (4km): beach, waterspo rts, • Acc ess to the Sainte-Croix estate (6km): animal park with t a m ALBE SCHAUX 8 1 1h30 fishi ng, tenn is… bi son, wolv es and more.. r o f • Well ness center with sauna. n i l a u MITTER SHE IM 10 12 4h4 5 Etang de Mittersheim : beach, waterspo rts, cano e rental, pedal bo ats for hi re… t c a r NEUWEYERH OF Horses natur e park (open Wedn esday - Sund ay from 11.30 am): equestri an demon stration s/ sho ws, ri ding less on s, mini-golf, t 8 4 2h30 n o (ALTWILLER) pl ay parks, cateri ng on site c - th HARSKIRCHE N 5 0 30 mn Will er water mill (18 ce ntury ) that’s still in op eration tod ay! on N TOTAL 120 50 32h PLACES E QUIPP ED WITH ELECTRIC TER MINALS Howit wor ks Recharging our Nicols® 100% electric boat is easy: • The Sixto® Green is equipped with Lithi um-Ion batteri es, allowing a quick rec harge: just 2 hours may be eno ugh to rec harge your batteri es! • Charging station s are available throughout your journey, you’ll find on e on av erage every 11 km. •Your Sixto ® Gr ee n bo at is given prior ity: the chargin g terminals are exc lusiv ely reserv ed for electri c bo ats, acce ss ibl e by a badge that is hand ed to you when p ick ing up the bo at. •Simple to use, the terminals use a touch screen interface in multiple languages (English, French and German). • Some of the cha rging termina ls even off er water refills: you can fill up w ith water at the same time as charging the batt eries! • A techn ical assistan ce phon e number is provi ded to help with any que stion s you may have abo ut using the terminals Te rm inal re served exclusively fo r electric boats VN F chargingterm inal Howmuch does it cost? SIXTO ® GREE N rental 20 18 - 6/ 8 Pri ce per wee k* TARIF A • from Sa turday 24 March to Fri day 0 6 Apri l • from Sa turday 20 Octob er to Sa turday 10 Nov ember 2 521€ TARIF B • from Sa turday 0 7 Apri l to Fri day 27 Apri l • from Sa turday 29 September to Fri day 19 Octob er 2 750 € TARIF C • from Sa turday 29 Apri l to Fri day 29 June • from Sa turday 0 1September to Fri day 28 September 3 666 € TARIF D • from Sa turday 30 June to Fri day 13 July • from Sa turday 25 August to Fri day 31août 4 124 € TARIF E • from Sa turday 14 July to Fri day 24 August 4 583 € *Short bre ak re ntal pr ices available upon re quest Consumables package: in the same way as with any Nicol s® bo at you are required to cov er the cost of the bo at con sumabl es whi ch is 30 0 € per week . Thi s includes: the gas con sumed on bo ard (heating, ho tplates, oven etc), charging of the batteri es duri ng your cruise and any maintenance, plus a financial contri bution to VNF who are the organisa tion respon sible for the install ation , op eration and maintenance of the charging terminals. l ue t c a ntr o c n o n t n e ® n cum A partnership bet wee n Nicols an d VNF o D - s n o i t lu o S This gro und-br eaking, 100% electric powered boat pro ject was con ducted by Nicols own boatyard ages m I e n o r and in coll aboration with Voies Navigables de France (VNF). D © - s n sse n a H Guill aume Dury, dire ctor at VN F tells us his point of view: . S © - r e "VN F see ks to develop to uri sm on riv ers and canals while preserving the tr emendous na tura l heritage that these space s represent. y e M . ® Y With thi s in mind , VNF is wo rking with Nicols to offer a new touri sm offeri ng that better mee ts the expectation s of a clientele that is particularly sensitiv e U CCPS to the environ ment. © - t ® ul Aft er a jo int study p hase, whi ch enabled Nicols to d esign a suitable elec tri c bo at and VNF to offer an efficient charging system, we will be very p leased to a Mic ® © welcome the first SIXTO GREE N custo mers on our networ k in 20 18 be twee n Walte nh ei m on Zor n an d Harskirchen.
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