w„Te Fantasy - News . HOT! THE SCIENCE FICTION WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ISSUES IOC. NUMBfiR 6 SUNDAY, JUNE 3,1345 WHOLE NUMBER 178 British Fans’ Letters Give ! ARKHAM house i Sets Postwar Pla^s War News of Anglo-Fandom I As this issue goes to press 20 ‘Nov 44 it’s our turn. an 18 page booklet comes to My dear Will, I Cheerio-and let me hear from ban! from ARKHAM Part of your information is I you. HOUSE. It lists all the books quite sound - but some is a bit Harold. alresdy published, and the out. You are quite right in think­ S/S H. Gottliffe, RAMC. ones to be published in 1945 ing that I was working in part­ and 1946. In addition, post­ nership with JMR before the 11 Dec 1944 war plans are described in war-from ’34 to ’39 to be e;act, Dear Will, detail. and that we partly ran the Owing to one of those vagar- Slated for definite public., LSFA and LSFL - and many ! ies of fate, your two letters da­ ation in 1945 are: other schemes. We also ran - on ted July 27 and October 21 “Something Near” b.z our own and from our own pock­ have only just reached me. The August Derleth, ‘ ‘The Open­ ets - the “Green Jester Press”, reason being that I left the cent­ er Of the Way” by Robert which published the ‘Futurian’. ral Mediterranean just one ye. r Bloch, “The Hound Of Tin. But there you start going ago - in fact, have been back dalos” by Frank Belknap wrong - I’ve no more idea of in this country most of this year. Long, “Green Tea and Oth­ fandom “over there” than you Can’t think where you dug up er Ghost Stories” by J. Sher­ have - if. by ‘ ‘over there” you ■ my old address, unless it was idan Le Fanu. These books mean Engand. published by Mike Rosenblum will sell for $3.00. I enlisted as a volunteer in at some time or other. Hence, Also “Witch House” by Sept 39, and I’ve been overseas your two letters have travelled Evangeline Wal ton,and“The for almost five years In that from place to place, following Lurker At the Threshold’’ time I’ve seen France, most of । in my footsteps through three by HP Lovecrft & A.Derleth the East and Africa; bat I’ve ' continents! To eventually reach will be sold for $2.50 a copy .seen very little of fandom. । me at HQ in Britain. The bobks being planned However, I hope to go back, Many thanks indeed for both for 1946 will include the fol­ to England soon, and to take your letters, and also for FN, lowing titles: up active work again. JMR aid which I was pleased to see back “The House On the Bor­ • myself rather split up in ’39 - he in circul tion again. The news derland and Other Novels” is a conscientious objector and Contained therein was very in­ by William Hope Hodgson; I’m not. But on S.F. we have teresting, because I see and hear “Skull Face and Others” by one thing in common - we both very little these days concerning Robert E. Howard, at $5.00 work for it as hard as we can American publications. Oh, a copy; “Mimsy Were the in normal times. ASTOUNDING arrives regu- Borogoves” by Henry Kutt- Whether I will be able to do 1 rly, and I haven’t missed an ner; ‘Shambleau and Others’ much work this side of Berlin is issue since the war began - since by Catherine L. Moore; and a quite different r roblem I feel he mag was born, come to that. “Night’s Black Agents” by that there are much more im- I n e ;n publication news and Fritz Leiber, Jr. portant things' to do until the f n news, in the main. The booklet also cautions win in the end. I think st of ■■ he fellow- readers to buy at once, be­ But that’s a personal view - countrymen of yours that have cause five Arkham House but then for me it’s a very per­ hit these shores have contacted j books are already out of sonal war. You see, I’ve spent Mike - you know we have all ; print. They are: “The Out­ three of the best years of my met Willmorth quite a number sider and Others” by H. P. life being thrown out of one of times, and he is practically Lovecraft, “Out Of Space c. u try after another - and now (Continued On Page 4) (Continued On Page 4) 2 ADVERTISEMENT SALE! BOOKS; MAZA OF THE MOON - O. A. Kline 1st ED. good cond. $3.00 GREEN MANSIONS = W. H. HUDSON expensive 1930 ED. jacket $3.00 THAIS - Anatole France finely ill. exp. copy $2,25 DELUGE - S. F. Wright very fine copy $1.25 JESS - Haggard good $1.00 ALLAN QUARTERMAIN good $1.00 SHE Haggard good $1.00 DRACULA - STOKER good $1.00 FRANKENSTEIN - Shelley fine $1.50 WITCH OF PRAGUE - Crawford very fine with jacket $1.00 TARZAN STORIES (ERB) please state wants $0.60 - $1.00 VALLEY OF CREEPING MEN - Crawley fine $1.50 The AZTEC TREASURE HOUSE - Janviers fine $1.50 MARBLE FAUN - Hawthorne good $1.50 The PHANTOM SHIP - Routledge’s rare edition by Marryat $2.50 SPIRITE, a fantasy - Gauthier 1877 $1.50 The WHITE PEOPLE -Frances Hodgson Burnett fine 1st ED. excel, illus. $2.50 SELECT STORIES FROM OLD MAGAZINES: (In all cases mags are complete) The SECOND DELUGE - Garrett Serviss ASQ $2.00 ARMAGEDDON - 2419 - Nowlan AS (original Buck Rogers) mint copy also contains Part 1 of Skylark Of Space $2.00 The METAL MAN - Jack Williamson AS $1.00 The ELDER GODS - Don A. Stuart 1939 UNK $0.50 PROjXIMA CENTAURI - Murray Leinster AS very good issue $0.75 The/TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN GOD - Verrill 2 parts AS $1.00 The VORTEX BLASTER - EE Smith $0.50 The DRONE MAN - A. Merritt $1.00 The ULTIMATE METAL Schachner in an extremely rare issue of AST $0.75 The MISLAID CHARM - AM Phillips UNK $0.40 The MOON OF ARCTURUS - Richard Tooker AS $0.50 The DEVIL WE KNOW - L. Ron Hubbard UNK $0.40 GREATER GLORIES - CL Moore very rare AST $1.25 The LIGHT FROM BEYOND CA SMITH WON rare in this form $0.75 DWELLER IN MARTIAN DEPTHS - CA Smith WON excell, copy $0.75 The PRINCE OF SPACE - Jack Williamson AMZ very rare $0.75 The GALACTIC CIRCLE - Jack Williamson AST very rare $0.85 TO BE PUBLISHED SOON; RHODE ISLAND on LOVECRAFT a non-profit publication ORDER YOURS NOW! Do Not Send Money As Price Is To Be Set On Amount Of Orders. THOMAS HADLEY or DON GRANT 271 DOYLE AVENUE PROVIDENCE, R. I. (Please say you saw it in Fantasy News.) FANTASY NEWS PRESS Commercial Printing Announcements Job Printing Publications Pamphlets Booklets Cards Fellow Fans—Let a Science Fiction Fan of 20 years standing do your Printing. DOLLAR SPECIALS 1. 75 Noteheads & Envelopes 2. 500 Plain Post Cards 3. 150 Business Cards For other printing, please submit copy for estimate. Why not try one of my Dollar Specials TODAY? William S. Sy kora P. O. Box 7316 BALTIMORE 27, MARYLAND FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published the globe), if you will send me . ARKHAM HOUSE Cont’d. every week by William Sykora an occasional FN. To save post­ and Time’’ by C 1 rk Ashton Editor: Will Sykora. age a little, just send me the is­ Smith. “Someone In the Associates: Sam Moskowitz; & sue.? you think ore of special in­ Dark” by August Derleth, Jimmy Taurasi& Mario Racic, terest. News of magazines and “Beyond the Wall Of Sleep” J r.-both on leave to U. S. Aamy. author/., fan meetings, etc. by H. P. Lovecraft, and Rates: 3 issues 10 cts., 8 issues Most of my spare time is spent “Dark Odyssey” by Donald 25 cts., 32 issues $1.00. in- writing these days - but it Wandrei, Ad Rates: Full page $2.00, half isn't stf. Occasionally turn out A copy of the first Love page $1.00, quarter page 50 cts. a weird, although they are hard craft omnibus, “The Out­ (NO STAMPS PLEASE) to place in this country. I keep sider”, has sold for $42.50. NOTE: Please make all checks my stuff light and humorous - At least 80% of the best and money-orders payable to Army articles, usually, but my Lovecraft tales from “The William S. Sykora. main work is a 70,000 word tra- Outsider” are in print in valog which should be complet­ “The Best Supernatural Boost Science Fiction ed by the end of the year. Un­ Of H. P. Lovecraft” (World fortunately, as it has many i- Publishing Company), pub­ BRITISH LETTERS Cont’d. tems of military tactics there­ lished for 49 cents a copy, an Anglo-fan for the duration in, it may be sometime before and clothbound at that. It of his stay with us. Of those it has passed through the Min­ is available from Arkharn you mention, Racic, Van Hou- istry of Information here, and House at an extra charge of teu, and Whiteside, I have the War Office. Only then can 11 cents to cover the cost heard nothing - but then, I am I approach a publsher with it. of the packaging and the not a top-liner here these days. Luckily, I sounded out the postage. I’m fairly well bogged down publishing houses before start­ Here are some of the books with Army work, being a serg­ ing it, and have one lined up already picked for postwar eant isn’t any sinecure in my ready for a look-see, publication: outfit, although lately I have When in South Africa last Novels: “Invaders From had an easy time.
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