Title Abstracts of Papers Published in 1966 Author(s) Bulletin of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (1967), Citation 16(4): 15-147 Issue Date 1967-03-30 URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/124728 Right Type Others Textversion publisher Kyoto University VOLUME 16 PART 4 BULLETIN OF THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE MARCH 1967 AN OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY AND ACTIVITIES OF THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1966 KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN Publications of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University The Disaster Prevention Research Institute publishes the results of its research activities in annuals (in Japanese) and bulletins. The annual is published at the end of an academic year, April to March. One volume of the bulletin, corresponding to an academic year, is divided into four parts. Each of the first three parts includes several papers, and the fourth part com- prises the abstracts of papers published by staff members of the Institute in the former calendar year. This particular part, Part 4 of Volume 16, includes also an outline of the history and activities of the Institute. Discussions and the request for a copy of a paper should be addressed to the authors at Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. I CONTENTS Page An Outline of the History and Activities of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute 1 1. Historical Sketch 1 2. General View 1 3. Research Activities 2 (a) Research Sections 2 (b) Attached Laboratories 9 Abstracts of Papers Published in 1966 14 On the Blast Fence with Expanded Metal Hatsuo ISHIZAKI, Yasushi MITSUTAand Junji KATSURA 15 Observational Study of Turbulent Structure of High Winds, Part 1 Hatsuo ISHIZAKIand Yasushi MITSUTA 16 A Response Problem on the Oscillating Circular Cylinder in the Wind Flow Hatsuo ISHIZAKIand Sumio KAWAMURA 17 Wind Tunnel Experiments for a Suspended Roof Hatsuo ISHIZAKI,Inwhan SUNG and Tatsuya KUMATORI 18 Some Results of Wind Observations on Kyoto Tower Yasushi MITSUTA 19 On the Standard Project Typhoon (2) Yasushi MITSUTA 20 Sonic Anemometer-Thermometer for General Use Yasushi MITSUTA 21 Experimental study of Elasto-Plastic Stability of Steel Portal Frames with Wide-Flange Sections under Vertical and Horizontal Loads (Part 1) Minoru WAKABAYASHIand Chiaki MATSUI 22 An Experimental Study on the Restoring-Force Characteristics of Tall Frames Minoru WAKABAYASHIand T. MUROTA 23 Experimental Studies on the Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Steel Portal Frames with Wide Frange Section under Repeated Horizontal Loading Minoru WAKABAYASHIand Bunzo Tsuji 24 Experimental Study on Buckling Behavior of Angles Minoru WAKABAYASHI and Taijiro NONAKA 25 Slope-Deflection Method Applied to the Problem of Space Buckling in Frames of Thin-Walled Cross-Sections--Part 1, Derivation of the Slope-Deflec- tion Equations Minoru WAKABAYASHIand Taijiro NONAKA 26 Effects of Warping, etc. on the Buckling Strength of a Space Frame of Thin- Walled Open Cross-Sections with Single Symmetry Minoru WAKABAYASHI,Taijiro NONAKA and Masao WATANABE27 II Studies on Granular Explosives (Third Report). On the AN-FO Blasting Agents Yoshikazu WAKAZONO 28 Studies in the Application of Explosion (Part 1). On its Application to Measuring the Properties of the Ground Yoshikazu WAKAZONOand Shigetaka KITAO 29 Studies on Explosion II. On the Measurement of the Dynamic Pressure Caused by Explosion of Powders Yoshikazu WAKAZONOand Shigetaka KITAO 30 Studies on Fire Extinguishing Agents Methods for Quick Wetting and Minute Water Spray Yoshikazu WAKAZONOand Naojiro ANDO 31 Earthquake Response Analysis and Anti-seismic Design Data of Multi-story, Elasto-plastic Building Structure Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUEand Toshiharu HISATOKU 32 Earthquake Response of Frame Structure Having Elasto-plastic Joints Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAIand Tamotsu SuzuKi 33 Dynamical Characteristics of Structures on an Elastic Ground Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI and Tamotsu SUZUKI 34 Statistical Method of Determining Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-degree-of-freedom Systems Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI and Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI 35 Vibration Tests on a Steel Frame Structure Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI and Masahiro KAWANO 36 On the Statistical Method of Determination of the Linear Transfer Function of Structures Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI,Yoshihiro TAKEUCHIand Masahiro KAWANO 37 Torsional Response of a Frame-structure to Random Excitations Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI,Yoshihiro TAKEUCHIand Koichiro ASANO 38 Response Analysis of a Frame Structure with Elasto-Plastic Joints —Considering Axial Forces of Frame Member— Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI and Teizo FUJIWARA 39 Dynamical Characteristics of Structures on an Elastic Ground Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SuzuKI and Kaoru KUSAKABE 40 A Study for the Application of Basic Aseismic Design Data Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI and Toshiharu HISATOKU 41 III Ovservation of Matsushiro Earthquakes (I) Nature of Earthquake Motions (II) Dynamic Characteristics of a Reinforced Concrete Building Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Teruo KAMADAand Yuichi NAGAI 42 Ground Compliance of a Rectangular Foundation on an Elastic Ground (Torsion about a Vertical Axis) Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu SUZUKIand Kaoru KUSAKABE 43 Non-stationary Response of a Linear Discrete System to Quasi-stationary Random Excitations Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAIand Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI 44 Random Response of the Elasto-plastic Structure Taking Account of its Torsional Vibration Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHIand Koichiro ASANO 45 On the Statistical Method of Determing Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-degree-of-freedom Systems Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI,Yoshihiro TAKEUCHIand Masahiro KAWANO 46 Earthquake Response Analysis of an Actual Multi-Storey Elasto-Plastic Building Strcuture Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAIand Toshiharu HISATOKU47 Earthquake Response of a Frame Structure with Elasto-plastic Joints —Considering Axial Forces of Frame Members— Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI and Teizo FITJIWARA 48 Dynamical Ground Compliance of Rectangular Foundation on an Elastic Stratum Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI and Tamotsu SuzuKt 49 The Effect of Ground Compliance on Earthquake Response of Elasto-plastic Structure Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUEand Teruo KAMADA 50 Dynamical Characteristics of Structure of Rectangular Foundation Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI, Tamotsu Suzum and Kaoru KUSAKABE 51 On Response Characteristics of a Two-storey, Reinforced Concrete Building to Matsushiro Earthquakes Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHIand Teruo KAMADA 52 On Anti-Seismic Test of Structure Takuji KOBORI 53 On the Observation of the Earthquake Response of a Reinforced Concrete Building and Its Neighbouring Ground, Part 1 and Part 2 Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE, Yoshihiro TAKEUCHIand Teruo KAMADA 54 IV Optimum Design of Building Structures for Earthquake Excitations (Part 1) Takuji KOBORI, Ryoichiro MINAI, Yutaka INOUE and Toshiharu HISATOKU 55 Optimum Design of Building Structures for Earthquake Excitations (Part 2) Takuji KOBORI,Ryoichiro MINAI,Yutaka INOUEand Toshiharu HISATOKU 56 On the Horizontal Resistance of Wing-Walled Caissons Hisao GOTO, Kyoji NISHIKAWA(JNR), Takashi AKIYOSHIand Hejime EoucHt 57 On the Earthquake Response of Bridge Piers on Pile Foundations Hisao GOTO and Hiroyuki KAMEDA 58 Generation of Artificial Earthquakes on a Digital Computer for the Aseismic of.Structures Hisao GOTO, Kenzo Tom and Takashi AKIYOSHI 59 Mechanical Characters of Mudstone Sakuro MURAYAMAand Norio YAGI 60 Swelling of mudstone due to sucking of water Sakuro MURAYAMAand Norio YAGI 61 Some Problems on Ground Exploration Soji YOSHIKAWA, Michiyasu SHIMAand Noritoshi GOTO 62 Vibrational Characteristics of the Ground from the Observation of Natural Earthquakes and with the Use of an Oscillator SOLIYOSHIKAWA, Michiyasu SHIMA and Kojiro IRIKURA 63 Reflection of SH Waves on Unsettled Ground Noritoshi GOTO 64 Internal Constitution of the Earth Haruo Mix' 65 The Volcanic Crustal Deformation Keizo YOSHIKAWA66 Seismic Observation at Volcano Sakurajima (5) Keizo YOSHIKAWAand Kiyoshi NIsHI 67 On the Observations of the Long Period's Oscillations of the Earth by Means of Extensometers and a Water-tube Tiltmeter Izuo OZAWA and Tsuneo ETO 68 A Recording Water Tube Tiltmeter Tsuneo ETO 69 Volcanic Crustal Deformations (II) —On the Anomalous Tilting Movements Accompanying the Explosions of Volcano Sakura-jima— Tsuneo Eto 70 High Sensitive Seismometric Observation near the Crater of Volcano Sakurajima (Part 1) —On the Initial Motion of B Type Volcanic Micro-earthquake-- Kiyoshi Man 71 Volcanic Earthquake Akira KUBOTERA 72 A Gravity Survey on Aso Caldera, Kyushu District, Japan (I) Akira KUBOTERAand Norihiko SUMITOMO73 Volcanic Micro-Earthquakes at Mt. Aso (I) Shigetomo KIKUCHIand Mikio SAKO 74 V On the Mechanism of Earthquake Swarm at Hamasaka Yoshimichi KISHIMOTO and Michio HASHIZUME75 Investigation of Microearthquakes in Kinki District—Seismicity and mechanism of their occurrence— Michio HASHIZUME, Kazuo OIKE and Yoshimichi KISHIMOTO76 A Study on Crustal Structure in Japan by the Use of Seismic and Gravity Data Takeshi Mmumo 77 On the Peculiar Mode of Crustal Movements Accompanied with the Activities of Shallow Earthquakes Tokio ICHINOHE and Yutaka TANAKA 78 Observations of the Ground Tilt with Highly Sensitive Tiltmeters of Double Horizontal Pendulum
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