Coast Guard, DOT Pt. 165 Failure of redundant navigational-safe- Chelsea River, East Boston, Massachu- ty equipment, including but not lim- setts. ited to failure of one of two installed 165.100 Regulated Navigation Area: Navi- radars, where each satisfies § 164.72(a), gable waters within the First Coast Guard District. does not necessitate either a deviation 165.101 Kittery, Maine—regulated naviga- or an authorization. tion area. (1) The initial notice and request for 165.102 Security Zone: Walkers Point, a deviation and an authorization may Kennebunkport, ME. be spoken, but the request must also be 165.103 Safety Zone: Portsmouth Harbor, written. The written request must ex- Portsmouth, New Hampshire. plain why immediate repair is imprac- 165.110 Boston Harbor, Boston, Massachu- ticable, and state when and by whom setts. 165.111 Safety Zone: Boston Harbor, Boston, the repair will be made. Massachusetts. (2) The COTP, upon receiving even a 165.112 Safety Zone: USS CASSIN YOUNG, spoken request, may grant a deviation Boston, Massachusetts. and an authorization from any of the 165.113 Security Zone: Dignitary arrival/de- provisions of §§ 164.70 through 164.82 for parture Logan International Airport, a specified time if he or she decides Boston, MA. that they would not impair the safe 165.114 Safety and Security Zones: Escorted navigation of the vessel under antici- Vessels—Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. pated conditions. 165.115 Safety and Security Zones; Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant, Plymouth, Massa- [CGD 94–020, 61 FR 35075, July 3, 1996] chusetts. 165.120 Safety Zone: Chelsea River, Boston Inner Harbor, Boston, MA. PART 165—REGULATED NAVIGA- 165.121 Safety Zone: Rhode Island Sound, TION AREAS AND LIMITED AC- Narragansett Bay, Providence River. CESS AREAS 165.122 Providence River, Providence, R.I. regulated navigation area. Subpart A—General 165.130 Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey—secu- rity zone. Sec. 165.140 New London Harbor, Connecticut— 165.1 Purpose of part. security zone. 165.5 Establishment procedures. 165.141 Safety Zone: Sunken vessel EMPIRE 165.7 Notification. KNIGHT, Boon Island, ME. 165.8 Geographic coordinates. 165.150 New Haven Harbor, Quinnipiac River, Mill River. Subpart B—Regulated Navigation Areas 165.151 Safety Zones; Long Island Sound an- nual fireworks displays. 165.10 Regulated navigation areas. 165.T01–153 Regulated Navigation Area; 165.11 Vessel operating requirements (regu- Long Island Sound Marine Inspection lations). Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 165.13 General regulations. 165.T01–154 Safety and Security Zones; Long Island Sound Inspection Zone and Cap- Subpart C—Safety Zones tain of the Port Zone. 165.155 Northville Industries Offshore Plat- 165.20 Safety zones. form, Riverhead, Long Island, New 165.23 General regulations York—safety zone. 165.160 New York, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Subpart D—Security Zones Channel, Raritan Bay, Arthur Kill—safe- ty zone. 165.30 Security zones. 165.161 Safety Zones: Coast Guard Activities 165.33 General regulations. New York Annual Fireworks Displays. 165.162 Safety Zone: New York Super Boat Subpart E—Restricted Waterfront Areas Race, Hudson River, New York. 165.163 Safety Zones; Port of New York/New 165.40 Restricted waterfront areas. Jersey Fleet Week. 165.164 Security Zones: Dignitary Arrival/ Subpart F—Specific Regulated Navigation Departure and United Nations Meetings, Areas and Limited Access Areas New York, NY. 165.165 Regulated Navigation Area; Kill Van FIRST COAST GUARD DISTRICT Kull Channel, Newark Bay Channel, 165.T01–058 Safety Zone: Chelsea River Safe- South Elizabeth Channel, Elizabeth ty Zone for McArdle Bridge Repairs, Channel, Port Newark Channel and New 623 VerDate Sep<04>2002 09:35 Oct 03, 2002 Jkt 197124 PO 00000 Frm 00623 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197124T.XXX 197124T Pt. 165 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–02 Edition) Jersey Pierhead Channel, New York and 165.T07–053 Security Zones: Tampa Bay, New Jersey. Tampa, Florida, Crystal River, Florida. 165.T01–165 Regulated Navigation Area: New 165.701 Vicinity, Kennedy Space Center, York Marine Inspection Zone and Cap- Merritt Island, Florida—security zone. tain of the Port Zone. 165.703 Tampa Bay, Florida—Safety Zone. 165.166 Safety zone: Macy’s July 4th Fire- 165.704 Safety Zone: Tampa Bay, Florida. works, East River, NY. 165.T0704 Safety Zone: Savannah River, Sa- 165.T01–166 Safety and Security Zones: New vannah, Georgia. York Marine Inspection Zone and Cap- 165.705 Port Canaveral Harbor, Cape Canav- tain of the Port Zone. eral, Florida. 165.168 Safety Zones: New York Harbor, 165.708 Safety/Security Zone; Charleston Western Long Island Sound, East River, Harbor and Cooper River, Charleston, SC. and Hudson River Fireworks. 165.711 Safety Zone: Port Everglades, Fort 165.170 Safety Zone: Triathlon, Ulster, Lauderdale, FL. Landing, Hudson River, NY. 165.T07–013 Security Zone: Internal waters § 165.T01–188 Safety and Security Zones: and territorial seas adjacent to the Flor- High Interest Vessels, Narragansett Bay, ida peninsula. Rhode Island. 165.714 Regulated Navigation Area; Atlantic 165.T01–192 Safety and Security Zones; LPG Ocean, Charleston, SC. Transits, Portland, Maine Marine Inspec- 165.720 Safety/Security Zone: St. Johns tion Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. River, Jacksonville, FL. 165.T01–207 Security Zone: Seabrook Nu- 165.721 Safety Zone: St. Johns River, Jack- clear Power Plant, Seabrook, New Hamp- sonville, FL. shire. 165.722 Security Zone: St. Johns River, 165.T01–214 Safety and Security Zone: Liq- Jacksonville, Florida. uid Natural Gas Carrier Transits and An- 165.726 Regulated Navigation Areas; Miami chorage Operations, Boston, Massachu- River, Miami, Florida. setts. 165.728 Jacksonville, Florida—safety zones. 165.T01–223 Safety Zone: Fore River Bridge 165.729 Jacksonville Harbor, Florida—secu- Repairs—Weymouth, Massachusetts. rity zone. 165.T02–031 Safety Zone: Fore River Chan- 165.730 King’s Bay, Georgia—Regulated nel, Weymouth Fore River, Weymouth, navigation area. MA. 165.731 Safety/Security Zone: Cumberland Sound, Georgia and St. Marys River En- FIFTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT trance Channel. 165.T05–071 Security Zone; Calvert Cliffs 165.735 Brunswick, Georgia, Turtle River, Nuclear Power Plant, Chesapeake Bay, Vicinity of Sydney Lanier Bridge. Calvert County, MD. 165.752 Sparkman Channel, Tampa, Flor- 165.501 Chesapeake Bay entrance and Hamp- ida—regulated navigation area. ton Roads, Va. and adjacent waters—reg- 165.753 Regulated navigation area; Tampa ulated navigation area. Bay, Florida. 165.502 Cove Point, Chesapeake Bay, Mary- 165.754 Safety Zone: San Juan Harbor, San land—safety zone. Juan, PR. 165.504 Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry 165.755 Safety Zone: Guayanilla, Puerto Dock Company Shipyard, James River, Rico Newport News, Va. 165.T–07–060 Security Zones; Ports of Jack- 165.510 Delaware Bay and River, Salem sonville and Canaveral, Florida. River, Christina River and Schuylkill River–Regulated Navigation Area. EIGHTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 165.514 Safety Zone: Atlantic Intracoastal 165.T08–001 Security Zone; Missouri River, Waterway and connecting waters, vicin- Mile Marker 646.0 to 645.6, Fort Calhoun, ity of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Nebraska. North Carolina. 165.T08–002 Security Zone; Missouri River, 165.515 Safety Zone: Cape Fear River, Wil- Mile Marker 532.9 to 532.5, Brownville, mington, North Carolina. Nebraska. 165.530 Safety Zone: Cape Fear and North- 165.T08–003 Security Zone; Upper Mis- east Cape Fear Rivers, NC. sissippi River Miles 507.3 to 506.3, Left 165.540 Regulated Navigation Area; Cape Descending Bank, Cordova, IL. Fear River, Northeast Cape Fear River, 165.T08–016 Security Zone; Corpus Christi Wilmington, North Carolina Inner Harbor, Corpus Christi, Texas. 165.T08–035 Security zones; Ports of Houston SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT and Galveston, Texas. 165.T07–047 Security Zone; Port of San 165.T08–049 Security Zones; Lower Mis- Juan, Puerto Rico. sissippi River, Southwest Pass Sea Buoy 165.T07–052 Security Zone; HOVENSA Refin- to mile marker 96.0, New Orleans, Lou- ery, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. isiana. 624 VerDate Sep<04>2002 09:35 Oct 03, 2002 Jkt 197124 PO 00000 Frm 00624 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197124T.XXX 197124T Coast Guard, DOT Pt. 165 165.T08–050 Security Zones; Captain of the 165.907 Safety Zones: Annual fireworks Port Houston-Galveston Zone. events in the Captain of the Port Detroit 165.T08–080 Safety Zone; Queen Isabella Zone. Bridge, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, 165.910 Security Zones; Captain of the Port Brownsville, Texas Detroit Zone, Selfridge Army National 165.802 Lower Mississippi River, vicinity of Guard Base. Old River Control Structure—Safety 165.T09–999 Security Zone; Lake Ontario, Zone. Oswego, NY. 165.803 Mississippi River—regulated naviga- tion area. ELEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 165.804 Snake Island, Texas City, Texas; mooring and fleeting of vessels—safety 165.T11–030 Security Zones; Port of San zone. Diego 165.805 Calcasieu Channel and Industrial 165.T11–048 Security Zone; Waters adjacent Canal, Calcasieu River, Lake Charles, to San Onofre, San Diego County, Cali- LA. fornia. 165.806 Sabine Neches Waterway, Texas— 165.T11–060 Security Zone; Port Hueneme regulated navigation area. Harbor, Ventura County, California. 165.807 Calcasieu River, Louisiana—regu- 165.T11–065 Security Zones: Cruise ships, lated navigation area. San Pedro Bay, California. 165.808 Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Corpus 165.T11–066 Security Zones; Liquefied Haz- Christi, TX, safety zone. ardous Gas Tank Vessels, San Pedro Bay, 165.810 Mississippi River, LA-regulated California. navigation area. 165.T11–078 Safety Zone; Carquinez Strait, 165.811 Atchafalaya River, Berwick Bay, Vallejo and Crockett, CA. LA–regulated navigation area. 165.T11–082 Safety Zone; North Pacific 165.815 Ohio River at Louisville, KY; regu- Ocean, Gulf of the Farallones, offshore of lated navigation area. San Francisco, CA. 165.817 Arkansas River, Mile 118.2 to 125.4, 165.T11–098 Security Zones; San Francisco Little Rock Arkansas—regulated naviga- Bay and Delta ports.
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