CONTENTS QUESTIONNAIRE 1 SHOWCARDS 14 SOCIAL CL4SS DEFINITIONS 38 TECHNICAL DETAILS 39 MO R1/6309 Sm,![ N(> (l-4) (5-s) [CARD(1) I 9 Ndmc MrlMrslM!w 5N:%]q Arldrcss 2 C,’S,U..’JIUUI(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) T.N(,l..J(:.l.) sex (17) MaIc 1 ~ ~ Female (’20) (21) Age (* A 1 1 1s-2’$ 1 B ~ 2 25-29 2 cl 3 ~ 30.34 3 C2 4 4 4 35.59 4 D 5 5 21 40.44 5 E (i 6 45-49 6 Respcmdcnt M (22) 50-54 7 Trade union nlclnbcr 1 55-59 8 Not trade un!on nlcmbcr ~ .2- 60-6$ 9 Wor@, m pubI1c $ector 3 65+ Work.mg m prwalc sec[or ~ RespO1ldent M (19: Worldn$ full ume Rome M (23) (30 hritwh+) 1 Being boughl on morlgdgc 1 Work1n3 part ume Owned oumght by household 2 S (S-29 hrshvk) 2 Rented from Local Authority 3 No[ wor!-.mg (K?under S hrshvh) Ren[ed from pnva[e landlord 4 housewife 3 Olhcr ~ reured 4 - unemployed (registered) 5 Marltdl statu~ (24) unemployed (nol reglswred Married 1 looking for work) 6 Lwmg together 2 student 7 Single 3 other ~ W]dowcd/dworced/sepa rated ~ Occupatmn of Respondent Poslllon/rank/grade \dults m household (uric respondent) :IRCLE 1 23456+ ,s Industry/type of co :hdrlren m household (under 1S) :IRCLE Quals/degrees/app rens 0123456+ b No of staff re.sp for iges of chddren (27) (CODE OPPOSITE) Age O-4 1 Age 5-8 2 Occupation nf Itead of Ilousehold Age 9-10 3 + Posltlonlranklgrade Age 11-14 4 Age 15-17 ~ h’ m household (2s) lnduslryltype of co )06 yOUr household hdV1.d :dr for private momnng ~ Quals/degrees/,ipprens Yes, 1 Cdr 1 8 Yes, 2 G3r$ 2 No of sl.iff rcsp [or Yes, 3 cdrs 3 (PROBE FULi.Y FOR CWE/PENSION) No ~ Ihily Newspitper Rwtrfersbip Televisiun SHOWCARD W (2Y SHOWCARD Y (33) Dui]y Express 1 Television News 1 Duily Mail .2 NcwsVicw . 2 Doily Micro.. .3 The World This Week 3 Daily Record .4 Around Weslminslcr 4 Duily Telegraph .5 Tbc Parlianlcn[ Progrmrlme .5 Findnciul Times 6 Wcsmlinsmr Live ., .6 Gl:isg[)w HcrJhf .7 The Mcdi~ Show ., 7 The Guardian . .s First Tuesday 8 The Independent 9 A Week in Politics 9 The Scotsma n. .0 Newsnighl . 1) The Sir . x Whal the Papers SJIy x The Sun . Public Eye.........,,, (3:) (33) The Times 1 Panorama . 1 Today . .2 Onlhe Record . .,,,..... 2 Ncrnc of these . .3— !N- Walden .,.,,........,,, 3 Q.cs[ion llmc . .4 Sumluy Newspuper Remlersbip SHOWCARD X (31) None o[[hcsc! . ~ {3/34 News of the World 1 Sunday Express .2 Radio Sunday Mail (Scotland only .3 SHOWCARD Z (35) Sunday Mirror .4 Today (Radio 4) ..,,,.... 1 Sunday Post . .5 The World m One (Radio 4) .2 Sunday Telegraph .6 Today in Parliament .3 The Mail on Sunday .7 A Week in Westminster 4 The Observer . .’3 Any Questions 5 The Sunday People .9 News stand . 6 The Sunday Times .0 The World This Weekend 7 Scolland on Sunday x Eurofile . ,. 8 The Independent on Sunday Sunday Edition ,. 9 :2 PM . ,. 0 Sunday Sport 1 From Our Own Correspondent X None oflhese . .2 u2- Prime Minister’s Questions Y (36) Analyais . ..l Lawin Action . ...2 Special Assignment 3 Local radio news and current affairs programmed . ., . ...4 None of these . ...& 15/36 lntewiewerNumberIQJJp Date of[nlemiew I confirm that I have conducted this interview wilhin the code of conduct face-to-face with the above named person and that I have asked all the relevant qucslions fully and recorded the answers in conformance with the survey specifications. Intcrvicwer sigtaturc . THIS FORM [S THE PROPERTY OF MARXET & OPINION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL LTD 2 32 OLD QUEEN STREET, LONDON, SWIH 9HP 3 Good mornmglaltw mamlevenmg, my name ]5 and 1 work for MOR1, the polhng compdny We aI e talking to people .IIou Ild hete about Ide III Itntdltl, and I would hke year help Fmw of All Qla I[ow,vould wa,w,ted thete,ve, e,)genelalelectlon tommrow’> CODE BELOW I IF UNDECIDED OR REFUSED ASK Qlb wlnth p.nty .)1e >OUmmt lncla]txl to ~uppo, t P Qld Qlb (w m Conscrv.l[lve 1 1 hbour 2 GO 2 Go L1bc]al Demucrdl 3 3 Sml/Welsh Natlondl 4 TO 4 TO 42/ Green 5 I 43 O1hcr 6I Q2 :] Q2 Wobhf not vole 7 ~, 7 Unrleclrled ASK 8 GoTo ReluseiJ :) Qlb 91 Q3b Q2 If you couldu’t 101some teJwm vote Ioi the (PARTY AT Qla/lb), wh,ch I’,\rty would you vote fm ,nwead~ (!+$) cOnservauvL 1 Ldhour 2 Liberal Demoimt 3 ScoOVelsh NdllOnal Party 4 Green 5 O1her 6 +$ Would 1101VO1e -1 Unrfec!ded 8 Refused 9 ASK ALL NAMING A PARTY AT QIAOR Q I b Q3a SHOWCARD A WIuch of these statements comes closest to descrdnng the reason you intend voting for (PARTY NAMED AT Qla/lb)~ (b$ a) It K the party that most repre.sen ts your wews 1 b) The party you most support has httle chance of wmnmg f+: m lhis constltuenq, so you wdl vote for (PARTY NAMED) to keep another party OU1 2 Other (WRITE IN & CODE ’3’) 3 No opmlon 44 IF WOULD NOT VOTEAJNDECIDED OR REFUSED ASK Q311 Q3b SHOWCARD B WINch of these statements descr(bes your attitude to votmgJ MULTICODE OK (4Q 01 1 don’t tell people how I vote, as a point of prmclple 1 02 I usually don’t vote, I don’i lhmk N’Svery Important 2 4L 03 I usually don’t vnte, my vote doesn’t make any (hfference 3 04 I th]nk It M important to vnte, but I haven’t chosen a party yet 4 05 I can’t say which parly 1’11vote for unld I know who {he Iocdl candtdale is 5 06 The parly I would prefer to vole for has no chance m [his drca 6 07 None of [he paroes stands for [hc polmles I would hke 10 see 7 Other (WRITE IN & CODE ‘S’) s 3 Dcrn’[ hnow/no answer ?___l__ .4- ASK AL f- Q4 SHOWCARD C From this card, how interested would you say you are in politics? WI Vcryintcrcstxi. 1 Fairly interested . ...2 No[vcVi nlm!s:cd. .. 3 Notatall inlcrcswd. ...4 Don’l kno w. ..S Q5 SHOWCARD D Which of tkese stutemtmts best describes ynur opiniou on the present s?stem of governing Britf iin? (%) Works extremely WCIIand could not be improved . I ~ ~ TO Q* Could be inlprovcd ill snlall ways bu[ mainly works weil 2 0 Cmddbeimprovcdqu ilcolo t...... ...3 ASKQ6 Needs agreatdeal tJfitllprt]vctncnl. ...4 1 Drm’t know . ..5$om Q? IF COULD BE [MPROVED Q6 In what ways, in particukm, do YOU think the system could be improved? PROBE FOR DETAILS +7 . 50 . :1 . ASK ALL Q7 SHOWCARD E I am going to read out a list, and I would fike you to tell mq from this card, how much, if anything, you feel you know about each one? A LTEf?N 6- =bER Hardlv Great Fair Just a anything Never Don’t deal amount little at all heard of know n j TheEuropeanC ommunity 1 . ...2 . 3 . 4.......5 6_ z The House of Lords . ..”. 1.......2 . 3 . ...4.... 5 6 c) Your local Council . .. l...... 2 . 3 . ...4.... 5 6— ; d) Your rigtmsas acitizen . .. l....... 2 . 3 . ...4.... 5 6— e) Proportional repre.sentation . .. l... ...2 . 3 . ...4.... 5 6 b The way Parliament works . 1 . ...2 . 3 . ...4.... 5 ,,. 6_ ❑Tbe British constitution . .. l...... .2 . 3 . ...4.... 5 6 :) Q8 SHOWCARD F Overall, how well or badly dn you think Parliament works? q) Very well.................,.. Fairly well . 2 Neither well nor badly . 3 Fairly badly . 4 Very badly . 5 Don’l know . 6 — 4 -5- ASK ALL Q9 Wlmt M the name of the Pnrbument.my Constituency thut you hve mv CHECK QUOTA SHEET (b) Corrc~l 1 In.orrec[ (WRITE IN) 2 bo Don’t Lnmv ? Ql[l Whnt is the rmmeof thecurrent Member of Parh.Iment fortlus mn~tltuency~ CHECK QUOTA SHEET CODE BELOW (61) Correc[ 1 Incorrecl (wRITE IN) 2 Don’t know 3 Qll Wh,ch poht,calpartydoes the MPlol th,sconst,tuency represent, CODE BELOW (6aj Conservame 1 Labour 2 Llb Dem 3 ,2 Scotushmekh National Party 4 Other 5 Don’t know 6 Q12 On balance, ale you sutlstiexl or dlssdtmtiwl w,th the ,011 the local MP IS doing for tht$ constltuency~ (9 Satlsf]ed 1 Dlssauslied 2 3 Don’t knowlno opmlon 3 Q13 And which pohtlcal pmtydo you thmkcamesecomf m this constltuencym the lost electlon, m June 1987? 6+) Conservaove 1 f-abour i L1berallSDP/AHlance 3 Scots/Welsh Nats 4 Other 5 Don’t know 6 Q14 As furasynu how, doyoul,ve,n nmnrg, "nlconst,tuency, or"ot~ Thutm, wnstheresult of the Imtgeneral electlonqutte close m this .wea ornnt’J (6$ / Yes, marginal, rc~ull dose 1 > No, not m~rglndl,MPwc~nc~slly 2 Don’[ know 3 Q 15 As f.mas ynu know, are you teglsterert to vote at the mnmen$ or not? &) Yes Go ?0 Cll=f b Nn 2 ASKQ16 Don’[ knnw 3 Go -To Qw -6- IF NOT REGISTERED Q16 SHOWCARD G Which of the reasons on this card, if any, would you use to describe why ye,, we not registered to vote? Just remf out the ttttmht!rs that upply. MULTICODE OK ASK ALL Q17 During an .4ectinu cmnpitign do you think there should m’ should not he .
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