Official and Complete Election Results

Official and Complete Election Results

DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:45 Official Election Summary Page:1 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num. Report Precinct 190 - Num. Reporting 190 100.00% REP- GOVERNOR REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 13713 RAY MCBERRY 1570 11.45% SONNY PERDUE (I) 12143 88.55% REP- LT GOVERNOR REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 13760 CASEY CAGLE 8824 64.13% RALPH REED 4936 35.87% REP - SECRETARY OF STATE REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 12288 CHARLIE BAILEY 1087 8.85% KAREN HANDEL 7126 57.99% ERIC MARTIN 1219 9.92% BILL STEPHENS 2856 23.24% REP- ATTORNEY GENERAL REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 10590 PERRY MCGUIRE 10590 100.00% REP- COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 11125 GARY BLACK 4426 39.78% ROBERT GREER 2024 18.19% BRIAN KEMP 2655 23.87% DEANNA STRICKLAND 2020 18.16% REP - COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 10909 JOHN W. OXENDINE(I) 10909 100.00% DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:45 Official Election Summary Page:2 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num. Report Precinct 190 - Num. Reporting 190 100.00% REP- STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 13029 DANNY J. CARTER 4366 33.51% KATHY COX (I) 8663 66.49% REP- COMMISSIONER OF LABOR REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 10215 BRENT BROWN 6987 68.40% CHUCK SCHEID 3228 31.60% REP- PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 9802 CHUCK EATON 5663 57.77% MARK PARKMAN 4139 42.23% REP- PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 10881 NEWT NICKELL 3990 36.67% STAN WISE (I) 6891 63.33% REP- US REP 4TH DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 135 Precincts Reporting 135 100.0 % Total Votes 5201 CATHERINE DAVIS 5201 100.00% REP- US REP 6TH DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 20 Precincts Reporting 20 100.0 % Total Votes 4122 JOHN KONOP 565 13.71% TOM PRICE (I) 3557 86.29% REP - US REP 13TH DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 5 Precincts Reporting 5 100.0 % Total Votes 56 DEBORAH HONEYCUTT 56 100.00% DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:45 Official Election Summary Page:3 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num. Report Precinct 190 - Num. Reporting 190 100.00% REP- STATE SENATE 40TH DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 37 Precincts Reporting 37 100.0 % Total Votes 5211 DAN WEBER (I) 5211 100.00% REP- STATE SENATE 41ST DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 34 Precincts Reporting 34 100.0 % Total Votes 2007 FRANK AUMAN 2007 100.00% REP- STATE SENATE 42ND DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 45 Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 % Total Votes 1973 JULIA DALY 1973 100.00% REP- STATE SENATE 43RD DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 29 Precincts Reporting 29 100.0 % Total Votes 347 WILLIE HINTON 347 100.00% REP- STATE REP 79TH DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 17 Precincts Reporting 17 100.0 % Total Votes 3270 FRAN MILLAR (I) 3270 100.00% REP- STATE REP 80TH DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 13 Precincts Reporting 13 100.0 % Total Votes 1041 TOM ELLIOTT 1041 100.00% REP- STATE REP 81ST DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 12 Precincts Reporting 12 100.0 % Total Votes 599 JILL CHAMBERS (I) 599 100.00% DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:45 Official Election Summary Page:4 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num. Report Precinct 190 - Num. Reporting 190 100.00% REP - STATE REP 82ND DISTRICT REP Total Number of Precincts 17 Precincts Reporting 17 100.0 % Total Votes 1486 STEVE SCHULTZ 1486 100.00% REP- SOLICITOR-GENERAL REP Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 10026 SHAWN LAGRUA (I) 10026 100.00% REP- COUNTY COMMISSION DIST 2 REP Total Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Votes 2761 HUBERT J. RAMBO 2761 100.00% DEM - GOVERNOR DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 75004 BILL BOLTON 1416 1.89% CATHY COX 34300 45.73% MAC MCCARLEY 1353 1.80% MARK TAYLOR 37935 50.58% DEM - LT GOVERNOR DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 71492 GREG K HECHT 17555 24.56% GRIFFIN LOTSON 2290 3.20% JIM MARTIN 27987 39.15% STEEN MILES 21712 30.37% RUFUS O. TERRILL 1948 2.72% DEM- SECRETARY OF STATE DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 66439 GAIL BUCKNER 18265 27.49% DARRYL HICKS 13611 20.49% SCOTT HOLCOMB 6543 9.85% ANGELA MOORE 12345 18.58% WALTER RAY 2784 4.19% SHYAM REDDY 12891 19.40% DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:45 Official Election Summary Page:5 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num. Report Precinct 190 - Num. Reporting 190 100.00% DEM- ATTORNEY GENERAL DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 61627 THURBERT BAKER 61627 100.00% DEM- COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 57511 TOMMY IRVIN (I) 57511 100.00% DEM- COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 50342 GUY DREXINGER 50342 100.00% DEM- STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 71115 CARLOTTA HARRELL 19098 26.86% DENISE MAJETTE 52017 73.14% DEM- COMMISSIONER OF LABOR DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 59068 MICHAEL THURMOND (I) 59068 100.00% DEM- PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 54959 DAVID L. BURGESS (I) 54959 100.00% DEM- PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DEM Total Number of Precincts 190 Precincts Reporting 190 100.0 % Total Votes 52167 DAWN RANDOLPH 52167 100.00% DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:45 Official Election Summary Page:6 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num. Report Precinct 190 - Num. Reporting 190 100.00% DEM- US REP 4TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 135 Precincts Reporting 135 100.0 % Total Votes 55321 JOHN F. COYNE, III 4045 7.31% HENRY C. JOHNSON 24488 44.27% CYNTHIA MCKINNEY (I) 26788 48.42% DEM- US REP 5TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 38 Precincts Reporting 38 100.0 % Total Votes 11949 JOHN LEWIS (I) 11949 100.00% DEM- US REP 6TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 20 Precincts Reporting 20 100.0 % Total Votes 2329 STEVE SINTON 2329 100.00% DEM- US REP 13TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 5 Precincts Reporting 5 100.0 % Total Votes 2289 DONZELLA JAMES 655 28.62% DAVID SCOTT (I) 1634 71.38% DEM- STATE SENATE 5TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 3 Precincts Reporting 3 100.0 % Total Votes 169 CURT THOMPSON (I) 169 100.00% DEM- STATE SENATE 10TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 28 Precincts Reporting 28 100.0 % Total Votes 12281 EMANUEL JONES (I) 6778 55.19% NADINE THOMAS 5503 44.81% DEM - STATE SENATE 40TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 37 Precincts Reporting 37 100.0 % Total Votes 5735 AIMEE RYDAROWSKI 5735 100.00% DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:46 Official Election Summary Page:7 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num. Report Precinct 190 - Num. Reporting 190 100.00% DEM- STATE SENATE 41ST DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 34 Precincts Reporting 34 100.0 % Total Votes 8116 STEVE HENSON (I) 8116 100.00% DEM- STATE SENATE 42ND DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 45 Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 % Total Votes 12350 DAVID ADELMAN (I) 12350 100.00% DEM- STATE SENATE 43RD DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 29 Precincts Reporting 29 100.0 % Total Votes 11952 TONEY L. COLLINS 1275 10.67% ZENAS "Z" DOWDELL 436 3.65% DEE HAIGLER 1541 12.89% RONALD B. RAMSEY 3748 31.36% BOBBIE K. SANFORD 4952 41.43% DEM- STATE SENATE 55TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 29 Precincts Reporting 29 100.0 % Total Votes 11198 GLORIA BUTLER (I) 9038 80.71% JERRY WYATT 2160 19.29% DEM- STATE REP 57TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 6 Precincts Reporting 6 100.0 % Total Votes 1099 PAT GARDNER (I) 1099 100.00% DEM- STATE REP 58TH DISTRICT DEM Total Number of Precincts 9 Precincts Reporting 9 100.0 % Total Votes 2648 PAUL BOLSTER 397 14.99% ELENA KAPLAN 355 13.41% ROBBIN SHIPP 1375 51.93% ALLEN THORNELL 521 19.68% DeKalb County General Primary and Special Election Date:07/21/06 Time:12:07:46 Official Election Summary Page:8 of 11 July 18, 2006 Registered Voters 333877 - Cards Cast 91537 27.42% Num.

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