E710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 29, 2004 Today, the vast majority of the Puerto (D–PA), James A. Barcia (D–MI), Chaka coma from a backwater log port to become Rican society favors the immediate and per- Fattah (D–PA). the fifth largest container port in North manent cessation of the bombings and f America. shellings. Past Presidents of the United During his 55 years on the waterfront, Phil States, under similar circumstances, have RECOGNIZING THE PASSING OF served as Port of Tacoma commissioner, Pro- ordered the immediate and permanent ces- PHIL LELLI peller Club president, Tacoma Longshore sation of military operations in other loca- pension club president, and University of tions. For instance, in 1975, President Gerald Washington Harry Bridges History Chair Ford, by an Executive Order, terminated the HON. NORMAN D. DICKS trustee. The Propeller Club awarded Philip use of the island of Culebra for military pur- OF WASHINGTON its highest honor, Master Mariner, in 1982. poses. Likewise, President George Bush, on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Harry Bridges Chair designated him its October 22, 1990, directed the Secretary of Distinguished Supporter in 2003. Defense to discontinue the use of the island Thursday, April 29, 2004 After Phil and Joanne’s youngest son died of Kaho’olawe for bombing and target prac- Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- in a waterfront accident in 1989, the Pro- tice. ognize the passing of Phil Lelli, a good friend peller Club created the Ross E. Lelli Memo- Your fellow Americans are seriously con- rial Scholarship Fund. cerned about the ailing health, the violation of mine and a great leader of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union from Ta- Phil Lelli learned the meaning of commu- of human and civil rights of the Viequenses, nity service from his father, Martin, who as well as the impact on their environment coma, Washington. taught his son to care for other people, espe- and natural resources. Under the Constitu- Philip M. Lelli was a born longshoreman; he cially the poor. In the 1980s Phil and Father tion of the United States, you have the au- began his career on the Tacoma, Washington William Bischel S.J. organized the Hospi- thority to call for the immediate cessation waterfront in 1949 and retired in 1993. He was tality Kitchen to serve hot lunches to the of the bombing and the shelling that are af- President of the Tacoma Longshore Union Tacoma homeless. Phil rescued a stove from fecting these rights. Therefore, the under- Local 23 from 1966 to 1993, and I recall quite the old Knights of Pythias Temple. signed urge you to order an immediate and Longshore workers trucked the stove to the permanent end of the bombing in Vieques. well the advice and counsel he freely gave to me and to other political leaders throughout Kitchen, took out a wall, installed the stove, Respectfully, and rebuilt the wall. The longshore union Anibal Acevedo Vila´ (D–PR), Luis Gutier- his tenure of Union leadership. Afterward, he continues its support of the Kitchen, which rez (D–IL), Jose Serrano (D–NY), Nydia remained deeply engaged in community affairs serves 450 meals a day. Vela´ zquez (D–NY), Ed Pastor (D–AZ), Ruben in the Puget Sound area, serving as a Port of Visitation will be from 8 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Hinojosa (D–TX), George Miller (D–CA), Saturday, May 1 (International Workers Charles Rangel (D–NY), Edolphus Towns (D– Tacoma Commissioner and the Harry Bridges NY), Patsy Mink (D–HI), Neil Abercrombie History Chair Trustee at the University of Day), followed by the Funeral Mass at 10:00 (D–HI), Bobby Rush (D–IL), Bob Menendez Washington. a.m. at St. Andrews Catholic Church, 1401 (D–NJ), Edward Markey (D–MA), Hilda Solis Today in the House of Representatives, I Valley Ave., Sumner. Rosary services will be (D–CA), Major Owens (D–NY), Mike Honda would like to express my sincere wishes of at 7 p.m. Friday at St. Martin of Tours Church 2303–54th Avenue East, Fife. Grave- (D–CA), Sam Farr (D–CA), Elliot Engel (D– sympathy to the Lelli Family, Mr. Speaker, and NY), Cynthia McKinney (D–GA), Carrie Meek side services will be at Gethsemane Ceme- to extend my thanks and the appreciation of a tery, 37600 Pacific Highway, at noon May 1. (D–FL), Eva Clayton (D–NC), Louis Slaugh- grateful community for the many contributions ter (D–NY), Sheila Jackson Lee (D–TX), Nita The Longshore Union will honor brother Phil Lowey (D–NY), John Larson (D–CT), Juanita that Phil has made. I would also like to include with an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. There is Millender-McDonald (D–CA), Brad Carson in the RECORD the notice that was printed in an online guest book at (D–OK) Mark Udall (D–CO) Tom Udall (D– today’s News Tribune newspaper from Ta- www.mountainviewtacoma.com NM), Grace Napolitano (D–CA), Charlie Gon- coma, Washington. Arrangements are by Mountain View Fu- neral Home, 253–564–0252. In lieu of flowers, zalez (D–TX), Donna Christensen (D–Vl), [From the News Tribune, Apr. 28, 2004] Danny K. Davis (D–IL), Albert Wynn (D–MD), donations may be made in the name of Philip (By Philip Lelli) Xavier Becerra (D–CA), Joe Baca (D–CA), Lelli to the Ross E. Lelli Memorial Scholar- Robert C. Scott (D–VA), Ciro Rodriguez (D– HANGS HIS HOOK ship, PO Box 453, Tacoma, WA 98401, or the TX), Anthony D. Weiner (D–NY), Lucille Longshore leader Philip Martin Lelli was Hospitality Kitchen, 1323 S. Yakima Ave., Roybal-Allard (D–CA), Sanford D. Bishop Jr. born December 4, 1929, in Edgewood and Tacoma, WA 98405. (D–GA), Gregory Meeks (D–NY), Stephanie passed away April 25, 2004, in Puyallup. He f Tubbs Jones (D–OH), Robert Underwood (D– was the son of Martin and Mary (Baller) GU), Rod Blagojevich (D–IL), Sherrod Brown Lelli and attended Fife schools and Pacific REMEMBERING CHERNOBYL (D–OH), Nancy Pelosi (D–CA), Peter DeFazio Lutheran University. He married Joanne (D–OR), Karen McCarthy (D–MO), David Williams April 18, 1953, in Fife. Phil and Jo- HON. MARCY KAPTUR Phelps (D–IL), Nick Rahall (D–WV), Eni anne were the proud parents of five sons: Jay Faleomavaega (D–AS), Bill Pascrell (D–NJ), (Judith E. Peterson), Marty, Dean (Susan), OF OHIO David Bonior (D–MI), Howard Berman (D– Vance (Kimberlie) and Ross, and grand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CA), Bernard Sanders (I–VT), William Jeffer- parents of Janelle, Jayson A. (Jennifer), Thursday, April 29, 2004 son (D–LA), Dale Kildee (D–MI), Sen. John Paula, Rori, Scott, Mathew, and Marina. Corzine (D–NJ), Betty McCollum (D–MN), There are three great-grandchildren, Mac- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (D–IL), Bob Filner (D– Kenzie, Kailee and Ryan. Also surviving is remember those who lost their lives and those CA), William Lacy Clay (D–MO), Ted Strick- his brother Tom (Phyllis) Lelli. One son, who are suffering the aftereffects of the land (D–OH), Lane Evans (D–IL), Dennis Ross, and a sister, Jeanne Retallick, pre- world’s worst nuclear accident—Chernobyl, Kucinich (D–OH), Robert Brady (D–PA), Jim ceded him. April 26, 1986. McDermott (D–WA), John Olver (D–MA), Phil Lelli was a dominant figure on the Ta- The suffering extends outside Ukraine’s bor- Lois Capps (D–CA), Lynn Woolsey (D–CA), coma waterfront from the moment he lifted Barbara Lee (D–CA), Sen. Charles Schumer his first 180–pound sack of wheat in 1949 until ders to Russia, Belarus and beyond. I ask my (D–NY), Sen. Hillary Clinton (D–NY), Alcee he retired as a gearman in 1993. He was a colleagues to take a moment to honor those L. Hastings (D–FL), Melvin Watt (D–NC), born longshoreman: a practical physicist innocent lives that will be forever changed by Bennie Thompson (D–MS), Jerrold Nadler who could come up with the most effective such a horrific event. (D–NY), James E. Clyburn (D–SC), James method of moving any size or weight of I applaud the efforts of the United States McGovern (D–MA), Lloyd Doggett (D–TX), cargo; a leader of men in times of great tech- Department of Energy, the International Atom- John Conyers Jr. (D–MI), Martin Meehan (D– nological change; and a stalwart ally who ic Energy Association, and other donor nations MA), Elijah Cummings (D–MD), Barney won hundreds of friends in ports all over the in remediation and containment efforts in Frank (D–MA), Jerry F. Costello (D–IL), world. Diana DeGette (D–CO), Carolyn McCarthy His mentor was T. A. ‘‘Tiny’’ Thronson, a Ukraine. Estimates indicate that these projects (D–NY), Michael McNutty (D–NY), Joseph veteran of the Great Strike of 1934. may last at least 100 years. Our commitment Crowley (D–NY), Gene Green (D–TX), Caro- Thronson’s advice, ‘‘Do a hard day’s work must remain firm. lyn Maloney (D–NY), Earl Hilliard (D–AL), and you’ll get rewarded with more oppor- I am including for the RECORD an article Maxine Waters (D–CA), James Oberstar (D– tunity,’’ was Phil’s guiding principle as highlighting some of the challenges ahead and MN), Janice Shakowsky (D–IL), Nick President of Tacoma Longshore Union 23 devastation many have already faced. Lampson (D–TX), Bill Delahunt (D–MA), El- from 1966 until 1983. He never abandoned his [From CBS News, Apr. 26, 2004] eanor Holmes Norton (D–DC), William Lipin- belief that port-union cooperation would re- ski (D–IL), Tammy Baldwin (D–WI), Thomas sult in a Golden Age.
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