PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON lI6(4):967-977. 2003. A new species of Stenetrium Haswell, 1881 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda: Asellota), from Navassa Island, Northern Caribbean Sea Joel W. Martin, Richard W. Heard, and Regina Wetzer (JWM, RW) Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] (RWH) Department of Coastal Sciences, The University of Southern Mississippi, RO. Box 7000, Ocean Springs, Mississippi ,39566-7000, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract.—A new species of the isopod genus Stenetrium Haswell, 1881, is described from Navassa Island, Caribbean Sea. The new species, S. kensleyi, is compared to S. serratum Hansen, 1905, the only congener known from the western Atlantic following recent revisions of the Stenetriidae (Serov and Wil­ son, 1995, 1999; Bolstad and Kensley, 1999), and to some members of the recently proposed genus Hansenium, with which it shares several characters. The new species differs from S. serratum (and from other members of the genus) in its possession of an unusual male first pereopod, which has a greatly inflated dactylus, broadly triangular propodus, and a medial sharply triangular shark-fin-shaped tooth on the propodal cutting border. In their comprehensive guide to isopods Serov and Wilson (1995) reviewed the of the Caribbean Sea and adjacent regions taxonomic status of the more than 60 nom­ of the northwestern Atlantic (Gulf of Mex­ inal species comprising the family Stenetri­ ico, Bahamas, and Bermuda), Kensley and idae Hansen, 1905. As part of their study, Schotte (1989) reported two genera of the they redescribed the type species, Stene­ family Stenetriidae Hansen: Stenetrium trium armatum Haswell, 1881, described Haswell, 1881, and Stenobermuda Schultz, the new species S. adrianae, and created 1979. The authors presented diagnoses, il­ four new genera to accommodate 23 spe­ lustrations, and keys to these two genera cies previously assigned to Stenetrium. Of and to the six species of Stenetrium {S. the seven northwestern Atlantic species for­ bowmani Kensley, 1984; S. minocule Men- merly assigned to Stenetrium, only S. ser­ zies and Glynn, 1968; S. patulipalma Ken­ ratum was recognized as a true member of sley, 1984; S. serratum Hansen, 1905; S. that genus by Serov and Wilson (1995). The spathulicarpus Kensley, 1984; and S. steb- remaining stenetriid species from the north­ bingi Richardson, 1902 [= S. untillense western Atlantic have been transferred to Hansen, 1905]) known at that time from the new genera (see Table 1) (and see Bolstad northwestern Atlantic. Since then, a seventh and Kensley, 1999, for a rediagnosis of Ser­ northwestern Atlantic species of Stene­ ov and Wilson's 1995 genus Hansenium). trium, S. caicosensis Kensley and Heard, Thus, as currently understood (i.e., follow­ 1991, was described from the Turks and ing Kensley and Schotte 1989; Kensley Caicos Islands. Additionally, Kensley 1994; Serov and Wilson 1995, 1999; Bol­ (1994) designated a second northwestern stad and Kensley 1999) the family Stene­ Atlantic species of Stenobermuda, S. ilijfei, triidae contains 9 genera and approximately a cave dwelling form that, like the type spe­ 67 species, 11 of which (in 6 genera) are cies Stenobermuda acutirostrata Schultz, currently known from the western Atlantic 1979, came from Bermuda. (Table 1). 968 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Table I.—Northwestern Atlantic species of the isopod family Stenetriidae and their current status following Serov and Wilson (1995. 1999) and Kensley and Bolstad (1999), listed in alphabetical order. Former niimc New name Reference Lexceniiim poorei Unchanged since description Serov and Wilson, 1999 Stenetrium antillense* Transferred to Hansenium Serov and Wilson, 1995 Stenetrium bowmani Transferred to Hansenium Serov and Wilson, 1995 Stenetrium caicoensis Transferred to Hansenium Serov and Wilson, 1995 Stenetrium kensleyi Newly described, this study Stenetrium minocule Transferred to Liocoryphe Serov and Wilson, 1995 Stenetrium patulipalma Transferred to Mizothenar Serov and Wilson, 1995 Stenetrium serratum Unchanged since description Haswell, 1881 Stenetrium spathuUcarpus Transferred to Hansenium Serov and Wilson, 1995 Stenetrium stebbingi Transferred to Hansenium Serov and Wilson, 1995 Stenohermuda acutirostrata Unchanged since description Schultz, 1979 Stenohermuda iliffei Unchanged since description Kensley. 1994 * Considered a junior synonym of Stenetrium stebbingi by Kensley (1982) but listed as a valid member of Hansenium by Serov and Wilson (1995). As part of an ongoing biotic survey of terial examined during this study was col­ the cryptic marine invertebrates of certain lected by R. Wetzer and G. Hendler. The islands in the Caribbean (led by T. L. Zim­ specimens were fixed and preserved in 95% merman and J. W. Martin), we obtained nu­ ethanol. Total length equals the distance merous specimens, including adult males, from the tip of the rostrum to the posteri- of an undescribed asellote isopod referable ormost margin of the pleotelson. RW num­ to the genus Stenetrium Haswell, 1881, but bers refer to field collection stations of the also sharing some characters with the genus third author; LACM numbers are catalog Hansenium as described by Serov and Wil­ numbers in the Natural History Museum of son (1995) and Bolstad and Kensley Los Angeles County's collection of Crus­ (1999). The specimens came from waters tacea. surrounding Navassa Island, a United States Territory just off the southeastern coast of Stenetrium kensleyi, new species Cuba. Of the 18 species of Stenetrium rec­ Figs 1-4 ognized by Serov and Wilson (1995), the new species appears to have its closest af­ Material examined.—Holotype (LACM finities to S. serratum, the only other spe­ CR 2000-017.2): 1 ovigerous female, At­ cies of Stenetrium currently recognized (by lantic, Caribbean Sea, Navassa Island, Pin­ Serov and Wilson 1995, but see also Re­ nacles, 18°24.463'N, 75°01.094'W, SCU­ marks below) from the northwestern Atlan­ BA, — 19 m, Halimeda washes, R/V Coral tic. The species is also similar in some ways Reef II, 21 March 2000, RW00.070. Para- to Stenetrium caicosensis, a species that types: LACM CR 2000-017.1, 2 adult was treated as Hansenium (with spelling males (most appendages present), 2 ovig­ emended to H. caicosense) by Serov and erous females (lacking most appendages), Wilson (1995). 2 specimens (sex not determined), same The description of the new species of collection data as holotype. LACM CR Stenetrium, which is based solely on spec­ 2000-021.1, 4 females [2 females with imens collected from Navassa Island in the oostegites and 2 females without oostegi- tropical Northwest Atlantic (northern Ca­ tes; the latter 2 in poor condition]; 4 sub- ribbean Sea), is the subject of this report. adult males, Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, Na­ Unless otherwise indicated all of the ma­ vassa Island, NW Lulu Bay, 18°23.856'N, VOLUME 116. NUMBER 4 969 75°01.220'W, SCUBA, Halimeda washes, imately equal in length to peduncle and 3/ R/V Coral Reef II, 19 March 2000, NIP- 4 length of endopod. 2000-13, RW00.049. LACM CR 2000- Description of male.—Body (Fig. lA, 021.2, 1 subadult male, Atlantic, Caribbe­ B). Total length 3.6 mm, approximately 3.5 an Sea, Navassa Island NW Lulu Bay, times width, as measured across widest 18°23.856'N, 75°01.220'W, SCUBA, Hal­ (6th) pereonite. Pereonites 1-3 sharply an­ imeda washes. R/V Coral Reef II, 19 gled forward; pereonite 4 similar but less March 2000, NIP-2000-13, RW00.049 sharply angled; pereonites 5-7 directed pos­ (first left pereopod illustrated in fig. 3B). teriorly. All pereonites with at least one LACM CR 2000-020.1, 1 female without long lateral seta extending outward. oostegites (most appendages intact), Atlan­ Pigmentation (Fig. lA). Pattern some­ tic, Caribbean Sea, Navassa Island, near what similar to that described for S. serra- Lulu Bay, 18°23.791'N 75°01.195'W, tum Hansen, 1905 (see Kensley and Schot- SCUBA, ~9 m, rock rubble wash, R/V te, 1989, fig. 46F). Head with pigmentation Coral Reef II, 18 March 2000, coll. R. confined mostly to anterior third and be­ Wetzer and D. O'Foighel, RW00.044. tween the eyes. Pereonite 1 with pigment in LACM CR 2000-018.1, 1 adult male (most two narrow lateral bands running anterior appendages missing), Atlantic, Caribbean to posterior, with central region and antero­ Sea, Navassa Island, Tom's Rock, lateral corners unpigmented. Pereonite 4 18°23.655'N 75°01.094'W, SCUBA, rock mostly unpigmented. Pleotelson almost en­ and sponge washes, R/V Coral Reef II, 21 tirely pigmented except for horizontal un­ March 2000, RW00.074. LACM CR 2000- pigmented band at about midlength and for 019.1, 4 adult males (most with append­ outer posterior and posterolateral margins. ages missing but with chelipeds intact), At­ Other pereonites variously covered with re­ lantic, Caribbean Sea, Navassa Island, ticulated pigmentation broken up by open 18°23.655'N, 75°0I.094'W, RW00.074 and areas, as shown. RW00.051 (combined). Head (Fig. I A, B). Eyes located dorso- Diagnosis.—Stenetrium with short, wide, laterally, reniform, well pigmented, com­ distally truncate rostrum. Cephalon with posed of some 15—18 ommatidia. Antero­ well developed and acute anterolateral and lateral spines (anterolateral lobes) well de­ antennal spines subequal in length; antero­ veloped, acute, extending forward almost as lateral spine not quite reaching level of ros­ far as antennal spines, separated from an­ tral tip; antennal spine slightly longer and tennal spines by rounded gap extending extending anteriorly slightly beyond rostral backward toward eye. Antennal spine acute, tip. Eyes well pigmented, reniform. Pereon- extending anteriorly to level of rostrum. ites 1—3 with sharply angled anterolateral Rostrum broad, distally truncate. Outer (lat­ margins (less so on pereonite 4). Pleotelson eral) border of anterolateral lobes each with with lateral margins appearing serrate, with 2 long setae and scattered shorter setae as four movable spiniform setae and postero­ illustrated.
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