'"'-': -*--1 •^iZI'Ctti^"^: " '''' THB CRANFORD CITIZEN !£:+ a: jifalii Newspaper Club Wep, call- us immediately. /"Many a return to the Congregatioiial Board Mrs William Hubiak of 43 Iro- as secreiaryUf the Missions Coun- low, Mard* community has been razed; by Visits ChronicleOmce quois road. •-•:'•.'... '. ••" ''.'•h'r $ cil in New YorkJSpeaking .on'"The iden, fifl brush fires which were out of hand Appointed to committees ttr«fre; World Council "in Retrospect and Twenty-three members of the Eleanor Dunn AaaDe. I THE EDITOR Decorations —! Miss Mary .Ann when- the local/ department ar- Prospect;" Dr. Leiper ,.wlU recall Newspaper Club bt Lincoln School rived on tfiFscerieV' Chief Schind- Santo. | . •;• Fuller, Mrs.! Joseph. Appel, Mrs. How to Handle experiences, ' achievements and under the supervision of fciss Doris Editor.Citizen and Chrpnide, J. Baly, Jr., Mrs! E. V. Whitf, Mrs. ler warns." •..,.".' . ° problems of the past, quarter of a Men Im Buy TB ;V,i*lJY::TB•'•• • •. n -• a And when you have finished Haldenwang visited The Citizen Canc ronturv. .'•'••' Dear Sir: ,-. ,,>; son!'.toys — Mrs. Howard Buntin, BrushEircs~ burning/make-sure aJjuJexmbcrs ^ilffle Tvgday aft- fireman 1/e CHRISTMAS Mrs. Harold Schott, Mrs. John are thoroughly extinguished. If •-:>•• : ^ •.• y- • •-: i '::••• 1 The^Cranford Chapter of the "We see in recent newspaper ac- ernoon and were shbwn UlRISTMAS KM 4 Studente Attain American • Red Cross received - a Halkowicjh and Mrs. Joseph counts, says Fire Chief Howard you neglect to do this, a sudden Holy MotlemClty the newspaper plant The young- B.Hoesly_ef201 gust of wind may easily start • Tunisia is the site of the holy Mo§- turned last night to Us PI All A'a in Initial > check for $234,66 from o group of rcj^. y ^ Schindler, that fire permits are sters watched this week's news- SEALS 1 women who were former volun- Also, candy — Mrs. John Voss, being denied citiiens in many seemingly-dead embers . glowing lenveity of Kairouan, and of • «•• Newport. B- 1^ "after tgmmime a SEAli 7 ; mow «yMgogue. buinr»ear H«r« paper as it was being prepared lor •T ^p i-;.v teer workers, during World War II. Mi's.- Emil Ciurczak; food —: Mrs.communities whete there is grave again! • " .' • ' . ' . - ,"... '."' : 13-day leave bete with his parents. CHS Marking Period 1 Srira by descendant! of Jew* the presses. ' • ., . This sum was realized from the Robert Messersrrilth, Mrs. Russell danger of brush fires perilling dry GAR woo D KENILWORTH Seventy-eight Cranford High fled Jerusalem whtn that eity Members of the club present in- sale of various articles made.by Dobbins. Mrs. Patrick Devlin and surrounding woodlands." - -' cluded .Harold Bagwell, Tommy School students >are listed on the Cranford-Woman's •_.."_'.' conquered by Titu*. them from remnants of beautiful Mrs". Hubiak and entertainment-rr This .reminds us that we have a Putcault; Richard Kozial. Marie jimmle Mrs. William Zielenbach. Father to Be Honored 1 GRANFQRD, NEW JERSEY. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1952 honor roll • for the .first marking fabrics xyhich had • been donated "few"helpful hints to pass on to Ann DeMarco. Judith Ann Jost, Brakeman, 22 TEN CENTS for this purpose. , Blsodolhi fievival -.- typeotmusfettat period of the/1952-53 school year, you to keep this a fire-safe,'autumn Mr. and Mrs. Homer,,J. Hall of Elsie McDonald, Audrey Katmn- Our thanks JJO to Mr. J. T. Bunco 310 Prospect avenue will attend The mandolin revival scemi to re- dollar-«-y*ar * it was announced this week by G. Boys Cautioned Against in pur» own community." OUr first sult from the great popularity of tht sky, Thomas Bowne, Anthony Sa- GOP Committee Urges Frank Zimmerman, principal. Four who generously permitted the uste the annual meeting of the. Friends vino, LuciUe McGrath, Billy Mack- home of the Union s bit of advice would be to, turn your Instrument currently In Europe. In Locations of Proposed Schools Shown of his window and store for an en-Tossing Sticks at Trains of the World Council of Churches .y, James Laurel, Robert Holmes, tteBrosdw et Redistricting Action of the^students. William Walsh, a tire week; to Miss Joanna Walcott, grass, weeds . and leaves under. France. Italy, Holland, Belgium, senior., and Richard Albertson, . Police Lt. Lester PoweH Sunday Turned under, they, enrich your tomorrow at the Broadway Taber- Germany and Denmark-the mando- The Republican Municipal Com- \vl,o decorated a number of at- morning reprimanded two, Union nacle in New York. The meeting Blanche farina and.Mabyn Reeves, tractive cookie tins for -the sale; •soil — burned, they can bring you lin.Ks featured. iee Slated iot 9 a. m. mittee, at a meeting last night in -jiiy.cniles ' after they, .'allegedly nothing — but possible grief! will be a. special tribute to Mrs. he municipal building, voted to attained all AS for the initial per- and to Mr. William Tomrcdle for threy sticks.from the Garden State; TOWMSillP' Of CRANFORO threy sticksfro ' If iyoji feel^you must burn your Hall's father, D*r; Henry Smith J send a letter to the Township Com- iod.- ''..•'..• - '"• '• .:'. the material he donated to make .'•"- - • . Deep8le«P 4 UNION COUNTY . briclke. being "built over t'he tracks dead, leaves, grass1 and brush,' re- Leiper, as he rounds o'ut nearly 25 Thank God—For WhatY'to Be topic mittee requesting that the town- By $10^00 Fire The senior class placed the larg- «"(:mds for the display. • •of the Central Railroad on to pass- In JpUet, m.. William A. Hall, 32. NEW JERSEY est number of students on the hp»J It is the pliiti of the Rwi'Cross member: years. of. work, on behalf of the dozed while his car swerved Into a ship be redistricted. _ ing trains. ecumenical moyem^n:, and. leaves Of Rabbi Phillip Brand of Temple Beth-El; ' The township presently has 10 or roll with 28. followed by theto use this inoncy for some special Police first received a complaint "1, Never burn on a dry, windy power pole and plunged 100 feet to MAP 5 Trinity Church Building Gutted hy Blaze iunlorsLJivith 18, sophomores wiih project-for the benefit .of. .service-- day. The safest time to, burn1 is his:.position "as associate general the bottom.of a quarry, where he election districts, with registration about the activities of the youths, stepped out unhurt but wide aWake Seven Qergymen to Participate in Program over the 1,000 mark in seven of Of Unknown Origin; Sexton Knocked Down- 17 and freshmen with .15. •. iricn'in,'a military installation. one a nine, the other a 14-year-old when the dew is on the-ground. secretary of the World Council, to " Those listed follow: Yours very truly, '"*;• And in northern areas, it's jwise to • Community Thanksgiving service will be held Thursday them. The sixth district had 1,482 boy, af:9:15 a. m. Lieutenant Pow- 9 a. m. at-the First Presbyterian Church. Rabbi Phillip Brand registered voters far the last elec- When He Opens Door to Enter Structure " IDOU.C Seniors' — Qlga Blevein,'Mary ell and Patrolman George Ward wait until snow'is on the ground. B^' Uon. •• . \ ••'-,' • ' ' ' '..-•' A (Ire ut the parish house of Trinity Church yesterday after- Brunncr. William . Bucher, -Joan Chairmun, Cranford Chapter investigated and .learned the . "2. Let your-* "neighbors know Temple Beth-rEl will preach on "Thank God —•For What?" noon caused approximately'SIO.OOO damages to the structure, accord- Davis. Richaiitl . Druckcnmiller. Americarj Red Cross, .;,"•' youths had disappeared in the di- when you're going to burn.; The scripture reading will be by the Rev. Albert Dezsoj pastor The Municipal Committe has Michael Tetro. Richard George, rection .of Rosclle. An hpur-'latcri, 3. Burn, against the wind, which of theOscfiola Presbyterian Church, and the pastoral prayer will be by previously urged a redistricting of ing to Fire Chief Howard Schindicr. Origin of the fire still was not yelbina Guertin, Mary Alice Han- Attend Gunventian \ the officers were summoned to .the will act as a natural brake on the NEpOME FOR SALE the Rev. Albert Allinger, pastor of*- the township, but action was'de- known- late- last night^' However, Chief Schindler said he would son, Beverly Hawes, .David Isles, scene again on the same complaint fire's speed. • '•'•.'.. the iMethodist Church. "The re- ferred. itNwas-said, until after the attempt-to determine the cause today.. One nrcir.an ,was injured in the .• Joseph 'Lazarus, George Lincoln, Several municipal officials are ; "4. If you're burning trash out- Business Leader blaze which gutte'd the tv.cv-aml-a-half story stucco building. attending the annual .convention of and this time caught, the youthful j <;ponsive reading will be led by the Presidential election ,in order to Lillian McKeen, "Anrte Metzncr, v p side an/incinerator,xlear a strip of the .New Jersey League of Munic- offenders. :•. '•" " ••',•• • •-.. .:.' :! -" . r tf, Samuel, I. Matchctt, pastor avoid confusion-among the voters% Soon after lircmen lctt ihe scene, sovcraV members 'of' the Thomas Mears, Frances Moore, earth around the pile to prevent QualityLand Value I of St •Mark's* A M.E. Church, E. C. McMahon, municipal chair- Barry O;Neil, Robert Redden, ipalities; in Atlantic City this. week. the flames from spreading to ad- ; church, using battcry-oporate<t lights, bc^an the task of cleaning un- Among those present from Cran- IFOR YOUR j while the • prayer Of thanksgiving man, presided. ' IHamaced tables anrf chairs. Marjorie Richards. William Rocse'l, Attends Science Meetings joining property. : - . will be by theRev, Charles;'Ellin-.. Carol Ryersori, Caroline Scholz, rind arc Township Engineer Pv J. j Chief Schindler said the fire Miss Ella M. Haver, ninth- grade "5. Have plenty of help and the 203 Casino Avenue.
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