* t * » r Jn . ' ■ £Ha8t e -I S ^ T :sog;?«c on, WLhi*mrcvu^- ‘-ofc.H.' ftj> 4P 1 ,,..., w NEWSSTAND P E R ISSUE j’jy i ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR - No. 39 C h e l s e a , M ichigan, Thursday, F ebruary 25, 1999 28 Pages This Week Team seeks funds for bypass By Eric Bowen several area agencies for a total of ration to benefit the entire community.” Washtenaw County Road Commission Staff Writer $250,000 if all plans go through. But the As it stands, the committee hopes to have said they will chip in $25,000 each;, Faced with the prospect of spending team is asking local businesses to pick receive $50,000 each from Chelsea bringing the total to $250,000. > -up to $300,000 for an environm ental up the remainder of the cost. ’ Village -Council,0 the Urban Area —Consultants JJR Inc, proposed that study of the proposed M-52 bypass, the “What we’re going to ask from you is to Transportation Study committee, they could do the work for $324,000. B u i Chelsea Area Traffic Committee asked make up ; funding shortfalls,” said Michigan Department of Transportation •Yekulis told the committee that by local business leader*Friday to pitch in County Commissioner Joe Yekulis, who (MDOT) and a state community develop­ knocking down the scope, the price tag NEWS BRIEFS to cover the cost. is chairman of the committee. “This is a ment block grant. The Downtown has been lowered to approximately .Beach school The team has received pledges from very important public-private collabo­ Development Authority and the See BYPASS — Page J*A jto hold parent Conferences > Beach Middle Schodlwill Jhold parent-teacher cpiifer- i fences from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. helps solve ■JMarch 4 in the gym and cafe . ;teria of the school. Theifor tm at will be similar to fail ^conferences when the school bank heist ! Jhad arena-style discussions. By Michael Rybka £ School officials ask that Stair Writer ' Conferences be limited to Chelsea Police Chief Lenard McDougall cretf- ; [-seven minutes so a greater its two Flagstar bank employees for foiling the number of parents cahbe second bank robbery attempt in four weeks. seen. The employees, known only as Michelle and. Also, students will b#dis- Lisa, were outside taking a smoke break at : [missed at 11:20 a.m. March 5. about 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, when they ; [ Barents should make recognized the. car driving southbound on M-52 arrangements for a as the same, one driven by the man who robbed of school Friday. them at knife point on Jan. 26. “If it wasn’t for them,” McDougall said, “that guy would still be out robbing banks.” modifications The suspect is Dennis Lee Mast, 45, of Perrinton. The two •TUlWJi'ilO Chelsea Planning f '• Chelsea Police and the FBI. Commission approve#^ After a patrol of the area failed to locate the changesto Wendy’s rested'- car, McDougall said Chelsea Officer Jeff White site plan Jan. 16. The Staebler parked his patrol car in an alley commission voted unani* between The Parts Peddler and Palmer Ford uslyto-allow4h ile FBI agent Gene Ward waited inside the rapt to M a ll sliding garage A$re damaged Scrapmasters factory on DipdftrHChelMa:^ had the bank. ' pder-control4n approximately three fthprs but not beforethefite burped a 3fc(foiwide hole in the wall, Once-again,-the-car was seen by Staebler < — • ------t—.----------------- ---- - ' .....* - - !—fSisliu- heading, southbound,. As S ta llsr pursued the garbage enclosure. suspect, he saw the car pass him in a north- h Wendy’s applied!:appftfffi . TrouncTcttrection. thSjr rwonid After making a U-turn, Staebler followed the ily enclose The trash* th e By Michael Rybka semi trailer. ing into an electrical cause. A full suspect. While Staebler conducted a vehicle ,&ew doors would also allow Staff Writer _ There were no personal injuries report is expected by today. check that showed the license plate belonged to garbage haulers to remove _ A fire broke out around noon on as Scrapmasters does not employ a Although the heat was enough to a completely different make of car, the suspect The4rash withouthavingTo weekendshiflt. ^ ~ ------- - ruin ^t5^)00-poundsr- of material, r pulled into Polly's parking lot. —— make the doors taller, some- Saturday, Feb. 20, at Scrapmasters, located in the area of N. Fletcher Hansen described the overall Hansen said very little of his stock The suspect got of his car and brought out a '^hipg.most planning commis* -damage to his business as closer to actually burned — the majority of and~Dexter-Chelsea roads. bag of returnable cans. McDougall said this was rippers.didn't want, p ah inconvenience than a devasta­ the flames being fed by Cardboard Chelsea Fire Chief Dan a cover to remove the false license plate which tion. boxes and wooden pallets, was attached over the proper one by way of mag­ Ellenwood said his department had Students advance The incident was brought to the Only a skeleton crew was ou hand nets. ■ ■ ■ - ------- the blaze under control by 3 p.m. attention _of the Chelsea Fire Monday, Hansen said, not because Scrapmasters refurbishes defec­ McDougall said Staebler was reluctant to to merit finals D epartm ent by a citizen- who- of the fire’s effects per se, but make the arrest inside the grocery store and Chelsea High School stu­ tive plastic products from various reported a vehicular fire. An inves­ because the factory was still await­ back-up units covered all exits. dents Isaac Robinovitz and industries. It has been at its present tigation is being conducted to ing its power, which was cut off Looking in from the outside, Staebler noticed tE rik Strahler have been location for three years. determine-whether the blaze-was- intentionallyasastandarcKsafety- lists it the suspect head for the bottle and can recy­ rapmasters owner— Keith causcd by arson or natural causes. precaution,-to be restored. cling area and, with the assistance of a police [National Merit Scholarship Hansen said on Monday that the “We certainly don’t know of any- , Hansen discovered the fire first- .Prograih. The designation ■... dog, arrested the man as he exited out of an fire burned a 30-foot hole in a side- one who’d be out to get us,” Hansen handas it was alreadyHoeing foughtr adjoining doorway. ~ . [makes them eligible for wall, a 20-foot hole in the ceiling, said. “But our isolated location pro­ when he arrived there about 1:15 scholarship money when McDougall said Staebler’s impression was ruined 15,000 pounds of plastic vides easy access for mischief.” p.m. with the intention of doing that the suspect would have tried to make a run they go to college next year, material and destroyed a 28-foot Ellenwood. said his team is look- some office work. c The two were named semi- See BANK — Page 6*A finalists in the fall from the Results of their Preliminary [ SAT tests. Robinovitz and life spent >Strahier then turned m an \ t [ application form to be con­ By Eric Bowen district lending tion Klemer deserved. sidered wflnsl^^^ . '— TrtafTWriter :£gir The two friends said last Miriam Klemer was a joke- skills to four superintendents trict,” Richardson said, “I knew > fall that'they plan to study ster, always ready with a bit of during her tenure. Fred Mills, that she wouldn’t be able to Astrophysics at the wit to bring a smile to the lips who was assistant superinten­ stay forever, but I did ask her to - 'University of Michigan next of her co-workers and friends. dent for much of her career and stay for 100 years. The three The former secretary to the a goodgoo<T friend of her family, years I was with her were superintendent of . schools described Klemer as an effi­ gifts.” ‘ would jest with anyone who cient worker who cared about Her. work inside the school walked by, even if it meant call­ the district. district was weil-respected, but ing them at 11:30 at night to lay Aside from, her secretarial Klemer’s ’ outside . interests on them the newest line she duties, Klemer worked tireless- * were, where she spent much of had heard. ly on the school district’s schol­ her energy, Walter said. She So when Klemer died last arship committee, Mills said served as secretary for both the week, her friends said they she was the de-facto historian Lima Township Board and the would remember her humor of the group, making sure that Chelsea Area Fire Association, not with sorrow, but with a hap­ the hard-working *• students and was a member of Chelsea piness that she had a fulHifert-™ received their money without First United Methodist Church. "Shefllled the world with delay, Klemer was an accomplished laughter and nurturing,” said Superintendent .* Ed musician, having played in a Richardson said that during . Memarie Walter, a longtime band with her husband, Earl, friend and co-worker. “She just the three years he worked with early in their marriage. She took such care of people that Klemer he was touched by her_ was also a first-class cook and when you think about that, humor and loyalty to the dis- there’s nothing to feel empty trict. At her retirement party seamstress, and raised three Miriam KJemer, a longtime secretary for the Chelsea School about, except now she’s not two years ago, Richardson said, children, Diane,’ David and District, had wit to spare for her large group of family and friends. here doing it.”* her good-bye cake read, Daniel.
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