INDEX FOR 2009•Volume CXXXVI THE BLOOD-HORSE 2009 INDEX Index, Volume CXXXVI / January-December, 2009 Abbreviations include: acctg, accounting; adm, administration; ad- tion; HBPA, Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association; ver, advertising; AEI, Average-Earnings Index; agree, agreement; IRB, Illinois Racing Board; IRS, Internal Revenue Service; JC, agr, agriculture; AI, Artificial Insemination; amt, amount; anniv, Jockey Club; KEEP, Kentucky Equine Education Project; KHRA, anniversary; appt, appointment, appointed; Arg, Argentina; assn, Kentucky Horse Racing Authority; KSRC, Kentucky State Racing association; asst, assistant; attend, attendance; auc, auction; Aust, Commission; KTOB, Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breed- Australian; avg, average; bldstk, bloodstock; BC, Breeders’ Cup; ers; LBSC, Louisiana Breeders Sales Company; MHBA, Maryland bm, broodmare; bd, board; brdrs, breeders; brdg, breeding; Bute, Horse Breeders Association; MJC, Maryland Jockey Club; MTA, Butazolidin; c, colt; Can, Canada; CCA, Coaching Club Ameri- Minnesota Thoroughbred Association; NJTBA, New Jersey Thor- can; CEM, contagious equine metritis; chrmn, chairman; champ, oughbred Breeders Association; NTRA, National Thoroughbred champion; co, company; com, committee; comm, commission; Racing Association; NTWA, National Turf Writers Association; conf, conference; conv, convention; corp, corporation; ct, court; NYRA, New York Racing Association; NYSRWB, New York State dec, decrease; dept, department; dh, dead heat; dir, director; disq, Racing and Wagering Board; NYTWA, New York Turf Writers As- disqualified; div, division; dur, during; ECR, equals course re- sociation; OBS, Ocala Breeders’ Sales Co.; OJC, Ontario Jockey cord; EI, equine influenza; EIA, equine infectious anemia; Eng, Club; QAP, Quality Assurance Program; RCI, Association of Rac- England, English; ETR, equals track record; Eur, European; EVA, ing Commissioners International; TBA, Thoroughbred Breeders equine viral arteritis: exec, executive; f, filly; fm, farm; fed, fed- Association; TBH, The Blood-Horse; TCA, Thoroughbred Club of eral; Fr, France; fur,furlong; gam, gambling; GB, Great Britain; America; TDN, Thoroughbred Daily News; THA, Thoroughbred gen, general; gov, governor; H, Handicap; hndl, handle; hs, horse; Horsemen’s Association; TJC, The Jockey Club; TOBA, Thor- hsmen, horsemen; incr, increase; Inc, Incorporated; internatl, in- oughbred Owners and Breeders Association; TOC, Thoroughbred ternational; insur, insurance; Ire, Ireland, Irish; ITW, intertrack Owners of California; TPA, Turf Publicists of America; TRA, Thor- wagering; Jpn, Japan; joc, jockey; legis, legislation, legislature; oughbred Racing Associations; TRPB, Thoroughbred Racing Pro- Lex, Lexington; Ltd, Limited; mdn, maiden; mbrs, members; mdn, tective Bureau; TTBA, Texas Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association; maiden; mrls, mare reproductive loss syndrome; med, medica- UTTA, United Thoroughbred Trainers of America; VTA, Virginia tion; Mex, Mexico; mngmt, management; mngr, manager; mrkt, Thoroughbred Association; WHBA, Washington Horse Breeders market; mil, million; mtg, meeting; NAm, North America; natl, Association. national; NCR, new course record; neg, negative; NTR, new track record; NWR, new world record; NYC, New York City; NZ, New Abbreviations for racetracks: Aks, AKsarben; Alb, Albuquerque; Zealand; no, number; Ont, Ontario; OTB, off-track betting; ownr, Arl, Arlington Park; Aqu, Aqueduct; ArP, Arapahoe Park; AsD, owner; p, picture; ped, pedigree; pm, pari-mutuel; pres, presi- Assiniboia Downs; Atl, Atlantic City; Ato, Atokad Park; Bel, Bel- dent; prog, program; pub, publicity; pur, purchase; rac, racing; re, mont Park; Beu, Beulah Park; BM, Bay Meadows; Bmf, Bay Mead- regarding; rep, representing; rnrs, runners; S, Stakes; SAm, South ows Fair; Bml, Balmoral; BRD, Blue Ribbon Downs; Cby, Can- America; sched, schedule; sec, secretary; simul, simulcasting; terbury Downs; CD, Churchill Downs; Crc, Calder Race Course; stks, stakes; strtr, starter; stln, stallion; stp, steeplechase; sum, CT, Charles Town; CNL, Colonial Downs; DeD, Delta Downs; summer; supt, superintendent; susp, suspend; sw, stakes winner; Del, Delaware Park; Dmr, Del Mar; ElP, Ellis Park; EmD, Emerald syn, syndicated; Tbd, Thoroughbred; treas, treasurer; trk, track; Downs; EvD, Evangeline Downs; Fai, Fair Hill; FE, Fort Erie; FG, TC, Triple Crown; trnr, trainer; TV, television; univ, university; Fair Grounds; FL, Finger Lakes; Fon, Fonner Park; FP, Fairmount USDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture; vet, veterinarian; vp, vice Park; Fpx, Fairplex Park; GG, Golden Gate Fields; GLD, Great president; wag, wagering; wnlg, weanling; wnr, winner; WNV, Lakes Downs; GP, Gulfstream Park; HsT, Hastings Racecourse; West Nile virus; wt, weight; yr, year; yrlg, yearling. Haw, Hawthorne; Hia, Hialeah; Hol, HollywoodPark; Hoo, Hoosier Park; HsP, Horsemen’s Park; Ind, Indiana Downs; Kee, Keeneland; Organizations: AAEP, American Association of Equine Practitio- KyD, Kentucky Downs; LS, Lone Star; LaD, Louisiana Downs; LA, ners; ACRS, American Championship Racing Series; AHC, Amer- Los Alamitos; Lga, Longacres; Lrl, Laurel; MD, Marquis Downs; ican Horse Council; AIR, Alliance for Industry Reform; AQHA, Med, Meadowlands; Mth, Monmouth Park; MNR, Mountaineer American Quarter Horse Association; ATA, American Trainers Park; NP, Northlands Park; OP, Oaklawn Park; OT, Oak Tree; Pen, Association; ATBA, Arizona Thoroughbred Breeders Association; Penn National; Pha, Philadelphia Park; Pim, Pimlico; PRC, Pin- ATBHA, Arkansas Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Horsemen’s As- nacle Race Course; Pla, Playfair; Pln, Pleasanton; PM, Portland sociation; BC, Breeders’ Cup; BRIS, Bloodstock Research Infor- Meadows; Pom, Pomona; PrM, Prairie Meadows; PID, Presque mation Services; CHRB, California Horse Racing Board; CTBA, Isle Downs; RP, Remington Park; Ret, Retama Park; RD, River California Thoroughbred Breeders Association; CTHS, Canadian Downs; Rui, Ruidoso Downs; Hou, Sam Houston Race Park; SA, Thoroughbred Horse Society; CTS, California Thoroughbred Santa Anita; Sac, Sacramento; Sar, Saratoga; SFe, Santa Fe Downs; Sales; DRF, Daily Racing Form; EBF, European Breeders’ Fund; StP, Stampede Park; Suf, Suffolk Downs; Sun, Sunland Park; SuR, FT, Fasig-Tipton Co.; FTK, Fasig-Tipton Kentucky; FHBA, Florida Sun Ray Park; Tam, Tampa Bay Downs; Tdn, Thistledown; Tim, Horsemen’s Benevolent Association; FTBA, Florida Thoroughbred Timonium; TP, Turfway Park; TuP, Turf Paradise; WRD, Will Rogers Breeders Association; FTWA, Florida Turf Writers Association; Downs; WO, Woodbine; Wds, Woodlands; Wyo, Wyoming Downs; GTBOA, Georgia Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners Associa- Yel, Yellowstone Downs; YM, Yakima Meadows; Zia, Zia Park. A.P. Smithwick Memorial Steeple- Deirdre B. Biles, 4666p; Dr. get viewers to watch the BC A chase S, Mixed Up, 3015ped. Larry Bramlage discusses telecast, William L. Shanklin, AAEP, On Call prog gets special fetlock joint injuries during 3818p; tv ratings for BC about A & A Ranch, acquires Diaboli- Eclipse Award, 286; infec- Milne lecture, 4668p. even with last yr, 4134p. cal for stud, 4401. tious disease topics at AAEP AAEP Racing Task Force, AAEP Abdulla Al Habbai, FT Sar yrlg A Gleam H, Evita Argentina, conv, Trade Zone, Christy latest group to offer recom- sale, Deirdre B. Biles, 2982. Tracy Gantz, 2622p; Evita Ar- West, 742p; latest group to mendations of equine wel- Ablaze With Spirit, 2008 champ gentina, 2642ped. offer recommendations of fare, 786. in Tx, 326. A. P. Arrow, to stand in SAf, equine welfare, 786; focus Aaron, Leif, Taylor Made Sales Abortions, late-term abortion, 2041. on horse health news, Trade Agency announces Leif Aaron HealthWatch, 4397. A.P. Indy, Balance foals an A.P. Zone, Christy West, 1108; task rejoins co, 3706. Abrams, Barry, Madeline Auer- Indy colt, 1506p; sires top force issues radiograph rec- Abby’s Angel, Indian Maid H, bach offering racing venture price at OBS 2yo sale, Ted Gelt- ommendations, 2282; groups 3666ped. in offspring of Unusual Heat, ner, 1620p; represents last ma- endorse ‘welfare code of prac- ABC, attend/hndl, business, 2942. jor branch of Seattle Slew stln tice’, 4297; Dr. Jay Addison overnight ratings for Belmont Accredit, Churchill Downs S, line, Avalyn Hunter, 2220p; elec new mbr of bd of dirs of S, Tom LaMarra, 2144; tv rat- 1727ped. eight stlns to stand in 2010 for AAEP, 4642; record number ings down 49% from 2008 Accreditation, Pim and Bel $100,000 or more, 4400. of attendees at annual conv, for Belmont S, 2202; how to working for full accreditation, The Blood-Horse ■ 2009 Index / 2 THE BLOOD-HORSE 2009 INDEX Tom LaMarra, 1857; Bel earns found thru TheHorse.com AHP, BHP receives honors at Marra, 2511; TJC Foundation safety accreditation, 2026p; service, HealthWatch, 4546. AHP, 2368. helped by generous dona- Del fourth trk to be accredited Ads, jocs triumph in Derby logo Aiken, Gary, named trustee to tions, Final Turn, 2662. by alliance, 2279; accredita- ruling, 1162. the board for Ohio Tbd Brdrs Alexander, Nick, ownr/brdr of tion process pushing trks to Advance deposit wagering, year and Ownrs, 792. Grazen, Tracy Gantz, 2312p. take action on safety, welfare, of conflict concludes with Ailalea, Tempted S, 4350ped. Alex’s Pal, to stand at Ghost 2438. some peace on ADW rev, 19; Air Commander, to stand at Ridge Fm, 513. Acepromazine, Tom Albertrani CDI agree with horsemen sig- Mighty Acres, 421. Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, Fabulous to serve 30-day susp for Ky nals end to ADW battles, 103; Air de France, A.P. Indy
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