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GUILFOYLE COURT HOUSE NEXT 8TH VOTERS ADD Chinese Await Noose; St. Petersburg, Fla., April 21. — Pilfering the Atlantic Ocean or the WoolWorth Building TWO ROOMS TO TO HEAR HIS should be about as easy as steal­ Tong Oath Seals Lips ing 800 live alligators, and yet the ’gators are gone and police FATEJUESDAY have failed to find them. SCHOOL ANNEX When A. H. Baker made a check of his farm recently he \ found $1200 worth of alligators missing. He told police that the Dr. Holmes’ Protest Follow­ mole C bi WIpel DC Judges AHow Two Hours to| missing leather manufacturers were all present or accounted for the day before, and could ed By Increase to Hollis­ Halfal^on Hom^% Each Side For Final Argu­ offer no clew as to how 800 al­ Pi^ed In Hands Of Jury ligators were kidnaped in less 150 %ocI» Recorded ments— Trial Lasted 2 3 1 than 12 hours. ter Addition; Nearly $90.- i4>- Washington, April 21.— The fate Dame naval oil reserve, was placed i d 000 Voted, of Harry F. Sinclair, millionaire oil in the hands of the Jury at 10:20 Described a i Worse Hours. a m., today. operator charged with conspiracy A verdict of guilty may bring him NORTH END VISITED against the government in connec­ two years in the penitentiary and a History of E n rope-r^ Hartford, Coiin., .\pril 21.— The, William Foulds, Jr., of the Board tion with the leasing of Teapot $10,000 fine. trial of Dr. Harold N. Guilfoyle, j of Directors of the Eighth School ConuDDnicaHons Cot Offv federal veterinarian, on a charge I BY “ CAT BURGLAR” and Utilities District surprised ______ I more than a hundred persons who W o n c fL u n / \9 , V . SWL.S3tn.27' of murdering Mrs. Max J. Gaudet, i ' ShSVD Chin. Zb r o HAf-JC- f^AV 2S* \ J attended the special Eighth district TO MANQ JULY 8 London, April 21— Hundreds are of New Haven, in his apartment] TO HANQ I ILLNESS OF AVIATORS last January, will come to an end j Mrs. Wright, Watching Sick! meeting in the Robertson school believed dead, half a million per­ next Tuesday afternoon. The three! i last night by moving, at the open- sons are homeless and Bnlgarfe, te S\iperinr Court judges who are con-1 Child, Scares Off Porch! meeting, for an addition DELAYS RESCUE PLANE faced today with a tiation-wid® ducting the trial have alloted two i ^ I to the Hollister street school of famine following' a new series of hours to the defense and an equal | 1 eight rooms. The board had, until earthquakes, according to , Ytefifta amount of time to the state to' Climber. last night, recommended a six-room dispatches to the Daily Express. : make final arguments on Tuesday, j j addition. After some discussion re­ Both Balchen and Bennett COOLIDGE STOPS Philippopolis where fifteen were The state will hax’e the morning j garding tax rates and costs of the hours and the defense the after-1 A “ cat burglar," the porch climb­ building, the motion was carried In Bed at Lake St, Agnes; killed Wednesday night when the noon hours. ' ing variety, caught in the act of without a dissenting vote. D R A H CAMPAIGN city was partially destroyed. Is now Dr. Gullfoyle's Inal so far has | Although the Board of Directors, completely devastated. Five V ii'. occupied 23 hours and 40 minutes; “ shlnying” a water spout at the through several spokesmen, said of actual time. Starting on |home of William Wright, 135 Main that it had not been influenced' by Were to Have Started To­ lages also have been wiped out by ^ Tuesday, last, the trial took six , street, last night, escaped before any newspaper articles on the con­ the new series Of shocks. Philippopolis was a city wjth a hours that day and as much on | residents could get out of the house ditions In the schools when it de­ day For Greenly island. Writes to Massachusetts G. both Wednesday and Thursday. population of about 100,000 peo^e^ and apprehend him. This is one cided at an impromptu meeting Proceeding swiftly the trial attor- j on Thursday night to recommend and boasted many fine resid en t- neys used five hours and forty j of a series of similar occurrences eight rooms, it is significant that 0. P. Chairman That He Today every building in the fUy was a mass of ruins. 120 bodies- minutes yesterday.' in the Main and Henry streets sec­ the recommendation did not come Lake St. Agnes, Que., April 21— l et Not On StaiuK tion of the town, and may be trace­ until after The Herald had print­ Owing to \he Illness of the avia- have been recovered from the Dr. Gnilfoyle, who pleaded not able to one man. ed an Interview with Dr, LeVerne tors, the tri-molored Ford plane Will Not Run. debris. Nq Commuiiifation guilty to the murder charge, did Last evening the Wright family Holmes to the very emphatic ef­ Qee Lonjfso carrying replacement parts to not take the stand in his ow-n be­ reth'ed earl.v because of the illness The earthquakes have completely- fect that a six-room addition would Greenly Island for the Bremen will half. His defense attorneys. Judge of one oi the children. The main TO HANQJUUYS Washington, April 21.— Presi­ disrupted communications through­ not be sufficient to care for the riot hop off here until tomorrow. Samuel Rosenthal and John T. part of the house was in darkness. needs o^ the district beyond the im­ dent Coolidge is becoming irritated out the country. It has been im- • Robipson, challenged the state’s A light was burning in the bath­ Floyd Bennett was ill upon the possible, therefore, to estimate -tbe mediate present. plane’s arrival here and Charles over the tactics of some of the lead­ attempt to prove that the federal room but it could not be seen from Near $90,000 Voted number of victims in the villages worker had shot Mrs. Gaudet and the' front of the house. “ Duke” Schiller was selected to ers of the “ Draft Coolidge” move­ of Manoliv, Katunica, Karafllovo. William S. Hyde was chosen take his place. The plane was to then turned a revolver on himself. Details. moderator and under his guidance ment. Slatovo and Scovelevo, which wer» In the closing hours of the actual Suddenly Mrs. Wright heard a have left at 8:30 this morning, but also completely wiped out. the meeting proceeded smoothly. Bernt Balchen, the pilot, contract- This was the construction put by trial, yesterday morning, they put noise like someone trying to enter The articles in the call were taken political leaders here today upon The quakes are described as the a revolver expert on the stand to froiu the outside. She went quiet­ el a bad cold and the hop off was most terrible in the history ol in their order and each was passed postponed until tomorrow morning Mr. Coolidge’s latest disclaimer declare that Dr. Gullfoyle’s wound ly to her husband’s bedroom win­ unanimously. By their action the Europe. The entlro country is panic TO HANCJ’ JULY 0 at 5:30. If Bennett Is able he will that he is a receptive candidate for could not have been self-inflicted. dow and could hear someone climb­ voters have appropriated nearly accompany Balchen tomorrow in­ stricken. Who Killed Woman? ing as their feet'hlt the eavespout. the nomination. $90,000 for the purchase of land, stead of Schiller. ThousAntls Starving The defense did not in any way .Quickly throwing up the win­ Phoenix, Ariz., April 21— FroiUAthese five Chinese sit in their con- in a letter to Francis Prescott, Thousands, starved and nearly the erection of the eight-room ad­ damned cells at the prison and Both Balchen and Bennett are indicate who might have done the dow she called loudly to Mr. the day they were arrested, the five chairman of the Republican stat6 crazed with fear 6re wanderifig dition and improvements to the Chinese have said not a word. The/ preserve the traditional non­ sick in bed. Bennett was a patient committee of Massachusetts, the shooting. The state had witnesses Wright that someone was on the heating and ventilation systems of in the Ford hospital at Detroit suf­ about the countryside dazedly. to show that the shooting occurred porch as there was a man of q-iite did not offer a defense at their chalance of their race. They were President said: Many g o '^ o n t shrieking that the the Hollister Street school. convicted of murdering a member fering from Influenza when the re­ in the hallway of a Maple avenue large frame outlined against the trials; they kept silent while their “ My Dear Mr. Prescott; end of the world bais comei W. W. Robertson, In remarking attorneys carried appeals to the of a rival tong, at Kingman, lief flight was planned.
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