. 26415. 3569 The London Gazette; &utt)ortt£t FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1893. Whitehall^ June 21, 1893. considered as equivalent to Presentations to Her N Thursday, the 6th July next, the Marriage Majesty. O of His Royal Highness The Duke of York with Her Serene Highness Princess Victoria REGULATIONS ' Mary of Teck will take place at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace, in the presence of the Queen TO BE OBSERVED AT THE QUEEN'S LEVEE TO BE and Royal Family. HELD BY His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRIIJCB The Royal Family and Royal Guests will OP WALES, ON BEHALF OF HEB MAJESTY, AT ST. JAMES'S PALACE. assemble at Buckingham Palace before eleven t» o'clock. fit/ Her Majesty's Command, The following Processions will leave Bucking- Gentlemen who propose to attend Her Majesty's ham Palace for St. James's, between eleven and Levee, are requested to bring with them two .twelve o'clock, by Constitution Hill, Piccadilly, large ctirds, with their names clearly written St. JamesVstreet, Marlborough Gate, for the thereon, one to be left with The Queen's Page' Garden Entrance of St. James's Palace :— in attendance in the Corridor, and the other to Procession of Royal Family and Royal Guests, be delivered to the Lord Chamberlain, who will with Escort. announce the name to His Royal Highness. Procession of Bridegroom, with Escort. Procession of Bride, with Escort. PRESENTATIONS. .' At about a quarter to twelve o'clock, The Gentlemen who propose to present others,must Queen's Procession, with Escort, will follow the send in writing the name of such Gentlemen to same Route as far as St. James's Palace, where it the Lord Chamberlain's Office, not later than two will enter Ambassadors' Court. days previous to the Levee, in order that the The Processions will return by the same Route, Lord Chamberlain may submit the names to Her which will be kept by Troops. Majesty, when, if they are approved, Presentation Guards of Honour will be.mounted at St. Cards will be forwarded. Forms for the purpose James's Palace and Buckingham Palace. can be obtained at the Lord Chamberlain's Office. After the Ceremony the Guests invited lo Gentlemen who wish to be presented officially St. James's Palace will go to Buckingham Palace should communicate with the heads of their for the "Wedding Breakfast. Department, who will provide them with the The Bride and Bridegroom will leave Bucking- necessary cards and instructions. ham Palace in the afternoon for Liverpool-street It is particularly requested that the names of Station, en route for Sandringham, via The Mall, the Gentlemen to be presented be very distinctly Marlborough Gate, Pall Mall, the North side of written on the Presentation Cards delivered to Trafalgar-square, the Strand, Temple Bar, Fleet- the Lord Chamberlain at the Levee, in order that street, Ludgate-hill, St. Paul's, where the Proces- there may be no difficulty in announcing them to sion will be met by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, His Royal Highness. - • • Cheapside, Mansion House, King William-street, The State Apartments will be open for the Gracechurch-street, to Liverpool-street Station, reception of Company coming to Court at half- past one o'clock. CARR1NGTON, through Bishopsgate. Lord Chamberlain.' Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, June 9, 1893. OTICE is hereby given, that His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales will, by . Windsor Castle, June 22, 1893. " ' commanN d of The Queen, hold a Levee at St. THIS day had audience of Her Majesty— James's Palace, on behalf of Her Majesty, on ^Mr. T. F. Bayard, to present his Letter of Monday, the 26th instant (instead of the 22nd Credence as Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni-: instant, as previously announced) at two o'clock. potentiary from the United States of America. It is The Queen's pleasure that Presentations to His Royal Highness at the Levee shall be.
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