USOO845 1495B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.451.495 B2 Mestha et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 28, 2013 (54) COLOR INCONSTANCY GUIDE FOR SPOT U.S. Appl. No. 12/533,542, filed Jul. 31, 2009, Gil et al. Wyble, David R. and Berns, Roy S. A Critical Review of Spectral COLOR PRINT APPLICATIONS Models Applied to Binary Color Printing, May 1, 1999, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Rochester, NY. USA. (75) Inventors: Lalit Keshav Mestha, Fairport, NY Ohno, Yoshi, CIE Fundamentals for Color Measurements, IS&T (US); Yonghui Zhao, Penfield, NY NIP16 Conference, Oct. 16, 2000, National Institute of Standards and (US); Yao Rong Wang, Webster, NY Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA. Susstrunk, Sabine and Holm, Jack and Finlayson, Graham D., Chro (US) matic Adaptation Performance of Different RGB Sensors, IS&T/ SPIE Electronic Imaging, SPIE vol. 4300, Jan. 2001, Swiss Federal (73) Assignee: Xerox Corporation, Norwalk, CT (US) Institute of Technology(EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. Kheng, Leow Wee, Color Spaces and Color-Difference Equations, (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Feb. 19, 2002, Department of Computer Science, National University patent is extended or adjusted under 35 of Singapore, Singapore. U.S.C. 154(b) by 785 days. Sharma, Gaurav and Wu, Wencheng and Dalal, Edul N. The CIEDE2000 Color-Difference Formula: Implementation Notes, (21) Appl. No.: 12/645,832 Supplementary Test Data, and Mathematical Observations, Feb. 9, 2004, ECE Department University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. (22) Filed: Dec. 23, 2009 USA. (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2011 FO149311 A1 Jun. 23, 2011 Primary Examiner — Barbara Reinier (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Philip E. Blair; Fleit (51) Int. Cl. Gibbons Gutman Bongini & Bianco P.L. G06F 5/00 (2006.01) H04N L/40 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT G06K 9/00 (2006.01) What is disclosed is a novel system and method for generating (52) U.S. Cl. ........................... 358/19; 358/2.1; 382/167 a color inconstancy guide for use in spot color print applica (58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None tions. In a manner more fully disclosed herein, color incon See application file for complete search history. stancy values are calculated for selected spot colors of interest using a color inconstancy metric. A color inconstancy guide is (56) References Cited generated from the calculated color inconstancy values and their respective spot colors. Thereafter, when a user desires to U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS render a job in a particular spot color, the associated color 6,698,860 B2 3, 2004 Berns et al. inconstancy value for that color can be obtained from the 7,397,581 B2 7/2008 Mestha et al. 8,031,938 B2 * 10/2011 Edge ............................. 382, 167 guide. In various embodiments, recommendations in the form 2005/0094169 A1 5, 2005 Berns et al. of a Suggested printer to use, a media type, a halftone screen, 2008.0043263 A1 2/2008 Hancock et al. and other meaningful assistance can be provided for spot 2009/0257648 A1* 10/2009 Edge ............................. 382,162 color selection that are less sensitive to varying illuminations for a given print/copy job. The present color inconstancy OTHER PUBLICATIONS guide provides meaningful extensions in color quality and U.S. Appl. No. 12/645,859, filed Dec. 23, 2009, Mestha et al. color reproduction in print/copy job environments. U.S. Appl. No. 12/645,875, filed Dec. 23, 2009, Mestha et al. U.S. Appl. No. 12/504,332, filed Jul. 16, 2009, Mestha et al. 25 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets 200 SELECTASPOTCOLOROFINTEREST FROMALIBRARY 202 OF SPOTCOLORSFORAREFERENCECOLORMARKINGDEVICE OBTANATLEASTONECOLOR 204 VALUEFORTHESELECTEDSPOTCOLOR CALCULATEACOLORINCONSTANCYWALUEBASED 206 UPONTHECOLORWALUEUSINGA COLORINCONSTANCYMETRIC SELECTANOTHER 208 SPOTCOLOROFINTEREST? NO SORT THECOLORINCONSTANCYWALUESTOPRODUCE 210 ASORTEDLISTOFSPOTCOLORS DIVIDE THESORTEDLIST OF SPOTCOLORSINTO 212 ATLEASTAFIRSTANDSECONDSECTION GENERATEACOLORINCONSTANCYGUIDEUSING 214 ATLEAST THE FIRSTSECTION OF THESORTEDLIST 216 US 8,451.495 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Chen, Y. and Berns, R. S. and Taplin, L. A., Exploring the Color Fairchild, Mark D. Color Appearance Models: CIECAM02 and Inconstancy of Prints, AIC Colour 05-10' Congress of the Interna Beyond, IS&T/SID 12' Color Imaging Cpnference Tutorial T1A, tional Colour Association, Munsell Color Science Laboratory, May Nov. 9, 2004, RIT Munsell Color Science Laboratory, Rochester,NY. 13, 2005, Rochester, NY, USA. USA. Finlayson, Graham D. and Susstrunk, Sabine, Performance of a International Color Consortium, ICC Recommendations for Color Chromatic Adaptation Transform based on Spectral Sharpening, Measurement White Paper No. 3 Level. Introductory, International School of Information Systems, The University of East Anglia, Oct. Color Consortium, Dec. 2001, USA. Susstrunk, Sabine and Finlayson. Graham D., Evaluating Chromatic 16, 2007, Norwich, UK. Adaptation Transform Performance, Proc. IS&T/SID 13" Color Hunterlab, Color Inconstancy, vol. 12. No. 11, 2008, USA. Imaging Conference, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 1 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 2 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 START 2OO SELECTASPOT COLOR OF INTEREST FROMALIBRARY 2O2 OF SPOT COLORSFORAREFERENCE COLORMARKING DEVICE OBTAINATLEAST ONE COLOR 204 WALUE FORTHE SELECTED SPOT COLOR CALCULATEACOLORINCONSTANCYWALUE BASED 206 UPONTHE COLORWALUE USINGA COLORINCONSTANCYMETRIC SELECTANOTHER 208 SPOT COLOR OF INTEREST? NO SORT THE COLORINCONSTANCYWALUESTO PRODUCE 210 A SORTEDLIST OF SPOT COLORS DIVIDE THE SORTEDLIST OF SPOT COLORS INTO 212 ATLEASTAFIRST AND SECOND SECTION GENERATEACOLORINCONSTANCY GUIDE USING 214 ATLEAST THE FIRSTSECTION OF THE SORTEDLIST STOP 216 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 3 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 324 COLOR INCONSTANCY VALUE 318 CALCULATOR 322 312 304 SPOT COLOR LIBRARY COLOR VALUE 306 REFERENCE MESFEN YC COLORDEVICE MARKING 2 SetRox FIG. 3 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 4 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 | 009 007 008 007 00|| () SNOWNSO it U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 6 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 SNOWNSSO i. U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 8 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 OOZ 09 SNOWNESSO i U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 9 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 OOZ 09 SNOWNESSO it U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 10 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 AVOCK for Offset Printer AVCC 1000N PANTONE433U PANTONE 754OU PANTONE 425 U PANTONE 426 U PANTONE COO Gray11 U PANTONE 424 U PANTONE COO Gray OU PANTONE 877 U PANTONE COO Gray9 U PANTONE 7539 U PANTONE 423U PANTONE COO Gray 8U PANTONE COO Gray7 U PANTONE 422U PANTONE COO Gray 6 U PANTONE432U PANTONE 5315 U PANTONE COO Gray5 U PANTONE 427 U PANTONE 7443U PANTONE 419 U PANTONEBlack 3U PANTONE 7541 U PANTONE COO Gray 4 U PANTONEBlack 6 U PANTONE 428U O60 PANTONE 429 U O60 PANTONE 421 U PANTONE 418 U PANTONE COO Gray U PANTONEC00 Gray 3U PANTONE 417 U PANTONE 663U PANTONE431 U PANTONE 532U PANTONE COO Gray2U PANTONEHexachrome BlackU 0.66 PANTONE 7538U O66 -- u TO FIG. OA-2 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 11 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 FROM FIG. OA-1 -- PANTONE 416 U O66 1000N PANTONEBlack 7U PANTONE POCeSS Black U PANTONE 43OU PANTONE 7537 U O69 PANTONE 42OU PANTONE 7547 U PANTONE 7543U PANTONE Warm Gray 1U PANTONE 415 U PANTONE 81OOU PANTONE 7544 U PANTONE 405 U PANTONE 7546 U PANTONE 4O2U PANTONE 414 U PANTONE 404 U PANTONE 403U 1020 NSSEWHSE-iPANTONEWarm Gray 11 U PANTONEWarm Gray2U PANTONE 5175 U PANTONE411 U PANTONE Warm Gray 8U PANTONE 401 U PANTONE 7545 U PANTONEBlack U PANTONE 413U PANTONE Warm Gray 7U PANTONE Warm Gray 6 U PANTONE 524 U PANTONE 4OOU PANTONE 447 U PANTONEENNESH 649 U O. 1OO N HSN.E.PANTONE 518U 0.99 FIG 10A-2 PANTONE 412U O99 U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 12 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 105\ AVOC) 5 for Offset Printer COIOrName PANTONE Orance O21U PANTONE 812U PANTONE 805 U PANTONE 7467 U PANTONE 2735 U PANTONE 2728U PANTONE 3OOU 5 2 O PANTONE 3272U PANTONEHexachrome CVan U 5 PANTONE 801 U PANTONE 2736 U PANTONE 3005 U PANTONE 327 U PANTONE 32OU PANTONE 313 U PANTONE 3135 U PANTONE 746OU PANTONE POCeSSBlue U 5.77 PANTONEBUe O72U 5.98 FIG 10B U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 13 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 1100 PANTONE 5245 U O96 PANTONE 2767 U PANTONE 67OU O.9 PANTONE 665 U O.9 PANTONE 256 U O.9 PANTONE 5175 U O.98 FIG. 11A U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 14 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 1105 AVC CIY 5 for Gen4 SOOt COIOS COIOrName AVC C PANTONE 2738U PANTONEBUe O72U PANTONE 2945 U PANTONE 639 U PANTONE 293U PANTONE 3288U PANTONE 7474. U PANTONE 286 U PANTONE 322U PANTONE 327 U PANTONE 641 U PANTONE 3015 U PANTONE 3282U PANTONE 32OU PANTONE 313U PANTONE 3135 U PANTONEHexachrome CVan U 5 PANTONE 633U PANTONE POCeSS Blue U 5.67 PANTONE 746OU PANTONE 2935 U PANTONE 321 U PANTONE 307 U PANTONE 3145 U PANTONE 64OU PANTONE 314 U 5 9 8 PANTONE 3OOU PANTONE 3005 U R: 7 FIG 11B U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 15 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 s& N. r 3 V 1 & U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 16 of 16 US 8,451.495 B2 1300 1326 1328 1320 KEYBOARD MOUSE DISPLAY 1304 1324 131 8 DISPLAY DISKCONTROLLER COMMUNICATION: PORTS 131O 1306 1308 1322 CDROM HARD DRIVE 1312 1314 FLOPPYDRIVE US 8,451,495 B2 1. 2 COLOR INCONSTANCY GUIDE FOR SPOT “Production Of Color Conversion Profile For Printing, COLOR PRINT APPLICATIONS U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/700,658, filed: Nov.
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