QNTHE Vol. VI, 1986 Choices ISSUES Women's Medical Center, Inc. WAITING THEIR TURN: Bella Abzug (Women, USA), Vkki Alexander, M D (Black Women'-. Health Network), Merle Hoffman (CHOICES), and Betty Maloney (Radical Women) were a few of the rousing speakers at the January 22 Pro-Choke Rally in Bryant Park, NYC- (Additional rally photos inside) The first two days find me in silent, the room dark. Familiar MERLE HOFFMAN Amherst, Massachusetts at the images rush past on the screen— "First Annual Nursing Conference on click-click—a breast—a crotch- ON THE ISSUES Violence Against Women" presenting leather—guns—knives—little November, 1985 did not come a workshop on "Abortion: The Poli- girls—sex and violence—Playboy and quietly for me. It was a month of tics of Violence." Hustler one after another. It goes on immersion in violence and confer- The opening session of the con- for almost an hour—the presenter's ences. It was also a month for Quiet ference sets the tone for two days voice overriding—calling our atten- Heroines. to come. The audience is hushed and tion to the subliminal and not so sub- © CHOICES, Women's Medical Center. Inc. 1986 continued on pg 2 continuedfrom pg. 1 liminal sexism in the cartoon images. that this expression of sexuality was be dangerous in its seductiveness. Seeing this for the first time, the a particular genre of male mental- There is a possibility that the con- woman behind me moans and groans ity—didactic, dualistic and mechanis- sistent collective expression of our audibly. Later, she makes it a point tic. S oppression in prose and verse may to tell me she has two small children WRIT LARGE. obviate our individual responsibility and from now on will be ever vigi- The evening conference enter- for changing it. Anger, frustration lant, ever careful—insuring her chil- tainment is a showing of issue films. and rage turned inward becomes dren's eyes be protected. For myself, There are only about eight women depression. There is a pervasive I had seen this show many times attending—mostly 50 and older— sense of helplessness—augmented before. It could be a pornography they sit quietly, watching shadows by media propaganda proclaiming workshop, battery, rape, child of young girls describing molesta- the death of the women's movement abuse—take your pick. It could actu- tions—no comment, very engross- that seems to permeate women's ally fit in just about anywhere in a ing. One of the videos doesn't fly. It consciousness. The comeback of feminist conference. depicts two women arguing while a tight dresses, high heels, the touting At lunch, I make it a point to man lies quietly on the couch seem- of a "style wars" as if it really mat- tell the two academic women beside ingly impervious to them. The audi- tered. The inescapable reality of the me that I had recently purchased ence's impatience grows—"When is long duration and difficulty of the Hustler and Playboy. They are he going to get off the couch and do struggle. The realization that things aghast. "You mean you actually something?" "Change the tape—not may never change in your lifetime, bought those things?" I recount the enough action." This becomes the fear of growth, the anxiety of story. It occured in a small delicates- extremely disturbing to me. It seems change, the loss of dependency, the sen beside a picturesque country as if even in the study of violence challenge of responsibility, the pain road in upstate New York. They sold and its devastation there is an of knowing you are alone. The com- homemade lasagna, luncheon meats, underlying sense of excitement. ing of age and aging, the lack of con- detergents, cigarettes and newspa- crete answers and the monotony of A particular image remains in the same questions results in the pers. A little country store, open till my mind. It is the final day of the 10 p.m. to give the houses nearby movement too often reflecting on conference and I am standing in a itself and diffusing its own energy. access to necessities. The magazines long hallway. There is a TV. camera were kept behind the counter. You and a reporter interviewing a It is a measure of the times could just make out their titles. The woman. She is somewhat nervous. and the social reality that makes for cashier was blonde, young, and ner- "Do I look all right? This is the first Quiet Heroines. She says she is 24 vous. I bought three magazines—he time I'll be on television. Don't ask years old—very small, short dark could barely conceal his blushes. He me hard questions." He is reassuring. hair worn in a punkish style—she started to put them in a brown The assistant helps fix her hair. "Roll had sat silently during the two hours paper bag. "That won't be neces- Cameras." Question. "Why are you of my presentation on abortion clinic sary", I said, as I picked them up attending this conference on vio- violence; meeting my eyes for short along with my newspaper. "Have fun lence? Answer—"I'm here because intense moments. When she speaks, tonight" he murmured as I walked I'm working in the field and I wanted she is barely audible. The story she out. to network with other professionals tells is not unique. She was 19 years Going through those magazines to find out what everyone else was old when she found herself preg- was an adventure—something akin doing." Question—"Is it successful?" nant, living in a small Catholic to reading Popular Mechanics. No Answer—"Yes, so much so that I town—no one knew—not her par- real sensuality or sexuality—merely hope there will be one next year and ents, not her lover and certainly not descriptions of events, orifices and the year after that." the priest. Alone, all alone, she made mailing addresses. It occured to me I feel myself getting that famil- an appointment at the nearest abor- iar anxiety in my stomach—the anxi- tion clinic. She had no transporta- ety I get when my reality directly tion, no support, no "significant conflicts with the collectives; Now, I other". After her abortion she had to "ON THE ISSUES" thought, violence against women walk alone for 10 miles to get back will be thoroughly institutionalized to her house. Alone, afraid, but not IS ON THE AIRI academically and professionally. pregnant. She walked. And today at There will be university programs. Amherst, in this small classroom— Beginning February 9th, Merle Ph.D.s in violence, and a new profes- here with 15 other women—she Hoffman brings feminist issues sional journal to house increasing speaks about it for the first time. to TV on her weekly cable talk research on the issue. There is, it She speaks, and I listen. Listen as her show "M.H. On the Issues',' Sun- seems an unspoken assumption that words break the silence. A Quiet days, 11 a.m. on Manhattan and violence against women will con- Heroine—enough courage to put her Group W Cable Channel J. tinue, is an accepted part of our life on the line—enough guts to go For more information or for social reality and will be here today through the abortion alone. Walking taped copies of "On the Issues" and for many tomorrows. through darkness, but unable to contact Anderson Productions, It comes to me that the wom- speak about it. Unable till this 51 West 81 Street, New York, NY en's movement is in therapy. The moment to say the words "I had an 10024. Telephone: 212/769-2501. constant verbal and literary analysis abortion." As if the words verify the that pervades much of the politics of act—as if not speaking about it the current feminist movement can makes it go away. continued on pg. 18 THE NUCLEAR THREAT ble peace. He told the press at the advisers are telling us the full story. close of the Summit conference: It is a mad mad race. And it can A Woman's Perspective They're not going to understand be stopped; but not unless women By Betty G. Lall missile throwweights or what's hap- are able to participate along with pening in Afghanistan or what is men. Women and men generally are happening in human rights. Some socialized differently. There is no women will, but most women... question that throughout history, believe me, your readers for the with a few exceptions, it has been most part if you took a poll... would men not women who prepare for rather read the human interest stuff and wage wars. of what happened." In this nuclear age, we women Women care deeply about pre- have been frightened by our respec- serving the values that are funda- tive governments whose leaders con- mental to the achievement of a trol most of the information about more peaceful, secure, and just the intentions and capabilities of the world, but we have not been given adversary. If we thought the other effective opportunities to inject our side genuinely wanted to reach views into policy-making decisions. agreements to stop building stock- We have not been given choices. piles, would we agree to support the Considering the facts, our par- expenditure of hundreds of billions ticipation certainly couldn't hurt. each year for weapons and prepara- In the past 13 years, not a sin- tion for war? Did Soviet leader, gle arms control agreement between Mikhail Gorbachev, stop the testing Where are the women? It is an the Soviet Union and the United of nuclear weapons and anti-satellite interesting fact that women have States has been ratified by our gov- weapons because he wanted to lull been shunted aside when high-level ernment though there have been the United States into a trap or discussions turn to issues of arma- three important ones signed: the because he decided this might ment—especially interesting since SALT II Treaty, the Threshold Nuclear improve chances of reaching an women have been at the forefront Test Ban Treaty, and the Treaty on agreement for both sides to stop the as activists where nuclear arms con- Underground Nuclear Peaceful Explo- arms race? Wouldn't our two coun- trol is concerned.
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