UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 11 Date 14/06/2006 Time 5:01:52PM S-0903-0002-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0903-0002-01 -00001 Title items-in-Cyprus - United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) - general Date Created 06/01/1972 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0903-0002: Peackeeping - Cyprus 1971-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit UNITED NATIONS Press Section Office of Public Information United Nations, N,Y. (FOE USE OF INFORMATION MEDIA — NOT AN OFFICIAL RECORD) Press Release SG/SM/1784 CYP/690 18 December 1972 TEXT OF LETTER JPO SBCRETARY-GEKERAL FROM UNITED STATES ON COST OF PEACE-KEEPING- FORGE IN CYPRUS .Following is the text of a letter dated 15 December to Secretary- General Kurt ¥aldhein from the Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, regarding the expenses of the United Nations Peace- Keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP): "The Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations presents his compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and has the honor to inform him that the United States is prepared to contribute up to $2 A million toward the cost of maintaining the United Nations force in Cyprus for the period June l6, 1972 to December 15, 1972. This pledge is based upon the Secretary General's estimates of the cost of the Cyprus operation during this period, contained in document S/108^2. "The amount ultimately contributed by the United States against this pledge shall depend upon confirmation of the Secretary General's cost estimates and on an adequate level of contributions made by other Governments toward the costs of the operation. The United States reserves the right to make such adjustments in the level of its payments against this pledge as it may deem appropriate. "Including this pledge of $2,it- million,, the cumulative total of United States pledges for support of the United Nations force in Cyprus is $6l,7 million, "The United States expresses its thanks to the Secretary S-eneral for the special effort he has made to place UNFICYP on a. sound current financial basis. We regret that the deficit continues to mount. We believe that con- certed efforts will have to be made to bring UNFICYP's expenditures into line with its anticipated Income." UNITED NATIONS SECURITY W// GENERAL COUNCIL S/RES/32*! (1972) 12 December 1972 RESOLUTION 32*1 (1972) Adopted by the Security Council at its l683rd meeting on 12 December 1972 The Security Council, Noting from the report of the Secretary-General of 1 December 1972 (S/108*t2) that in the present circumstances the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus is still needed if peace is to be maintained in the island, Noting that the Government of Cyprus has agreed that in view of the prevailing conditions in the island it is necessary to continue the Force beyond 15 December 1972, Noting also from the report the conditions prevailing in the island, 1. Reaffirms its resolutions 186 (196*1) of h March, 187 (196*0 of 13 March, 192 (19610 of 20 June, 193 (196*1) of 9 August, 19*1 (196*1) of 25 September and 198 (196*1) of 18 December 196*1, 201 (1965) of 19 March, 206 (1965) of 15 June, 207 (1965) of 10 August and 219 (1965) of 17 December 1965, 220 (1966) of 16 March, 222 (1966) of 16 June and 231 (1966) of 15 December 1966, 238 (1967) of 19 June and 2*i*i (1967) of 22 December 1967, 2*i7 (1968) of 18 March, 25*1 (1968) of 18 June and 26l (1968) of 10 December 1968, 266 (1969) of 10 June and 27*1 (1969) of 11 December 1969, 28l (1970) of 9 June and 291 (1970) of 10 December 1970, 293 (1971) of 26 May and 305 (1971) of 13 December 1971 and 315 (1972) of 15 June 1972, and the consensus expressed by. the President at the 11*13rd meeting on 11 August 196*1 and at the 1383rd meeting on 25 November 1967; •^ 2. Urges the parties concerned to act with the utmost restraint and to continue and accelerate determined co-operative efforts to achieve the objectives of the Security Council by availing themselves in a constructive manner of the present auspicious climate and opportunities; 3. Extends once more the stationing in Cyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established under Security Council resolution 186 (196*1), for a further period ending 15 June 1973, in the expectation that by then sufficient progress towards a final solution will make possible a withdrawal or substantial reduction of the Force. 72-25789 $ Motes for the Secj^ggry-General's meetirig^wfth countries providing contingents to UMFICYJP/ (6 December 19727 if 1. The purpose of this meeting, in accordance with the usual practice, is to ascertain the willingness of Governments providing military contingents and police units for UNFICYP to continue to do so if the Security Council extends the stationing of the Force for another period. As you know, I have recommended in my report to the Council (S/108^-2, para. 8l) that the mandate "be extended for another six months . 2. As stated in my report, the most important development during this period has "been the reactivation of the intercommunal talks, whose inaugural meeting in Nicosia I attended on 8 June last. The talks have since gone through four rounds - the last meeting of the foiarth round "being scheduled for 8 December. 3. Although I am not in a position to go into the substance of the talks, in view of the legitimate desire of the interlocutors to maintain secrecy, I can report that, the talks in their new form have proved constructive and effective. The impasse which paralyzed the talks until last June appears to have been overcome. This has been due, in very considerable measure, to the contribution of my Special Representative, Mr. Osorio-Tafall, who is taking part in the talks in the exercise of my good offices. I expect Mr. Osorio-Tafall to come to New York immediately after the fourth round of the intercommunal talks has been completed, in time for next week's Security Council meeting. U. Mr. Osorio-Tafall has reported to me that the talks are expected to continue during the period coinciding with the electoral campaign in Cyprus (l January - 15 February 1973)> but it would be surprising if significant issues of substance were decided during this period. The two interlocutors have indicated confidentially that after 15 February they will make a strong effort to reach a "fair, reasonable, just and lasting solution", and they expect to be in a position to judge by early June whether this effort has been successful. 2. 5. The situation in the Island remains quiet tout tense. While the number of inter communal shooting incidents has "been kept down, the atmosphere has "been affected by certain adverse factors. Among these I -would mention recent reports concerning the import of arms and ammunition into the Island. 6. In the present circumstances, the peace-keeping function of the Force is undiminished in importance, since it is vital to avoid any developments which would jeopardize the success of the talks that are now going through a crucial phase. I therefore hope that in the event of favourable action by the Council on my recommendation for the extension of UNFICYP, your Governments will continue to make contingents or police units available at the present strength for the next six months. At the same time, I would draw your attention to the observation in paragraph 8l of my report that in the event of a change in the situation in the course of the forthcoming period, I would not fail to make suitable recommendations to the Council. T. Financial situation (call on the Acting Head of Financial Services). MEETING OF COUNTRIES COJITRIBUTING COMTIIIGE2ITS TO UliFICYP Wednesday, 6 December 1972, 11.30 a.m., Secretary-General's Conference Room AUSTRALIA Sir Laurence Mclntyre; Mr. Merrillees AUSTRIA Mr. Wolta; Mr. Ckristiani CA1IADA Arab. Rae; Col^ Hewlands • DENMARK Amb. Borch FIULAITO Mr. Talvitie •IRELAND Amb. Cremin; Mr. Cogan ' • SWED33 Mr. Sundberg and Col. Boaan UI7ITED KINGDOM Mr. Jamieson The Secretary-General Mr. Guyer Mr. Kutakov Mr. Ziehl Mr. Ryan Mr. Lansky Mr. Timbrell lir. Urquhart Mr. Liu Col. Koho ZC2C UN SYW PRESS NICOSIA I S3 22 0920Z - (• PRESS OMN1PRESS SEW YORK = *- UNFICYP 333 CENTRAL PRESS DESK. (INFO GUYER/URQUHART/ C POWELL/JANKOWSKI). FOLLOWING REFERENCE IN SEPTEMBER 20 ISSUE OF HEWS BULLETIN PUBLISHED 3Y TURKISH CYPRIOT ^ COMMUNITY TO ARTICLES IN TURKISH AL KALKIN SESI AND BOZKURT A CCUSING J8FI C YP ° F V ^ I MG HOLD OF FLAG SAjSl^G_CjREMO^IES AT 30GHAZ = P2 = AND STATING U NF YP 3AmTUD E IS UNACCEPTABLE AND OF A MATURE L I , KEL Y TO AFFE_CT ADVE^SELY^ _THE RELAT 10 MS BETWEEN THE *• FORCE AND THE T!JRKI_SH COMHUHITY^ THE FOLLOW I HG ^ ORAL STATEMENT WAS MADE BY UWFICYP SPOKESMAN ON 22 SEPTEMBER 1372S QUOTE: WHEN ASKED ABOUT THE ARTICLES IN *- THE TURKISH CYPRIOT DAILIES = tnmu. iNiaaii .-—.— i .1 I •• ••.••> .*n.,». - -- j- -_i I--.--J- .— «.. r r "_- -. n— .MIT **-•*• T~r i -,-r -, *MW f~l ;-.. n **fc«— r -f 11 -ji i --- 1T- -trvr- n ir_L_Hlr _f _ii.-. <M«* C P3 = HALKIfJ SESX AMD BOZKURT, REPRODUCED ON PAGE 3 OF MO. 2433 ( (20 SEPTEMBER 1972) OF THE SPECIAL MEWS BULLET IB, (_ ACCUSING UNFICYP OF TRYING TO PREVENT THE FLAG RAISING CEREMONY AT BOGHAZ, UNFICYP SPOKESMAN SAID THAT SU3QUOTE THESE ACCUSATIONS DO MOT HAVE AMY RELATION WITH THE (^ TRUTH = P4/18 = THE TURKISH CYPRIOT LEADERSHIP HAS BEEN KINDLY REQUESTED TO PUT THE HECOHD STRAIGHT UNSUBQUOTE.
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