U.S. official says U.N. doesn't promote peace, B1 TAWAN ABERDEEN • 4NSBURG Streak snapped Giants back on top 'PORT UNION 8EACH Miami has winning skein Gritty pass defense Today's Forecast ended by Chargers, 34-28 halts Cards, 16-10. Snow flurries possible Page B3 Page B2 Complete weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 107 NO. 122 •YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER ... SINCE 1878 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1984 .„ 25 CENTS Reagan preparing for battle on budget BY MAUREEN SANTIN1 The working group is trying to set The deficit this fiscal year is now ranch chores. Fitzwater said the AP White House Corresscadenl a deficit target to use as a guideline estimated to be 1210 billion. Lopping president was on vacation, with no during preparation of the fiscal year off up to 1100 billion of that by 1988 meetings or public appearances SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) 1988 budget, which will be presented would be an extremely ambitious scheduled. — President Reagan is spending his to Congress early next year. undertaking since Reagan has pub- Instead, after the rain-drenched vacation "getting ready for the Reagan is not expected to receive licly pledged not to raise taxes or trails on his 688-acre spread dried a budget struggle in Congress," as the group's recommendations until cut Social Security or other items bit, the president went horseback White House aides fend off queries after he returns to Washington that constitute two-thirds of the riding yesterday and began work on of how the administration plans to "We are just starting the budget spending total. an underground sprinkler system foi reduce the federal deficit. process. We have no idea where we The New York Times and the a pasture near the small ranch Deputy White House press sec- will come out," Fltzwater said, Washington Post, meanwhile, were home. Eventually, the system is tc retary Marlin Fltzwater said yester- adding the administration's goal reporting that Cabinet members extend 800 feet, according to the day that the president also was was to "reduce the deficit as far as were using as an unofficial guide in White House press office. "resting and rejuvenating himself we can as fast as we can." budget deliberations a report by the for the second term" during his Reagan's arrival in California or He Insisted the details of how to conservative Heritage Foundation. Saturday occurred just six days extended Thanksgiving holiday, do that remain unsettled, saying the The Washington policy center's which ends next Sunday. after he had concluded a post- administration does not know when proposals included cuts in Medicaid election vacation at his ranch. The But Fltzwater was tight lipped the budget will be balanced payments to states deemed to have president averages a trip to his when it came to confirming reports Although Reagan pledged during "excessive" health care costs, the ranch about every other month. that a budget working group of 12 his 1M0 campaign to balance the newspapers reported. high-level administration officials Unless something unforeseen federal budget, aides acknowledged Reagan, who arrived at his se- would recommend that Reagan try arises, Reagan will not be seen this last week it was highly unlikely that cluded, century-old adobe ranch in to reduce the federal deficit to $100 week by anyone except the select could happen until the 1990s, after the Santa Ynez Mountains on Satur- billion to f ISO billion by 1988 few who are allowed entry through Reagan has left office. day, launched immediately into See Reagan, page A2 Dentist accused of killing wife pka» •? Cut Him BY ALAN SIPRESS who police said is now in the custody said Susan D'Ambrosa, of 21 Valley of her concern for their child, the IMPOHTANT TIME — Temple Beth Shalom In Manalapan was of Kenneth Taylor's parents from Road. D'Ambrosa, who had a baby neighbor related. formally dedicated yesterday Pictured in front ol the temple prior MANALAPAN - Police arrested Indiana two weeks before Taylor, said she Neighbors described Teresa Tay- to the ceremonies are from left, Arnie Klein, president ol the a township dentist yesterday on After moving here from Staten had been curious about why Taylor lor as an attractive brunette of Temple; Rabbi Ira Rothateln, and Al Laaeofl. dedication chairman. charges ofmurderuig bis wife by Island, NY hi August 1983. Taylor and her child were never seen average height. bludgeoning her over the head at continued to commute with his wife, outside. their home on Nov. 11 and then herself a dental hygienlst, to his two Another neighbor said the Taylors The police investigation was dumping the body in Schuylkill dental offices on Staten Island, one rarely socialized with others on the supervised by Capt. Richard Can- County, Pa. at 441 Grandvlew Avenue, the other street, but added that Kenneth neto and Lt. Peter Vanderwiei of the A time for joy Kenneth Taylor, 39, of 23 Valley Taylor seemed to be a friendly man Manalapan police, with assistance at 30 Jersey Street, their neighbors Road, was held on $500,000 bond in said yesterday. who took an interest in the neigh- from Lt. William Lucia, In- the Monmouth County jail, Free- Residents on Valley Road said borhood. vestigator Guy McCormick, Lt. hold, last night, pending his arraign- that the Taylors had largely kept to This resident, who declined to be Bruce Newman and Investigator ment on murder charges today as congregation themselves. In fact, neighbors noted identified, said he last met Kenneth Glen Meyers, all of the county before a munclpal court judge they had wondered why they so Taylor on Nov. 9, when he came prosecutor's office. Detective Rob- Ordinarily, he would have been ert Fausak and Patrolman David arraigned before a Superior Court rarely saw Teresa Taylor. over to inquire about a power "She was a mystery. We used to shortage at the time. Taylor had Bisconi of the Manalapan police also judge, but the Superior Court is not participated. dedicates temple in session this week. joke about her never going out," said his wife was very upset because Pennsylvania State Police said MANALAPAN - Exactly a temple," which had. met and the fuUy clothed body of Mrs. month earlier, vandal* had driven prayed most recently at the Hol- Teresa C. Taylor, 25, was discovred a tractor through the newly iday Swim and Tennis Club in Thursday morning along a rural erected walls and had spray- English town road in West Brunswick Township. paintad red and Mack Nail ilurt on "The twists of the last month the exterior of Temple Beth According to Pennsylvania State have been very unreal and I very Police, Taylor's arrest came after Shalom, which In Hebrew means much doubt that I'll ever be the "home of peace." the discovery of evidence found in same person. The cruel realities of the couple's home here that Yeiterday, 31 Jewish the real world came crashing down matched that found with the body. schoolchildren, a few shifting un- on us, seemingly out of nowhere," Police said that Kenneth Taylor had easily before the more than MX) Rabbi Ira Rothstein said of the confessed to the murder. individual* in the ttill-undecorated anti-Semitic attack, for which three Manslapsn men were in He turned himself in at the sanctuary, helped dedicate the Manalapan police station yesterday new synagogue with their high- dieted Thursday by a county grand Jury. morning after being in contact with pitched tinging: "Help them to see local police, according to Paul that the people here are like you But Rothitein told the audience Chalet, assistant Monmouth County and me. Let us show them how to that the support provided to the prosecutor. play the pipes of peace, play the congregation throughout the com- Chaiet declined to provide any pipe* of peace." munity had restored pis faith in other specifics concerning the ar- society. Popular outrage cul- Nine more children danced rest, but neighbors said police had minated two weeks ago with a down the aisles to a traditional staked out the Taylor home shortly solidarity march of more than Jewish melody. Soon, the gathered after midnight yesterday. families and guests — including 3,000 people, including Gov. Thomas H. Kean and Sen Prank Pennsylvania State Police Ident- public officials and clergymen ified the body Saturday after Taylor from local chorees and synagogues Lautenberg, D-N.J., to protest the desecration. reported his wife missing to Man- — were clapping in time, many alapan police two days earlier, swaying with their arms about Rothstein presided yesterday Chaiet said. each other's tboulden. over the ceremonial lighting of the Dr. Richard P. Bindle, who per- Prom the morning the des- seven-branch menorah. with a formed the autopsy at PotUville, ecration was discovered, syn- representative from each segment Ps. General Hospital said the agogue officials had insisted that of congregation, from Hebrew woman died from massive head the dedication would proceed as school students to members of the injuries, moat likely Inflicted by a planned, that the kWamlly con- Sisterhood, blessing a candle. In blunt Instrument. Chalet refused to gregation would delay no longer —«"s»l»''tg the Importance of comment on whether the murder the opening of its new home after those outside the congregation, weapon had been found or on what seven years of being a "nomad See Temple, page At the motive had been. JOINT PROJECT — An employee of the Soviet wheat into the hold of a Soviet Ml-8 helicopter at The Taylors were married in July state airline Aeroflot, wearing a baseball cap, a military base in Ethiopia. The shipment was 1983 and had a flve-montk-old son, directs the loading of a truckload ol American destined for famine victims in the Marxist nation.
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