Attachment 13 Fire Risk Map 461 ATTACHMENT 11 462 Attachment 14 Vegetation Management Plan, 03/07/2018 463 The Residences at Preserve Robin Drive Corte Madera, CA 94925 Vegetation Management Plan Narrative March 7, 2018 Introduction This Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) narrative is prepared in response to the Corte Madera Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Code requirements that establish parameters for fire safety and protection measures including defensible space around structures in developed areas adjacent to wildland areas. The narrative constitutes the written component of the VMP, and is followed by the plans portion. The VMP narrative addresses proposed site renovations as shown on the included The Residences at Preserve plans, and is subject to revision to meet the conditions of environmental regulatory reviews, Planning and Building Department approvals, and water district irrigation plan approvals. The VMP is prepared following the regulations referenced in Corte Madera Municipal Code Section 15.04, the Marin County Fire Department Fire Protection Standard 220, and applicable state requirements identified in CBC 2016, Chapter 7A. The VMP narrative and plan were prepared by Carducci Associates. Refer to the included VMP Plan sheets for the VMP Defensible Space Zone Map (sheets VMP1, VMP2, and VMP3). Supporting documentation prepared by Carducci Associates is provided following the plans portion of the VMP, including a site vicinity map, a hydrozone map that shows the extent and type of proposed irrigation in line with MMWD water conservation requirements, and a tree plan that indicates existing trees and trees proposed to be removed. Further supporting documentation includes site grading plans prepared by RSA Consulting Civil Engineers and Surveyors, and an arborist report and existing tree survey prepared by LSA Associates, Inc. The tree plan is prepared utilizing data from the arborist report. Conifers, including the existing pines not recommended for removal by the arborist report, have been included for removal on the tree plan. Additional VMP-required tree and shrub removals will be determined during a site meeting with the owners’ representative, the contractor, and a fire department representative. VMP Goals Reduce the rapid transmission of heat and flame from a wildland fire to structures, or from structures to the wildland, thorough selective thinning of existing vegetation. 555 BEACH STREET FOURTH FLOOR 415.674.0990 (t) SAN FRANCISCO CA 94133 415.674.0999 (f) 1 464 2 Creation of required Defensible Space through separation, reduction, and disruption of the horizontal and vertical continuity of fire fuels. Creation of a fire resistant, vegetated landscape of appropriate plant materials that is well irrigated and appropriately maintained. Retention and pruning of existing trees throughout the project site to comply with fuel reduction requirements. Site Description The existing site consists of open, gently sloped areas of gravel, soil, and naturalized vegetation, surrounded by steep slopes, oak woodland, grassland, a mix of brush and grass, and mixed oak and bay forest. The site is adjacent to the Preserve at Marin Apartments property, and single family residential properties with a mix of maintained and un-maintained site areas. An upper parcel that has sensitive habitat areas will remain undeveloped. Although this parcel is beyond the Defensible Space Zones for this project, portions of it are currently maintained as part of the VMP for the Preserve at Marin Apartments. Project Description The Residences at Preserve is located along Robin Drive in Corte Madera, California. Site improvements consist of newly constructed townhomes, providing rental housing in a subdivision with professional landscape management for the site areas. A seasonal creek sits within the site, and may be regulated by several regulatory bodies, including the US Army Corps of Engineers, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The overall goals of the landscape renovation supporting the project goals are to enhance views and reinforce integration with the surrounding natural environment including: • Vistas to the San Francisco Bay, and related natural and man-made marine features. • Vistas of Mt. Tamalpais and Marin County uplands. • Path connections to Ring Mountain and Tiburon Ridge Open Space Preserves. • Restoration and improvement of fire resistive, native vegetation along the waterway. • Removal of non-native and invasive species that are deleterious to the environment and reduce safety, sustainability, and beauty of the site. Landscape improvements are inspired by native plant associations of Marin County, and create “biomes” for the site that accentuate the existing native habitat remnants on the 2 465 3 site. These biomes range from Coastal Meadow to Oak and Bay Forest. Refer to the VMP Plan Legend for the plant lists, the biomes, and the corresponding areas developed in line with these biomes on the VMP Plan sheets. Vegetation Zones Zone 1, Defensible Space Zones The extents of Defensible Space Zones are influenced by the severity of the slopes on the site, as well as slope aspect and adjacent existing vegetation. Slopes range from 2:1 (50%) towards site edges, to 8% near the center of the site. Slopes are generally planar at the buildings, however several areas of the site involve complex slopes that wrap around the buildings in a non-linear manner. The proposed Defensible Space Zones are sized based upon the Hazard Assessment Matrix, included on VMP plan sheet VMP1. The VMP Plan indicates these zones mapped at each building, based on the proposed dimensions indicated in the Hazard Assessment Matrix; in some locations, the proposed zones exceed the minimum required zones calculated in the matrix, due to practicality or in order to capture perceived hazards of slope, vegetation, aspect, or adjacency. Interior site areas that are technically outside of minimum required zones are included in the proposed defensible space limits in order to simplify maintenance approaches. Zone 2, Fuel Reduction Zones Due to the configuration of the site, some fuel reduction zones fall beyond the property line, into un-maintained or minimally maintained adjacent properties. Where non-irrigated, naturalized conditions exist within this zone, pyrophytic planting will be removed and seasonal maintenance will occur as needed to meet fire marshal requirements. Landscape Improvements Irrigation Renovated planting is irrigated with MMWD Title 13 compliant, water conserving irrigation. Overhead irrigation is utilized where allowed by MMWD, drip and bubblers are utilized where overhead spray is not allowed by Title 13. Waterway areas and disturbed areas beyond the limits of planned planting improvements will be temporarily irrigated for establishment. Existing naturalized vegetated areas without landscape improvements will remain un- irrigated. Where trees are placed within these areas, they will be irrigated with localized bubbler or drip irrigation, which will provide some irrigated buffer under the trees when they are smaller with lower canopies. The irrigation to these outlying trees may be decommissioned once the canopies have matured. 3 466 4 Planting The site plan is divided into vegetative “biomes” as described in the Project Description. The plant list is included on the proposed VMP plan, and plants comprising the list have been selected for fire resistive criteria. Plantings away from entries are characterized by low-growing, native grass lawns, and are irrigated. Planting near building entries, road intersections, between buildings, and separating buildings from roadways is ornamental and typically consists of groundcovers, succulents, low bunch grasses, and, where space permits, low shrubs, and some taller shrubs for screening. Taller planting is grouped into linear islands to provide breaks between masses. These areas are typically irrigated. Waterway planting must meet restoration planting requirements acceptable to the regulatory agencies and is subject to modification to meet their requirements, however, this planting will be laid out to meet WUI and VMP requirements. Planting in this area will be kept low, will exclude pyrophytic species, and be compatible with the riparian conditions. Roadway planting within 10’ of the paved edges along Robin Drive, Paradise Drive, and along the new subdivision road consist of low-growing plants buffered from the non- irrigated native areas beyond by irrigated native grass turf and some islands of low massing; these road-adjacent conditions are typically irrigated. Where needed to comply with town building height limitations, and to accommodate slopes suitable for dwellings, pedestrian paths, driveways and roadways within the site, retaining walls are placed within irrigated planting areas. Where walls exceed a 3’ height, evergreen vines that lay tightly on the surface will be utilized to minimize visual impact. Vine species will comply with MMWD requirements and will not be pyrophytic species. These vines and areas on either side of the walls will remain irrigated. Walls will be concrete. Existing trees will be managed by pruning, removing dead wood, and litter to reduce fuel load. Structural pruning will be performed to accentuate sculptural forms and open views within the tree canopies. Selected trees identified on the existing tree removal plan will be removed. Existing trees will be pruned at minimum 10’ clear of buildings and overhangs.
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