MOST IMMEDIATE BY SPECIAL MESSENGER NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT No.F.7( I /2020-Com-lll Islamabad, the 9th January. 2020 NOTICE The 5'h meoting of the Standing Committee on Narcotics Control will be held on lSth Januan'. 2020 at 11:30 am in the Committee Room of Ministrv of Narcotics Control Kohsar Block Pak Secretariat. Islamabad to discuss the following agenda: - Recitation from the Holy Quran; II Confirmation of minutes ofthe previous meeting held on l7s October,2019; lIl Comprehensive report/implementation status of the previous recommendations of the committee; lv. Detailed briefing on Synthetic Drugs (i.e Amphetamine-q*pe stimulants and new psychoactive substances; Detailed briefi ng on increasing availability/usage/tendency of methamphetamine/Amphetamine in Pakistan and details of its seizure in the last ten years, city wise, along with names of arrested individuals/convicts and present status oftheir case; vl. Detailed briefing on altemative comprehensive development strategies for illicit crops growers and Narcotics traffickers/sellers as a development oriented drug coitrol approach to switch them to legal crops/business in different parts ofthe county especially in Qilla Abdullah, Baluchistan by the Secretary Narcotics Control to address the livelihood ofthose hundreds ofthousands of farmers effected by poverty, food insecurity, instability as a result engage in illicit drug cultivation/traffi cking; vll Detailed briefing on database ofNGOs working on drug (preventiorl/treatment/rehabilitation/awareness raising) to be maintained under new policy in Pakistan; vll I Detailed briefing by the Head of all registered NGOs working in the field of drug and controlled substance abuse (prevention/treatmenVrehabilitation/awareness raising) in Islamabad/Rawalpindi along with workable proposals/recommendations to control the menace of Narcotics; 1X To consider/discuss proposed amendments in detail, along with justification ofeach amendment, in "The Control ofNarcotics Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2019. (Golt. Bill) x To consider/discuss proposed amendments in detail, in "The Control on Narcotics Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2019 as refened by the National Assembly and moved by Mr. Noor Alam Khan, MNA on 30th April,2019 xl To consider/discuss proposed arnendments in detail, in "The Control ofNarcotics Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (moved by Mr. Muhammad Sanaullah Khan Mastikhel, MNA); and xll . Any other item with the permission of the Chair. 2. Honorable Members are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the i \ (NIAZ AHMED) -g"s Secretary Committee Ph: No.051-9203159 01. Mr. Salahuddin Ayubi Chairman 02. Mr. Gul Dad Khan Member 03. Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Khan Member 04. Mr. Mansoor Hayat Khan Member 05. Mr. Muhammad Ameer Sultan Member 06. Mr. Abdul Majeed Khan Member 07. Sardar Muhammad Khan Leghari Member P.T.O No.F. 7( I /2020-Com-lII Islamabad, the 9'h Januan, 2020 08. Mr. Jamil Ahmed Khan Member 09. Ms. Uzma Riaz Member 10. Ms. Nusrat Wahid Member t l. Mr. Ehsanullah Raki Member 12. Ms. Andleeb Abbas Member 13. Ch. Zulfiqar Ali Bhinder Member 14. Mr. Waheed Alam Khan Member 15. Rana Mubashir Iqbal Member 16. Mr. Ehsan-ul-Haq Bajwa Member 17 . Makhdoom Jameel-uz-Zaman Member 18. Mir Ghulam Ali Talpur Member 19. Ms. Shahida Akhtar Ali Member 20. Mr. Mohsin Dawar Member 2l . Minister for Narcotics Control Ex-officic Member lrlover Mr. Noor Alam Khan, MNA Mover of the age,nda item # (x) Mr. Muhammad Sanaullah Khan Mastikhel, MNA Mover of the agrrnda item # (xi) For information and necrssan, action with reference to agenda: - I . Secretary, Ministry of Narcotics Control. Covernment of Pakistan Islamabad, with the request to:- a) Aftend the meeting along with all concemed. b) provide 50 copies of Brief (each in English & Urdu) for advance study ofthe Members of (lommittee and also send the soft copy at [email protected]. 2. Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice, Govemment of Pakistan, Islamabad, with the request to depute a draftsman to attend the meeting. 3. Section Officer (Council), Ir4/o Narcotics Conrrol, Islamabad, with the request to coordinate u,ith all concerned and make all necessary arrangements for the meeting. For information" coordination and necessarr action resDectivelv to facilitate the holdins ofthe subiect meeting: l. Director General (lT), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad with the request to place Notice on website and also SMS to Committee Members. 2. Director (Media), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad, with the request to rrrrange the media coverage etc. ofthe meeting and ensure transmission of Press Release to the Media. 3. Director General (Finance), National Assembl), Secretariat, Islamabad. 4. Drau'ing & Disbursing Officer, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad, along-with2O copies of the Notice. 5. Librarian, National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad. 6. Chief Cameranran, National Assembly Secr€tariat, Islamabad. 7. Medical Superintendent. Federal Government Services Hospital, lslamabad, tlrrough In-charge Dispensary, Parliament House, Islamabad. 8. Deputy Superintendent ofPolice (Security), Parliament House. Islamabad. 9. Director, CDA, Parliament House, Islamabad- to do needflrl through all the concemecl relating to Civil, Electrical and other works. l0. Engineer In-charge. Communications Unit, N.A./Senate Secretariat, lslamabad. I l. Sergeant-at-Arms, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 12. Resource Centre, Parliament Lodges, Islamabad. 13. Annunciation Cell, N.A Secretariat, Islamabad For informetion to: - I Joint Secretary (l-A/ll), Prime Minister's Office, Islamabad. 2 Secretary to Honourable Speaker, National Assembly of Pakistan, Islamabad. 3 Director. to Deputy Speaker, National Assembly of Pakistan, Islamabad. 4 Sr. P.S to Chief'Whip, Parliament House, Islamabad. 5 Director to lrader of Opposition, National Assembly of Pakistan, lslamabad. 6 Sr. P.S to Chairman, Standing Comminee on Narcotic Control, State Bank Building, Islamabad P.T.O -. 1._ No.I.7( I )/2020-Com-lll lslamabad, the 9'h January, 2020 7. Sr. P.S to Secretary, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 8. Sr. P.S to Secretary, Senate Secretariat. lslamabad. 9, Sr. P. S to Secretary, IWo Parliamentary Affairs, Islamabad. 10. Sr. P.S to Special Secretary. National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad. I l. P.S to Additional Secretary (Commiuees), Nalional Assembly Secretariat. Islamabad. 12. Sr. P.S to Joint Secretary (Admn), National As'sembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 13. P.A to Joint Secretaries (C-1, C-ll & C-lll), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad 14. Committee Branch I & II, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 15. Committee Branches-l & II, Senate Secretariat, [slamabad. Cooy also forrryarded for information to: - I Attomey General for Pakistan, [slamabad. 2 Accountant Ceneral. Pakistan Revenues. Islamabad. \ (RIAZ ) \r\t"'o Secretarv Committee.
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