ACADEMIE POLONAISE DES SCIENCES INSTITUT DE PALEOZOOLOGIE P ALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA-No.Z3,1970 REVISION OF NON-CYRTOSYMBOLINID TRILOBITES FROM THE TOURNAISIAN­ NAMURIAN OF EURASIA (REWIZJA TRYLOBIT6w, PR6cz CYRTOSYMBOLINAE, Z TURNEJU­ NAMURU EURAZJI) BY HALSZKA OSM6LSKA (WITH 9 TEXT-FIGURES, 2 TABLES AND 22 PLATES) WAR S Z A W A 1970 PANSTWOWE WYDAWN ICTWO NA UKOWE REDAKTOR - ReDACTEUR RO MAN KOZLOWSKI Czlonek rzecz ywisty Polskiej Akademit Nauk Membre de I'Acadernie Polonaise des Sciences ZA STJ;PCA REDAKTORA - ReDACTEUR SU PPLeANT ZOFIA KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA Czlonek kore spondenl Po1sk iej Ak ademii Nauk Membre correspo ndant de I'Ac ad emie Polonaise des Sciences Redakto r techniczn y - Redacteur technique M. Tom aszewska-Kukulska Adres Redakcji - Adr esse de la Red action In st itut de Pa leozo ologie de I'Academ ic Polonaise des Sciences Wars zawa 22, AI. Zwirki i Wigury 93 Co pyright by Pan stwowe Wydawnictwo Na ukowe 1970 Printed in Poland Pan stw owe Wydawnictwo N aukowc -: Warszawa Nakl ad 650 + 90 egz, Ark. wyd.22.25. Ar ku szy druk. 10' /.+22 wkladki. Papier rotogr , sal . kl, III 61 x 86 125 g. Od dan o do skladania 30. IX . 1969 r, Podp isano do druku 18.VIII. 1970 r. Druk uk onczono w pazd ziern iku 1970 r, Drukarnia Uniwersytetu Jag iellonskiego w Krakowie Zarn, 824 /69 CONTENTS Page Introduction .. 7 Ac knowledgements 8 GENERAL PART Systematics of the Carboniferous proetids . .. ... 11 Diagnostic importan ce of some tr ilobite characters ... .. 14 Stratigraphic and geog raphic range of the Carboniferous proetid subfamilies 16 Carboniferous trilobites in Eurasia . 18 Carboniferous trilobi tes in U . S. A. 23 Carboniferous trilobites in Australia . 25 SYSTEMATIC PART Subfamily Proetinae SALTER, 1864 . 33 Ge nus Bollandia REED, 1943 . 33 Bollandia globiceps (PHILLlPS, 1836) 34 Bolland!a claviceps (BURMEISTER, 1846) 35 Bollandia karatauensis (WEBER, 1937) . 36 Bollandia obsoleta (PHILLIPS, 1836) . 36 Bollandia sonkulensis n. sp, 37 Bollandia kirgisiana n. sp. 37 Bollandia sp. J 38 ?Bollandia sp. 2 . 38 ?Bollandia sp. 3 . 39 Ge nus Reediella n. gen . 39 Reediella reedi n. sp . 40 Reediella frechi (SCUPIN, 19(0) 41 Reediella mitche/li (WEBER, 1937) 42 Reediella karagandensis (WEBER, 1937) 42 Reediella stubblefieldi n. sp. 43 Reediella granifera n. sp . .. 44 Subfamily Dechenellinae PRIBYL, 1946 46 Genus Bitumulina n. gen .. 46 Bitumulina bitumulata (WE.BER, 1932) . 46 Bitumulina sosvensis (WEBER, 1937) . 47 ?Bitu mulina sp . .. .. .. 48 Genu s Linguaphi/lipsia STUBBLEFlELD, 1948 48 Linguaphi/lipsia paczoltovicensis (J AROSZ, 1913) . 50 Linguaphillipsia tulensis (IvANov in WEBER, 1937) 52 Linguaphlllipsia silesiaca (SCUPIN, 19(0) 53 Subfamily Cummingellinae HAHN & H AHN, 1967 53 Genus Cummingella R EED, 1942, emend. STUBBLEFIELD, 1952 53 Cummingella jonesi (PORTLOCK, 1843), emend. STUBBLEFIELD, 1952 55 Cummingella jonesi jonesi (PORTLOCK, 1843), eme nd. STUBBLEFlI!LD, 1952. 55 4 HALSZKA OSM6LSKA Page Cummingel/a jonesi laticaudata (WOODWARD, 1883-1884). 56 Cummingel/a jonesi orleiensis n. subsp. .. .. 58 Cummingel/a brevicauda (GOLDRING, 1958) . ... 59 Cummingel/a carringtonensis (ETHERIDGE in WOODWARD, 1883-1884) 61 Cummingel/a carringtonensis carringtonensis (ETHERIDGE in WOODWARD, 1883-1884) 61 Cummingel/a carringtonensis tuberculigenata n. subsp. 63 Cummingel/a carringtonensis cf. tuberculigenata n. subsp• . 65 Cummingel/a shartymensis (WEBER, 1937) . 65 Cummingel/a shartymensis shartymensis (WEBER, 1937) 66 Cummingel/a shartymensis weberi n, subsp. 66 Cummingel/a jaroszi n. sp. .. .. 67 Cummingel/a jaroszi jaroszi n. subsp.. 68 Cummingel/a jaroszi insulae n. subsp. 70 Cummingel/a 'ljaroszi insulae n. subsp. 71 Cummingel/a gapeevi (WEBER, 1933) . 71 Cummingella polonica (WEBER, 1937) . 72 'tCummingelia belgica (WEBER, 1937) . 73 '!Cummingel/a sp. I 74 Cummingel/a sp. 2 . .. 74 Genus Weberiphillipsia n. gen. 75 Weberiphillipsia kirgisica (WEBER, 1932) 77 Weberiphillipsia kuzneciana (WEBER, 1937) 78 Subfamily Phillipsiinae OEHLERT, 1884 . 78 Genus Phillipsia PORTLOCK, 1843 . 78 Phillipsia kellyi PORTLOCK, 1843 . 80 Phillipsia gemmulifera (PHILLIPS, 1836) 80 Phillipsia truncatula (PHILUPS, 1836) . 81 Phillipsia ornata PORTLOCK, 1843 . 82 Phil/ipsia ornata ornata PORTLOCK, 1843 82 Phillipsia ornata kumakensis n. subsp. 82 Phillipsia ornata belgica n. sub sp. 83 Phil/ipsia glabra WEBER, 1937 85 Phil/ipsia moel/eri n. sp. 86 Phil/ipsia magnoculata n. sp.. 87 ?Phil/ipsia sp. ..... 89 Genus Piltonia GOLDRING, 1955 90 Piltonia kassini (WEBER, 1937) . 90 Piltonia vilvensis (WEBER, 1937) 91 Piltonia konincki (WEBER, 1937) 91 Piltonia kuehnei HAHN, 1964 . 92 Piltonia altaica (WEBER, 1937) . 93 Pi/tonia buchtarmensis (MAKSIMOVA, 1960) 93 Piltonia mugodjarica (BALASCHOVA, 1956) 94 ?Piltonia coronata (BALASCHOVA, 1956) . 94 Genus Eocyphinium REED , 1942... .. 94 Eocyphinium clitheroense REED, 1942 . 96 Eocyphinium ?clitheroense REED, 1942 . 97 Eocyphinium semini/erum (PHILLlPS, 1836) . 97 Eocyphinium spinosum (WEBER, 1937) .. 100 Eocyphinium spinosum spinosum (WEBER, 1937) 100 Eocyphinium spinosum polonicum n. subsp. 101 Eocyphinium castletonensis n. sp, 102 Eocyphinium granilimbatum (W EBER, 1937) 103 Eocyphinium parvum n. sp. • 103 Eocyphinium brevis n. sp. .. .. 104 ?Eocyphinium podtsheremensis n. sp. 106 REVISION OF NON-CYRTOSYMBOLlNID TRILOBITES 5 Page Subfamily Griffithidinae HUPE, 1953. 108 Genus Griffithides PORTLOCK, 1843 . 108 Griffithides claviger SCUPIN, 1900. 108 Griffithides claviger claviger SCUPIN, 1900 . 108 Griffithides claviger halinae n. subsp.. 109 Griffithides 'lrotundipleuratus WEBER, 1937. III Genus Particeps REED, 1943 . ... 112 Particeps scoticus REED , 1943 . .. 114 Particeps scoticus scoticus REED, 1943 114 Particeps scoticus minimus n. subsp. 115 Particeps kargini (WEBER, 1933) . 116 Particeps kiritchenkoi (WEBER, 1937) 117 Particeps productus (WEBER, 1937) . 118 Genus Cyphinioides REED, 1942 119 Cyphinioides ashfellensis REED, 1942 121 Cyphinioides micheevi (WEBER, 1937) 121 Cyphinioides alapaicus (WEBER, 1937). 122 ?Cyphinioides limbatus n. sp. 123 Genus Kulmiella HAHN & HAHN, 1968 124 Kulmiella caroli n. sp.. 124 Subfamily Ditomopyginae HUPE, 1953 .. 125 Genus Paladin W ELLER, 1936. .. 125 Paladin eichwaldi (FlSCHER v, WALDHEIM, 1825) . 130 Paladin eichwaldi eichwaldi (FlSCHER v. W ALDHEIM, 1825) . 130 Paladin eichwaldi shunnerensis (KING, 1914) . 131 Paladin eichwaldi parilis (REED, 1942) . 132 Paladin mucronatus (McCOY, 1844) .. .. 133 Paladin mucronatus mucronatus (McCOY, 1844) 133 Paladin mucronatus russicus n. subsp. 135 Paladin mucronatus rotundatus n. subsp, 136 Paladin mucronatus latispinatus n. subsp . 137 Paladin mucronatus subsp . 138 Paladin glaber (WOODWARD, 1882) . 139 Paladin barkei (WOODWARD, 1902) . 141 Paladin cuspidatus (REED, 1942) . 142 Paladin maillieuxi (DEMANET, 1938) 142 Paladin lutugini (WEBER, 1933) 143 Paladin cervilatus (WEBER, 1933) . 144 Paladin eakringensis n. sp. 145 Paladin bakewellensis n. sp.. 146 Paladin ?bakewellensis n. sp. 147 Paladin czarnieckii n. sp. 147 Paladin grijfithidoides n. sp. 149 Paladin lowickensis n. sp. 151 Paladin angustipygus n. sp, . 152 Paladin belli n. sp.. .... 153 Paladin subbakewellensis n. sp. 153 ?Paladin ailinensis n. sp. 154 Paladin sp. 155 Subfamily Crassiproetinae n. subfam. 155 Subfamily Thaiaspinae n. subfam. 156 Bibliography 157 Alphabetical indices 161 Index of authors 161 Palaeontological index 162 Plates I-XXII and their legends. INTRODUCTION It is well known that in the Carboniferous period trilobites were represented by only 3 families of Proetacea: Proetidae SALTER, 1864, Brachymetopidae PRANTL & PRIBYL, 1950 and Otarionidae RICHTER & RICHTER, 1926. Not many years ago, Carboniferous proetid tri­ lobites were all placed in one family, the Phillipsiidae OEHLERT, 1886. This systematics was recently criticized by HESSLER (1963, 1965) and by HAHN & HAHN (1967), as a result of which the former "Phillipsiidae" are now assigned to several subfamilies, all within the family Proetidae. Investigation of the European Carboniferous trilobites was undertaken as early as the begining of 19th century, and the works of MARTIN (1809) and FISCHER VON WALDHEIM (in EICHWALD, 1825) were among the first to describe the Carboniferous proetids. During the almost 150 years that have elapsed since then, the Carboniferous trilobites ofEurope and Asia have been described by various authors and the literature on this subject embraces about 80 papers. Unfortunately, very often the papers dealing with the systematics of the Carboniferous trilobites, especially the older ones, were written without seeing other collections, their authors being misled by the many inaccurate descriptions and illustrations of their predecessors. During preparation of the study on the Polish non-cyrtosymbolinid Carboniferous trilobites it soon became obvious that they could not be properly understood without con­ siderable research on the previously described material. Only by re-examining the primary types, or topotype specimens of the type species, could the status of some genera be elucidated. The same was true at the species level; the geographic and stratigraphic range of some widely known species could be determined only after studying the holotypes, and designating neotypes or lectotypes. The starting point for this research was the revision of the genera occurring in Poland. Later, it was extended to include some other, closely related genera. The material described in the present monograph covers various collections of Carboniferous trilobites from Great Britain
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