File No. 19061 Item No. 4 SUNSHINE ORDINANCE TASK FORCE AGENDA PACKET CONTENTS LIST Complaint Committee Date: February 16, 2021 d Petition/Complaint Page:_l'V'. Memorandum - Deputy City Attorney Page:--lf ~ . Petitioner/Complainant Supporting Documents Page:_ ~ 09 E1 Respondent's Response Page:_4) 7 D Public Correspondence Page:_ D Order of Determination Page:_ D Minutes Page:_ D Administrator's Report Page:_ D No Attachments ·orHER D D D D D D D D D Completed by: __C_._L_e_ge_r _________ Date 2/12/21 *An asterisked item represents the cover sheet to. a document that exceeds 25 pages. The complete document is in the file. P11 2019 JUN - I PM 2: 'i5 May29, 2019 Sunshine Ordinance Task Force ;., 'v jjl< ._. 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place ~_}... /-1 . Room 244 San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 Re Complaint regarding Green Benefit District (GBD) Dear Sirs and Mesdames: I am filing this complaint because I have not received documents requested in my attached PRA request dated February 11, 2019. I renewed this request today in another PRA request to the same parties which I have also attached. The City is required to release all documents and information prepared using public funding, whether these materials are the work of City employees directly or the work product of City grantees or other groups benefitting from public funding. As described in my letter ot February 11, 2019, the City - through OEWD - has provided extensive funding to San Francisco Parks Alliance (and its predecessor organizations Place Lab and Build Public) to promote the formation of Green Benefit Districts in several San Francisco neighborhoods. Public funding has also flowed to the benefit of the Mis!son Dolores Green Benefit District formation committee in the form of, among other things, paying for neighborhood mailings, Mission Dolores GBD website development, organizing and holding public meetings and promoting petition drives related to the formation of GBDs. The core mission of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force wm be subverted if City agencies are allowed to avoid public scrutiny by working through grantees and proxies such as the San Francisco Parks Alliance and the Mission Dolores Green Benefit District Formation Committee, both of which entities have benefitted from significant public funding. This matter was discussed at the May 21 SOTF Committee meeting and refered to the full Task Force for its consideration. Thank you for your attention to this compliant. Sincerely, ~~' 20'1 Buena Vista Ave East SF, CA 94117-4103 415-626-8880 P12 May 29f 2019 by email and certified mail Director, Office of Economic and Workforce Development Director, San Francisco Public Works Board of Directors and CE:.0, San Francisco Parks AHiance Formation Committee, Mission Dolores GBD Re Renewed Public Records Act request for additional documents pertaining to formation of a Greater Buena Vista Green Benefit District and a Mission Dolores Green Benefit District. Dear Sirs and Mesdames: The purpose of this letter is to request that you provide additional documents and materials originally listed in nine numbered paragraphs as set forth in my earlier PRA request dated February 11, 2019. Many of the documents requested at that time have not been provided. The City and County of San Francisco must provide documents and information funded by the City as described in my earlier PRA request dated February 11, 2019. Rather than restate the contents of that earlier letterf l am highlighting those materials which have not been provided as they were set forth in my earlier letter. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, John Hooper 201 Buena Vista Ave east San Francisco, CA 94117-4103 415-626-8880 P13 Februaryll, 2019 Sent by email and certified Mail Director, Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) Director, San Francisco Department of Public Works General Mgr., San Francisco Recreation and Park Department Board of Directors and CEO, San Francisco Parks Alliance, including: Organizing Committee, Greater Buena Vista Green Benefit District (GBVGBD) Formation Committee, Mission Dolores GBD RE: Public Records Act request for documents pertaining to formation of a Greater Buena Vista Green Benefit District (GBVGBD) and a Mission Dolores Green Benefit District (MDGBD) Dear Sirs and Mesdames: Public funding through DPW and OEWD has been provided to San Francisco Parks Alliance ("Parks Alliance") for efforts to form Green Benefit Districts for the Greater Buena Vista neighborhood (GBVGBD) and the neighborhood around Mission Dolores Park (MDGBD). This public funding has paid for, inter alia, several direct mailings, the conduct and analysis of surveys, design and maintenance of websites, and the conduct of several public meetings. In July 2018, Parks Alliance merged with Place Lab, a dba of Build Public Inc. (Place Lab website, "Who We Are" http://placelabsf.org/about/; and Parks Alliance 2018 Impact Report, p.1, https:// vvww.sfparksalliance.org/sites/default/files/2018 SFPA Impact report.pdf). Pursuant to Articles 6.5, 6.6, 6.8, and 6.9 of a July 1, 2018 GrantAgreement between City & County of SF and the Alliance (Contract# 1000012901, captioned "To determine the level of support for the formation of a two new Green Benefit Districts") (GBV and Mission Dolores), all of the books and records ofSF Parks Alliance (including Place Lab and Build Public Inc.) , connected with or relating to the project- including, but not limited to repmis, notes, meeting minutes, documents, videotapes, audiotapes, correspondence, and attendance records - are property of the City & County of SF and the contracting Agency (OECD). Under the law of the State of California, such public records are "under the ownership and control" of the public agency, and are therefore subject to Public Records Act requests. Some or all ofthe following documents have been denied to the public through other means. The requested public records must be made available to the requesting public, whereverthe records may be physically located- whether in City offices or computers or files, or in the offices, files, and/or computers of the city's contractors, subcontractors, agents, or their respective individual employees and/or agents. Accordingly, and pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code Section 6250ff, and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, this is to request that the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD), Department of Public Works, Recreation and Park Department, San Francisco Parks Alliance,_ Place Lab,. Build Public, Inc,_ Organizing Committee for the Greater 1 P14 Buena Vista Green Benefit District (GBVGBD) and Formation Committee for the Mission Dolores GBD, and all of their respective employees, agents, contractors, and/or subcontractors (collectively, "YOU") and each of YOU produce, on or before close of business February 28, 2019 the following specific records, documents, and things wherever they may be located: 1. Grant applications to OEWD, OEWD contracts, verbatim transcripts, photographs, videos, tape recordings, sign-in sheets, attendance records, notes, memoranda, reports, and any other records in any form of public meetings to discuss, organize, and/or promote a GBV GBD held on May 7, 2018, June 11, 2018, and/or January 8, 2019. 2. All emails, text messages, and other correspondence, including minutes of all GBD organization committee meetings and correspondence, between YOU and any other person or entity, relating to the planning, execution, and/or follow-up related to public meetings to discuss, organize, and/or promote a GBV GBD held on May 7, 2018, June 11, 2018, and/or January 8, 2019. 3. All raw survey data collected in connection with GBVGBD surveys. 4. All public records, as defined in Gov. Code Section 6252 (c) and (e), including correspondence (including but not limited to letters, e-mails, and text messages), contracts, agreements, mailing lists, surveys and online surveys, responses to surveys and online surveys, budgets, expenditures, and memoranda (including all methods of transcription) memorializing, describing, or otherwise relating to the planning for, public interest and/or opinion surveying for, expenditure of public funds for, organization, and/or formation of a possible GBVGBD. 5. Verbatim transcripts, photographs, videos, tape recordings, sign-in sheets, attendance records, notes, memoranda, reports, and any other records in any form of public meetings to discuss, organize, and/or promote a Mission Dolores GBD held on September 17, 2018, October 10, 2018, and/or November 15, 2018. 6. All emails, text messages, and other correspondence, including minutes of all MDGBD formation committee meetings, relating to the planning, execution, and/or follow-up related to public meetings to discuss, organize, and/or promote a Mission Dolores GBD held on September 17, 2018, October 10, 2018, and/or November 15, 2018. 7. All raw survey data collected in connection with Mission Dolores GBD surveys. 8. All documents, records, and/or correspondence relating to the funding and initiation of a management plan/engineer's report in connection with a Mission Dolores GBD. 9. All public records, as defined in Gov. Code Section 6252 (c) and (e), including correspondence (including but not limited to letters, e-mails, and text messages), contracts, agreements, mailing lists, surveys and online surveys, responses to surveys and online surveys, budgets, expenditures, and memoranda (including all methods of transcription) memorializing, describing, or otherwise relating to the planning for, public interest and/or opinion surveying for, expenditure of public funds for, organization, and/or formation of a possible Mission Dolores GBD. 2 P15 The California Public Records Act declares that "access to information concerning the conduct of the people's business is a :fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state" (Section 6250), and for that reason is to be construed liberally in favor of disclosure of public records.
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