
. / ■ V A MOKDAT, K V r Iti, Defly Net Pnas Sv lEttratag Herald ■r tfea Week Tadsi Mgr li. 1262 Fair early tonight with increas­ Kiik P. BeWier, __________ ing etotadlnem toward monring. mate fireman, UB. Navy, son eC Af artin Retiree 1 3 ,7 3 6 Low in the 60s. Wednesday vari- A b o u t Tow n Mr. and Mm. A. F. Betdiar, 133 From Air Force aaikm af the AiOtt abie rloridlneos. warm sad humid Scott ilr., is serving a b os^ tte man af dmalatiae d. with chaaoa.ef showers. M^yatlc Rin'iW, Women Bene- destroyer USS Gregory, Manchester-—A City of Village Charm ’ |K Aaeociation, will have ’* ^cnlc Fleet unit, which MaJ. Itobert J. Martin, son of ■/ \ toraomw at 6 pjn, at Wickham a goodwill! visit to Mr. and I t o . ’Thomas Martin, IG Park. In caac o f rain the event will British Oolumbia, -Oapsaa. Tlie *■ Page 12) be held at Odd Fellows Hall. Gregory operates San Die|^, Osdar 9 t, has retired from the LXXXn, NO. 24S (POUBTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1963 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Membem are reminded ho bring Calif. Air Force after more than 20 a table setting. yearn aervlce. He was a HsUoop- Omar Sbfhe Club memberswOI ter Standardization officer at TfiS Presbyterian Men will meet have a.'WOTk night Wednesday at Headquarters Air Rescue Service, . Cool Million honlght at 7:30 at the church, 7 B^zriTat Nurmi Auto Body Shop, Orlando, AFB, Florida. Goes oh View ^ e r e will be no busincsa meeting. Mint* Court, to begin work on Commissioned a Second Usutcn- l*he group vHU leave to pi the truck-float. and in 1944, Major Martin has HARTFOBD (AP) — A cool Miniature golft / spent 11 yesira with the Air Res­ milliaa dollars in ourrency will Memibera of Che Golden Age cue ServiM, 10 as a helicopter pi­ be oa display at the Oouieotl- •nte Women’s Guild Trinity But Tests Club will leave the Senior Cttlaen’s lot. During the Italian oam pai^ oot Bank A ’Trust Company's Oovenanit Church will ' have a club rooms on Sdwjol St. tomor­ of World War n he was a bom- new Oonsfitutlon Plaza build­ buaineee meeting and woiScshop row at 11:30 e.m. for a bus trip baidler on B24s, In 1061 and 1952 ing Wednesday and Thursday. tomorrow at 7:30 p^pti. at the home to Mountain Park. Holyoke, Maas. he flew helijcopter patrols over The 21 mUHon in biUs of five of Mrs. Jesse Baipdster, 155 Fer­ Berlin. denominations— ranging from guson Rd. Refreshments will be Members of Memorial Temple. While' stationed at Dover AFB, g l to glOO—wlU be stat^ed up ' served. The group will meet Pythian Sisters, will go by char- Delaware, hi 1060, Major Martin for everyone to gaze at in the such Tuesday during July and tCTed bus to the Oathedral in the received a B.S. degree from the Avgust at the same location. safe d ei^ t department on the Pinee, Rdndge, N.H., Sunday, Aug. Uni'verslty of Maryland. He also bank’s lower lobby. Hopefully Seen Outlawed 4. Any Pythian Sister, knights established an HH43B helicopter The display wUl be one of The WC?TU of South Methodist of Pythias and fa ille s are in­ detachment at Do'ver AFB for the Church w8B have its annual picnic the top attractions of the vited. Reservations may be made Air Rescue Service. bank’s two-day pubUc open homnnow at 10:30 am. on the with Mrs. Martha Johnson, 154 grounds of Susannah Wesley Hall, He is married the former Lu- house from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Which Side Will Call It Off? EhuitfoTd Rd. Members are asked ;.Park St. cUle A. Weiss of toPort Hop*, Mbh. I An added flllip wUl be girl Reds’ Mood ’Ihoy have a 6-year-old Bon, Robin. models equipped with polaroid k> bring hoHday envelopes and an Members of the Citizens Ad­ Item for the Ibod sale. A pot- oameras to take pictures of luck hBKheon wlU be served at visory Council of the Manchester anyone wishing to pose beside Community College tonight will be the pile of money. Makes W est in the teachers’ lounge at Man­ Red Parley Recesses Again chester High School from 7 :S0 un­ til 9 to answer inquires conoein- FREE DELIVERY Ing the college which opens in Optimistic 9 A.M. .IO 9 P.M. State News MOSCOW (AP) - Cliinese and j GASH SAVINGS Septerrrber. Soviet delegates took another re- ” cess today in their "peace talks i i I ARTHUR DRUG as Moscow and Peking accused MOiiCOW (.\P)— I'.S. and Roundup each other of attempting to split Briti.'^h delogate.-i met with the Communist world. 1 Soviet Foreign Mini.ster An­ Freshly Groumi Neither delegation showed up at LECLERC the house in the Lenin Hill.s drei A. Ciromyko for about FUNERAL HOME Every Hour! Dempsey Leaving where they have been meeting. three hour.< today amid signs SherwiR-Williamt Bach side apparently was trying of increa.'ing hojie for agree­ to force the other to break off ment on a formula to outlaw FUNERAL For Miami Parley the stalemated talks. 3 all nuclear wea[vui.s te.sts ex- , Paints The Chlne.se maintained si­ cept those underground. SERVICE a lence over whether they would FUEL OIL HARTFORD~1 P) — Gov­ continue to meet with the Rus­ The W estem deiepate^ f S. WAL.TAE31 N. W. H. ENGLAND GROUND ernor Dempsey leaves tomor­ sians. The Soviet Foreign Office Undersecretary o( State \V Aver- LBICLEIRC LUMBER CO. - i row by car for Miami where .said "we have no Information" elt Harnmsn and I-ord Hailsham Director he will attend the National when asked if the Chinese planned of Britain departed smiling -; COOPERATIVE “ At the areen*’—M9-5M1 CHUCK to leave for home soon. broadly They drove off together Call Ml 9-5869 Governors Conference open­ Meanwhile, Peking for the first In an American limou-sine <•!'. t'O.MPXNV as Main Street, IFflo Did It? ing there Saturday. time publicly attacked Soviet eco­ Soviet Premier Khrushchev met What It it? Did janior smash the picture window or 'The Governor aald he 'waa taking nomic and military aid to India | with French Amba.s.sador Maurice >1 ■. r.Kii.vif '-ri.’i.i V CENTER CUT his family along “at my own ex­ during last fall's Chinese-lndian de Jean, whose government is Ti I. Ml did tte ibdme flip oat of the erowded medicine cabinet pense" sines this' will be the last bordeT- war. standing aloof from the test ban Read Herald A d ^ again? It’s all explained on page three. time in several years the family^ -phe Soviet press was Hooded; talks There was no immediate HAM SLICES lb. will be together on a trip. with attacks on the Chinese. information on the subject of the 'Hie Governor said he expects the Abandoning the polite phrasing ' meeting. CAR HYGRADE*S SKINLESS ' i| QC Leadership SpUt Blamed conference to take up hla full time which even a week ago charac- \ Khrushchev opened the talks Ctadets o f TlfsiiihtStii sw p 4, UsTtnrr S M bs, and I M r iic^iper, inclnd^ rear, left to rigHt, Beth there. He is a member of the Im -' teriaed most Soviet comments on Monday with Harnman and Hait- rauriMii asid SOSBB aariM, both of THiiisliutu. Mm. Harold PordMran, akippme, and Claim Soutbsr- China, the Soviet Ck>mmunist par­ ' sham at the Kremlin. Gromyko ■n, both i t iwiiMB and Joarnte Beiihuau and RnOi Sctaefiicnpflug, bulb of Miancfaedter, kneeling portant resolutions committae. RENTALS FRANKS 'The Governor’s executive aides, ty newspaper Pravda blasted “ the took over (or the Russians today ftnao. left to right. Patricia I\)rchero«i o f BoKon and Katherine Herman of Manchester. Gene erroneous views and actions of Before the negotiators sat down • I Choicest Mc€its lit Town! | r■ilkIS af Ptamia^tm mbI Tiw.*s Mdeod of RockstSs also left with the group. (Hemid photo by Robert J. Beckwith and Carl La- Savannah Progress lumia will fly there Friday to help the leaders of the Communist par­ Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister a}. Seafood Department assist the Governor. ty of China which weaken the uni­ I Vaienan A Zorin was asked by ty of the world Socialist camp a Western newsman if he believed 5 TUESDAY ONLY! and amaH oraft. handling. AH must In addition to Governor and Mrs. the talks were proceeding satis­ Dempaey, Kevin, 14, and John, 17, and the international Communist be qualified swimmero, and four FLOUNDER FILLETS ... Sfc movement.” factorily. KA«VC are registered junior Mfe savers. will drive down. 'They will be met "In my opinion, yes," Zorin re­ Mco'iner Scouts Spend Week Didn’t Stop Rioting there by the two other children, The Soviet government newspa­ The girls will Mva a seaman’s per Izvestia Monday accused the plied life this week and obaerve tra­ • VfEEKLY Margaret. 16. and ICdward, 22, who have been visiting friends in the Chinese of trying to shift the cen­ Thus is the second time in si.x Training at Mystic Seaport ditional Ebipboard etiquette at all ter of international commqnlsm months, however, that prospects JCHICKEN times. 'Ihey will be befthed aboard • MONTHLY By DON McKEE have appeared bright for a break­ SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) —Racia] viotenoe hit this hWtoric ett.y In from the Kremlin and of setting the Joseph Conrad, an old whBUng 'When the convention finishes colored races against white.
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